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Thread: advice?

  1. Question advice?

    Featured Sponsor

    i started working for a telecom contractor a few years ago as a ditch hand and got put into linework. the only training available was borrowing a set of hooks and told to just get up there. after while im very comfortable with my climbing gear i can stand horizontal on a pole and work if needed. ive been upto 50 feet in the air on rotten easement poles. how would i go about looking into going into power? ive been around the power guys a little but know nothing about it. except to watch out for the blue dragon

  2. Default

    Well not many 50 foot communications poles out there in easements but getiing familiar with tools is a start

  3. Default

    Featured Sponsorr

    It would really help to know some of the local line crew, to have somebody pulling for you on the inside, but not absolutely necessary. First step, go to your power company and apply for ANY available job and let them know you will do whatever it takes to get the job. Find out who does the hiring and call them so often they know you by your voice and phone number. If you go for an interview, be humble, polite and dress appropriately. "Sir and Ma'm" still work in the 21st century. I helped in a "Job Fair" recently, talking to prospective new Groundmen about what would be expected of them and was amazed at how inattentive, cocky and sloppy some of them were. Some could or would not follow simple instructions as I showed them some of the tools and equipment they would be using. Several answered cell phone calls or texted while instructors or interviewers were speaking. Needless to say, none of those who did those things were hired. If you get your foot in the door as a temp laborer or whatever, work like a dog, be the best shovel man they've ever seen and when you get a real job, don't slack up. I see too many young bucks who think everybody owes them something and act like they're too good to get their hands dirty. You dive in, work hard and it WILL make a good impression. Good luck!

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