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Thread: Lest we forget.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    North Central FL

    Default Graybeard

    Featured Sponsor

    I'm with you on your whole post(except for the union stuff---I'm lost ). And I feel like neither candidate is for the average middle class person. How can they be? Like you say, both seem to be pretty full of themselves.....if you ask me. But, what politician isn't?

    And here I am....once again... faced with trying to decide if I'm making the best choice for America. Which of these candidates are for "America"....for the GOOD of America? Which one would compromise our freedom to another country, issue, or cause? Which one would stand up and fight if needed?

    I don't mind helping out the other guy once and a while....especially if he appreciates it. But, if he hates me and tries to stab me in the back, I'm not going down without a fight. Would you? Turn the cheek....yeah, I know. But, it's not just me we are talking about. It's us. You, me, our families, friends,'s all of us.

    I want the best person for the job of President. I want someone that will get up to bat and think hard before making a final swing. But, I also want one that can actually make a decision on his own. Make sense?

  2. #12

    Default La

    Sorry about the union stuff (local shop problems). As far as the rest thanks for the support. I just hate to see things unfinished. Kind of like getting 1/2 of an outage back on and telling the rest they are on their own to get their electric back.
    As far as other countries not apprecating the help being a vol. fireman I can sort of relate. You show up at a fire and work your but off to save what you can and the owner shows up and either hallers at you for not saving enough or that you should have let burn down. Can't win but gotta try.

  3. #13


    Does the name Jeremy Glick ring a bell to anyone? He was recently awarded an honorary 10th dan black belt by the USJA. Any guesses what he did? Don't cheat! Meat.

  4. #14


    He was one of the Flight 93 heroes. A collegiate national champion in judo, he spoke with a 911 operator and is believed to have rushed the cockpit. I like to believe the beating the cowards were getting was a good one. Meat.

  5. #15


    This Jeremy Glick is still alive. His father died at the WTC.

  6. #16


    This must be the hero you are refering to:

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    North Central FL


    Featured Sponsorr

    Alot of Glicks. And two died on 9/11. I wouldn't think the name Glick is a common name. Especially not now. Ummm........interesting.

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