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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    By the great salt lake

    Default A lineman only union

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    Seems time for lineman to have a single voice.

  2. #2


    How many members do you think you would have?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    if it was any of your business you would know

    Default we have heard this before...

    What's the problem?... got Clerks and plant pukes that can out vote the line dept.

    If you want to get "things done" make sure you get Line Dept folks on the commitees that actually get the work done.... if you can run the safety and work methods that pertain to your work group.

    Most folks that feel they aint "heard" dont talk loud enough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    usa/ Oklahoma

    Default Sounds good eh?

    Linemen are the most common occupation within electrical entities. It would be very difficult to have much stroke unless you include other classifications.

    Sad, but as long as you have large non-union co's with linemen it would make it hard.

    All the linemen go on strike. Here comes Chain, Pike, Davis Elliot, etc. Things keep on going.

    However if the Plant people walk out, Meter Relay, Metermen, Sub. Station hands, etc. it would be significant. How many non-union co's stock those kind of employees? Not many that I ever knew of.

    You just have to conjure up an agreement that makes each depart. separate for most votes but honor each others agreement. Difficult? Very, but it could be done.

    Lineman only Union? A dream.

  5. #5

    Default All linemen Union

    Good idea however, your gonna have to charter a new Union to pull that off. Will never happen within the existing " big 2 ". Good Luck with that!

  6. #6


    Back in the day........IBEW local 459 included the coal plants that Penelec once the onset of deregulation some genius said "Hey everyone is going to shop, lets sell all generation, we will buy electricity on the open market!" (By the way...I think one customer decided to shop) when we vote on a contract it is field personnel......about the farthest off a field worker classification that votes on a contract is the mechanics that keep the vehicles running....who work side by side with us everyday. I believe it is about 50% linemen and 50% all other classifications, could be a little more or a little less on either end.
    In my humble opinion.....when individuals in each dept show respect to each answering any questions they may have that involve technical knowledge, when a member of the line dept is willing to help a meter reader, when a EE guy is willing to help a meterman, when a mechanic is willing to help a storeroom builds a bond.......a "brotherhood" if you will, where each dept feels it is only right to look out for their "brothers" is no longer "well that proposal only sucks for the meter readers......screw them, that is their problem, or as in our last really affects the line dept the really doesnt affect us metermen.......we have a brotherhood strong enough to watch each others backs, out of repsect for each other and the intelligence to know.......if they fuk with one dept. and starts a pattern of behavior...........a chain reaction.........this time it may be line dept......who will it be next contract?

    I know when generation was included we had no interaction with them at all.....specially over here on the eastern side of the generation was further no bond was ever was tough.............but this bond was formed and we make sure to keep it really is all about "brotherhood" and when you have see what happened 2 springs overwhelming vote of 90 some percent to say " are not gonna do that to that dept........we are "walking."

    For those in that that respect..........foster that brotherhood...........and the group as a whole.......whether it be a lineman or a meter reader,stand together and watch each others it should be..and self interest votes will become a thing of the does not happen overnight........but it is an attainable goal......Stay connected.....keep the brotherhood..............dont divide it....
    Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”
    Abraham Lincoln

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    the problem comes in when negotiation time rolls around and corporations have teams of lawers with endless resources. The company uses the different departments against eachother. For instance, lets say the company tells the union we have to eliminate clerks, janitors, utility mechanics, ect. In order to remain competetive. Loosing union jobs is the last thing we want so we're willing to give up line department work methods to save those jobs. Thats kinda how the two man crew agreements and rubber glove agreements came about.
    The international will never agree to splitting the departments up and negotiating seperate contracts. If the members wish to break from the IBEW and be represented by a different union, the members have to be without representation and union affiliation for a period of one year. Thats something most members would never be willing to do.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    if it was any of your business you would know

    Default whatever

    Quote Originally Posted by Swamprat View Post
    Well...least we can agree on that.
    Dont humor your self, Swimp.... you dont have a clue what we are talking about here.

    If you did... you would be out "busting" unions as a "consultant". Maybe you need to ring up your cabin boy and ask him to get it done.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    By the great salt lake


    Lots of good input here, looks like if we own the bargaining table we can sell the lower classes until they bail.
    Got to be carefull with our trading stock
    Last edited by Major Wager; 12-19-2010 at 04:17 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hartford, South Dakota


    Featured Sponsorr

    Quote Originally Posted by Major Wager View Post
    Seems time for lineman to have a single voice.

    They do depending on where you are at, if you are talking a "factory union" as most power company hands belong to, where everyone gets the same percentage on a raise or a "craft union" as an outside local where unless you are not a Journeyman Lineman you only get get a percentage of the lineman's wages.

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