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  1. #161
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    usa/ Oklahoma

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    don't you start a campaign Swimpo, for all the Fed. Judges and Attorneys to quit paying their bar association dues etc. as I bet they're paying those dues with money earned from the taxpayers? Wouldn't that be fair?

  2. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by Swamprat View Post
    You need to differenciate between...."unions".

    PUBLIC Sector Unions? Ya mean the ones PAYED FOR BY TAXPAYERS???

    "Salcedo pointed out that union membership was split by their votes in 2010, 49% for Democrats and 47% for Republicans, nearly an even split. But unions donated 93% of their total contributions to Democrats in 2010, and 7% to Republicans or others."
    You know they let you ramble on and on with your Union bashin rhetoric cause it makes ya look like a fool when it's obvious you don't look into sh!t for yourself! Its time you finally check into it and look up COPE for youself! I guess next, NOT THAT YA HATE UNIONS THOUGH (cause you never crossed a picket line?) you'll paste O'NotReally spoutin off how it's bull sh!t RATE PAYERS are paying for the Unions to donate to the Dems? Or that Caddy ya drive! Well hell them dues went to the Dems too?

  3. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by Swamprat View Post
    You need to differenciate between...."unions".

    PUBLIC Sector Unions? Ya mean the ones PAYED FOR BY TAXPAYERS???

    "Salcedo pointed out that union membership was split by their votes in 2010, 49% for Democrats and 47% for Republicans, nearly an even split. But unions donated 93% of their total contributions to Democrats in 2010, and 7% to Republicans or others."
    Damn, where is your common sense.....If Jeffrey Dahmer were alive and standing in front of you would you give the man a knife and a fork. REPUBLICANS DO NOT LIKE why would a group of people that are elected to do the best that they can for a group of people donate to the people who would destroy them....Use your head man! Think man Think.....dont listen to the bullshit......actually use your noodle here. Damn

    We all pay politicians salaries with our tax dollars so they can stick it up our a$$ on a regular basis....Maybe you dont mind......but I sure as hell do. I know you think that they have the best interest of this country in mind when they make these rotten low down decisions.....I got news for you......the only "interest" they serve is their own. It is not about a is about union busting and not just the public sector unions.....Wake up man! You dont take it seriously but I can tell you we are all taking it real serious now!!!!
    Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”
    Abraham Lincoln

  4. #164


    Your a self proclaimed "rat" and you wanna talk to me about "true Unions?" Second of all you made up the question of "True Union" and "Tax Payer Union" so go fly a kite on that one BOY! There is no friggin difference and your taxes don't go to the friggin "True Unions" party of choice! MY EARNED DOLLAR AND PEOPLE LIKE MY FATHER'S (WHO WAS A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE) EARNED MONEY GOES TO THE UNIONS! We earned it and WE choose were it goes! But you don't wanna hear that!

    Third, "They" is the educated posters who sit back and let Good Ol Swampy post shit like "True Unionism" and openin FIXED cap banks with an AMP rated (?) switch stick all the while your craming your foot further and further down your throat! Dammed embarrassing!

    And finally as for "Union" and "Brotherhood" and "sh!t", that's the whole point! People like you refuse to accept it! It doesn't fit your "personal" financial scheme! And find your own dam link to COPE! I ain't helpin you any more BOY!

  5. #165


    oh and by the way .....for your info.......the private sector unions are not standing up for the public sector unions cause we hear the word union......we stand up for the public sector unions because we BELIEVE IN THE WORD UNION and when you believe in the word union you also understand the word "solidarity" and the power that this word stands for, and the bond it creates.......When I think of the word solidarity......I think.....If you attack one of attack all of us.......and we will stand together to counter the attack......You think we are powerless........but you underestimate our power when we come together....that 12% you are always gloating about.......let us just see what "the 12%" can do....are willing to do......and will do? And let us just see if non union working class people start to listen to and unite with the 12% club...... My opinion is The War Is BRING IT.
    Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”
    Abraham Lincoln

  6. #166
    Join Date
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    Owatonna, Minnesota


    Quote Originally Posted by Swamprat View Post
    Really interesting look at your post, and EL's post.

    I completely understand, how neither one of you can comprehend...the True Difference between...a TAXPAYER paid for "union", and a Private Sector union.

    It's just the "word"..Union to you guys, and the union mentality..... that's all that's important to you.

    I ALSO completely dissagree with "Tenure", and "Seniority" in Union...ESPECIASIALY, in PUBLIC SECTOR union.

    Just cause you been there...For Friggin EVER...don't mean your worth a shit.

    BUT...if you're can't be fired if ya got Tenure In the PUBLIC Sector Unions.
    "Tenure" just TOTAL Bullshit. NOBODY should be GUARENTEED a Job, just cause ya been there, and survived.


    How would, "Tenure" work in the PRIVATE workforce?? The WORKFORCE That has MADE our Great Country?? It's NOT a "concept" the PRIVATE Sector.

    Ya gotta WORK, and stay on top of your the PRIVATE Sector. PUBLIC Sector? PAYED For by TAXPAYERS?....Naw...We got "Tenure Rules", and "Seniority"...No matter whether your worth a shit or not.
    Taxes pay wages, puddin' head.....

    wages pay dues, puddin' head.....

    dues support the union, puddin' head.....

    some wages pay COPE, puddin' head.....

    COPE contributes to political campaigns, puddin' head.....

    Taxes pay wages. Wages pay unions. Ergo taxes pay unions. (This is called a non sequitur.)


  7. #167
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    Owatonna, Minnesota


    Here's some more edumacation for you, dumbass....

    The unions do not hire derelicts....
    The unions do not keep derelicts past their probation....

    Those are management's failings.

    Unions merely insure both the well-liked, and the derelict get fired for grounds. It's a concept called "due process" may have heard of it.

    Union employees get fired every day.....unions don't prevent them.

    They merely strive to see that those firings are legal and just.

    Nothing sinister with that......

    Unless you've worked your whole career on your knees sucking and pleading.....

    or showing those foreign nationals how to work for "the man" over on the burning sands through the cracked window of a pickup truck.

  8. #168


    Well all is lost... he passed the bill on his own. Too bad.

  9. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by Swamprat View Post
    It's just startin....
    Other States Could Have A "Wisconsin Moment"

    Indiana, Ohio, Idaho, Michigan, New Hampshire, Colorado and Tennessee....
    You know, I hope they do! Yup! I said it! I hope they do! Maybe then people will finally wake up and get off their dead beat @sses and stick up for themselves! I know, there's nothin wrong in swamps perfect little wally world?

    I hope those "Union republicans" in MI get everything they asked for and more (which if you read in the bills YOU WILL BE!)!

  10. #170
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Owatonna, Minnesota


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    Wisconsin has done more to energize the Union membership than all of the literature distributed by COPE in the last 20 years......

    Payback is coming.

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