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Thread: driving record

  1. Default driving record

    Featured Sponsor

    Hey I'm just looking for some words of wisdom on how seriously employers look at a potential apprentice's driving record. I will be attending the Volta school in OR coming up and I've been told that while being interviewed at the end of the schooling the interviewers actually have your driving record in front of them so they can review it as they interview the student. I have 1 ticket on my record from 2 and a half years ago but it is unfortunately a negligent driving. could that come back to haunt me? If anyone has had similar expiriences during an interview it'd be great to get some advice. Thanks!

  2. #2


    Congratulations on getting in the class.... (what term? I will meet you there if it is summer)

    From the talks that I had with a couple GF's from PGE it is important. They said that a large problem that they have nowadays is the driving record of people. They told me not to worry to much about anything over three years.

    The only tickets I have ever gotten are speeding tickets and I may or may not have had the last one inside the three year mark (have given thought on asking for my records at the DMV)

    I would say be prepared for a question about it for sure .... (is this the school interviewing or employers after the school?)

  3. Default

    I'm sure they'll ask you what that Negligent Driving charge was about and decide from there. If its bad enough it could hurt, but then again it might not.

    Do you have your CDL's yet? If you have no record while holding them that would definitely help.

  4. #4


    you will definatly have to explain the ticket just be prepaied for it. congrats on getting in, i am in this session going in to the 7th week and am LOVIN every minute of it!!! be prepared and take LOTS of notes, ask Travis about his mullet hair cut. Good luck! Travis and Don are both Great instructors and real good guys DO NOT hesitate to ask questions they will be more than happy to explain things if you are'nt getting something.

  5. Default

    Hey guys thanks for the replies. It helps a lot. Yup Mr. Stubs I'll be attending the summer session. I will see u there. And yeah I was referring to employers who would be coming to the school and interviewing students for employment right out of school. My buddy who went to the school a few years back was explaining to me what i can expect in the interview.

    Yo wacker hell yeah I'll ask about travis' mullet. It's good the instructors sound great. what kind of stuff are u learnig so far. I know they teach like 5 basic knots/rigging, obviously climbing. Is there much math involved in the class work? Also, how physically strenuous is it? I've been working out but do u think I'll be shocked at how hard they work u? Im sure ill be full of questions while at the school. just tryin to get find some stuff out before i start. thanks a lot.

    and N.F.O.B, I dont have my CDL yet. I live up in WA and Iv been hearing this state is becoming super strict on getting it. like u are required to take weeks of class and you actually have to pay loads of cash to be qualified to get it. So I'm willing to go out of state. I hear other states are more in need anyways of new workers. I just go off of what i have heard. Im sure once im in school I'll know a ton more. thanks for the response

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Heavy Chevy View Post
    and N.F.O.B, I dont have my CDL yet. I live up in WA and Iv been hearing this state is becoming super strict on getting it. like u are required to take weeks of class and you actually have to pay loads of cash to be qualified to get it. So I'm willing to go out of state. I hear other states are more in need anyways of new workers. I just go off of what i have heard. Im sure once im in school I'll know a ton more. thanks for the response
    Not sure what school you are going to, etc. but my company at the time (pike's sorry ass) actually paid for my CDL's. Make sure you study for that thing because you gotta know alot especially on pre-trip. The state trooper that did my test said 90% fail on pre-trip and never even get the chance to drive and show them they can.

    When they ask about the ticket BE HONEST and tell them everything and that it was a stupid mistake and make sure you tell them you havent been nailed with anything SINCE THEN if you havent. That will help with the damage control and it should stop you from getting a job if you're a good hand. Ask around and check out the employment boards, some companies WILL pay for you to get your CDL's so you dont come out of pocket for it. Just some ideas and good luck!

  7. #7
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    Mar 2009
    pocono's pa & ???

    Default Backing

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    As long as it was not a backing accident. You would be classified as a serial killer of line trucks asap, black sheep, black list for backing. One traffic ticket probably wont matter much.

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