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  1. #1
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    Aug 2002

    Default A question for Republicans?

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    Here’s the question for most Republicans in Congress, who have repeatedly blocked job creation bills and relief for long-term jobless workers: How bad does it have to get here before you stop signing platitudinous Pledges and take action to help America’s workers?
    A recent article, “15 Shocking Facts Show that the Middle Class is Being Wiped Out,” in short order describes the extent of the nation’s economic crisis. Here are a few:
    #1 Approximately 45 million Americans were living in poverty in 2009.
    #6 As of June, the number of Americans on food stamps had set a new all-time record for 19 consecutive months.
    #7 One out of every six Americans is now being served by at least one government anti-poverty program.
    #9 One out of every seven mortgages in the United States was either delinquent or in foreclosure during the first quarter of 2010.
    #13 Nationwide, bankruptcy filings rose 20 percent in the 12 month period ending June 30th.
    #15 One out of every five children in the United States is now living in poverty.
    The solution offered by some Republican candidates? Cut the minimum wage.
    Because America’s workers just aren’t suffering enough.

  2. #2


    With $780+billion in stimulus and several other programs designed to improve the encomomy(everything from stopping forclosures to buying new cars) I'd say the democrats have a fair amount of skin in this game too. As far as the minimun wage goes the argument I've heard is for dissolving the federal minimun wage and leaving states to set minimun wages based on that states cost of living.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2002


    Thomas Jefferson said: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

    This is a perfect description of what is now in the end stage (and still not recognized by any of the brilliant minds ).

    And I've got news for all who think they're going to remain above the fray .. it doesn't matter whether you are an employee or own your own business, because in an deflationary or inflationary depression (which is what we have now ... and is not a "double dip" recession ... a double dip is an ice cream cone), unless you are a food producer or energy provider, you're screwed too.
    All this blathering on and regurgitation of mainstream propaganda are false arguments ... such as:

    1) productivity - some want to suggest we need to be more productive and efficient to compete in this "new global economy". This would only be true if you think the new business model is a prison, where the employees are inmates stamping out license plates for 27 cents an hour.

    This is precisely what is occurring in China and elsewhere ... where workers are literally housed in dormitories, and work 14 hour days, forced unpaid overtime, and housed 12 to a room, each given a sponge and a bowl of water to bathe (no showers or baths) and charged rent for such luxurious living.

    In a recent report out of China, 600,000 workers drop dead annually AT WORK, and worker suicide is epidemic, out of desperation for their unlivable conditions. But somebody needs to make those iPads and iPods, right?

    2)Business Friendly - we need to be more business friendly and reduce corporate taxes to encourage more businesses to produce in America ... NONSENSE ... they pay no taxes now, and many (like Ford) have used bailout money (our tax money) to relocate operations overseas as in the case of Ford's ultramodern factory just built in Brazil on OUR DIME.

    3) Free Trade Agreements - passed off to the American people as a means to open up foreign markets to US exports ... these agreements do the exact opposite, and were designed that way from the outset ... these "tariff free" trade zones did ONE THING ... allow US based manufacturing to move off shore, capitalize on slave labor (such as described in China earlier), with no restrictions on re-importing those goods back into America tariff free. It opened the floodgates of cheap slave labor produced goods to be imported with no means to stop it .. which includes unsafe products, and even unsafe food .. driving American small farmers into bankruptcy along with other businesses.

    4) The hip, hip, hurray for a brand new war .... war with Iran - they pose no threat ... this is just another con job like Afghanistan and Iraq .... where was Iraq's WMD's ? The same place Iran's are today .... in the manipulated minds of the masses.

    This has been executed with ruthless precision by psychopathic traitors in government and corporate America, .... intentional deindustrialization of the USA, while forming a new corporate business model based on ENDLESS WAR, and SLAVE LABOR, devised by the international financial oligarchy who just so happen to own these mega-corporations as well as controlling the international financial systems, including the military industrial complex who are the only beneficiaries of war.

    this is actually the sucking and squeezing of every last drop of actual wealth out of this nation in the final stages before allowing it to implode upon itself.

    This process began when WE allowed these crooks to replace real money with worthless paper that is backed by nothing .... slowly, all tangible and valuable assets, from infrastructure to real estate, equipment, precious metals all extracted from us in exchange for worthless paper, and in many cases, they've even avoided the costs of paper, ink, and printing with simple entries of digits in banking computer systems.

    They're doing the same thing worldwide by military means for all those countries who refuse to hand over their countries to the syndicate, predominately using US military as their enforcement squad.

    The only means of reversing this (if it is even possible at this stage) is nothing short of revolution ... a complete house cleaning in Washington DC, even if that means Millions of angry and hungry Americans with pitch forks, and a nasty attitude toward those who have sold them down the river.

    Shutting down the Federal Reserve, and seizing it's ill gotten gains, and returning them to the US Treasury where they belong .... the reinstitution of trade tariffs, and punitive taxes on corporations who do not manufacture here in the USA .... either move your corporate headquarters and everything else with your name on it to China and Taiwan, or reopen your factories here.

    Zero balance the national debt by declaring such debt fraudulent (because it is), cut federal government in 1/4 increments until there is a budget surplus, and recall military forces from the 140 countries they are currently stationed.

    Cut all foreign aid until it can be restored in a sane manner ... i.e. NOT borrowing money in order to give it away to others ... which is totally insane.

    The re-industrialization of America (becoming producers again) is the only way out of this mess. We've been living off credit for 30+ years, and the bills are now due, and the credit is being withheld as the dollar collapses.

    So there is SLIGHTLY more to it than just the cyclic economic downturns, and poor consumer confidence.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2002


    I got news for ya steeve... its been going on for years! its over buddy. the middle class is dead. the working class will be dead in a couple more years. American workers are a liability! there is no longer a usefull purpose for the American worker. All we are is a financial drain on the rich. The rich will have their servants much like Saudi Arabia.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Swamprat View Post
    America is Fu$ked...
    simple as that. Everybody in the world is tryin to beat us down...and there's alot of people here in 'merica...that agree with that mentality.
    thats what I'll never understand about you Swamp... You've sat back and watched all our Manufacturing jobs get outsourced. We've given Wall Street Billions, bailed out the mega financial banks, and given tax cuts to all of the multi-national corporations while they outsource our jobs and drive up unemployment. The US Chamber of Commerce has crushed the unions and republicans are calling for cuts in Medicare,Medicade,Socialial Security and Unemployment Insurance. You scream and bitch at the feable attempt to provide health Insurance for 30 million less fortunate. The Money these corporations have saved in taxes have gone to building state or the Art facilities overseas and in Mexico and Brazil which have only caused heartbreak and suffering to millions of Americans. Look the F&*k around! Jesus Christ... Don't you see the closed up strip malls and for lease signs everyware on your way to Walmart to buy cheep Chinese slave labor crap! Unemployment at 10%( 15% if you count the people who've given up. One in seven of your neighbors are behind in their mortgage. Americans are loosing their jobs and homes in all time record numbers. You seam to have this rediculous fantacy that the US government controls the economy. I got breaking news for you pal... the top One thousand Intrnational Corporations control this world. America is changing pal and its not the socialistic feel good candy land you've been reading about in Fox News! Its gonna be just like the Kingdom You whored yourself out to. A world of filthy rich elite and submisive servents working for slave wages. Guess what side your children are gonna be on!

  6. #6


    wow!!do i sense the one eyed green monster?

  7. #7


    I got an idea Batts. Why don't you shut the f:ck up until you have something to say that makes sense and quit trying to make something out of nothing.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2002


    the redistribution of wealth has been happening since the 1970's. multinational corporations headquartered in the US have been shifting manufacturing opperations overseas while keeping the administration overhead here. it looks great on the balance sheet and even better on April 15th. 15 million unemployed and untold millions under employed. state and federal government swimming in a sea of red ink and a trade deficit out of controll .corporations try and blame consumer confidence for this prolonged recession but the fact is 98% of americans are just getting by. we've watched our homes devaluate and 401k's shrink. most Americans have zero saved for retirement and the loss of union and manufacturing jobs means most won't even have a pension. US corporations will have over 2 trillion dollars socked away by the end of the year. The days of working forty years and putting your kids through college are over.

  9. #9


    Bottom Line... you can ignore it all you want, but it is what drives the economy.

    Americans rich and poor want it all, and they want it cheap.

    They will pay 200,000.00 for a home, 50K times 2 for there vehicles, but when it comes to toys, clothing, computers etc... they want it cheap. China and Mexico make it cheap, and that's where each and every one of us buy it... and don't tell me you haven't because I know different.

    Most politicians R and D have sold out long ago to the corporations, they are useless pig scum.

    CEO's only look at the bottom line, it's either good or bad, there's no in between. They need there 3 mill. bonus to survive there coke and caviar lifestyle.

    You can bitch and whine untill your dick falls off, it won't change until we elect honest politicians to control the pork that gets filtered into the pockets of these criminals. But to say every corp. is criminal is BS and to penalize every Corp. because of the ones that are buying America through our corupt politicians is BS.

    The only way I see to turn things around is to START OVER. There is just too much corruption in government to think we can do it with a handfull of honest people.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2007
    Hartford, South Dakota


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    Quote Originally Posted by topgroove View Post
    The days of working forty years and putting your kids through college are over.

    TG, Who says they have to get through college in four years, there is nothing wrong if it takes them 8 or more working part time while doing it. That's what I did with my kids and I helped them from time to time. The problem I seen when I stared out on my own was way to many young people wanted to start out where their parents left off. They didn't want to work for it. I gave my kid's an education, some morals and emotional support and they are doing fine. The biggest thing I see today is no one is willing to sacrifice their life style for their future family's well being. I am bypassing my kids on inheritance and setting up a trust that will give my grand, great grand and great great grand kids a college education. If I can give them that, my family will be on step above lots of other people in the future.

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