- Jumper or not to jumper?
- Types of poles and why
- The Wye/Wye
- Grounding down the 3 pot Wye/Delta
- Ferroresonance
- Union Contractor Vs Local Utility
- winch line use
- Cross arm braces
- Copper preforms???
- Do linemen make too much?
- tattoos
- Dominion Power
- cover story
- anybody?
- mental practice?
- Air2 question
- Rubber Glove Allergy
- Live Line - Team Definitions
- Equipotential Grounding
- Can Anyone Tell me About BPA???
- Hot Stick States
- Corner grounded delta systems
- 1200 miles of 500kv!
- Bc Hydro
- Interested in BPA
- On Call Compensation
- accident in boston
- Units vs. T & E
- Alberta, Fort McMurray
- Linework in Australia
- Rubber Glove question?
- Double Safety
- Answer's needed
- Reconductor job?????
- Gaffs,Spikes??
- Push Off vs. Sliding Down
- For Those Linemen Over 40.....
- Florida Lineman Openings
- Speaking of Climbing Over 40
- Contractor Outfit or Utility?!?!
- Governing Body
- Lift All Bucket Truck Question
- Gloving 12 kv off of pole
- First year apprentice training
- Apprentice burned in so cal
- pole setting live line
- Cross Trainning ?
- Be careful if you are working around St.Louis
- qualified person? i dont think so!!!!!!
- Groundman and Apprentice Training
- Work (Union or not, I just gotta pay the bills)
- Class "A" Lineman
- Duke Energy
- A bit off topic but....
- journeyman
- anyone out there a helicopter lineman
- How we get optimal resistance reading ?
- Troubleman changing transformers alone.
- Progree Energy
- Arizona Public Service Company
- US & Canada
- Hazardous Duty Pay
- legal to change out meter socket?
- S&C Vista
- Censorship on this Site
- Substation Tech./Lineman
- National Grid has host of questions to answer
- Telecomm a better job then Electricity?
- 4160 and 25KV TX Fusing
- just hard line work
- I failed a brother.
- T2
- San Deigo Gas & Electric
- Distribution voltages???????????
- 250 mile transmission line
- Grounding problems...
- C'mon DEAN
- Hurricane Dean- any info?
- Storm Track site- near Conzumel
- Who is HKA contractors?
- Going non union to union
- Headed to Chicago in the morning, How bad?
- Working 24 hrs
- Two questions?
- ComEd worker robbed
- Journeyman Training Programs
- Got any rodeo teams here?
- REA Audit at Co-op
- Any KC power and Light Hands?
- Watch your assets
- Another Bad Place!!
- video of three Iraqi morons trying to steal electricity
- Work in the Tucson, AZ area
- Unbelievable video
- hardhat lights
- I need to know
- Magnesium Chloride.
- More than one phase.
- insulated shield wire
- How to rotate crews
- International Linemans Rodeo
- Step downs
- digger trucks
- Relocation
- I have heard
- Any info on the Bucksqueeze
- Ameren comments
- Brownsville TX
- Ideas for Science Fair Project Needed....
- Fire Storms
- Maintenance Work on Hendrix Cable
- Maintenance Work Procedures for Hendrix Cable
- Any First Energy Employee's out there?
- anyone work for c.w. wright
- Any JEA lineman on here?
- Trayer Trouble shooting
- Divine Linework
- Jersey High Line
- Remote switches.
- looking for pizza cutter
- Using hot sticks
- hardhat lights part 2
- power leg/stinger/or 208 leg
- Confused In C-eh-n-eh-d-eh
- Lineman Schools?
- Telco- Lineman
- Wet Hotsticks
- Im real sorry
- Bridging the Gap
- Helo work on History channel
- Remote phasing devices
- Curious? Safety toe boots.
- New Arc Regulations
- New Arc Regulations
- Ice Storm 2007
- Rest Periods
- Protecting from Backfeed
- Backfeed
- Pressure Digger
- X1 and X3 tie?
- Climbing poles with assistance of a device
- Phasing Meter
- Cold Feet
- Hot Line Clamp?
- The Hand In The Mirror......
- Compression machine Pump and Head
- Composite toes
- Worst run storm I've seen yet!!!
- Transformer Question
- OSHA clarification of PPE rules
- Duke Energy
- What do you keep on your trucks for safety?
- Reactance of unloaded transformers.
- Line-Load
- Arc Hood Covers
- how cold does it have to be to freeze a heater?
- Tyndale
- Lineman leaving Centerpoint Energy???
- lineman's barrier cream
- Conductor Charts
- txu
- progress energy
- Mid- American Power
- Hot Stick holder
- helo work
- Info. on Pacificorp
- tom tom where is the switch
- 765kv Quad Bundle Question
- dubai
- Winch Line
- For the Swampgas.
- truck grounding
- pole climbing
- Beef With Journeyman
- Construction for double circuits
- Spikes.
- Exploding fuses...
- SCE Lineman
- climbing boots
- american electric power
- Rules regulations training
- Pole change out
- Insulated Shield Wire
- running angels
- Whats the difference?
- your lingo
- Jelco Belt
- Working with new knee
- What is meant to "Rake a Pole"?
- How would you like your burger?
- Minimum number of dead wraps on bull drum?
- Almost Done....
- Wye-Delta Banks
- Delta and Wye ?
- Municipalities
- Customer owned 13,800
- ground sizes
- Question On Cleaning Insulators On Hot Line
- Question On Cleaning Insulators On Hot Line
- Hot Sticks or Gloven
- Rubber Gloves
- what are yall using to put a gain in the pole?
- Funny video about framing a pole
- Cell Phones and Linework
- Keys
- canadian army pole top rescue
- Working 69 KV
- Helicopter Lineman
- 100% fall arrestor? bucksquezze
- Inner conductor damaged...why?
- Near Miss! 69 KV pole
- evaluate potential apes
- Downed conductor work procedures
- Mountain States Lineman or Apps.
- Ice and tracking of voltage?
- The Bucksqueeze
- linework after linework
- How much to PUT A POLE IN MY YARD
- Buck Squeeze
- ANyone wanna trade Company T shirts?
- The future.
- Newbie seeking advice
- Freak Wye-Delta Bank
- What size rope needed???
- current limiters vs. fuses
- trouble with switch
- Combination CDL EXAM anyone have info???
- FR Pants....
- stupid apprentice tricks
- british columbia
- enhanced grounding
- Fusing Cables
- Oldest Lineman
- NON-Union outfits
- 2 Asshole linemen
- Grounds on Delta system?
- Wi-fi is buying space on poles in MA
- Does anyone else have GPS on their trucks?
- Contracting in BC
- Transformer question
- Line Pole Hardware Site
- 2008 World Championship Lineman's Rodeo
- Gloving Recloser Installation
- 230kv Reconductor
- Hand me that watchamacallet?
- Low wage pay structure during lean times?
- Open Wire Secondary
- sleeves
- E&r
- Come-alongs or a a Strap Jack