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  1. Jumper or not to jumper?
  2. Types of poles and why
  3. The Wye/Wye
  4. Grounding down the 3 pot Wye/Delta
  5. Ferroresonance
  6. Union Contractor Vs Local Utility
  7. winch line use
  8. Cross arm braces
  9. Copper preforms???
  10. Do linemen make too much?
  11. tattoos
  12. Dominion Power
  13. cover story
  14. anybody?
  15. mental practice?
  16. Air2 question
  17. Rubber Glove Allergy
  18. Live Line - Team Definitions
  19. Equipotential Grounding
  20. Can Anyone Tell me About BPA???
  21. Hot Stick States
  22. Corner grounded delta systems
  23. 1200 miles of 500kv!
  24. Bc Hydro
  25. Interested in BPA
  26. On Call Compensation
  27. accident in boston
  28. Units vs. T & E
  29. Alberta, Fort McMurray
  30. Linework in Australia
  31. Rubber Glove question?
  32. Double Safety
  33. Answer's needed
  34. Reconductor job?????
  35. Gaffs,Spikes??
  36. Push Off vs. Sliding Down
  37. For Those Linemen Over 40.....
  38. Florida Lineman Openings
  39. Speaking of Climbing Over 40
  40. Contractor Outfit or Utility?!?!
  41. Governing Body
  42. Lift All Bucket Truck Question
  43. Gloving 12 kv off of pole
  44. First year apprentice training
  45. Apprentice burned in so cal
  46. pole setting live line
  47. Cross Trainning ?
  48. Be careful if you are working around St.Louis
  49. qualified person? i dont think so!!!!!!
  50. Groundman and Apprentice Training
  51. Work (Union or not, I just gotta pay the bills)
  52. Class "A" Lineman
  53. Duke Energy
  54. A bit off topic but....
  55. journeyman
  56. anyone out there a helicopter lineman
  57. How we get optimal resistance reading ?
  58. Troubleman changing transformers alone.
  59. Progree Energy
  60. Arizona Public Service Company
  61. US & Canada
  62. Hazardous Duty Pay
  63. legal to change out meter socket?
  64. S&C Vista
  65. Censorship on this Site
  66. Substation Tech./Lineman
  67. National Grid has host of questions to answer
  68. Telecomm a better job then Electricity?
  69. 4160 and 25KV TX Fusing
  70. just hard line work
  71. I failed a brother.
  72. T2
  73. San Deigo Gas & Electric
  74. Distribution voltages???????????
  75. 250 mile transmission line
  76. Grounding problems...
  77. C'mon DEAN
  78. Hurricane Dean- any info?
  79. Storm Track site- near Conzumel
  80. Who is HKA contractors?
  81. Going non union to union
  82. Headed to Chicago in the morning, How bad?
  83. Working 24 hrs
  84. Two questions?
  85. ComEd worker robbed
  86. Journeyman Training Programs
  87. Got any rodeo teams here?
  88. REA Audit at Co-op
  89. Any KC power and Light Hands?
  90. Watch your assets
  91. Another Bad Place!!
  92. video of three Iraqi morons trying to steal electricity
  93. Work in the Tucson, AZ area
  94. Unbelievable video
  95. hardhat lights
  96. I need to know
  97. Magnesium Chloride.
  98. More than one phase.
  99. insulated shield wire
  100. How to rotate crews
  101. International Linemans Rodeo
  102. Step downs
  103. digger trucks
  104. Relocation
  105. I have heard
  106. Any info on the Bucksqueeze
  107. Ameren comments
  108. Brownsville TX
  109. Ideas for Science Fair Project Needed....
  110. Fire Storms
  111. Maintenance Work on Hendrix Cable
  112. Maintenance Work Procedures for Hendrix Cable
  113. Any First Energy Employee's out there?
  114. anyone work for c.w. wright
  115. Any JEA lineman on here?
  116. Trayer Trouble shooting
  117. Divine Linework
  118. Jersey High Line
  119. Remote switches.
  120. looking for pizza cutter
  121. Using hot sticks
  122. hardhat lights part 2
  123. power leg/stinger/or 208 leg
  124. Confused In C-eh-n-eh-d-eh
  125. Lineman Schools?
  126. Telco- Lineman
  127. Wet Hotsticks
  128. Im real sorry
  129. Bridging the Gap
  130. Helo work on History channel
  131. Remote phasing devices
  132. Curious? Safety toe boots.
  133. New Arc Regulations
  134. New Arc Regulations
  135. Ice Storm 2007
  136. Rest Periods
  137. Protecting from Backfeed
  138. Backfeed
  139. Pressure Digger
  140. X1 and X3 tie?
  141. Climbing poles with assistance of a device
  142. Phasing Meter
  143. Cold Feet
  144. Hot Line Clamp?
  145. The Hand In The Mirror......
  146. Compression machine Pump and Head
  147. Composite toes
  148. Worst run storm I've seen yet!!!
  149. Transformer Question
  150. OSHA clarification of PPE rules
  151. Duke Energy
  152. What do you keep on your trucks for safety?
  153. Reactance of unloaded transformers.
  154. Line-Load
  155. Arc Hood Covers
  156. how cold does it have to be to freeze a heater?
  157. Tyndale
  158. Lineman leaving Centerpoint Energy???
  159. lineman's barrier cream
  160. Conductor Charts
  161. txu
  162. progress energy
  163. Mid- American Power
  164. Hot Stick holder
  165. helo work
  166. Info. on Pacificorp
  167. tom tom where is the switch
  168. 765kv Quad Bundle Question
  169. dubai
  170. Winch Line
  171. For the Swampgas.
  172. truck grounding
  173. pole climbing
  174. Beef With Journeyman
  175. Construction for double circuits
  176. Spikes.
  177. Exploding fuses...
  178. SCE Lineman
  179. climbing boots
  180. american electric power
  181. Rules regulations training
  182. Pole change out
  183. Insulated Shield Wire
  184. running angels
  185. Whats the difference?
  186. your lingo
  187. Jelco Belt
  188. Working with new knee
  189. What is meant to "Rake a Pole"?
  190. How would you like your burger?
  191. Minimum number of dead wraps on bull drum?
  192. Almost Done....
  193. Wye-Delta Banks
  194. Delta and Wye ?
  195. Municipalities
  196. Customer owned 13,800
  197. ground sizes
  198. Question On Cleaning Insulators On Hot Line
  199. Question On Cleaning Insulators On Hot Line
  200. Hot Sticks or Gloven
  201. Rubber Gloves
  202. what are yall using to put a gain in the pole?
  203. Funny video about framing a pole
  204. Cell Phones and Linework
  205. Keys
  206. canadian army pole top rescue
  207. Working 69 KV
  208. Helicopter Lineman
  209. 100% fall arrestor? bucksquezze
  210. Inner conductor damaged...why?
  211. Near Miss! 69 KV pole
  212. evaluate potential apes
  213. Downed conductor work procedures
  214. Mountain States Lineman or Apps.
  215. Ice and tracking of voltage?
  216. The Bucksqueeze
  217. linework after linework
  218. How much to PUT A POLE IN MY YARD
  219. Buck Squeeze
  220. ANyone wanna trade Company T shirts?
  221. The future.
  222. Newbie seeking advice
  223. Freak Wye-Delta Bank
  224. What size rope needed???
  225. current limiters vs. fuses
  226. trouble with switch
  227. Combination CDL EXAM anyone have info???
  228. FR Pants....
  229. stupid apprentice tricks
  230. british columbia
  231. enhanced grounding
  232. Fusing Cables
  233. Oldest Lineman
  234. NON-Union outfits
  235. 2 Asshole linemen
  236. Grounds on Delta system?
  237. Wi-fi is buying space on poles in MA
  238. Does anyone else have GPS on their trucks?
  239. Contracting in BC
  240. Transformer question
  241. Line Pole Hardware Site
  242. 2008 World Championship Lineman's Rodeo
  243. Gloving Recloser Installation
  244. 230kv Reconductor
  245. Hand me that watchamacallet?
  246. Low wage pay structure during lean times?
  247. Open Wire Secondary
  248. sleeves
  249. E&r
  250. Come-alongs or a a Strap Jack