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  1. Sleaves
  2. T-Shirts
  3. Finally seen it for myself
  4. Resistance and grounding
  5. Mr Delta Door and others alike...
  6. hurricane hurricane
  7. Got the Call for Earl.......
  8. buck squeeze vs. saflok?
  9. U.S. 1st ALL Female Lineschool Class.
  10. Barehand question
  11. Cast Test
  12. rally the troops
  13. Why they be different?
  14. Rubber for hot sticking?
  15. outage
  16. Insulators... Questions about!
  17. personal ground application on de-energized line
  18. "Not worth the electricity to access?"
  19. transmision Lineman
  20. pole ground question
  21. Arm vs armless
  22. Energizing Primary Risers
  23. Have you ever noticed?
  24. Pacemaker and high voltage
  25. pulling transmission wire
  26. pretty good videos
  27. Stray Voltage
  28. Personal boo boos.
  29. Haven't talked to
  30. Hey I Worked with that Guy.
  31. hastings or chance or other?
  32. got our new digger!
  33. are you smarter than a 5th grader?
  34. poly insulators
  35. Radio controlled street lights?
  36. stinky gloves
  37. GO95. Shortest piece of wood moulding allowed?
  38. down guy tension?
  39. Downed and Broken Shield Wire on 69kV
  40. Floater......
  41. URD Labels
  42. FPL propaganda
  43. Swamp says Lineman don't need to know electrical theory!
  44. Who loads your truck in the morning?
  45. new armor rod
  46. kind of a dumb question
  47. Woodpecker Holes
  48. rigging suggestion?
  49. Von Thumper Equipment.
  50. Chance cutouts
  51. alot of squirrel calls
  52. anyone ever used these?
  53. Employment Opportunity In Canada
  54. insulated neutral
  55. hypothetical grounding question
  56. Working with Others
  57. Line School Quiz for Swamprat-next question
  58. Truck Grounding
  59. what gear does your company supply?
  60. twisted shank climbers
  61. Transformers code numbers.
  62. Transmission bucket trucks
  63. sorry but another 3 phase bank question
  64. What is it?
  65. bank qeustion
  66. Midwest Electric
  67. Utility upgrading transmission in Conn., Mass.
  68. Transformer question
  69. Posted Bridge Ratings
  70. My world!
  71. COLD Country Clothes...
  72. "UREA" Diesels?
  73. RC Screening????
  74. New ape seeking wisdom
  75. What's The Best Trailer for Hendrix?
  76. Dumb moves.
  77. tying feeders together
  78. Delta vs Wye
  79. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
  80. Willbros Awarded Bangor Hydro Transmission Project
  81. Area officials slam National Grid for poor storm response
  82. Pole crashes through house
  83. Swampy theory class in Saudi.
  84. transmission voltages
  85. Bucksqueeze
  86. Duke energy
  87. Duke Power..buys out Progress Energy
  88. Is this the norm NOW?
  89. face shields
  90. Last Weeks Ice/Snow Storm....
  91. GoPro Camera
  92. att: metering experts
  93. Fall restraint at rodeos
  94. Fall protection! Which one?
  95. wesco sizing
  96. White's Owners
  97. coldest job contest
  98. Helicopter work
  99. Inventor Of The Long Stick
  100. 3 phase 14.4 tub toubles
  101. A few climbing questions
  102. Hoffman Boot Repair
  103. breaking load without loadbreak
  104. Grounding.....
  105. Gaff pads fit?
  106. How long do your boots last?
  107. sounds like the midwest is going to get hammered
  108. Harmonics
  109. Hybrid Bucket Trucks
  110. whats in your bag
  111. power prices going up!!
  112. Replace 400kv insulator V type?
  113. Can you rig?
  114. Synthetic Lineman belt
  115. Work in BC Canada
  116. It is all in good nature
  117. Close call at work
  118. Line hose with jib.
  119. Please Help
  120. 80 yr old lineman still climbing poles
  121. Njatc or Utility Apprentice help????
  122. parallel 3 pot banks
  123. Regular Work Hours
  124. Working by the Beauharnois Dam in the 1950's
  125. policy on resticted wire
  126. Union Lineman Terms
  127. ARCOS Callout
  128. Camaraderie
  129. Looking for Info and Advice
  130. Meter Waterfall
  131. lineman books
  132. The Wye/Wye
  133. Helping with Japanese crisis
  134. zig-zag
  135. California.
  136. fiber optic on towers
  137. Mile of line cost.
  138. Chainsaws
  139. Approved by management
  140. funny stuff
  141. Small Wire Grips.
  142. Fire in the Wire
  143. Odd things and mistakes I have seen.
  144. Ammaductor
  145. Reclosing After Lockout On One shot
  146. Was Henry Miller a lineman or an electrician?
  147. lineman boots
  148. pull on boot
  149. 235 Miles Of Transmission Line In Texas
  150. Work & Sponsorship for Australia
  151. Where do you search for jobs?
  152. Conductor galloping
  153. Just the way it was
  154. Scary
  155. Linesman work in S.Africa.
  156. Solar Panels
  157. new member
  158. Hot Stick Truck
  159. lineman questions
  160. Foundation poles
  161. New Tools
  162. proximity testers
  163. Marking Underground Cable
  164. Does anyone know
  165. Work in San Diego
  166. East coast contractors
  167. Dry Cell ??
  168. April 2011 Tornado Shirt
  169. Duke Energy?
  170. annodes
  171. wye delta 480 with a grounded leg
  172. Feeder Trips
  173. AEP and Entergy Merging?
  174. Need some 411
  175. I'm Back.......
  176. New Hoist Prototype
  177. Work Outside of the US
  178. Substations
  179. Thoughts, experience, or rules on falling objects
  180. Need Some Advice
  181. Imitation 3 phase and sub-phase
  182. Union and Non Union?
  183. 3 phase wye/delta bank with wild leg?
  184. Secondary Faults
  185. urd cable cleaning
  186. Stringing Paw Paw
  187. Fat Linemen
  188. Working on the outside
  189. An open wye connection?
  190. lets hear your power theft stories
  191. Testing transformers
  192. Community Connections in Education
  193. Raptures
  194. Free time/Hobbies
  195. 3 Phase Wye/Delta - primary voltage on H2
  196. Sun Glasses
  197. Cell phones at work
  198. Let's talk capacitors
  199. Two runs of URD triplex in one conduit
  200. xcel energy
  201. tower rescue
  202. storm chasers
  203. Where the F*<k did the truck go?!
  204. Loadbusting Switchgear
  205. Sexual Discrimination
  206. Employment Anywhere
  207. Mislabeled Meters in apt complexes
  208. aluminum siding shocking
  209. It Has Been A "HOT" Week
  210. Question about Line Trucks
  211. Starting the 18th........
  212. Does anyone know??
  213. bank transformer connection
  214. Distance relay?
  215. Grounding Bank
  216. My Office Today
  217. HTLS conductor (gap)
  218. Oppppppps
  219. Pin on buckets
  220. Climbing Steel Poles
  221. Camelbak
  222. Cutouts Tracking
  223. ungrounded cap. bank
  224. Does a normal house meter?
  225. Lineman tricks
  226. climbing for lost lineman please read
  227. cynch lok fall arrest
  228. Customers with Funny Requests
  229. Accountabilty
  230. First Class Next Wed!!!
  231. Electric noise interference
  232. interview/info for a writing project?
  233. "Foaming" wood poles
  234. Stupid question maybe??
  235. Pony Motors
  236. Hmmm....
  237. Shunt Reactor
  238. Triplex spreader
  239. Irene
  240. for the youngins
  241. Which way does the nut go on?
  242. Back Feeding dryer plug
  243. Minimum approach distances
  244. Distribution Hot Sticking
  245. Bucket trucks
  246. different types of lineman
  247. Texas Fire Storm
  248. The Lost Art of the Power Line World
  249. California blackout
  250. good transformer,bad transformer