View Full Version : General BS
Pages :
- How About A Joke Thread
- Souther Sudan a letter home
- Alaskan Linemen
- Some of your "Best" Pictures...
- Iraq
- One Nation Under God?
- Interesting? Possible? Bullshit?...What?
- Safe Sex
- "The Da Vinci Code"
- Thank you to who ever finally stood up
- Immigrants
- check out what my dad pulled out of my pond
- Illegal Mexican Workers Protest, "A day without a Mexican"
- Lost Art ?
- Cool Idea
- Rant
- FEMA,, How about this?
- Killer Quiz
- Islam a religion of Peace? Muslim Arab Iraq Afganastan Hamas Isreal
- Are you normal?
- Yay For Me I Have Lost Six Killo's
- World War Three!
- This Memorial Day......................
- So How Much Is Your Fuel Today?
- Hummmmm....
- Bible versions
- supersticious
- Got some pics of my new ride...........
- What does your signature say about you?
- nots sure where to put this
- Are there admins or moderators to the fourms?
- Broken Link!!!!
- Fighting for the computer..............
- Old Power Poles.........
- Test your Hurricane Knowledge!
- Just wanted to tell you a neat thing.......
- Religion of Peace...
- Medi-evil fighting anyone?
- Remember the cab camera thread?
- Taillights in the Distance
- Plane hits line.
- LineGod(s)
- Whoa!
- TXU Electric Delivery is now Infrastrux Energy Delivery
- News report from Iraq
- Political Quiz anyone?
- Final Salute
- HURRICANE SEASON '06 (updated)
- Washing machine test.
- Guess Who Got Signed Off?
- I Think I Am In The Wrong Game
- My new investment broker
- A Birthday wish................
- Congrats US
- Sturgis
- A Day of Remembrance
- Bush
- With a little bit of dust...........
- Nikola Tesla vs Edison
- 28 years of service manuals for sale
- A heads up on your pets
- Talk Radio
- Parachute and HT equals....
- Got any nicknames?
- about a look at the other side?
- caught on tape
- does anyone know how to upload images
- Australian Linework Photos
- The Russians are comming!!!!!!!!
- Tool Of The Month Award
- So....I called Progress Energy........
- Australia
- Some thoughts on the importance of Linemen, an essay
- Tool Of The Month Award Revisited
- Hurricane Ernesto
- Einstein’s Problem
- For those of you OLDER'n ME!!!!
- Sky high Stir-fry.
- More Canadian troops killed in Afganistan
- Bad Week For Icons
- This is cool..........
- Progress Energy Bill.......a month later......
- The price of gas?
- Dubai
- San Diego Gas and Elect.
- Lineman shortage
- Orlando Sentinel article on Progress Energy
- Retirement, Squeezed
- We Are Safer Now
- Sign of the times.
- Massachusetts?
- Death of a great one
- Liar or Moron
- LA..."Be gone?"
- Republicans and Democrats
- Getting Ready for Deer Season?
- Help Me Please
- The Democrat Plan
- Illegal Dump Contains Wire, Electrical Gear
- Randall knives
- Enrons Jeffry Skilling gets 24 years
- Dog go boom!
- The Power of Light..............
- What happened to our postings?
- Chivalry: Another lost art?
- Who will win election
- Koga, how 'bout them Tigers?
- Veterans Day 2006
- Hey webmaster,
- Linemans Girl needs help
- Loxam.
- Democrats win
- '93 Jeep Wrangler: The Vampire
- What is this?
- Umbrella dielectric integrity.
- Are Mormans Christians?
- Iraq
- Don't be too busy this holiday season...
- "Offended"
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Where's Squizzy?
- Hey Rwd!!!!!!!
- Bringing back the draft?
- College Football: A Turd in the Punch Bowl?
- Toy Bucket Truck
- Whats to see in Washington D.C.?
- 65 years ago....
- So THIS is a vault?
- birthdays
- Revocation of US Independence
- @!*&$# popups!
- Web site upgrade coming
- people who kiss ass to move up
- Help from Colorado Lineman!
- looking for job
- Merry Christmas
- Just showin' off
- Info on FLEAS
- SanFrancisco
- AmerenUE "The Power Outage Cycle"
- Please help get me out the dog house and
- Hot to become illegal
- Rubbish demo.
- Pictures- Insulators, Climbing, AEP sub.
- And boats too.
- Faces to names.
- Info on GPS
- National champs
- Well now Impeachment is the only answer
- Where are the Linemen?
- Made in America?
- Pesos and Pizza - what's your opinion on this?
- Another neat video.
- comments
- Ask a Christian, what would you like to know about our faith.
- To The Boys...
- Video of a pole hit
- How not to unload a dozer
- Caught on tape
- Super Bowl
- America...Before Media
- Swamprat ?
- Reasons to dislike UG.
- Evolution is a Religion do you believe in it Swamp?
- Favorite or funny sayings
- How many of you are retired
- Research
- CBS News, 6:30pm tonight
- Lock "bumping"
- About Retirement...............
- Frozen waves
- Witchita Lineman...sort of.
- Sdg&e
- Screamer.
- Belief in "Religion"
- Free "Slim" DVD
- Hey! All HANDS!!!
- Batman's rival
- Little Beaver in the good old days
- So, what do you do when you turn 21????
- What has a lineman ever done?
- Up state New York
- When God Paints..............
- Trouble Calls
- Motorcycles anyone?
- When is the last time.............
- Think what ya want about...Americas direction
- And just for the record....
- Topgroove...........
- "White Racists"
- Then and Now...........
- Construction vs. Utility
- Southern Sudan Letters to the board
- Your cell phone
- Your Mamma don't dance and your Daddy don't rock'n roll..
- find your drivers license online
- Why....tell LINEMEN say this???
- Road Rage
- It's time for this sh!t to end for me
- Sqizzy is back...
- Impersonation.....
- How far will you go?
- Hunting and Fishing Pictures
- What Kind of Military Leader are you....
- Dickies or Carharts.
- Deep Stuff!
- Jehovahs Wittness and Mormans are not Christians nor do they profess to be
- Pole access system.
- Drug Problem
- Dick Cheney IBEW member
- 500 KVA Club
- Cast off your sinful Dickies.
- 500 Kva Says So!
- Batts a great american
- St Patricks Day?
- A father, daughter talk...
- APPA rodeo in Marietta, GA
- What cuts could the government save money on?
- Painting pylons.
- Brits taken hostage
- Guns and recycling....
- Brit training in USA.
- Employee Free Choice Act
- Would you like to spice up your posts?
- GLE Information
- Whats with you
- It's Great to be a.....
- Salute To Canada!
- What? A pile of SH*T???
- Are Catholics Christians?
- Names To Faces
- Bomb kills 6 Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan April 8, 2007
- Einstein & Faith
- Check out my new web site
- Wetbacks
- Rat Limits vs Union Limits.
- IP Numbers and Usernames---FYI
- That's it?
- Because we have always done it that way...
- The Greese Man: Another Blast From the Past
- Swamprat?
- Taylor Armerding
- Tool Bar Missing on Home Page?
- Amazing
- Lineboots
- 10 Things You Don't Know About Women
- A Former Beauty Loaded with More than Just Brains...
- To Justify a Rampage Killing?
- Tree falls on lines.
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