View Full Version : Office workers...HA...HA...

bren guzzi
06-05-2013, 12:46 PM
The sun is out , gentle breeze... And we've even got a bit of scaffolding to play on ....



06-05-2013, 01:51 PM
Well it didn't take you long to forget that harsh winter we just had. :rolleyes:

I just couldn't work in an office. It would be like being trapped. Even in the winter I prefer to work outside, but a summer like this is very welcome.

06-06-2013, 03:37 PM
I've been desk bound for a couple of weeks having mashed the end of a finger but managed to escape yesterday to visit a few sites and spent all of the morning today on site with the guys.

I'll do office if I have too, (it's my company so it times I have too) but by choice site anytime. Snow, Rain, Wind but preferably Sun...

Just need finger to heal so I can get my butt up a few tall structures over the summer.


06-06-2013, 06:14 PM
On occasion I got to tour a power plant, and often thought what a dungeon that was, even the new clean ones! Glad to be in any weather, anytime of the year. That looks like an awesome day Bren.

06-06-2013, 07:03 PM
I'm jealous.

But, there are some secretaries that (almost) make it worth it. :cool:

But then darned if they don't seem to like the working man with dirt on his hands. LOL!

I haven't forgotten how to spit and cuss though...and it's a HOT (+115degF) summer coming.

06-07-2013, 01:04 AM
I'm jealous.

But, there are some secretaries that (almost) make it worth it. :cool:

But then darned if they don't seem to like the working man with dirt on his hands. LOL!

I haven't forgotten how to spit and cuss though...and it's a HOT (+115degF) summer coming.

Hey Cub...heres a question for ya....most of us get hurricanes every once in awhile,even the guys up in the northeast.....they get all kinds of storms....snow,wind and who knows what else......what do you guys get???????????just the heat or dust/sand storms....what keeps the lineman there super busy....is it the load on the system...details please.

06-07-2013, 03:07 AM
I actually love it here. It's HOT in the summer, but the rest of the year it's just perfect (I came from Alaska). So, the heat was actually a welcome change. It took about 3 years before ALL the cold got out of my bones!

The local area here -was- going through a HUGE growth stage up until about 3-4 years ago, so new construction was keeping everyone (like me) busy from about 2000 - 2008 or so. Seriously, I knew people that were dragging up on jobs and going back to the hall just because they didn't want to drive into the sun in the morning! They'd be working again by the next day.

Then the bottom just kinda dropped out with the economy. We base a lot of our economy here on people moving to AZ, and now that the whole country is hurting, they can't sell their house in Detroit or where-ever, and move to the sunbelt. So we "over-built" here, and now there's a huge glut of "new" homes for cheap and zero construction. Now the problem is jobs. There is massive unemployment here (+ illegal labor / contractors paying day-labor at $8/hr, zero benefits). It effects every job, not just the construction.

I just went through a 2-month long multi-interview process and they're still dragging their feet about "corporate approval for the position". You can probably tell from my other thread I'm going a little nuts waiting, and trying to make productive use of the the time to "study" their system! Bouncing off the walls! And I have a good resume. I guess I'll be happy with office work IF they ever make a decision, and I hope I can still remember how to be "civilized" and "well mannered" (maybe that's the problem...I don't sit and "polish my diplomacy" enough)!

The bean-counters are holding on TIGHT to the money everywhere now, and using every crappy shortcut like illegal labor, cutting all benefits, and asking you to do substandard work. You can't find health-care included in a job here anymore. It's $300/mo out of your paycheck...if they even offer it. Skilled labor here often competes directly with the illegals (and the contractors that use them), so you might get starting offers at $12-16/hr at many places (zero benefits). I've never seen anything like it. Lots of "displaced" workers here...almost like a million-refugee city in many ways. LOL! Sure is NOT the same USA that I grew up.

You're right we get HEAT (HUGE summer A/C loads!) and duststorms, and mainly we get some "monsoons" (serious lightning/rain/wind/microbursts!) that blow through from July-Sept knocking down trees and such, so a lot of that. (Some small amount of Photovoltaic too) But, in all honesty I'm not sure what's (if anything) keeping anyone busy right now...I think everyone is just holding on by their fingernails and hoping for the money to free up...but you know that's all about politics (so it's doubtful). We're effected by what happens everywhere else/ a lot like Florida is too, I guess. Sunbelt economies. The main job right now is the Intel Plant expansion. So, a few hundred jobs there is about it. I guess a little bit of planned 69kV on the southside (towards Tuscon) and the eastside. Haven't heard about much else. Maybe a little scattered OH-to-UG conversion and cable replacement stuff.

Don't give up a steady IBEW job if ya got one!