View Full Version : what can reppy and swamprat/Linedog agree on ....on being thankful this thanksgiving

11-28-2013, 01:06 AM
Im thankful that I came up in the trade when it really was a trade,and when skills mattered ,and when foreman ,supervisors have been in a linemans shoes,might as well include the safety man .....now its just A$$ backwards.... Im thankful that I know nothing about the squeeze if I were to be shown how its done ..and Im thankful that Im away from the crap thats going on in the trade..I might as well be thankful that I met a person called linedog/swamp/southpaw or whatever he comes up with next ...what are you guys thankful for ....?

11-28-2013, 09:33 PM
I'm thankful for knowing the generation coming up is the finest the trade has ever seen. That I made a difference, and that I trained a generation to not only be safe and efficient, but to be teachers, to be leaders and to evolve and adjust to what the future might hold. I truly believe many locals are striving in simply accepting a better caliber of apprentice. These kids coming through now are slick. They're not a "just because" generation. They want to know why things are done the way they are and not just because that's the way they've been done the past 50 years. Never stop believing there isn't a better way to do something. There is always a better way, some how, some where.

Walk softly, be humble. Realize the most unassuming guy probably knows the most and the loudest, the least. Isn't that the truth in this line of work. Also realize the next generation is but a mirror of the previous one. I've been told the guys who've trained me must have been fine men. That means a lot. Some day I hope the same is said about me.

All in all, I'm thankful for being someone who gives a sh*t. And when I see someone I've trained take the extra time to straighten a ridge pin, check voltage, perfect a sag, straighten a wire, do a double check, open a spec book, or just be a little safer, well I've done right. Been told many a time the apes that come from us are top notch. Yeah, if they only knew the ball of sh*t we started out with:D

11-28-2013, 10:25 PM
I'm thankful for knowing the generation coming up is the finest the trade has ever seen. That I made a difference, and that I trained a generation to not only be safe and efficient, but to be teachers, to be leaders and to evolve and adjust to what the future might hold. I truly believe many locals are striving in simply accepting a better caliber of apprentice. These kids coming through now are slick. They're not a "just because" generation. They want to know why things are done the way they are and not just because that's the way they've been done the past 50 years. Never stop believing there isn't a better way to do something. There is always a better way, some how, some where.

Walk softly, be humble. Realize the most unassuming guy probably knows the most and the loudest, the least. Isn't that the truth in this line of work. Also realize the next generation is but a mirror of the previous one. I've been told the guys who've trained me must have been fine men. That means a lot. Some day I hope the same is said about me.

All in all, I'm thankful for being someone who gives a sh*t. And when I see someone I've trained take the extra time to straighten a ridge pin, check voltage, perfect a sag, straighten a wire, do a double check, open a spec book, or just be a little safer, well I've done right. Been told many a time the apes that come from us are top notch. Yeah, if they only knew the ball of sh*t we started out with:D

by what you said ,it tells me your a good lineman ;;keep on going

Old Line Dog
11-28-2013, 10:55 PM
I'm thankful for knowing the generation coming up is the finest the trade has ever seen. That I made a difference, and that I trained a generation to not only be safe and efficient, but to be teachers, to be leaders and to evolve and adjust to what the future might hold. I truly believe many locals are striving in simply accepting a better caliber of apprentice. These kids coming through now are slick. They're not a "just because" generation. They want to know why things are done the way they are and not just because that's the way they've been done the past 50 years. Never stop believing there isn't a better way to do something. There is always a better way, some how, some where.

Walk softly, be humble. Realize the most unassuming guy probably knows the most and the loudest, the least. Isn't that the truth in this line of work. Also realize the next generation is but a mirror of the previous one. I've been told the guys who've trained me must have been fine men. That means a lot. Some day I hope the same is said about me.

All in all, I'm thankful for being someone who gives a sh*t. And when I see someone I've trained take the extra time to straighten a ridge pin, check voltage, perfect a sag, straighten a wire, do a double check, open a spec book, or just be a little safer, well I've done right. Been told many a time the apes that come from us are top notch. Yeah, if they only knew the ball of sh*t we started out with:D

Extremely cool Post Bones....Extremely cool.

I, as an Old Retired Lineman,
am extremely thankful for what the Trade of linework has done for me in my life, in making me the man I am today.

I will forever be greatful for Linework....making me a Man.

And Greatfull for the LINEMEN, that slapped the Siht out of me...back in the day, and helped make me the man, and Lineman I am. Back before that type of "upbringing"...was frowned upon.

I'm thankful for surviving Vocal Cord cancer, and the relative ease of the 37 radiation treatments.

Thanks also to the Trade of Linework...for helping me establish my "Core". FIGHT, against anything that is hurting you...or your beliefs.

I'm thankful that my daughter...is as tough a SOB as I am. I'm not real happy that guys are scared siihtless of her...but....she's got one that is..."Open for battle" with her attitude. I'm happy she is successful, and makin good money...with her attitude.

I am thankful, and Happy that our Relay for Life Team...made 43 THOUSAND Dollars this year for the Fight Against Cancer!!

I am VERY "Thankful" this year. And happy to be Alive.

God Bless America.

11-29-2013, 10:49 PM
I'm thankful for my wife and my little girls. My 4 year old likes to know about everything. Recently she asked bout power poles. Now she says "Those are lectricty wires and they keep everybody's lights on. And our TV!" I'm thankful that I'm going to line school in April. I'm going to learn the finest trade and it will be an honor to serve my community in providing such a precious yet dangerous commodity. I'm thankful that will be able to provide for my family and make sure they live better than I did. Today I told my daughter I was going to be a Lineman. She said to me "Lineman climb the poles and get our lectricityback when the wind turns it out." Kids... Always gotta be thankful for them. I hope you all had a happy thanksgiving full of family and memories. God bless.

Old Line Dog
11-29-2013, 11:48 PM
Good Luck in your endeavor to be a Lineman in the Line Trade Roofus.
God Bless ya man...and the Best of Luck to you!
Linework needs people like you.:cool:

11-30-2013, 09:12 AM
Swamp, glad ya beat cancer.......

Old Line Dog
12-01-2013, 12:15 AM
Swamp, glad ya beat cancer.......

Thanks man. Appreciate it.
Got 4 more years before I can truly claim...I beat it. But...I'm tellin ya now....I beat it. Again, thanks man.

12-01-2013, 07:21 AM
Great attitude Swamp. I'm sure you'll beat it. Best of luck.

Old Line Dog
12-01-2013, 11:28 PM
Great attitude Swamp. I'm sure you'll beat it. Best of luck.

Thank you Sir. I WILL!!

I was Lucky to spot it early...I spotted it myself.

It was an interesting "Trip", to really understand, and see the "Processs" of Cancer TEAM Treatment...up close and personal.


I'm a "Lucky Boy"...dodged 2 BIG Bullets in the last 4 years.

Merry Christmas, and the Best to you and your Family in 2014 my man!!!

12-03-2013, 12:58 AM
We are all pulling 4 U swamp.....In 4 years it will be great still hearing your views and stories...good luck.