Oregon Lineman
07-04-2014, 01:26 PM
I seen another opening for a lineman at Central Lincoln PUD in Florence Oregon on the coast. What is up there. This is I think the 10th opening in 7 or 8 years. It is a 1 crew shop. I do know a couple of people that worked there. From what I understand it id an extermely hostile work enviroment. With unsafe work practices. They got a lineman burned a little over 2 years ago from bad unsafe work practice form an incompetent foreman. When they try hot work it normally ends up in feeder lock out. Management is hostile toward anyone not from the town and have no exprience. The manager they did hire has a histroy of serious injury & death from anywhere he has been in charge. Legend in his own mind type of guy. I know one of the guys & they lit up a line on him & laughed about it. He wound up quitting after they blamed him for it. He was hooking up the ground on an UG cable to the transformer, the idiots foreman plugged it in. They claim he should have hook the concetric up before plugging the elbow in. It was a new install. Applicants BEWARE you will be putting your life in danger if you go to work here !!!!!