View Full Version : Baptism of Fire.

bren guzzi
03-08-2015, 12:00 PM
First day proper with new company tomorrow ...gets a call 5 minutes ago.
Can you head up to Scotland in the morning..big storm coming in... Yeah Bren.... Nice handy first day in new job.
400 miles up country into the teeth of a storm.

" not boring be a lineman ". ;)

03-08-2015, 12:14 PM
First day proper with new company tomorrow ...gets a call 5 minutes ago.
Can you head up to Scotland in the morning..big storm coming in... Yeah Bren.... Nice handy first day in new job.
400 miles up country into the teeth of a storm.

" not boring be a lineman ". ;)

Bring that oliver northh guy with you :D