View Full Version : Here is what I don't get.

02-28-2016, 11:40 PM
In the south their mortality rate is a lot higher than the North for a lineman. But these super huge companies want southerners in the foreman and GF ranks in their companies? And they preach safety. They consider Northerners as dumb stupid and lazy, the ones I have met so far. Everyone of the says"we really work in the south!". Everyone of them has said that.

So since they die at higher rate? Does that mean they work at a 48% higher rate?

they scream and holler more than Northern guys. Northern guys get along better. Work tighter and care about eachother more. I never thought that as a bad thing..

what at do these big companies want? They say they want this, but who they hire as running jobs is another thing.

i have yet to see better lineman than my friends I have. If a good lineman screams, cries, likes to bellyache drama, and is unprepared always, and drive foreign cars, hands down they are better lineman.

02-29-2016, 01:43 AM
Idont blevethat whata guy drives is any indication of what kinda lineman he is or aint.

02-29-2016, 02:45 AM
idont blevethat whata guy drives is any indication of what kinda lineman he is or aint.


Lineman North Florida
02-29-2016, 09:32 PM
Bobbo, where did you get your information about the mortality rate of Southern lineman? If you would post some links, I would like to read up on it.

02-29-2016, 10:17 PM
Bobbo, where did you get your information about the mortality rate of Southern lineman? If you would post some links, I would like to read up on it.

I would also like to see that info,and while he is at it I would like to see how he figures driving a foreign vehicle makes a better lineman,politics are getting old.And I need a good laugh tonight.:D

03-01-2016, 11:23 AM
I would also like to see that info,and while he is at it I would like to see how he figures driving a foreign vehicle makes a better lineman,politics are getting old.And I need a good laugh tonight.:D

I see a lot of direct solicitation of work. Which is not allowed up North, but happens all the time.

They double book the halls. Where they are working, and wait for a call to get in a better rate, which is not allowed up north, but they do. So a guy who is rightfully out of work has no chance to get a call has a guy who is working in front of them. And the sad thing is they work non union until something opens up North.'if that happens up North, we face charges and lose our tickets. Drove in a crummy with guys and they said they were working Pike a week before.

they like to make buddies with GFs. A real Union guy doesn't suck up to anyone. A Union guy doesn't back stabs co workers instead of confronting issues with a co worker which a real Union guy does.They gossip and chatter like high school girls.

and they are so company. If there is something goes wrong to over improvising because they don't have the right equipment, material,'then they go after the men.

and the portability rules, the companies break all the time. Especially on big jobs. Portability is fine with a walk through hall. Portability is fine when a guy has run a run a rope rig or knows the companies tensioner inside and out.

And when when the companies lay off, it's sad that they don't keep the locals for the button up work.

and I have seen it many times. They don't like the locals, but the locals are the ones that created the great pay, benefits and conditions. Not them. When I travel have a deep respect of the local hands. And I have made lifelong friends doing that. By signing book 2, means you respect the conditions of that local if they put you out to work. It's not a free ride.

and driving a Toyota to a Union job is downright ridiculous!

03-01-2016, 11:31 AM
I understand now......:nightmare:

Lineman North Florida
03-01-2016, 03:32 PM
I'm still real interested in the morality rate of Southern lineman, if you would post up those links with that information so I can read up on it.

03-01-2016, 08:26 PM
I understand now......:nightmare:

Im still lost.....

03-01-2016, 08:29 PM
Idont blevethat whata guy drives is any indication of what kinda lineman he is or aint.

Everyone has there own shit going on... I'd like to see every Lineman in a Ford Raptor, me included. But sometimes priorities take precedent.

03-02-2016, 02:15 PM
If you are a lineman that cannot get a job, there is a damn good reason.

03-04-2016, 08:40 PM
Bobbo, where did you get your information about the mortality rate of Southern lineman? If you would post some links, I would like to read up on it.
The mortality of a worker in a right to work state is 48 percent higher according to the AFL CIO.

03-04-2016, 08:44 PM
If you are a lineman that cannot get a job, there is a damn good reason.

If you get your none screwing others that's a problem!

03-04-2016, 09:50 PM
Drive any vehicle you want. But if you get collective bargaining wages and not supporting collective bargaining in your purchases. You are slitting your own throat. People did that and guess what, you will see Pike Trucks. If you work for a power company and they outsource your work to non Union. After a few years Pike will do your work. In 1970 30%'of labor,was Union. Now we are 6%. Do you what you want that's fine. but that nice rate we have is due to collective bargaining.

As Union labor is diminishing day by day. And you go to Wal Mart, buy Japanese and Chinese stuff. And don't support the UAW or any other Union, you are slitting your own throats!

i don't want to work Pike anytime. Union lineman keep buying jap crap and rice burners you probably will!

03-05-2016, 07:28 AM
I totally agree Bobbo......!!!

03-05-2016, 08:09 AM
A result of unions is non-union companies have to pay higher wages to keep semi-decent help. They would just love to pay less than they do. The trouble today is , the me generation doesn't understand the union mentality. They are too busy thinking of themselves to understand how much more power there is as a group. I agree 100% , unions should support other unions, then growth will happen here!

Lineman North Florida
03-05-2016, 08:24 PM
The mortality of a worker in a right to work state is 48 percent higher according to the AFL CIO.
Just about every article on those higher mortality rates talks about fishing, farming and logging, not one mention of lineman. While I do agree that some of the non-union contractors do a poor job of training some of their young help and seem to think that sleeves and rubber overshoes are better than proper training, that's not a Southern lineman thing, that's an industry wide problem. A lot of us Southern lineman haven't lost a thing up the country and don't want your work, we only generally go to help on storm breaks to help out, we are happy right down here where we are. Charlie.

03-06-2016, 05:18 PM
Just about every article on those higher mortality rates talks about fishing, farming and logging, not one mention of lineman. While I do agree that some of the non-union contractors do a poor job of training some of their young help and seem to think that sleeves and rubber overshoes are better than proper training, that's not a Southern lineman thing, that's an industry wide problem. A lot of us Southern lineman haven't lost a thing up the country and don't want your work, we only generally go to help on storm breaks to help out, we are happy right down here where we are. Charlie.

We had one death in August 2014 in that was the last death I have seen in my state. In Florida I see one every two months. We get them all the notifications all the time. Whatever Mastech is or who they are, they need to.get out of this business. We have so many Florida hands in the east and Midwest, they have left shitty conditions and treated like shit. A lot of them are my friends. They don't agree how the south is! Ratty! I am not against you. I am just not into treating men like shit. Guy I know hasn't been paid for two weeks and he worked in Melbourne. What company gets out of paying people? The weather is nice. I will vacation there but never work there. Need to get control of that place somehow. There were a lot of great lineman from there, but as soon as the rate went down, a lot of men left and never went back.

03-06-2016, 06:27 PM
If you get your none screwing others that's a problem!
Union linemen in Michigan are working, if there is not an issue with them.

03-06-2016, 09:16 PM
Most union lineman are working here too!

03-12-2016, 09:22 PM
Just about every article on those higher mortality rates talks about fishing, farming and logging, not one mention of lineman. While I do agree that some of the non-union contractors do a poor job of training some of their young help and seem to think that sleeves and rubber overshoes are better than proper training, that's not a Southern lineman thing, that's an industry wide problem. A lot of us Southern lineman haven't lost a thing up the country and don't want your work, we only generally go to help on storm breaks to help out, we are happy right down here where we are. Charlie.
Does it really matter? We are all Americans?

Lineman North Florida
03-13-2016, 09:11 AM
Does it really matter? We are all Americans?
Doesn't matter to me one bit, we are all Americans, go back and read your first post, you are the one that said Southern lineman had a higher mortality rate than Northern lineman, I still have yet to see any proof of that, the facts seem to be that the 48% number that you posted are for people working in fishing, farming and logging in right to work states, and that covers a whole lot more than just the Southern states.

03-14-2016, 09:28 PM
Scour through the OSHA incidents, in the South there are a lot of deaths. It seems you are at a utility. Your fine.

But we see death posts from the South twice a week.

The Southern guys hit our halls in droves. It takes 4 years to be journeyman lineman here. These guys are hitting our halls with less than 3 years in the trade as lineman. Most have problems with pills. I have worked with Southern lineman, there are good ones. Then there are one that carry a bottle of piss with them all the time. Seen a guy smoke glass dicks all the time.

i am not going to work with guys like that nor will I let any apprentice work with someone like that. No one needs it anywhere. Southern guys are double booking all the halls here. Here we respect the union and do the right thing like your halls should.

Some me day the International will figure out who is on the books, not signed up on 5 to 10 books at a time. It's not right for people who are out of work. Not looking to Goldmine the North!
Working rat and waiting for a 47 dollar hour scale is wrong. If you are out of work sign one set of foreign books like everyone else does in the IBEW!

04-13-2016, 10:12 PM
Union linemen in Michigan are working, if there is not an issue with them.

You get the weather from the lakes. You might have a week of 5 2s in March. January and February it's so cold your boogers freeze. Just wait ten seconds and the weather changes. Michigan is nuts!

04-13-2016, 10:15 PM
Then check out Mastech compared to any other electrical contractor and utility and you might say that number is not far from the truth.