View Full Version : Alley arm Bank

11-09-2017, 08:17 PM
May sound like a STUPID question. Does anyone on here build a bank on a pole with a alley arm? if so do you have any pic so I can see it. Thanks

11-09-2017, 09:45 PM
I am 90% sure I have seen one, in Toronto, I think, but I do not have any pictures. Now I will keep my eyes out for one and take pictures when I see one.

11-10-2017, 10:04 PM
Thanks, we probably only have 3 alley arms in our whole system. My boss ask me about it and if I could check around. I have no Ideal what his plans are.

11-11-2017, 09:58 AM
Many alley arms used on the property I was on. As far as banks on the alley arm poles, we tried to avoid that because the high side taps are a PIA to do, but it is doable. I'm retired now so I won't be able to get pics. I would suggest instead of putting the bank on the alley pole, Use adjacent pole and run secondaries IF POSSIBLE.

11-11-2017, 09:59 AM
If you end up building one , remember to use poly covered drop lead wire for the primary leads , that is rated for the voltage your working on. I would be able to draw out a design for you, but it wouldn’t be approved by an engineer . I may have access to some older spec books next week. If I do i will look it up.

11-11-2017, 11:04 PM
Thanks guys, he hasn't filled me in on what he is thinking about doing. Two of the places we have on alley arms is on the road and the pole just need to be set out of line. If he would tell me what he is doing I might be able to talk him out of it. LOL
Thank's for all your help..

08-20-2018, 12:48 AM
Pretty common here in British Columbia. I don't have a picture of one though. Cutout arm is on the backside of pole from alley arms and the bank is mounted on same or "road" side as the alley arms. Riser from cutout to road phase of primary is pretty long.

08-22-2018, 09:32 PM
Pretty common here in British Columbia. I don't have a picture of one though. Cutout arm is on the backside of pole from alley arms and the bank is mounted on same or "road" side as the alley arms. Riser from cutout to road phase of primary is pretty long.

Thanks I appreciate the information.

12kv Max
04-19-2019, 03:46 PM
Chicago has thousands in it's alleys. The switch arm goes on the back of the pole about 18" below the alley arm. Cutouts mount on the back also, so you can operate them off the pole (bucket can reach anywhere). The cluster mount for the transformers is about 8-1/2 ft down from the alley arm, on the front (under the ally arm) of the pole. Arresters can be mounted on the cans or on the front side of the switch arm. It's best to use a 5ft alley arm brace so you have room for the boom when hanging the pots. It's best to keep the back side clear for climbing. All the secondary leads should be run around the front. If I find a pix I'll post it.