View Full Version : Line movement resulting from falling tree limb

07-04-2018, 01:32 PM
I have a question regarding tree limb damage to overhead lines.

I am working with a project that would place sensors on poles to detect pole status and conditions in real time (pole down, pole impact, pole movement, and several other conditions) and communicate that status to Service Dispatcher Office. A falling tree limb that has sufficient force to cause movement through line to pole would be sensed by the monitoring device on the pole and a signal sent to Service Dispatch Office and displayed on mapping system.

Could you tell me, based on your experience a guess of weight of branch, length of a branch, and distance it may have fallen and resulted in damage, interruption or relay? I know that a brushing limb can cause relay but that information would be less known and more difficult to gauge than information about a falling branch.

It is completely understood that any information would be based on memory as I'm sure this data is not collected and stored by most utilities, if any.

With this information, a starting point can be established to begin development of a sensitivity threshold of the resultant force when a limb falls on a line.

Any information addressing my crazy question that you might be able to provide would be most appreciated.


Rick Leffler

07-04-2018, 08:17 PM
Who do you work for?

07-18-2018, 01:54 PM
Indianapolis Power & Light Company

07-19-2018, 08:59 PM
I am assuming you have made this inquiry at IP&L of linemen who work there. I’d be interested to know those answers.

Lineman for 43 years, in my experience the obvious is that every branch is different, oak, elm, sycamore, pine, ash, even if the limbs are of identical length won’t be of the same weight. Good luck with your project.

08-07-2018, 09:01 PM
Thanks Orgnizblbr.