View Full Version : Interesting? Possible? Bullshit?...What?

03-16-2006, 01:17 AM
please forgive my spelling.Wasnt krychov who said the United States of America would be taken over with out a single shot being fired. Look were there at now.

03-16-2006, 07:14 AM
its bullshit. I dont know if Mr. Lamm really said it, but it does seem to be based on alot of fact and truths. Take for instance the news lately how the illegal mexican gangs are flooding into New Orleans. They come in with trade skills to supposedly help rebuild. Two of em passing through Baton Rouge, tortured and killed a guy while raping his girlfriend multiple times. They just arrested another one down in the big chocolate . Pulled him down off a roof at his job site. Wanted for 2 murders in Texas. Ya I see it happening all the time.


03-16-2006, 08:17 PM
Bad part is, it's only gonna get worse as time creeps on. I know of a few places back east that if you don't know at least two languages then your not gonna get hired on there. Even out here in cali then you need to know two languages because of the illegals coming in and majority of em don't know how to speak english or the ones that do know how then they refuse to speak it. I know we're suppose to live in a democrazy, but it's startin to feel more like capitolism anymore. But i'm still a patriot and a loving flag waver because i still believe we live in the best country in the world and call it a fools hope, but i do have hope that things will get better eventually.

03-16-2006, 08:26 PM
please forgive my spelling.Wasnt krychov who said the United States of America would be taken over with out a single shot being fired. Look were there at now.
Think about that for a minute dog, I don't think there's a single country out there that would try or want to take over the united states. 1. is because of our technology and training that our troops have. 2. I remember a post on here awhile back about what is an american? long story short, americans come in all shapes and sizes and from numerous religions, there is no real american, but on that same note, who in their right mind (country leader) would want to take on the problems that goes on here, i'm pretty sure it would drive any other world leader to commit suicide if he had to deal with our life styles here. So moreless can america be destroyed, of course, but the only one that can do it is america.

03-16-2006, 09:37 PM
#1 constitonal right to keep and bare ARMS. the GOV can have mine after
they pry it out of my cold stiff fingers. as far as being overrun by mexicans or who ever talk to your elected leaders. stop voting see what happens not a damn thing will change bleeding heart libberals. bring back capitol punishment then maybe these baby rapers will die a little sooner. instead of sitting on death row for life & living better than some of our own descent human beings we seem to forget about. lets see a news reporter do a story about our own backyard bet he wont have a job long. sometimes this cntry reely sux HOME OF THE FREE MY ASS AINT A DAMN THING FREE. close the borders & stop free trade.

03-30-2006, 06:15 AM
As in NAFTA. One thing stands out from the presidentail elections when that little man with the big ears (not GW) from Texas was running. He said if NAFTA was passed we would hear "the giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the country". Mr Perot was right on the mark with that one.


03-30-2006, 08:52 PM
As in NAFTA. One thing stands out from the presidentail elections when that little man with the big ears (not GW) from Texas was running. He said if NAFTA was passed we would hear "the giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the country". Mr Perot was right on the mark with that one.

That damn sucking sound has never left, alot of corporations such as whirlpool and wal mart are already starting to move down south and closing plants and stores here in the states. Course if NAFTA gets passed then it's gonna be 100 times worse then what it is now

03-30-2006, 09:38 PM
If NAFTA gets passed? I thought it already was...

I got a better way to destroy America...

Make the schools teach the Religion of Darwinism. Which promotes the theory of evolution to fact status and demotes the notion of God to myth status. That way America can be done with the notion that we are responsible for our actions, cause after all we are a product of our enviorment, and survival of the fittest prevails... then because there are no eternal consequences to our actions, we will be free to express ourselves in any sexual, physical, or political manor we see fit. And if it is not the fittest of endeavers we pursue, then the precepts of Darwinism will correct, and if anyone gets hurt, or killed in the process... well, that is just the nature of Darwinism... no big deal...

03-31-2006, 06:31 AM
passed 10 yrs ago. Lets open this can and see what crawls out. Remember Ms. Elders.(what an idiot) and her solution for sex education and welfare babies. My question, Who was supposed to teach this to the kids :confused: ? Hell we have enough problems in schools already!!!!
Oh wait, maybe thats what those women teachers screwing the kids have been teaching.

03-31-2006, 11:20 AM
lets just go back to how things were approx 30-40 years ago when neighbors were willing to help neighbors.not lets see who can screw who out of what.I happen to be a friendless s.o.b. got to where I dont trust a damn sole!! if we think back nafta was & is the worst thing we as a free country could have done.its like paying taxes its against your constitutional rights to change it we need to stand as a people(boston tea party) over throw the blood suckers. we working stiffs will and do feel the blunt of it all.as far as what I think when goverment took moms out of the house and replaced her with violent video games & cartoons we as a country went to HELL!!! :mad:

04-23-2006, 11:09 PM
I believe... we are trying to trying to get you to understand that what ever religion it is that you believe in, it ain't the only one...


...the only way is to have FAITH in the LORD! All Christians that fall in the pail of orthodoxy; Dirtdobber, believe the things I am telling you.. This includes Babtists, Catholics, Lutherans, etc. It seems to me, that you are agreeing with me dirtdobber, that the only way to heaven is thru faith in Jesus Christ... But I am not sure... If this is true, then you disagree with Swamp, because you believe there is only one way... Jesus Christ...

... The reason I push this question, is because as you have seen... your buddy Swamp here does not believe that the only way to Heaven is thru Jesus Christ.

From what I can gather, Swamp believes that all the following religions... Hindu, Buddist, Islamic, Morman, etc. all call the same person god... and no matter which one of these religions you belong to... you are ok.

Swamp would have us believe that Budda is our Lord and our Savior, just as Allah or Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior... Swamp would have you believe that the only differance between them is, that there is not really a differance all because all the cultures have the same god but differant stories about him...

...AS LONG AS WE ALL BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD, OUR SAVIOR, WHERE IS YOUR PROBLEM?...:p Dirtdobber, Since you did not tell us who your god is in this statement, this statement could be true for all of Swamps gods, who he claims are really not differant gods but one,

Swamp one of the ten commandments says "remember the Sabath and keep it Holy"... do you really believe in that one... or are you just joshing us?

04-24-2006, 04:45 PM
Most of the Mexicans are catholics,so wouldnt these god fearing people make our country stronger,and safer?This country was built by immagrants that believed in all different religions,they also were happy to assimalate.Its defini tly the far left that has messed up this country,with there politicly correctness,and there sensativity B.S.If people dont want to come here to be hard working english speaking AMERICANS! then they should not be in this country period.

04-24-2006, 11:32 PM
This country was built by immagrants that believed in all different religions,they also were happy to assimalate.Its definitly the far left that has messed up this country,with their politicly correctness,and there sensativity B.S.If people dont want to come here to be hard working english speaking AMERICANS! then they should not be in this country period. This country was built by legal immagrants... I stress the word legal... But, currently this country is being built by illegal immagrants... And this country was built on the moral fiber of Christians... Not all religions as you state. But, I concur it is the far left who want to strip this country of it's Christian history,roots,and moorings...

04-28-2006, 09:50 PM
Check out how many fought died and gave all they had in 1776 that was Jewish...You spout your crap like Jerry Farewell. Learn before you open your ignorant cracker mouth. Ummm Batts... There was a Jewish soldier who died in the 1776 war... His name was Francis Salvador. One Jewish Soldier Batts... That being said, the Judeo/Christian God is one and the same...

04-30-2006, 09:19 AM
Check out how many fought died and gave all they had in 1776 that was Jewish...You spout your crap like Jerry Farewell. Learn before you open your ignorant cracker mouth.Swamp, Batts tirade on the Revolution was in response to your question about my statement about the Judeo/Christian God being one and the same... Batts called me an idiot for not knowing my history... I am sorry, I don't want to put words in Batts mouth... he needs no help from me... Batts called me an Ignorant Cracker...
.... After I pointed out to Mr. Batts that only one Jew died in the revolution, rather than eat Batts turds, he thought maybe could bury his lack of knowledge by cutting a pasting a ten page history lesson for us...

In reguard to your history lesson Mr. Batts,
...It is my suspicion that the Jews who came to America came to profit from this resource... It would not suprise me a bit if the Jews at St. Eustatius were selling arms to both sides of the war, hedging their bets. If it was as this history Batts shared with us, I believe the British would have wiped out the Jews at St. Eustatius and been done with them, but that was not the case... It is pure conjecture on my part, but I suspect the Jews at St. Eustatius were roughed up for double crossing the British by profitering on both sides of the fence. A fella by the name of Rodney was in charge of grabbing the arms at St. Eustatius..He found such a treasure trove of wealth there that he commited a portion of his fleet to carry it back home... in spite of the fact that Cornwallis was waiting for his support

04-30-2006, 01:24 PM
Isn’t there legisture in the works to impose large fines to employers for hiring illegials knowingly or unknowingly, I thought I heard something about that?….

Instead of complaining about the problem of the illegal why doesn’t anyone talk about why they are here to begin with. They came to “America The Land Of Opportunity” and actually did something. Would you go work the fields, or in the food processing plants? Hell no, not as a nation we wouldn’t.

Everyone says America is broken, I think its working just fine. The Hispanics came to America, did the “ass bustin” work that the general population wont do, learned how to work the system, had kids, used the social services available to them, then educated their kids in the public schools, and now as their “class” is beginning to become educated and is beginning to take the “good” jobs from “deserving” lazy Americans. I think America on the opportunity level is working fine, its still about fending for yourself and working harder then the next guy.

There is a reason that Hispanics are taking the “Good” jobs from Americans and its because they want them. Think about it, they wouldn’t have the job if they didn’t apply, if they didn’t do a good job they would keep the position, then they get a promotion to Management, and they naturally show a preference to they own race, their language is second nature to them so naturally they speak it at work, so slowly they begin “take over” America

We need everyone here in the US, because like it or not everyone has a place in society (class). Everyone has an opportunity to change their class if they are willing to do what is necessary. I don’t think closing the border completely is the answer and I doubt it would ever happen. I do think there should be ONE LANGUAGE is AMERICA and it should be ENGLISH.

We got a major problem in the US indeed, however I don’t think that it starts and stops with Mexico. We have some serious issues with our own poplation that need to be addressed as well. Lazy, Fat, Americans, funny that’s how the rest of the world views us, And our response to that is “fuck you where gonna close our border then!”……….ya that will work for about a week, until we run out of lettuce. Then the borders will be open again and we will go on complaining about the same superficial morals and ideals instead of trying to fix the real problems

I need a hug…….

04-30-2006, 09:16 PM
They are not taking jobs Americans don't want encode... They took my job... The Power Company here can not hire illegals... But the power company don't control who the contractors hire... so the power company is getting rid of its work force and replacing them with labor that works for a third of what Light Company hands work for...contractors... There are now crews were I work that go out with more illegals than legals... The Mexicans are slave labor... They work for a slaves wages because the alternative is starving in Mexico... The question, is ... Why are they starving in Mexico? Answer... The Mexican constitution, unlike the American Constituion, is not built upon Judeo/Christian morals. Mexicans have no God given rights... they only have rights given to them by the State... which rights the State has the right to recind...

05-02-2006, 02:12 AM
Yeah, I'll give ya a hug. It's called a choke hold...

I'll just say one thing more to your wonderful post man.

Deal and talk to me about that.

AND...What's your take on the new..."American Anthem"...in Spanish.

What? Are you a mexican?
You're sure standin up for all the ILLEAGLE workers that are suckin from America.

There was a Mexican protest in a town close to where I live today and the stupid bastards were chanting in Spanish, holding banners written in Spanish, and the Mexican flags being flown outnumbered the American Flag 3 to 1. Dumb bastards, they want the support of the American people? I think they were protesting the Presidents policy on immigration, but what do I know I couldn’t understand I damn word they were saying.

As for being a Mexican, I am as White as rice, the difference between me and you is that I can see the other side of the issue and ask the interesting question: why. Why do we have this problem to begin with, and more importantly how can we solve the problem without creating more hate and racial tension.

If you want to rip me apart for my stance on the subject fine. Just know that I agree with the subject of your 1st post but think your missing the point of the whole topic:
We got a major problem in the US indeed, however I don’t think that it starts and stops with Mexico. We have some serious issues with our own population that need to be addressed as well. Lazy, Fat, Americans, funny that’s how the rest of the world views us, And our response to that is “fuck you where gonna close our border then!”……….ya that will work for about a week, until we run out of lettuce. Then the borders will be open again and we will go on complaining about the same superficial morals and ideals instead of trying to fix the real problems

Keep complaining about the "Illeagles", or better yet why don't you explain what YOU think should be done about the problem.

05-02-2006, 05:39 AM
The only thing you showed was your true anti simatic stance against any belief than your own REDNECK CRACKER. Do ya reckon you suffer lightly any belief but your own Mr. Batts?
Originally Posted by CenterPointEX This country was built by legal immagrants... I stress the word legal... But, currently this country is being built by illegal immagrants... And this country was built on the moral fiber of Christians... Not all religions as you state. But, I concur it is the far left who want to strip this country of it's Christian history,roots,and moorings...
Check out how many fought died and gave all they had in 1776 that was Jewish...You spout your crap like Jerry Farewell. Learn before you open your ignorant cracker mouth.

Originally Posted by CenterPointEX Ummm Batts... There was a Jewish soldier who died in the 1776 war... His name was Francis Salvador. One Jewish Soldier Batts... That being said, the Judeo/Christian God is one and the same... Swamp, Batts tirade on the Revolution was in response to your question about my statement about the Judeo/Christian God being one and the same... Batts called me an idiot for not knowing my history... I am sorry, I don't want to put words in Batts mouth... he needs no help from me... Batts called me an Ignorant Cracker... .... After I pointed out to Mr. Batts that only one Jew died in the revolution, rather than eat Batts turds, he thought maybe could bury his lack of knowledge by cutting a pasting a ten page history lesson for us...

Yes, Swamp, I Pointed out... and it is true that there is record of only one Jewish death in the revolutionary war... Batts made the statement that I was an ignorant cracker, and told me to check out how many Jews died in the revolutionary war before I opened my mouth... Batts thought there were a lot of them... He was wrong,... but rather than say so, he cut an pasted the long history lesson to which you Swamp replied and asked,
And your POINT...is... What, Batshit? Or was that sarcasim. :-)Where'd ya get all that "historical bullshit" anyway?Who gives a F#$K. Go back and follow the thread up to this Point and just maybe you will get it Swamp? But I wouldn't put money on it...Dang Swamp... Do I gotta spall everythin out fer ya? I know it ain't right Swamp... but I jus cain't quit ya!
CP,... boy...You're just a piece of work.Go play with yourself, and believe what ya want. "After I pointed out..." And, like who the fuck are you?...

05-05-2006, 11:35 PM
The reason theyre coming here is because they live in a third world shit hole with a crooked ass two bit government that benefits from them being here.and if we had two more of these shit holes one bordering east and one bordering west the problem would be threefold.The way you solve this is by securing the borders,and if it means we have to stop nation biulding for awhile,(which bush said he wouldnt do),intil after he was elected,then thats what we have to do,I wouldnt send any illegals back,Id keep them here to do the "jobs Americans wont do" course we would have to define these specific jobs make sure every American had first dibs at them,and then the ones left over they could do,and if thier wasnt enough of these "unwanted jobs" for all the illegals Id keep whats needed and send the rest back.and when a "unwanted job"came up Id call one back.This hole things a joke commen sense says we cant afford to let this continue,we just need politicians with some balls to do something about it.

05-07-2006, 10:15 AM
I don't know how much more of this I can take... Everybody is chanting the Mantra, "They do jobs Americans won't.." This is B.S.! They are taking good Ameican jobs... I repeat myself again, again, and again...

Instead of exporting factories to exploit 'Wage Slaves".... We have found it cheaper to illegaly import those same "Wage Slaves" into the Uninted States...

These Wage Slaves are not being treated humanly, the conditions are horrible, and their pay is meager.

Their country is not built upon Judeo/Christian moral law like ours is and thus they do not care for their poor... rather they pimp them out to Americans... and everybody who benifits from their labor is guilty of greasing the hand of the Pimp... and the law enforcment that looks the other way...

But that is not what I can't take more of... I am here to say...
...........That an "Ill Eagle" is what we as a nation are
......and "ILLEGAL" is what crosses the border without papers to partake of the American Pie without paying the price of being American ... America... wake up... these folks are Sh@tting in your Cheerios... literaly... We provide no ammenities so they have to Sh@t in the field, wipe con el mano... and continue picking the strawberries you float in you Cheerios...

There is no "A" in illegal... the Pun in IllEagle was making me nuts... like I ain't already....

05-07-2006, 11:15 AM
was making me nuts... like I ain't already....

You said a mouthful there bud!

05-09-2006, 03:34 PM
I grinned ear to ear when I tossed ya that softball...

07-27-2007, 04:47 PM
swamprat,right on the money,read my post under whats the story here.