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bad attitude
05-03-2006, 06:13 PM
Sounds like you have been around a lot longer than me. Are you a foreman? If you are when was the last time your feet left the ground.

05-04-2006, 04:47 AM
in management .And as a matter of fact I did climb a distribition pole Mon. I didnt have to. It has been a while since Ive been up a transmission structure or steel pole.The co. now contracts all transmission out,but rest assured if we did I would be the first to volunteer. I consider it a big loss for the younger guys that wont have the chance to change out bells on a 230 off the steel hot or work 500 hot off a ladder. Or walk out mid span on bundled conductors and put armour rods on.Thier loss to never get called out and spend all night up on the steel and watch the sun come up 200 ft up above the the swamps .But Im not gonna call em a sissy or wimp its just the way it is nowadays.I am a journeyman 1st class. My job now mostly consist of passing on what I know to the apes and grunts and making sure everyone goes home at knock off time.Ive been going in and out the same gates for almost 28 years and wouldn't want to do anything else.Thats my story and Im stickin to it.


05-04-2006, 09:01 PM
your still gay and you want some true white bluded american MEN to talk to you? it wont take long and youll be blacked balled instead of black assed from the slappen your husband gives you punk.

05-07-2006, 08:49 AM
posted a reply! whats the matter ? Can't talk to real linemen? My bet says you probably cant build a wye - delta closed xfmer bank. Or find and repair URD faults. Ever go out after a storm and trouble shot on distribution or is transmission all you have ever done ? Well , Im waiting ??? :cool:


05-08-2006, 12:57 PM
dirt, koga,

Why even bother responding to or tryin to get someone as to the likes of bad attitude to respond back. he's not going to and you know it, why let him draw you down? All he is just a punk kid tryin to get his kicks on a lineman web site and see if he can knock a few senior members around. He's not worth the ground you walk on and you know it just as well as I. Top keep the advice coming, haven't found anything bad about it yet.

05-08-2006, 02:49 PM
dirt, koga,

Why even bother responding to or tryin to get someone as to the likes of bad attitude to respond back. he's not going to and you know it, why let him draw you down? All he is just a punk kid tryin to get his kicks on a lineman web site and see if he can knock a few senior members around. He's not worth the ground you walk on and you know it just as well as I. Top keep the advice coming, haven't found anything bad about it yet.

Very well put! And I also second that about T-groove!

05-11-2006, 10:14 PM
Bad attitude,

you remind me of my irish cousin. His name was Douche McBaggins

05-15-2006, 12:39 AM
Another new hammer knocker with a bad attitude? Oh really??? Imagine that!

What? You ole coots didn't have ATTITUDES coming into this line of work??? Really? Heh. ;-)

Reminds me of a few discipline stories this year. I think I can pick those "bad attitudes" from a mile away anymore. I figure those are the ones that will have problems keeping a job. Matter of fact, I'd be rich in no time flat if I could bet on'em.

10-06-2006, 11:57 AM
:D Surely you jest. Im the nicest person youd ever want to meet. :cool:


10-07-2006, 01:08 PM
Hey Bad Attitude? Was that you I saw going into a gay club dressed as a lineman with a YMCA shirt on? I hate to point it out, but your spikes were on the wrong feet. That's why they scratched the door frame when you walked in.

10-09-2006, 05:42 AM
just out of curiosity there olive,what the heck was ya doin near a gay bar anyhow?? lmao :D

10-09-2006, 07:18 PM
Olive! Why is it that only Americans mix Clive and Olive up. :)

Gee Popeye, I was the doorman.

10-10-2006, 07:28 AM
posted a reply! whats the matter ? Can't talk to real linemen? My bet says you probably cant build a wye - delta closed xfmer bank. Or find and repair URD faults. Ever go out after a storm and trouble shot on distribution or is transmission all you have ever done ? Well , Im waiting ??? :cool:

What does URD stand for ?

10-10-2006, 08:06 AM
underground distribution

10-10-2006, 11:40 AM
Technically it stands for Underground Rural Distribution. Another words components designed for direct bury, radial feed systems.

10-10-2006, 02:55 PM
Technically it stands for Underground Rural Distribution. Another words components designed for direct bury, radial feed systems.

Underground residential distribution

10-10-2006, 03:58 PM
Underground Rural Distribution

10-10-2006, 04:11 PM
Rural, I don't think so,


Underground Residential Distribution it is.

Line Cowboy
10-10-2006, 04:14 PM
hey KOGA what started this fued anyway topgrove is a good man as far as i know. there are more good than bad here B.A. and i;d like to keep it that way thank you sir

10-10-2006, 04:16 PM
Rural areas (also referred to as "the country", countryside) are sparsely settled places away from the influence of large cities. Such areas are distinct from more intensively settled urban and suburban areas, and also from unsettled lands such as outback or wilderness. People in rural areas live in towns, villages, on farms and in other isolated houses.


10-10-2006, 05:35 PM
Olive! Why is it that only Americans mix Clive and Olive up. :)

Gee Popeye, I was the doorman.
guess next time i better put my readin glasses on when i start tryin to address someone on here. Besides that it's just the american way to get something started up :D You'd be surprised how many get my name screwed up on the internet....lol

10-11-2006, 01:14 AM
Rural, I don't think so,


Underground Residential Distribution it is.

Friends ,
I will play safe. If some senior asks me I'll say it is underground residential distribution. If he has some doubts then I'll say it also stands for Underground Rural Distribution. Somehow I feel it should be Underground Residential Distribution for in densely populated residential areas the distribution network is underground, whereas the rural feeders are usually Overhead.


10-12-2006, 06:44 AM
hey KOGA what started this fued anyway topgrove is a good man as far as i know. there are more good than bad here B.A. and i;d like to keep it that way thank you sir

Well a while back BA left a messege something to the effect Transmission linemen have the biggest balls and if you aint on transmission you aint shit. While I have worked on transmission for a good many of my 28 years ,We dont do it anymore. That maybe subject to change at anytime .But my point is I aint going to have some punk kid come on here and run his mouth about not being a real lineman when he aint got a clue.My money says at 51 years old I can send his cryin ass packin in any area of linework. Respect for all brothers thats all.


10-14-2006, 02:06 AM
Amen, bro.

I reguard a true journeyman lineman as someone who can work transmission or distribution.

Before all my distribution bros start in on me, let me qualify: If you are a crack distibution lineman, you can pick up transmission pretty easy. It's mainly rigging.

However, it is a much more difficult transition to go from a 6 ton coffin hoist to moving hot secondary.

Common sense prevails.

Unless Bad attitude would like to explain phase rotation or tell me all about an open neutral, best he maintain his silence....

10-14-2006, 05:38 PM
I used to bounce back and forth between tranny and distribution.......................now I am older and hurt more so I'll finish out on the little wire..........but I hear you...........1 time when I came back to distribution after running up and down the big poles (in my 20's then young and stupid) I come close to burning down some secondaries by climbing this way and had to re-adjust according to framing and wire.......I thought I was tearing it up until I seen the secondaries rocking and rolling.................LOL..........a well rounded lineman can do both and not stand there looking at it trying to figure it out on the ground !!!

Line Cowboy
10-14-2006, 10:09 PM
I am forced to agree with the Journeymen. In my 50 or so poats i have only managed to step in it one time and realized the error in my ways Quickly. B.O. sorry i meant B.A. you'd be smart to shutup hell you'd probably learn somthin.