View Full Version : Rant

05-13-2006, 04:43 PM
I am new to this forum as far as contributing, but I have read the posts for a while... I am not a lineman (or a man, for that matter ;) ), but I have worked for an electric utility for 19 years in many capacities... that being said...
my point for posting...

I work for National Grid in upstate New York. I have hated them from the moment they took over Niagara Mohawk. Their lack of concern over their employees safety and well being as well as their lack of concern over customer satisfaction and system reliability is enough to make you puke--even before you find out the billions of dollars in profits the company makes.

Our last contract seems to be one that put a silver bullet into the heart of our union by freely allowing contractors to take over most of our work. Similar to how I know no one who actually voted for Bush (yet he won anyway), I know of no one who actually voted for this last contract (but, I also have to say that there weren't that many who actually read and understood fully the changes that were being voted on, either).... Now I am watching a mass exodus of our aging workforce, and those of us who still have many years before we can even think of retiring are left holding this nasty bag of sh*t that the Greed is handing us-- we are being set up to fail miserably, and that's exactly what we are doing... :mad:

We do not have enough resources available to properly do our jobs... I am a trainee in my dept, and I do not get trained, I get work that a clerk should be doing-- the others in my department have to share vehicles (while the contractors doing our jobs each get their own rental vehicle)... We have to field the complaints about the jobs that the contractors have messed up on, and then fix their work (and not get credit for it)..... we watch as UNION retirees come back as "consultants" and do the jobs our union bros and sis did, and should be doing-- and these jerks are getting paid three times what any of us get paid--I guess I can't blame them, because if they didn't do it, someone else would, but still... they should be supporting the Union....

The lastest slap in the face from the company is that they got fined for poor customer service from the Public Service Commission... One might think that we, as employees, could breath a sigh of relief that finally someone is telling Greed to take care of the business of taking care of their customers... but, no... listen to this... the EMPLOYEES have been told that we are not to speak disparagingly of the company under any circumstances... meaning that when a customer happens to meet up with one of the few remaining faces that actually represent the company in public and attempts to bombard us with their complaints that they haven't been able to resolve satisfactorily over the telephone (which is ALL OF THEM), we will face discipline if we direct them to voice their complaint to the PSC... this company has said that we could face termination if we tell customers that the reason that their work isn't getting done in a timely manner is because we don't have the man power, because the company will not invest the money in maintenance, because the company is not interested in providing customer service... meaning that we are not allowed to TELL THE TRUTH or give the customer a viable alternative to go with their complaint (because I know I can't solve their problems).... I am sickened by this and it gets worse every day...

National Grid is a NON AMERICAN company who is buying up a significant portion of America's electric and natural gas infrastructure... WHY ISN"T THE GOVERNMENT CHALLENGING THIS, MUCH LIKE THE PORT DEALS??? Why is an foreign owned company being allowed to roll all over American workers and consumers like this, and barely a whisper when they continue to buy up more and more???? :eek:

Just needed to rant....
thanks for listening!!

05-13-2006, 07:15 PM
National Grid is a NON AMERICAN company who is buying up a significant portion of America's electric and natural gas infrastructure... WHY ISN"T THE GOVERNMENT CHALLENGING THIS, MUCH LIKE THE PORT DEALS??? Why is an foreign owned company being allowed to roll all over American workers and consumers like this, and barely a whisper when they continue to buy up more and more???? :eek:

Here in Scotland most of our oil fields are owned by American companies and we are charged some of the highest prices in the world for our fuel.

How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?

05-13-2006, 08:53 PM
my ass we owe more money to japan and the chinese that this is not america home of the free its owned by others thanks to our so called goverment. I for 1 believe if our gov. asked us as citizens this is what it would take to get us back to where we should be we would stand up as long as we were not lied to again.

Lizzy Borden
05-14-2006, 12:26 AM
Our company just let go of all the contractors. Forced our lineman into 4 10 hour days consisting of Sun-Weds or Weds-Sat 10AM to 8PM. Leaves a lot of time for their families. There is no customer service........moral....a thing of the past. The lineman are told now that they will do everything, circuit upgrades, reconductoring and normal line work- URD's, line exts, 3phs ect. No planned outages. Tough luck on the customers. They cut the throats of the contractors yet again..........yet they all come right back for a storm.

What really cracks me up is we have about 14 lineman for 26 townships. Backlog......who ever screams the loudest gets electric...EVENTUALLY. The company seems to be able to lie their way out of everything with the board of public utilities. Thats a big political joke also. The company can just make up a story and the judge is so confused they get away with it. It would be like asking the lineman to build the next rocket ship and when it blows blame it on a bad gasket.

I cant even call them a "suit running the company".....its more like a circle jerk in a monkey suit.

Quality of work is gone, budget rules, makes you wonder when will it ever end. I cant believe they can run a utility like this. Sprint was putting us to shame on pole sets........oops I forgot they have contractors too setting all their poles. They got bought out and are now called Embark...great name wonder who thought that up. Their new logo looks like a Stealth that was used for a door stop.

Oh.......my power was out again tonight. I can call the 800# and get a rent a rep. who I hope speaks english and doesnt tell me to keep checking my breakers.................augghhhh.

05-15-2006, 12:10 AM
.........but, I'm thinking of NotGreedy's username. Interesting....especially when you live in the land of the greedy.

I KNOW! Sorry............you guys rant on! :D

05-26-2006, 04:17 PM
Something funny is in the water... America is sitting idley by while our Power Infrastructure is being stolen from under our noses... We who work in the industry understand what is happening... America does not have a clue... Deregulation has allowed Money Brokers to come in and strip the infrastructure and then walk away with bags of money... The question is how do we start a grass roots effort to stop this before it is too late... Already a lot of dammage has been done.

05-26-2006, 10:52 PM
Nuke Glasgow

05-26-2006, 10:53 PM

05-27-2006, 01:52 AM
Apples is a fruit!

(okay, but I'm up really late. Huh? Okay, I was bored and had nothing else to post. Will that work?)

Yes, and Apples is still a fruit. Heh.