View Full Version : Cross Training

05-21-2006, 10:45 PM
Has Anyone Out There Have There Co. Start Cross Training Ex.
Take A Jy Lineman Off A Crew And Put Him In Service/trbl-shot.
Make That Serv/trbl-shot Go In His Place?or Go To Field Staking Or
Dispatching Etc. They Said It Is To Better Everone In They Co.
If You'll Have Done This What Was The Out Come Please Give The
Good Or Bad.

05-22-2006, 05:37 AM
Many many moons ago. It makes a good journyman lineman. It pays to take all the trainning and experience you can get.


05-22-2006, 03:41 PM
That’s not cross training. That’s TRAINING.

Glad to see companies are still interested in rounding out a Jm Lineman instead of “specialising” their linemen. Good for the trade.

05-23-2006, 12:37 AM
ya its good to a point ,,,,but then they want to shove a broom up your ass so you can sweep the floor as you go,,,,,,,,scammy

05-23-2006, 07:37 AM
Yes ours did cross training, they trained the meter readers to do connect disconnnects, took the work away from the servicemen, then they hired contractors to do all the locates, all pole testing was given to Osmose, (which do a pretty good job). But they have never trained a journeyman to do any other work. We are expected to be able to do all the trouble shooters/servicemens work and fill in when needed.

05-23-2006, 03:57 PM
the problem with that is the training,,,,,,meter readers are put at risk swaping meters ,,,,,,,you guys have seen them explode? espesially 277 /480 not too fair for them! scammy

05-24-2006, 07:28 PM
Teaching lineman to troubleshoot can be hard to do when they spend most of their time on a crew. Ours are suppose to spend 2 weeks riding with a serviceman but doesnt always work very well. But they get some locating, single phase meters and some trouble shooting, but thats not enough time to see much.
In no way should meter readers ever be doing anything but read meters. MEC does have a job that they call a meter utility person, but they are in the bigger service centers and get alot of extra training. They also only work with single phase.

05-26-2006, 11:23 AM
Sounds more like frustration than anything. Thanks though you did make me feel alittle better about where I work.
You sound like you've proubly said this GOOD JOB BUT NOW ITS BECOME A SHIT COMPANY.
Work safe and go home