View Full Version : Has your family seen you work?

06-04-2006, 08:57 PM
DBrown had me wondering if any of your family seen you work on a job? I don't know. I'm from a small town and it's kinda hard to miss linemen working on a job. And it's hard not to KNOW the linemen up in the bucket either. Being from a small town, you tend to know everyone. I'm sure it's different in bigger areas though.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I don't know of any folks that go screaming or yelling up to a lineman that is on a line to distract him in anyway. Now that DBrown started his thread, now I wonder if folks are distracting linemen up on the job. That's a scarey thought to me.

But now I am curious, has any of your family seen you work on the job?

06-04-2006, 10:30 PM
I'm from a small town also and the family has seen me at work
we don't get to many people trying to distract us at work
Have taken my dad on outage call before.that was fun had to explain everything to him gave him an idea what I do

06-04-2006, 10:42 PM
Sure they've seen me working. Lots of times. The point I'm getting at Tracy is that they don't wander around on the job and impede the work progress or cause any awkwardness, such as pretty free cursing by the hands sometimes or pissing behind the bin doors or such. I have seen a few family members do and witness these sort of things on occasion and it sorta causes a feeling of discomfort. A line crew is sometimes not a place for your 12 year old daughter to spend her day. Maybe a few minutes to see Dad at work is natural but don't hang around for hours. dbrown20

06-04-2006, 11:01 PM
I agree Danny. I'm agreeing with you. And I never wanted my kids in the office with me. It's not professional. Sure, my kids came in the office at times, because we were in the same school. But there is a time and place and my kids were not allowed to stay in my office during office hours. So, I really understand what you mean.

But, my kids were witness to what I did do for a living. I think that is why neither of them wanted to go into education! :D

06-05-2006, 01:02 AM
My wife and son have seen me working on many different jobs. Only visiting for a few minutes, never to stay too long.

On the other situation, I worked with a guy once who liked to yell down from the bucket to by-passers. We were sleeved up elbow deep in the 16kv when I hear this yelling and screaming. I turn around to see the other lineman in the bucket with me yelling down to our inspector to say "HI". I boomed the bucket down out of the primary, turned to him and punched him in the mouth. I had two options, get fired or quit. I drug ass. :D

LMAO!!! OMG!!! That is hillarious Tramp! :D

Tell me..........now that I have your attention, what kinda truck do you drive? I know, but in your signature you have, "I don't smoke, but my truck does!" I gotta know!!! :D

06-05-2006, 06:04 AM
LOL!!!! Hehehe............no, I see all that! Just tell me what color to look for in my rearview mirror and I'd gladly get outta your way Tramp! :D

06-05-2006, 06:07 AM
Oh and Tramp, post some pics in Political and BS of that bad boy, will ya? I'm sure all the guys would love to see it! And I'm sure they would move outta your way also!!! :D

06-05-2006, 11:24 AM
Couple of years ago we had 17 poles go down in a wind storm on a busy road. So a course the tv station sent people out to film. Everytime I saw the news crew show up I would go to the other end of the job. My boss called me and said that if he saw one more news interview without me in it it would be my ass. So the next time the news crew comes out they are looking for me. Well the guy tells me this interview is going to be going out live. Well when I get nervous my southern drawl comes on real strong. I had no sooner finished the interview when my phone rang.... it was my wife, kids and neighbors horse laughing me. the most common comment was "what a redneck cracker you are". needless to say now when I see a camera it don't see me.

06-05-2006, 07:31 PM
DBrown had me wondering if any of your family seen you work on a job? I don't know. I'm from a small town and it's kinda hard to miss linemen working on a job. And it's hard not to KNOW the linemen up in the bucket either. Being from a small town, you tend to know everyone. I'm sure it's different in bigger areas though.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I don't know of any folks that go screaming or yelling up to a lineman that is on a line to distract him in anyway. Now that DBrown started his thread, now I wonder if folks are distracting linemen up on the job. That's a scarey thought to me.

But now I am curious, has any of your family seen you work on the job?


06-05-2006, 09:06 PM
Couple of years ago we had 17 poles go down in a wind storm on a busy road. So a course the tv station sent people out to film. Everytime I saw the news crew show up I would go to the other end of the job. My boss called me and said that if he saw one more news interview without me in it it would be my ass. So the next time the news crew comes out they are looking for me. Well the guy tells me this interview is going to be going out live. Well when I get nervous my southern drawl comes on real strong. I had no sooner finished the interview when my phone rang.... it was my wife, kids and neighbors horse laughing me. the most common comment was "what a redneck cracker you are". needless to say now when I see a camera it don't see me.

That would probably be me also Harley. However, Swamp says I don't sound THAT bad. I think he is just being polite though! LOL! I know, but even Swamp can be polite. Heh. But, when I listen to my answering machine recording...........ULGH......it's horrible!!!

06-05-2006, 09:09 PM

Ten four Labor. I'd ask some questions, but I'm too scared.

06-05-2006, 09:11 PM
LA, nice ride, it's gotta be better than the Jeep......

Thanks BH. I'm beginning to like it better and better. Even the dark color is growing on me! :D

old lineman
06-05-2006, 09:23 PM
That would probably be me also Harley. However, Swamp says I don't sound THAT bad. I think he is just being polite though! LOL! I know, but even Swamp can be polite. Heh. But, when I listen to my answering machine recording...........ULGH......it's horrible!!!

I'm curious lostart. Have you ever met a friend of mine, Steve Driscoll.
He works for Hydro Ottawa.
He does pencil drawings of linemen and linework.
He took his work to the Lineman's Rodeo and was sold out almost before it got going.
The Old Lineman

06-05-2006, 10:27 PM
I'm curious lostart. Have you ever met a friend of mine, Steve Driscoll.
He works for Hydro Ottawa.
He does pencil drawings of linemen and linework.
He took his work to the Lineman's Rodeo and was sold out almost before it got going.
The Old Lineman

No, not personally OL. I have emailed him before though. I much doubt he would remember me. :D It's been a few years back now.

However, I like his work. He is very talented and what really shows is that he KNOWS his subject. I think that is why some artists are so successful; knowing their subject. And since Mr. Driscoll is so familiar with his subject, it actually has a life of it's own. What I mean is, his heart is in his work and subject.

Same goes for me, if my heart isn't in it or the subject doesn't mean alot to me, it just looks like a drawing.

I'm glad he is doing so well OL. Does he sell his originals or does he have prints made?

old lineman
06-06-2006, 08:05 PM
No, not personally OL. I have emailed him before though. I much doubt he would remember me. :D It's been a few years back now.

However, I like his work. He is very talented and what really shows is that he KNOWS his subject. I think that is why some artists are so successful; knowing their subject. And since Mr. Driscoll is so familiar with his subject, it actually has a life of it's own. What I mean is, his heart is in his work and subject.

Same goes for me, if my heart isn't in it or the subject doesn't mean alot to me, it just looks like a drawing.

I'm glad he is doing so well OL. Does he sell his originals or does he have prints made?

I have several of his numbered prints. There was a time that you could commision him to do one that you liked but it's like everything else, time is money and he has to be more efficient than that.
It's interesting that you say you really have to have your heart in your art or you won't do a good job. I hope you don't think that just artists have to have their heart in their work.
Have a look at the posts on this site.
You can tell the linemen who have a passion for their work. Along with the passion goes pride, an interest in young tradesmen, those who get injured and so on.
I believe some just like to rattle those who make intelligent comments to get a rise out of those posting. They have no interest in contributing.
Unfortunately every trade has them.
Luckly we still have a lot of linemen who have their heart and soul in the trade.
Thanks for your interesting posts.
The Old Lineman

06-06-2006, 09:45 PM
I have several of his numbered prints. There was a time that you could commision him to do one that you liked but it's like everything else, time is money and he has to be more efficient than that.
It's interesting that you say you really have to have your heart in your art or you won't do a good job. I hope you don't think that just artists have to have their heart in their work.
Have a look at the posts on this site.
You can tell the linemen who have a passion for their work. Along with the passion goes pride, an interest in young tradesmen, those who get injured and so on.
I believe some just like to rattle those who make intelligent comments to get a rise out of those posting. They have no interest in contributing.
Unfortunately every trade has them.
Luckly we still have a lot of linemen who have their heart and soul in the trade.
Thanks for your interesting posts.
The Old Lineman

Do I rattle that bad OL??? :D Heh.

What a wonderful......and truthful post OL. You have hit that dead center buddy. I so enjoy reading these threads you guys write. I will admit that I contribute more to the BS forum than most of them, but I do read all of them at times. I especially like to keep up with what is new or that is being talked about. DBrown's posts are most definitely thought provoking at times. But when you all get too indepth(which only means you have LOST me) I tend to move to the next one. :D But, I love the humor here. That is one thing that the boss does have as a lineman, a good sense of humor. Plus he married me! He better have some! LOL!

Now that the boss is a general foreman, I don't hear much about the linework. At least not recently. Oh, he is doing it, I suppose. But, he doesn't talk about it like he use to. I guess because I've not asked him any questions lately about it!! :D I don't know.

Thank you Old Lineman for your comment about my "interesting" posts. Heh. I've been known to rattle a few cages around here myself!! :D Oh man, too funny.

But don't you worry none, I still got my humor! Heh.

BTW Old Lineman...........does Steve still work the line?

06-06-2006, 10:10 PM
Not only did I go to work with my dad on several occasions...out in the sticks in alaska... but other than fishing, or hiking, or anyother kid endeavor...going to work with dad was great. This was only during the summers... and only if it was job that the whole famdamily had a place to stay. Made friends with all the locals and their kids... grew up going to locals secret fishing spots... also hanging with lineman and their families. My mom once commented about her regret that we didn't get to grow-up in a more cultured enviroment...my response was; we grew up in god's country and count many different village leaders as our friends...had more experiances than anyother kid my age...and turned out allright if I do say so myself. Flew in a helicopter at age eight on a high-line job... yeah don't see that happening now. Man that was an unforgettable summer flew quite a bit that summer.(no I wasn't in the bird during tower sets, or sockline, or crew movements) Only on evening re-fueling (camp to fuel staging area and back) also on a special occasion with just me and the pilot. Different time... different place...different people. woody

"little beaver"
06-07-2006, 10:31 AM
I went with my Dad on Trouble Calls from my earliest memories which was the early fifties. ( I went every where with my Dad like hunting, the Legion etc).
All my kids (4) and my wife use to go with me on TC's at various times. My wife more than the kids in later years.
Since my son has a business in the Oil Patch that uses digger/ derricks to install screw piling. We still work together on occassion. We will be working together on Sat. changing a 3 ph feed to a pump jack that burned down last weekend.
We have to keep that black stuff flowing so you folks down south can keep those SUV's on the road!!

old lineman
06-07-2006, 09:07 PM
Do I rattle that bad OL??? :D Heh.

What a wonderful......and truthful post OL. You have hit that dead center buddy. I so enjoy reading these threads you guys write. I will admit that I contribute more to the BS forum than most of them, but I do read all of them at times. I especially like to keep up with what is new or that is being talked about. DBrown's posts are most definitely thought provoking at times. But when you all get too indepth(which only means you have LOST me) I tend to move to the next one. :D But, I love the humor here. That is one thing that the boss does have as a lineman, a good sense of humor. Plus he married me! He better have some! LOL!

Now that the boss is a general foreman, I don't hear much about the linework. At least not recently. Oh, he is doing it, I suppose. But, he doesn't talk about it like he use to. I guess because I've not asked him any questions lately about it!! :D I don't know.

Thank you Old Lineman for your comment about my "interesting" posts. Heh. I've been known to rattle a few cages around here myself!! :D Oh man, too funny.

But don't you worry none, I still got my humor! Heh.

BTW Old Lineman...........does Steve still work the line?

I'm kinda out of the loop as they say.
I know that if he could just do art, his linemen days would be over.
It's hard to give up that steady paycheck.
As far as I know he's still at the utility but in what capacity? I don't know
The Old Lineman

06-08-2006, 09:36 AM
Woody: Now that was cool stuff! I have seen those line aerobatics, but only on tv!!! I bet that was a memory to never forget. You don't do that now, do you? I'm trying to remember if we have any guys here that do. Do we? I might have missed it.

We will be working together on Sat. changing a 3 ph feed to a pump jack that burned down last weekend.

That is cool. Is it a side job, or something your company hires on for him to do?

We have to keep that black stuff flowing so you folks down south can keep those SUV's on the road!!

LOL! They are all over the place and you would think they would fade out due to the gas prices, eh????

06-08-2006, 09:39 AM
I'm kinda out of the loop as they say.
I know that if he could just do art, his linemen days would be over.
It's hard to give up that steady paycheck.
As far as I know he's still at the utility but in what capacity? I don't know
The Old Lineman

Well, if you don't know, ask the horse himself!! :D

I have emailed Steve again OL. My email addy that I have for him might even be old and not good anymore. We will see. I've even asked him to visit us here.

mike jones
06-10-2006, 06:40 PM
Where i work in south wales in a two man doulbe bucket with a MHD its hard to have a 4th man to watch never mind the family :confused: i work as a two man team and when there's a job in an other area we have a man from there unit. the 3ed man is a hotglover D/O but the 4th man is linesman only and never works on the truck at all . it's hard when the weather is hot and on one to take over.Sometimes i can be in the bucket for 7 hour with a half hour for a meal break. and if the job runs over it can be a lot longer . when i started 7 years ago we were a 4 man team all the time so the two in the buckets could change over and have a rest. and the other two would carry on till the job was done the good day.

06-13-2006, 03:37 PM
:rolleyes: No, they only saw pieces and parts. Never sharing the whole job. My daughter has seen enough, she came out on the job a few times, saw Dad hanging off helicopter skids. The wife only saw what she seen when she flagged for a spell...............funny, that was right before we split......hmmm...................My answer would be NO, they don't see me on the job.