View Full Version : TXU Electric Delivery is now Infrastrux Energy Delivery

06-26-2006, 01:00 PM
Announced this AM TXU ED and Infrastrux combining to form Infrastrux energy delivery. Will this be good or bad jury is still out. What is the payscale and benefits?????

06-26-2006, 03:20 PM
not sure porky, time will tell, i'm sure they'll be having something coming down later on

06-27-2006, 09:27 PM
Who the Hell is infrastrux?

little D
07-03-2006, 10:49 PM
I work for a company that is owned by infastrux.I think it will be a good thing for the emploie and the comstamer :D

07-11-2006, 11:59 PM
I dont see how little d. Did you go through an apprentiship. Who do you work for now flowers, texas elec, gill? TXU hands have been keeping the lights on in thier respective service areas for over 80 years. We are now being outsourced??? What is your safety record? What type of proggression do your groundmen go through before they are working primary? Man do we feel like we have been shit upon, and I dont mean any disrespect but I do know the contractors that we have been lumped in with do not have the same training practices that I was brought up under. I am really sorry that I am not IBEW affiliated. I know the lineman that work in dallas proper are IBEW and I hope all those dudes give em hell. Send us help Big D we need representation. We are at the mercy of John C.

07-14-2006, 01:24 PM
Hate to say I told ya so, but............Man I hope all goes well for you get ahold of 69
and give em hell!!!!!

07-19-2006, 10:21 PM
They will begin to sell off assets... Service Centers that sit on valuable property will be closed and the property sold. Trucks and equipment will be sold... Any new trucks needed will be leased. They will begin to document every time you spit on the sidewalk so that when the time comes they will be able to axe senior employees... They will begin to overhire young guys that will fill the shoes of the seniors as they get fired, backstabbed, raped and run off... After the ranks begin to thin they will use leased employees i.e. contractors to fill the gaps i.e. to stand there with their fingers in the dike... and when the remenants of TXU is milked dry the depleted milk cow will be put out to pasture and left to die as the corperate raiders walk off with the proceeds... leaving the contractors standing there with their fingers in the dike while the pillaged public looks on with twenty twenty hindsight... bracing for the moment when the contractors pull thier fingers out and run... The result will be not unlike what we saw in New Orleans...

08-04-2006, 10:55 PM
how many name changes will TXU corp will go through? They never have really merged with other utilities, though have bought smaller ones out. First they were TU Electric, then TXU Electric and Gas, then Oncor, then TXU Electric Delivery, now InfrastruX Energy Delivery??? all these name changes have occured in a 10 year period. wtf, make up your damn mind already. (and to TXU guys and gals on the board, i dont mean to offend.)

08-05-2006, 03:54 PM
Ok Dallas... organize, organize, organize... It is not going to get any better... we need y'all on board...