View Full Version : does anyone know how to upload images

07-28-2006, 08:53 PM
i am trying to upload some images on a new thread but everytime i do it says that the files are to large is there anyway to do it can somone help me as i have some pics i think everyone will enjoy

Hemingray Insulators
07-28-2006, 10:05 PM
are they the pics of the crane :D ;) LOL.

07-29-2006, 02:43 AM
good guess man squizzy is the diver

07-29-2006, 10:46 AM
Yes Zapman but you did drive it in there i just slid it down the bank a little....lol

Hemingray Insulators
07-29-2006, 01:28 PM
uh oh, the truth comes out Zapman just got Zaped by our friend from oz.
oh, and by the way squizzy you had better get posting, you are only 1 post behind me lol,

Now you are two posts behind me

07-30-2006, 08:56 PM
well if we are in a posting comp im stuffed i dont want to start posting crap and get done for spamming............but anyway how do i shink the size of my pics so i can post em hemmingway you have posted pics before havnt you how do i do it

07-30-2006, 11:17 PM
I've used the demo version of Polyview to adjust image sizes. It always seems to give a nice tight file.


Failing that you could send a few inages to me and I'll shrink them down and either post them directly to the forum or pop them on my site and put a direct link to them.

Use the email address on the front page of http://www.bigclive.com

Did Squizzy sink a truck? I gotta see that. :)

The best I've managed is skidding a bucket truck sideways in a very poor attempt to mount a high kerb, then ended up pointing in an inappropriate direction on a busy junction. But hey, that's what those orange whirly lights are for. You turn 'em on and it looks like you're supposed to be blocking the traffic. :D

I did however manage to get trapped up top in a Haulotte Cherry Picker a few days ago when it suddenly decided that it wasn't happy with the gradient and load of two hefty built dudes. It completely locked out the upper control console (not even an emergency lower function!). These are very temperamental French machines!

Hemingray Insulators
07-31-2006, 12:03 AM
I've always used photobucket.com, and posted them as an image, and not an attachment, I like that better, because the pics are bigger, so you can actually see them lol.

07-31-2006, 07:31 AM
I can't find the pics the wife deleted them before I saved them! I hate that my favourite is the one with 2 of the guys pretending to hold the crane from tipping!

07-31-2006, 08:11 AM
Darn. Somebody's destroyed the evidence. ;)

(You sure they're not in your PC's wastebasket?)

07-31-2006, 08:28 AM
I have already checked, don't worry i sent them on to quite a few people and Zapman sent them on as well as he took the pics, Hemingray should have them as well we will get them on here...

Hemingray Insulators
07-31-2006, 09:00 AM
here, I'll post the pics for you.
hey squizzy, whic guy is you? I can't really see where you are if you are in the pics.




Hemingray Insulators
07-31-2006, 09:01 AM


07-31-2006, 07:45 PM
Hmm, I reckon it's Squizz in the driving seat. :)

At least you managed to laugh at the time of the incident. It's one of those moments you usually laugh about afterwards.

That's the worst thing about heavy plant. Once it starts going you've kind of lost it. You really tend to underestimate the sheer weight of all that metal on the back.

Do I guess that the guy with the beard might be the gaffer?

Hemingray Insulators
07-31-2006, 08:14 PM
it doesn't really look like him to me (the one in the driver seat, i *think* he is on the left in the picture of them trying to keep it from tipping, but they look to similar to tell for sure. hey, are the pics big enough for ya clive? lol

07-31-2006, 08:42 PM
Clives right I am the one laughing in the drivers seat! And it was after the crane stopped sliding that i was laughing :eek: You may notice that I am wearing the seat-belt as i wasn't sure if it would go that little bit extra which wouldn't have been that funny, at the time anyway....

08-02-2006, 08:03 AM
The first time it got bogged squizzy had a lady moment and i had to take the drivers seat and get it out but it wasnt bogged properly then so we did it right the second time.......squizz you might be interested to know that while you were sleeping today we bogged it again but this time we were able to get it out without having to call in a heavy vehicle recovery truck.........i have pics of the whole job i will send em to heminway and he can postem for all to enjoy

Hemingray Insulators
08-02-2006, 09:37 AM
sure, send away, but you know I can't be doing this for you much longer, I'm gaana have to start chargeing for my services :D LOL

08-03-2006, 08:11 AM
The first time it got bogged squizzy had a lady moment and i had to take the drivers seat and get it out but it wasnt bogged properly then so we did it right the second time.......squizz you might be interested to know that while you were sleeping today we bogged it again but this time we were able to get it out without having to call in a heavy vehicle recovery truck.........i have pics of the whole job i will send em to heminway and he can postem for all to enjoy

Hmm, I've been known to have a "lady moment" in the past myself. Usually when absolutely everybody else in the vicinity is shouting uhelpful and completely contradicting instructions as to how you should proceed.

My last moment was some years ago when I had just destroyed a "load bearing" manhole cover with a cherry picker while manouvering in a rather tight space and all the passers-by decided to stop and watch. I finally handed the reigns over to my colleague who then promptly drove the unit out in a direction he had previously said to avoid!

What realy bugs me is when you get a machine stuck and a passer-by suddenly decides to tell you how to get it out. The desire to tell them to f*ck off and mind their own business is high. On a plus side I think I've managed to get Cherry pickers stuck in just about every conceivable scenario, so I'm pretty good at getting them out again. To date I've never had to summon a tow. (Yet!)