View Full Version : Tool Of The Month Award Revisited

08-27-2006, 05:49 AM
Well its finally happened as you now here in australia (in our section especially )we like to reward incompetence and stupidity with a tool of the month award....firstly let me thank everyone of those bastrds for nominating me and secondly let me thatnk all the office staff for awarding me the prize ......yes thats right you read it corectly i have been awarded a tool of the month when my indiscretion was tiny compared to most all i did was bog a truck. But i will comply with the awards conditions and i will display my award proudly but look out as my eye will be in constant survelance mode to find a worthy candidate to be the next tool of the month :D

08-28-2006, 07:06 AM
Ha ha ha ha! I guess i will have to share that you as i slid it down the bank lol...

08-28-2006, 07:10 AM
Thank F*#$ my company doesnt have that award Zapman....

I told my crew the pole needed to b put in a certian location. Well i could tell you that the plans were not very clear but what is clear is that i f*##$* up.
I was 20mtrs off the mark and to make matters worse the underground contractors have now run the cable to the new poles location...... oh oo.

P.s it pays to read both overhead and underground schematics, not just overhead.. u live and learn