View Full Version : Ultimately Employees Responsibility!!!

10-13-2006, 10:39 AM
Brothers and Sisters,

Well got back from the KC Lineman’s Rodeo and thought I would share a little of what happened. A good time was had by all, got to meet some of the folks from both Line-man.com and Powerlineman.com. Great bunch of people!

While I was working one of the booths I got in to a discussion with several Safety Reps from all across the country, and was able to dispel the misconception that “ IT IS “” ALWAYS “” ULTIMATELY THE EMPLOYEES RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY “!

There are times this line of thinking is correct and there are times IT IS NOT! When a Brother has been given “ ALL “ the proper training and time in the trade. A long with the following, proper tools and safety equipment and is working under competent supervision and adequate and skilled manpower. Where bonuses and contract pressures do not effect safety, this is most likely a true and accurate statement.

Unfortunately this statement and wrongful belief is used to avoid liability and responsibility in many cases. When a Brothers has not been given “” ANYONE “” of the above listed necessities this statement IS A BOLD FACED LIE! To many times it is used solely to protect profits and to avoid accountability and liability. At the cost of justice and fair treatment to the injured Brother or the family left behind!

We “” CAN NOT “” expect those who do not have what is needed to meet the requirements of this “” ASSUMPTION “” to do the right thing, FACT!!! Nor can standby and accept the injustice to our Brothers and their families, WHEN WE KNOW THE TRUTH!!! Next time it might be “ YOU” or your Family being abused!!!

Please take a stand for you and your family as well as all those you work with! When you hear this statement made, ask yourself “” IS IT TRUE “” at your place of employment!! If it isn’t YOU CAN BET IT WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU OR YOUR BROTHERS IF A TRAGEDY HAPPENS, BANK ON IT!!! If they can claim it to be true, they can stand accountable if it isn’t!!!

10-19-2006, 03:05 PM
it all boils down to money and which management person can get the biggest bonus. If all lineman would take a stand and forget about company percentages and just do their job so that it is done safely we would not have this. Management is pushing more productivity because they are padding their own pockets at the expense of our men and their safety through the bonus's they get for production and basically cutting corners. Our lineman and foreman need to stand up to them and tell them no SAFETY FIRST, I have seen this for years with Elliott and do you thank they care about saftey heck no and even after the tragic loss of Vic things are not no better. It is time that we show them who is boss not management but the guys out there that do get it done. Like the saying goes

there is nothing that says look to management who sit on thier butts and punch numbers and does not have a clue what really goes on out there

Lnemn's Mom
10-19-2006, 03:29 PM
"The proof is in the puddin." The guys/gals are out there bustin their butts every day, through all kinds of weather, putting their lives on the line everytime they strap on the harnesses and put on their boots. They do this not only to put a roof over the heads of their families, but to make things more comfy for the rest of us. We don't see a member of management hiking up that pole, or even up in the buckets. They profit by the costs that they can cut along the way and the extra bucks they can put into bonus for their pockets. Well, until they realize that the guys who are out there working every day could make the bottom line a little thicker, if and when safety issues are addressed and something done to help prevent the tragedies that happen on an almost daily basis, until SAFETY BEFORE PRODUCTION goes from top to bottom, management had better realize that there will be loss of life and look into the mirror. What type of image do they see ........ Do they even like what they are seeing ....... They are not blameless in this chain. If they quit pushing for production, let the guys go out and do their jobs and do them safely, see that everyone who goes on that pole is properly trained and has the right equipment to do the job in a safe manner, we won't have reason to bitch about what is more important..... the lives of the young (or old) guys ..... someone's child/husband/father or that bonus they get at the end of the year. I for one would rather see the workers come home to their families each night. What we are asking for is accountability.

10-20-2006, 10:28 AM
Linemanswife98 and Lneman's Mom,

YOU GIRLS ROCK!!!! You sing it I'll bring it!!! The disgusting thing to me, is how those in NO DANGER AT ALL, reap the rewards of those who give their limbs and lives in our industry! And then force the wives and babies to fight them for justice and survival!!! BSSSSSSSSSSS!!! If they just took a percentage of their bonuses and IMMEDIADTLEY GAVE IT FREELY to the family without admitting guilt on anybodies part and without having to beg, then it would show they care as much for our Brothers and Sisters and their families as they do THEIR CEO AND THEMSELVES!!!! And every worker in this country would want to work for those that did, FACT!!!! And the need for law suites would drop dramatically, FACT!!!

10-23-2006, 01:01 PM
When are we going to take responsibility for our own actions. Let me first say that I mean NO disrespect to the men we have lost in our trade. Is every accident the fault of management? That is rediculous, we never talk about what was done wrong on a job. There is another thread on here where there is a loose cannon amoung us, WHY is he still around. If noone will work with him the company is forced to do something.

We talk about companies not training the young guys, what are WE doing to train them. We bitch about it but then lead some poor mother or wife to believe it is the fault of some one in the office. WHAT ABOUT THE MEN ON THE JOB, no blame there???

Everyone blames bonuses for infractions, it seems to me that an accident would ruin a bonus. We, dont sit there high and mighty, have ALL cut corners... then when something goes wrong we are pointing the finger at the company. I wonder if you would share the corners you cut (like you do over a beer) with the mothers and widows of our brothers who have lost their lives.

I am tired of too many of US bitching about the condition of the industry today. What are WE or YOU doing to fix the problems. Lineman are some of the baddest MOFO's around and then we complain about being pushed around be an office weenie... C'Mon dude.

It is time for US to change the face of this industry BEFORE we lose many of the veterens that keep this together.

Lnemn's Mom
10-23-2006, 01:26 PM
When are we going to take responsibility for our own actions. Let me first say that I mean NO disrespect to the men we have lost in our trade. Is every accident the fault of management? That is rediculous, we never talk about what was done wrong on a job. There is another thread on here where there is a loose cannon amoung us, WHY is he still around. If noone will work with him the company is forced to do something.

I am tired of too many of US bitching about the condition of the industry today. What are WE or YOU doing to fix the problems. Lineman are some of the baddest MOFO's around and then we complain about being pushed around be an office weenie... C'Mon dude.

It is time for US to change the face of this industry BEFORE we lose many of the veterens that keep this together.
The fault lies when these companies are having men killed right and left and not standing up to the line and saying that perhaps they need to take a stand to prevent future accidents rather than just slug their shoulders and blaming employee error. When contractors routinely underbid to get the contract and then push the men to get the job done as quickly as possible to increase their profits, well, that is what we are bitching about. The families who have lost loved ones are not asking for a handout, they are asking for these companies to come up to bat and put a stop to the unsafe practices that is costing so many losses of life. If you look at the statistics, these contractors are routinely the same ones over and over again, and their records for safety are way off the charts. As for the men standing up to the "corporate weenies" well, a lot of these guys are afraid to say anything because they know if they do, they are heading down the road and the guy they are bitching about is going to still be there collecting his check until either he is killed or kills someone who is related to corporate. Think about it. Then see where you stand. But, then again, you haven't lost a loved one apparently from an unsafe work practice or some yahoo out there who thinks he's invinceable! The companies, for the most part know of the unsafe conditions and don't do anything about it, except to use their retainer attorneys to chew down the fines which they are levied. If even a quarter of the time were spent on knowing exactly what the men faced in the field, perhaps the injury rate would decrease, and there would be no need for us who bitch so loud! I've always heard, "practice makes perfect" and if we didn't have so much to bitch about, we wouldn't be out there screaming for action.

10-23-2006, 02:16 PM
The second you start typing explaining your loss my heart drops (as well as many across the country) and I remember the pain.

YOU have every right to "bitch", and the issues you are addressing are things that WE as lineman need to fix. How do we do this, I dont know. We can start by stopping the fighting amoungst ourselves and ban together.

As far as losing someone, I have lost a very close personal friend, one other has lost BOTH arms and another has lost a hand and foot. These are guys that I fished, hunted and spent vacations with. The two that are alive will tell you their accidents were due to their own mistakes. While this is not the case every accident.

I would NEVER imply fault to anyone who has suffered a loss such as yours. I have a long time left in this industry and I have been in it for 20 years. By pointing our fingers, lineman that is, we are not actively FIXING the problem.

My point is what are we as lineman going to do. Doing nothing is not serving justice to the men and women that have lost their lives.

10-23-2006, 04:52 PM
I am telling you as a wife and a friend to all who has lost anyone they love we have all the right in the world to bitch as loud as we want we are the one's sending our men out to work for these contractors because there is nothing else for some of these men this is what they have done all their lives, but no matter what you say it is managment i know this for a fact my husband caught hell from management over percentages and wanting the jobs pushed faster because like it was said managment underbid them to begin with. Do you think for a second that this managment guys care about the fatalatys if you do then you need to contact dean or vic's mothers and talk to them there was no sympathy nor no regret, the only thing left is alot of childless mothers and fathers and alot of fatherless children, when management steps up and takes care of these people then yeah maybe some of the hurt can go away and there will not have to be bitches like us on here complaining. As for your friends that got hurt I am sorry but they still have there lives and until management steps up and quits pushing there will be more deaths, do you seriously think forman push their guys for the hell of it or cut corners for the hell of it no Shit rolls down hill and the FORMAN catch IT and and it rolls some more that is when corners are cut


10-24-2006, 10:01 AM

Your statement is so true. I want to make sure I am not being misunderstood here, I in no way implying you are "bitches".

I feel for the men that are in the situation you are explaining. I work for a company that encourages us to work safely to the point that they allow us to pass up a job that is deemed unsafe. I appreciate my situation everyday.

We need to stand up, this is getting worse everyday. If we dont, conditions cannot improve and the families are left dealing with the pain, suffering and loss of good men.

10-25-2006, 07:59 AM
Thank you Rusty we have tried every way to ask for your help but we have had to make 1 person in charge of everything and my Family is not understand with out my body my boy they are missing would have not had hom and I have no say. thank you for your help. But so true you line man out there when they tell you to go u[ a dead line with out your equipment on dont believe them PLEASE>

10-25-2006, 08:01 AM
Thank you Rusty we have tried every way to ask for your help but we have had to make 1 person in charge of everything and my Family is not understand with out my body my boy they are missing would have not had him and I have no say. thank you for your help. But so true you line man out there when they tell you to go u[ a dead line with out your equipment on dont believe them PLEASE>

Lnemn's Mom
10-25-2006, 03:10 PM
Your statement is so true. I want to make sure I am not being misunderstood here, I in no way implying you are "bitches".
No way your comment was taken as such. :) :)

10-25-2006, 06:50 PM

Brother I appreciate your comments as well as your opinion of our trade. But in many cases the world you live in and conditions you work in , ARE BUT A DREAM AND A RUMOR TO MANY OTHERS! AND FOR MANY JUST WALKING AWAY ISN'T EVEN AN OPTION, FACT! AND TO OTHERS """ THEY DON"T EVEN HAVE ENOUGH TRADE KNOWLEDGE "", TO KNOW TO WALK AWAY, FACT!!!

There ARE companies taking GREEN KIDS and NEW HIRES and getting them KILLED AND MAIMED, FACT!!! There are companies putting SKILLED peoples lives in danger trying to save the lives of, OTHERS FACT! You are 150% correct we all need to watch out for each other! But NEVER assume everybody nor their working conditions are the same, THAT IS JUST NOT TRUE!!!

And I have said MANY times there are some GOOD companies out there. At first most thought I was a threat, then when they found out my true purpose was not to go after the GOOD ONES, but rather those that ARE KILLING AND MAIMING OUR BROTHERS OUT OF GREED AND PISS POOR MANAGMENT!!! Many of the GOOD companies STARTED HELPING ME, with information and in other ways! How many OSHA AND COMPANY investigation ARE NOT FOUND TO BE "" EMPLOYEE ERRORS """???? If you get the chance go back a few pages on the safety forum and find the article I put together, By Peter Gorman it is called "" Wired for Tragedy "" !

Thanks for having the class to apologize to the all the ladies on here, THEY ARE SPECIAL! I hope you never need me, BUT IF YOU DO I’LL BE THERE, FACT!

Like I have said MANY TIMES! My biggest heartburn is the fact while these companies good and bad give their CEOs “” MILLIONS AND MILLIONS “ in “”” YEARLY BONUSES “”! They refuse to give JUST A PERCENTAGE to those who give YEARS of service and or their limbs and live or to their wives and babies left behind! NO QUESTION ASKED, NO ADMITTION OF GUILY “” ON ANYBODIES PART”” JUST DOING THE RIGHT THING!!! Not making them beg or fight for a fraction of what those who have """ NEVER """ BEEN IN DANGER GET YEARLY!!! I CALL BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-25-2006, 07:05 PM

I feel for ya'll and understand. I just hope and pray ya'll will be treated fairly and justices is served! If there is ANY DOUBT now or in the coming days, please don't hesitate to call me! Or at least KNOW I"M HERE IF YA'LL NEED ME! I hope who ever you got to help, is experienced in these types of cases and has the financial means to carry it to the end! I can't tell you how many were denied justice simply because of these two factors!

May you find the peace of mind and heart and the justice ya'll deserve!

10-25-2006, 10:18 PM
To all of you that have your children god bless you and may you keep them safe and I hope you never go thourgh what I'am I have had to move to fla to be with my family give up my home my life also so tonight when you see and hug your kids hug them and tell them you love them and that you can keep them safe. And to the one that said MORRIS when you get down out of that bucket I WILL KICK YOUR ASS what gives you the right to put your hands on my son so if bitching we never layed a hand on our son. Lets hope you don't have children because I would like to no how you would feel so if my son did not have his equipment on his because he knew what he had coming when you put your money in your pocket i hope it buys you happeness because no money in the world will give me my son's smiles ,hugs kiss or even our fights. Or his 3 daughter. one will be 2 months old this week and it will be another 4-6 weeks before she even gets any money just to live. and when you meet your maker you will have to answer see i no my son is in heaven WILL YOU BE. You no the only way to have a chace is stand up and own up my son was not even giving the chance to clear the line opps they forgot to tell him be on the the ground WHY IS THAT.

10-26-2006, 12:07 AM
Employees responsibility for their own safety - thats true to a point, but here's where that point stops. PKO do you know of anyone in the lineman profession or any other profession who would intentionally put themselves in the line of danger more than they need to, because personally I don't. Anybody who goes on a job knows the danger they face in that job, and take every step to make sure they are careful and nothing happens to them, because they have a family at home waiting for them to return. My boyfriend Vic is the DHE employee that was killed in June. Vic had two little girls - so do you honestly think he put hisself in danger anymore than necessary, because I know for a fact he was extremely cautious when it came to his job because he knew it was very dangerous. But when Vic was on a pole in the air how is it his responsiblity for his own safety when a jackass foreman doesn't do his job to make sure that the line is clear before energizing it? How simple is it to call on a radio and then do a head count to make sure you have all of your employees? That doesn't seem to hard to me. When your in the air on a pole aren't you at the mercy of your foreman hoping they are doing their job correctly so they don't put you in danger or get you killed? Well apparently these DHE foreman's weren't doing their job correctly and as a result Vic got killed. If you just take a look at DHE's court dockets on the employees they have killed you will find shocking similarities within them, a coincidence I don't think so! Is it these employees fault they were killed - HELL NO! After the first accident / death why didn't DHE pull their foremans, crews and safety people together and go over all the safety rules and practices again to make sure they were being followed and to see if anyone had any questions or concerns. Did they? Probably not - they were probably too busy covering their asses, trying to get their stories straight, telling their people not to talk or if they did to say they didn't know what happened, and calling their attorneys. In my dealings with some of these DHE foremans I personally know some (not all) of them are idiots, but seriously this isn't rocket science here guys - if you have an accident / death find out what really happened talk it over with your guys, inform them so you can take the necessary steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. If this would have been done from the start, who knows maybe Vic and some of the other people DHE has killed would be here today!

10-26-2006, 06:45 AM
Two traveling angels

Keep reading to the bottom of the page -- don't
stop at the feet (You'll see).
Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night
in the home of a wealthy family.
The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room.
Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement.
As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.
When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied,
"Things aren't always what they seem."
The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.
After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest.
When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears.
Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.
The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen?
The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused.
The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.
"Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied.
"When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I
noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall.
Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the
wall so he wouldn't find it."
"Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him
the cow instead.

Things aren't always what they seem."

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every out come
is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until some time later...
Some people ( )
come into our lives ) /
and quickly go.. (_ /

( ) Some people
\ ( become friends
\_ ) and stay awhile....

leaving beautiful Oooo
footprints on our ( )
hearts... ) /
( _/

( ) and we are
\ ( never
\_ ) quite the same
because we have
made a good

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present!

I think this is special...live and savor every moment... This is not a dress rehearsal!

(\ /)
( \ __ / )
( \()/ )

Gwen keep your faith and May God always bless you and your grandbabies
because there is a reason for everything, You know how to get ahold of me if you ever just need someone to listen

10-26-2006, 10:17 AM
Thanks Mom, for a minute there I thought I was headed down the wrong path to an ass whippen from a few ladies. Aint going there.

Rusty, I here what you are saying, all to true. I wish I could type my thoughts without offending. I would never judge a man for the job situations they are in, too many unknowns and I dont want karma to bite me in the ass. I am so thankful of the attitude my company has for safety.

I used to complain about the lack of apprentice training, I joined an apprentice training program to help with the training. When the company was rewriting the safety manual, I helped with creating a standard to work from. Now this situation, I have at least another 15 to 20 years, this are just going to keep getting worse if something doesn't change. What do WE do? It seems as if you are there when things are at their worse, thank God for you. But I would like for you to be out of that business, I know it is fairy tale, it would be great if there was not a need for your services.

Rusty,We all see how bad things have got over the last 10 - 15 - 20 years. Things are not going to get better without some changes. Do we sit back and keep letting these actions take place. Is there something we can do? I know how to deal with the "snatch and grabbers", how do we deal with unsafe practices from "above".

Lets remember our fallen brothers by resolving the situations they were put in. We cannot give the men back to their families, we can make some changes right?? I love this business too much to sit and watch someone ruin it.

Lnemn's Mom
10-26-2006, 12:14 PM
I think basically, it is up to the companies who award the contracts to check out the safety history of these companies (unless of course they want the old addage of "guilt by association" given to them). I believe if we force the safety issues, then someone along the line has to stand up and start taking notice. As Rusty has said, some of the companies, who do maintain a good safety record, are beginning to come to his aid. Most of the accidents are repeat violators. Ones who whistle to the wind when it comes to enforcing safety standards. Look back over the list of the men who have been killed or maimed, yes, occasionally you hear of some of the power companies, but for the most its the contractors (as I have said, normally the same ones again and again) who want to rush in, get the jobs done, put men in positions that they have no business, and then can't understand why everyone is bitching about safety before production. If the contractor doesn't want us to assume its business as usual with them, lets see more safety programs and training initiated, and I for one believe the number of accidents (deaths or maiming) will decrease. Bottom line, if you take the time to do something right the first time, do it in a safe manner for all concerned, the job will go much smoother, and safer. You won't have the work stoppages for accidents. There are too many young boys going out there because they are under the assumption that these companies are going to do them right, only to find out that isn't the case. Hats off to the companies that do have great safety records, we've just got to convince the offenders that its to their best interest to train the boys they are putting out there, and to make sure that they come home to their families each night.

Alan Mac
10-26-2006, 12:23 PM
Just wondering how things work in the USA. LinemansGF says about calling on the radio and doing a head count before re-energising a line. What happens over there? Do they switch the line out and tell guys to go get on with the job and come back when their done? What about safety documentation?


10-26-2006, 03:23 PM
Alan, in the U.S., there is usually a chain of events and responses that occur in order to energize and de-energize high end conductors. I may not be familiar with all procedures for the rest of us here accross the US but im sure theres some commonaility between them. Here on the east coast (PSE&G) there are numerous redundancies (did I spell that right?) that are implimented and put into effect to help avoid an incident. I'm pretty sure I can speak for most of us here as we tend to rely on governing safety practices. On our end; "blocking tags" and/or "blocking orders" as we call them CANNOT and WILL NOT be removed unless all disclosed parties are subject and in agreement. This condition is met not only from the top but right down to the foreman/lineman/grunt him/herself. There is a papertrail and Automated Computer Aided Disptach/Grid system that has to be adhered to. None the less it starts from the bottom, works it way to the top, then comes back to the bottom again, sometimes in more instances than one. Is it perfect? NO nothing is, but it helps. I heard a reference on this board some time ago from one of the old timers that stuck pretty good "Safety Starts with YOU and Safety Ends with YOU" As much as we say how much incidents can be prevented its just the same that a reflection of that has a lot to do with your TRAINING. I am a firm believer in that. Don't be afraid to open your mouth.

Also, listen to these guy's; theres a lot of good heads (and hands) out here.
Pay attention and you'll see which ones they are.

Alan Mac
10-27-2006, 03:06 AM
Mike, I couldn't agree more with the last couple of lines.
Let me give a brief overview of the system in place here in the UK. Likewise I assume a degree of commonality here too as I believe that the systems used filtered down from the British Electricity Authority, the forerunner of what is now our National Grid.

When a line is switched out for maintenance or repair a Permit-To-Work (PTW) is issued on the line detailing the line, the points of isolation and the Circuit Main Earths (CME) as well as the work to be done and it's location. At this point I'll make it clear that I work 132KV transmission and have done for nearly 20 years, most of what I write will refer to 132KV, I'll add the differences for the lower voltages.

Each working party receives a PTW, a coloured wristlet for each member of the working party (colours unique to the circuit to be worked on) and a green flag with a keyed bracket that will only fit the corresponding bracket on the correct side of the tower. The PTW is issued to me at the substation at one end of the line, I check the isolation and CME at that point and confirm the circuit colours against the wristlets and flags. This enables me to positively identify the correct circuit on site.

When the PTW is issued it is logged at our control room. The number of wristlets and flags issued is recorded on the PTW. At the end of the job when the PTW is cancelled, the wristlets and flags are counted back before the PTW is cancelled and alll must be present. It is the responsibility of the PTW holder to collect the wristlets and flags from the members of the working party and to inform them at that time that work is to cease. Basically, if you don't have a wristlet and flag you don't leave the ground.
The PTW will not be cancelled and the line switched in unless all wristlets and flags are accounted for. In the event of the loss of a wristlet, a senior engineer will do a headcount of the crew to ensure nobody is left on the line.

OK, other voltages (working downwards).

33KV. Sometimes on towers in which case the above applies. Usually on poles, sometimes single circuit, sometimes dual circuit. The green flags don't apply at this voltage but circuit identification wristlets do.

11KV. No flags and not usually coloured unless in close proximity to other lines (such as coming out of a substation). Wristlets are issued (usually coloured red) purely as a way of ensuring that everyone is clear of the line before the PTW is cancelled.

240/415V. Usually worked live, I have been away from LV work for many years and as far as I know a PTW is not issued for dead work at this voltage.

Other voltages exist in the UK too, 6.6KV, 22KV and 66KV but not in my area. I assume these are treated much the same as the above. National grid look after 275KV and 400KV and these are governed the same as 132KV above.

Sorry it's all so long winded, I'll be holding a couple of permits next week, so if pictures of the circuit ID equipment would help, let me know and I'll try to get some on the picture gallery.


10-27-2006, 06:14 AM

This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint...it goes like this:

What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:


is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%


1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.

1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top.



Alan Mac
10-27-2006, 09:19 AM
I love it, it works in the UK too.


10-27-2006, 04:52 PM

GIRL YOU ROCK!!! I copied that to my saved file, I heard something like that before, but didn't remember till I saw it here! EXCELLENT!!!

10-27-2006, 06:59 PM
thanks Rusty I just want the credit to go to the hard working men I have been a linemans wife for 5 years and a formans wife for 6 months i know how the bs rolls and its not right at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-30-2006, 10:58 PM
I have been in linework for 32 yrs, have been burned twice, I have taken the helicopter ride to the hospital, the burn centers, skin grafts, the whole nine yards, lucky to be here. Bro's if someone tells you a line is dead , I don't care who it is , I will go and visually see the grounds on both nsides of me, before I will start work on the lines. They will be tagged and flagged also, sure it takes a little more time but it is my life in my hands up there, I am and you yourself are worth the time.

10-31-2006, 08:13 AM

In a perfect world you would be soooooooooo right! But many who are put in life threatening positions DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS SHOULD BE STANDARD PROCEDURE, FACT! Your years of experience and years in the trade, give you the KNOWLEDGE and BACKBONE to make that happen, AS IT SHOULD BE! But you take a Brother with only WEEKS OR DAYS in this trade, THEY DON'T KNOW, FACT! Ask the mother of the Brother who was KILLED on the first pole he EVER CLIMBED, transferring a HOT CONDUCTOR WITH NO TRAINING AT ALL, FACT!!! ONLY BEEN WITH THE COMPANY DAYS, "" AS A TRUCK DRIVER, FACT!!! THE “ ACCIDENT “ WAS FOUND TO BE AN “” EMPLOYEE ERROR “”, CAN YOU SAY BS!!!!

Things ARE NOT always as they appear, nor a simple as some believe!!!

10-31-2006, 09:23 AM
Rusty is correct being the wife of a lineman/forman i have heard these stories for years esp. with contractors who are underbidding each other to make the buck, they put and push people into situations where there is no training nor experience because they need some Tom, Dick or Harry on the job most off these newbies have no idea what they are getting into and the formans out there are being pushed for production so hard by managment that safety is being cut corners around. My husband has always thought of his men as his crew it is not the individuals who are the only ones responsible they have formans that are supposed to supervise them and if you have been in this business that long you should know that only after certain training and experience should you even be on a pole, but when you are put on a pole and it is heated up that lies with fault being with someone else because at all times with or without grounds there should be a head count to make sure all men are out of harms way. And all precautions are being used for safety.

Safety first, production last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-01-2006, 08:29 AM

Brother the only thing we can do is protect and DEMAND justice for those maimed and Killed and their families left behind! REGARDLESS OF FAULT!!!

Due to the way our industry have changed and the manipulation of the laws and agencies that ONCE WERE OUR PROTECTION, WE MUST STAND TOGETHER AND FIGHT!!!

We all know this is a dangerous trade, and not just anybody can do it! That why we are " SPECIAL ", most times in a good way and other times not so good! Ha! Ha! Our ladies will testify to that! But because of the pride and self confidence that goes with being a LINEMAN, as well as the wages some young Brothers and Sisters DON'T ASK QUESTIONS NOR ROCK THE BOAT TRYING TO ACHIEVE THE STATUS OF "" LINEMAN ""!!! Then you factor in the need for manpower in our trade, and the fact our older Brothers are leaving at ALARMING RATES! And last but not least PROFITS, GREED and DENYIAL OF LIABILITY, "" BINGO "" we are where we are today!

To many times Brothers are being moved up WAY TO QUICKLY, and those that have the drive to take this next step, DON'T HAVE THE YEARS AND TRADE HISTORY, TO BUCK AGAINST MANAGMENT!! They are trying to advance in life while they are the NEW GOLDEN BOY! AND MAMAGMENT "" TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THIS FACT"" ! The Brother doesn't realizing many times THE "" NEXT GOLDEN BOY "" is right around the corner. Or that " IF " they have a Brother Maimed or Killed on their crew, IF IT CAN'T BE COVERED UP, "" THE COMPANY WILL AND DO SACRIFICE THEIR GOLDEN BOYS , TO PROTECT THEM FROM PROFIT LOSS AND LIABILITIES""! FACT!!!

Brother be safe, and remember Brotherhood is FOREVER, but being the GOLDEN BOY is only until the next one comes a long, or a sacrifice is needed!!

11-02-2006, 12:36 AM
Rusty you have it thats the way it goes and god fore bid that all stay safe and that none of you end up like my son, GOD BLESS ALL THE LINEMEN ;)

11-02-2006, 08:21 AM
Employees responsibility for their own safety - thats true to a point, but here's where that point stops. PKO do you know of anyone in the lineman profession or any other profession who would intentionally put themselves in the line of danger more than they need to, because personally I don't. Anybody who goes on a job knows the danger they face in that job, and take every step to make sure they are careful and nothing happens to them, because they have a family at home waiting for them to return. My boyfriend Vic is the DHE employee that was killed in June. Vic had two little girls - so do you honestly think he put hisself in danger anymore than necessary, because I know for a fact he was extremely cautious when it came to his job because he knew it was very dangerous. But when Vic was on a pole in the air how is it his responsiblity for his own safety when a jackass foreman doesn't do his job to make sure that the line is clear before energizing it? How simple is it to call on a radio and then do a head count to make sure you have all of your employees? That doesn't seem to hard to me. When your in the air on a pole aren't you at the mercy of your foreman hoping they are doing their job correctly so they don't put you in danger or get you killed? Well apparently these DHE foreman's weren't doing their job correctly and as a result Vic got killed. If you just take a look at DHE's court dockets on the employees they have killed you will find shocking similarities within them, a coincidence I don't think so! Is it these employees fault they were killed - HELL NO! After the first accident / death why didn't DHE pull their foremans, crews and safety people together and go over all the safety rules and practices again to make sure they were being followed and to see if anyone had any questions or concerns. Did they? Probably not - they were probably too busy covering their asses, trying to get their stories straight, telling their people not to talk or if they did to say they didn't know what happened, and calling their attorneys. In my dealings with some of these DHE foremans I personally know some (not all) of them are idiots, but seriously this isn't rocket science here guys - if you have an accident / death find out what really happened talk it over with your guys, inform them so you can take the necessary steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. If this would have been done from the start, who knows maybe Vic and some of the other people DHE has killed would be here today!
sing it because god be with you your boss likes you that day Thank for standing up for all of my family and our baby.allow though do you think they care we no ,NO

11-02-2006, 08:53 PM
Hopefully someone can help me out or offer suggestions. I'm Jennifer, I was dating Vic Morris when he got killed. I've been doing some researching and it seems that every industry has agencies they have to answer to, but for some reason I can't seem to find who the powerline industry has to answer to. I work for the Dept. of Transportation and I know you guys have to abide by the National Electric Safety Code but surely there has to be more agencies than just that, which govern power companies? I was curious because you never really heard much about mine workers until they started having the disasters like Sago. The Government Accountability Office and the Labor Department were launching investigations into Sago, are they the governing agencies for you guys too? I remember people on here saying to write letters to your congressmen, senators, OSHA, etc. I figured if you couldn't get an answer from OSHA or these other people why not go to the main source. If anyone can give me some answers or suggestions on this I would appreciate it greatly. Rusty, I have some pictures I took where Vic got killed, and if you don't mind, I'd like you to take a look at them and give me your opinion- there's a couple things that don't seem quite right to me, so I'd like to have a opinion from someone who knows about this. I can scan them to you or however you'd like just let me know.

Thanks so much,

11-03-2006, 11:54 AM
Unfortunately there is no single governing agency for the Power industry. Different Aspects are governed by different agencies. Need and siting of Power Plants and Transmission lines is divided between FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and local State Public Utility Commissions (PUC). Heavy equipment and CDL requirements fall under Department of Transportation. Employee work rules and conditions fall under OSHA and the National Labor Relations Board. However many states have their own OSHA programs so the Feds are not involved. Then certain chemicals and quantities of oil fall under the EPA and if spilled near running water the US Coast Guard. One other thing, while utilities are to build per the NESC the enforcement of that is really per the courts when there are lawsuits. Basically if you don't build by the NESC the Courts will hang you out to dry and will hit you with triple punitive damages (at least in Virginia).

11-03-2006, 02:11 PM

You bet, just e-mail them and I'll take a look. As you are finding out our Industry is pretty much dependant on OSHA for any accountability, AND THAT HASN'T AND WILL NOT HAPPEN, FACT!!! Many times OSHA isn't even called or involved if it is a public owned municipality! Or a government or military employee! The sad thing NOBODY really knows how many Brother are getting maimed and killed in our Industry every year! The more I’m hearing about what happened to Vic, the more I hope your people got the right people for demanding accountability! THERE ARE SOME SERIOUS ISSUES!!!!

11-03-2006, 09:24 PM
I sent the pictures of where Vic got killed to your email. I appreciate you taking a look at them, there's alot of things in those pictures that just doesn't sit right with me. I was also wondering if you've heard anything else?
