View Full Version : Purpose of offset in ground wire?

10-15-2006, 09:18 AM
This is one of those "oldtimer" vs. new guys question.

For the last million years or so, we've framed poles with a dogleg offset in the ground wire when stapling it down the pole. All the new guys ask why....all the oldtimers say "We've always done it this way".....but nobody has come up with an actual reason yet.

Anybody know?

10-15-2006, 10:43 AM
Distribution poles are usually grounded on the quarter since most single phase transformers go on the face or back of a pole and then the ground wire would have to be moved. Also consideration for radio interference must be made in order to clear unbonded hardware.

Transmission poles are usually grounded on the face or back with consideration for clearance of unbonded hardware also. Standards or "spec" books usually mention this. dbrown20

Alan Mac
10-15-2006, 12:22 PM
Over here in the UK, we also put a dog leg in the steelwork earth. we refer to it as a "jug handle". It's used as an earth point to fit the ground end of a circuit main earth to, saves us banging a rod in the ground.


electric squirrel
10-15-2006, 12:42 PM
I believe some parts of the world they dogleg a section of the ground or bonding wire so you can actualy put a ground on it! I was once told this by an older lineman while we were working on PG&E territory in California.I dont know if he was pulling my leg or not, but I did see many an arm and many pole grounds with this type of situation.E.S. :cool:

10-15-2006, 01:09 PM
I don't think I know exactly what you're referring to by dogleg. Do you mean the crook put in the ground wire when it goes to the system neutral? If so, that is just a make up type thing and not always followed by everyone. dbrown20

10-18-2006, 02:48 PM
When we frame on the ground. We put a staple at the neutral, pull the pole ground snug and staple at the bottom of the pole, come up six feet drive a staple half way, then pull the wire off to one side and staple it to put more tension on the pole ground. We then finish driving the staple at the six foot mark.

10-18-2006, 06:23 PM
We also pull slack at the N for grounding purposes. as to where on the pole we put it, for us it is a standard for the installation for transformers on the 22 1/2 deg to the right facing the pole. On transmissiion it is opposite the birthmark for gaining purposes.