View Full Version : Republicans and Democrats

10-15-2006, 01:07 PM
Republican Congressman Duke Cunningham off to the big house.

Republican Congressman Weldon being investigated for funneling business to his daughter's lobbying Co.

Republican John Bolton (UN Ambassador) stated in his Yale yearbook that he joined the Guard so he would not have to die in a rice paddy in Vietnam as he considered the war already lost.

Republican Cong. Ney, off to the big house.

Republican Cong. Foley, resigned because of sex scandal.

Republican House Leader Hastert denies knowledge of Foley affair. Hastert also has had nefarious land dealings.

Democrat former Pres. Clinton involved in sex scandal.

Democrat minority Senate leader Reid involved in nefarious land dealings.

I can't think of anymore offhand. Looks like the Republicans are in the lead so far. Oh well, such is our leadership. dbrown20

10-15-2006, 03:43 PM
Condi has those memory loses

10-15-2006, 03:44 PM
Don't forget the head of the conservative movement is a drug addict. Plus he can't get it up

10-16-2006, 05:43 PM
Swamprat said

Like I said...
I hope the democrats win the elections. This election will define the direction of America, in this day and age.

I hope you are right

10-17-2006, 10:02 PM
Rep. Foley has decided to marry the page and become a Boy Scout leader.
The dems and the ACLU are now behind him 100% !!!

10-18-2006, 01:26 AM
Yeah next month will be interesting, just think if the democrats get into the presidency in 08, then that means troops will be pulled out of iraq, the brady bill will prolly be put back into law, higher taxes, stricter gun laws then what it is now, hell may even outlaw guns. Yep that's the type of future i want, hell might as well let the terrorists reorganize and strike back on american soil making 9-11 look like a sunday picnic. Fact of the matter is, america has too much involved with the war on terror and it's not gonna go away anytime soon, long as we're fighting them over there then they're not striking us here. Only thing democrats are gonna do is pull back troops out of iraq and let iraq go down in turmoil and be the next terrorist training area. Not to mention, think the military is short handed now? they'll finish clintons job of finishing off the military. So all in all i'm looking forward for the democrats to win the seats next month and possibly get the presidency in 08, then we'll see what batts and wormy start posting and complaining about then. good luck boys

10-18-2006, 05:40 PM
let iraq go down in turmoil
First Irag is in turmoil now so it can't hardly get any worse.

Only thing democrats are gonna do is pull back troops out of iraq
I hear the republicans using the term cut and run but I don't hear democrats saying that just the republican spin. I know Hillary doesn't support that. If they get in power they are going to have to clean this mess up

higher taxes
If the democrats get back in power I do not expect MY taxes to go up. Some rich guys are going to have to GO BACK to paying taxes

involved with the war on terror
Irag has nothing to do with the war on terror. It was WMD's remember. Then to bring democracy etc. etc.

long as we're fighting them over there then they're not striking us here.
That is wishfull thinking, bet your life on it? Money spent there could have spent here for our protection.

So all in all i'm looking forward for the democrats to win the seats next month and possibly get the presidency in 08
First Swamp and now you. Backing the Democrats you are learning something

Your view of the future looks a little foggy and does not have much reality involved

10-18-2006, 05:45 PM
viperpus how original....lol...we'll be finding out how things go here soon enough.

10-18-2006, 07:35 PM
Yeah next month will be interesting, just think if the democrats get into the presidency in 08, then that means troops will be pulled out of iraq, the brady bill will prolly be put back into law, higher taxes, stricter gun laws then what it is now, hell may even outlaw guns. Yep that's the type of future i want, hell might as well let the terrorists reorganize and strike back on american soil making 9-11 look like a sunday picnic. Fact of the matter is, america has too much involved with the war on terror and it's not gonna go away anytime soon, long as we're fighting them over there then they're not striking us here. Only thing democrats are gonna do is pull back troops out of iraq and let iraq go down in turmoil and be the next terrorist training area. Not to mention, think the military is short handed now? they'll finish clintons job of finishing off the military. So all in all i'm looking forward for the democrats to win the seats next month and possibly get the presidency in 08, then we'll see what batts and wormy start posting and complaining about then. good luck boys

Please educate me, which Democrat is advocating "finishing off the military"? Fact now, not inuendo. Do you really believe every Democrat wants to take away your guns?

There is, was, and will be the possibility that America will be struck by another terrorist attack, Iraq has nothing to do with it. You use the same analogy that the Democrats used during the Viet Nam War, they told us we'd be fighting them here instead of in southeast asia....aint happened yet.

Fact is we were mislead by LBJ with the Gulf of Tonkin incedent and we were mislead with WMD. Face the fact, I do not advocate leaving Iraq now, it would leave a vacuum that Iran and Syria would fill. But I understand what that means, it means being there for many years to come. Ever hear of Korea? We got involved in Korea before I was born, I'm 52. We're still there, we'll be in Iraq alot longer...

You and I were mislead, we are spending $10 Billion a month in Iraq, thats Billion my friend. Those $$$ do not come from the Federal budget, the money is borrowed. Borrowed from countries like China, thats right China, so you advocate your kids and grandkids owing the Chinese such a huge mortgage? Thats who is going to pay the tab you know...not you and I we'll be long dead before the bill is due.

So you tell me how youre better off after 6 years of Republican control of the white house and both houses of Congress. You can drag Clinton in the mud all you want but the fact is that the country had a fiscal surplus and the working man was much better off.

Go ahead vote your gun issue, all the while this aministration erodes workers rights daily.

Talking about workers and their rights. What is your take on the Kentucky River Decision?