View Full Version : Who will win election

11-04-2006, 09:41 AM
Who is going to win the house and senate?

I say the Dems take the house.
After a close vote Reps hold onto senate

"little beaver"
11-04-2006, 11:51 AM
This whole thing is like everything else in life; it's a trade off. One side is never entirely right or wrong. Due to the 'fraility' of the human personality everyone is going to make decisions that are flawed i.e. whether your name is Bush, Kerry, wormy of 'lil Beaver'.

This conflict between the western world and Islam is going to be a long drawn out affair. The last one lasted for 700 yrs(700-1450). In the overall scheme of things, the 'war in Irag' will have to be judged in terms of the conflict as a whole. If nothing else it has provided some valuable insights into what we're up against(albeit a very expensive insight).

It just appears to me that the 'left of center' crowd, are not consructive in their criticism. Just like I use to ask the contrary guy on the line crew when he would say 'it's not going to work', 'what's YOUR plan?' Usually they had either no plan or a stupid one. To be in opposition to something or someone because you ( you meaning the left wing crowd as a whole) 'hate' them is illogical and takes away from any credibilty that your voice might otherwise have.

11-08-2006, 12:55 PM
The AMERICAN PEOPLE WON !!!!!!!. They spoke and they won PERIOD.
Well, Battman, your side has the ball. Can they run with it? Can they punch it into the endzone? Or perhaps it will be a "3 and out"?

11-08-2006, 06:48 PM
Well, Battman, your side has the ball. Can they run with it? Can they punch it into the endzone? Or perhaps it will be a "3 and out"?

You might wnt to lay low and keep your mouth shut the way you just got your ass handed to ya

11-09-2006, 12:46 AM
I don't think i should put my to cents in but the people have voted and
I hope you all got ahold on your wallet

The news channel said with the last seat being canvased show no change so far that the Dems will probaly win the Senate also
I hope

11-09-2006, 12:49 AM
I don't think i should put my to cents in but the people have voted and
I hope you all got ahold on your wallet

The news channel said with the last seat being canvased show no change so far that the Dems will probaly win the Senate also

11-09-2006, 01:21 AM
You might wnt to lay low and keep your mouth shut the way you just got your ass handed to ya
Why should I lay low? I wasn't seeking office. What I will say, now that it looks like the Senate is lost also, is this: Let's see what kind of difference the Democrats can make. The best scenario will be that after a year or two, nothing will have changed. The professional politicians will continue to dry f*** us, except now we wont have to listen to ignorant people blame George Bush. We'll have new people to blame, like Pelosi. Congratulations democrats, you kicked our collective republican asses. Now do something out of character and try not to screw things up worse than they are now.

11-09-2006, 01:33 AM
Heh, heh, heh....:-) :-)
You're already tellin people on the Republican side to "keep your mouth shut" huh worm? Great start. Well, ya know it won't work with me.

We Republicans are all "humbled". :-)
"1 button" America voters, Voted.
Actually, you owe the democrat "victory" to alot of Republican 1 button "protest" votes too. Just like ya owe us for Clinton bein elected. Republicans protest votes, did that too.

It amuses me to see that our party has forgot that. But? "Stupid is as Stupid does".

We won't know till Nov. 27 about the last senate seat. Honestly? Hope the dems win that one too. Then, the ball is firmly in your court. I hope you make good use of it for America.

Let's see what ya'll gonna do....to Better America.

Good Luck! Let's see if you're gonna use it for revenge, or to Better America.
Funny, I don't feel humbled. I'm with you, though. Let the lefty, tree-hugging, soldier hating, last place medal giving pussies of the world have a shot at the big time(Whew, I had to get that out!!). I hope that I'm wrong about these spineless punks, I really do. I hope they straighten out all the evil that George Bush created. But if they work like Kerry speaks or Kennedy drives, we're all fucked. (How much more of this stuff do I have to spew to get Batts and Worm throwing shit at their monitors?)
p.s.- Is it me or does this little purple icon have the same stupid smirk on it's face that Kerry does?

"little beaver"
11-09-2006, 01:39 AM
The Dems played it pretty smart. They knew that their whinny liberal types weren't going to win in the Red states. So they recruited some moderate/conservative types(like Webb in Virginia).

If one looks at the numbers, there was only a slight shift in the voting. The country is so evenly split, that's all it takes to elect the other guy. The 'conservative viewpoint' is still in the majority; it's just that this time some of those either voted for a 'conservative Demo' or didn't vote at all.

The Dems are also rid of Kerry. So they were winners in this go all the way around.

Having seen the pollitical machinations of two great countries, I generally prefer the two party system over a multi-party system. When you have more than two parties, things tend to get even more confusing and messy.

Finally, we all know from working on the LineCrew that, it's a 'poor man that you can't learn something from'. So as Swamp has already alluded to, if the Dems are really in it for the country, maybe someone will come up some real good plan to solve things!!

11-09-2006, 01:45 AM
The Dems played it pretty smart. They knew that their whinny liberal types weren't going to win in the Red states. So they recruited some moderate/conservative types(like Webb in Virginia).

If one looks at the numbers, there was only a slight shift in the voting. The country is so evenly split, that's all it takes to elect the other guy. The 'conservative viewpoint' is still in the majority; it's just that this time some of those either voted for a 'conservative Demo' or didn't vote at all.

The Dems are also rid of Kerry. So they were winners in this go all the way around.

Having seen the pollitical machinations of two great countries, I generally prefer the two party system over a multi-party system. When you have more than two parties, things tend to get even more confusing and messy.

Finally, we all know from working on the LineCrew that, it's a 'poor man that you can't learn something from'. So as Swamp has already alluded to, if the Dems are really in it for the country, maybe someone will come up some real good plan to solve things!!

I hope you're right. I guess we have no choice now but to wait and see. Be safe.

"little beaver"
11-09-2006, 02:05 AM
I hope you're right. I guess we have no choice now but to wait and see. Be safe.

Well Dave, Margaret Thatcher (BTW: probably the greatest statesperson of the 20th Century), said something to the effect that 'conservatism is the natural order of things'.

The Republicans had started to move away from 'conservatism' on the fiscal front and in some ideological areas as well. I think they needed a boot as well to get there head 'back in the game'. However, if the left wing kookoo fringe of the Demos have much influence, things will unravel in a hurry.

I got a sister living on the old home farm in the US. Her and her husband are both EXTREME left wing Demo, school teachers. As the old farmer once said, "they couldn't manage two setting hens"!

Line Cowboy
11-09-2006, 01:05 PM
Well gents I am reluctant to enter into a political discussion but in the same breath, feel compelled, and obligates to do so. See I have been too long keeping my mouth shut while men like SBatts and wormy slam the soilders who die so they can come home to their wives and kids every night. I lost a brother in the very war these people think is so wrong, my kid brother God willing is due home Tuesday, I know (be it only from what they have told me) that this war is in fact nescasary. Now while I respect most people on here as accomplished linemen and good people, I am tired of the mindless uneducated chatter. It is not Bush's fault, do you not realize that this war could just as easily be in your own back yard. Get a clue man and please stop critisizing somthing you dont fully understand. Just because it CAN be done dosen't mean it SHOULD be done. please think about the families who have lost someone at war or at home so you can have the freedoms you continuously complain about. If I offended anyone I do appologize but felt the need to get this off my chest

11-09-2006, 02:22 PM
Well gents I am reluctant to enter into a political discussion but in the same breath, feel compelled, and obligates to do so. See I have been too long keeping my mouth shut while men like SBatts and wormy slam the soilders who die so they can come home to their wives and kids every night. I lost a brother in the very war these people think is so wrong, my kid brother God willing is due home Tuesday, I know (be it only from what they have told me) that this war is in fact nescasary. Now while I respect most people on here as accomplished linemen and good people, I am tired of the mindless uneducated chatter. It is not Bush's fault, do you not realize that this war could just as easily be in your own back yard. Get a clue man and please stop critisizing somthing you dont fully understand. Just because it CAN be done dosen't mean it SHOULD be done. please think about the families who have lost someone at war or at home so you can have the freedoms you continuously complain about. If I offended anyone I do appologize but felt the need to get this off my chest

I am not a big fan of war. Most people are not fans of war. However, when push comes to shove and we find ourselves involved, it should be supported @home and abroad. I can't quite figure out people like Batts, Wormy, Kerry, Pelosi, Hillary, etc. They say they support our troops 100%. yet they criticize the leadership to a point that this country appears divided. Our enemies LOVE that shit. Buy not showing a united front, our troops become targets because it is assumed that America doesn't have the stomach to swing back. How the fuck can you "support our troops" when the camera's are rolling, but yank the rug out from under them an hour later. I voted for Bush twice. Do I think he's handling things perfectly? Nope. But he's the President, our leader, and we should support him in regards to handling Iraq. If the whiny pussies of the world would stop bitching and let the military do what it has to do, I don't think insurgents would be as bold as they are. No one fucked with Reagan. He'd have steamrolled ya. That's the difference today. We are not respected (and what that means is feared) around the world. "OH, Wait, we dont want anyone to fear us" Bullshit!! There is only one language that radicals understand, and thats a fist to the face. Unfortunately, the left doesn't know how to speak that dialect. All they know is how to enable the huddled masses, keeping them happy with subsidies and handouts they haven't earned or deserve, and reminding them to vote for the "givers of the cheese block". Batts and company will tell you Bush was just after the oil. If that's the case, why were we recently paying $3.00+ a gallon. We're sitting on a giant Exxon station, but haven't "grabbed" it. When we went on the offensive, everyone (most everyone) was gung ho. But military actions are paid for with soldiers lives, and that is a shame. That is the currency of war. Well, the left has lost the stomach for it, and now they just want to "take our ball and go home". Well, the dems are gonna find out how well that strategy will work. I guess that'll be Bush's fault, too. We've paid a huge price for this war. Whether or not it was the right thing to do will be determined 50 years from now. For our soldiers sake we should learn how to stand united, like we used to.

"little beaver"
11-09-2006, 03:17 PM
Hey Dave, I obviously don't know you, but I've been in the line business coming up on 39yrs. During that time I became a pretty good judge of character and a few other things that made the kind of people that I wanted to work with.

My Dad was a lineman about 32yrs and as I've stated here previous a Plt Sgt PTO WW II. He always use to tell me that the Inf Plt was the same as the line crew, the only difference being that in combat 'things happen a little faster'!!

When I read the following: " I voted for Bush twice. Do I think he's handling
things perfectly? Nope. But he's the President, our leader, and we should
support him in regards to handling Iraq. If the whiny pussies of the world would stop bitching and let the military do what it has to do, I don't think
insurgents would be as bold as they are............" I tell myself there's a guy that I would have on my crew any time!!

GOOD summary............that's what I figure >>"I guess that'll be Bush's fault, too. We've paid a huge price for this war. Whether or not it was the right thing to do will be determined 50 years from now. For our soldiers sake we should learn how to stand united, like we used to".

If undermining the military continues..............well eventually the vandels will be 'at the gates of Rome.'

11-09-2006, 06:16 PM
Well gents I am reluctant to enter into a political discussion but in the same breath, feel compelled, and obligates to do so. See I have been too long keeping my mouth shut while men like SBatts and wormy slam the soilders who die so they can come home to their wives and kids every night. I lost a brother in the very war these people think is so wrong, my kid brother God willing is due home Tuesday, I know (be it only from what they have told me) that this war is in fact nescasary. Now while I respect most people on here as accomplished linemen and good people, I am tired of the mindless uneducated chatter. It is not Bush's fault, do you not realize that this war could just as easily be in your own back yard. Get a clue man and please stop critisizing somthing you dont fully understand. Just because it CAN be done dosen't mean it SHOULD be done. please think about the families who have lost someone at war or at home so you can have the freedoms you continuously complain about. If I offended anyone I do appologize but felt the need to get this off my chest

I take no offense from your opinion, I must take issue with some of what you have stated though. First, although I generally dont agree with Batts style, I have never seen Batts slam the servicemen and women who have died in this war. On the contrary, Mr. Batts holds servicemen and women in the highest regard. Never assume that some of the people who post opposing views on the war have not smelled the cordite, smelled the burning flesh, humped a ruck in the sand or under triple canopy jungle, heard shots fired in anger, or carried dying buddies to a waiting medavac. Some people on this board have served and have the right to criticise the prosecution of this or any war.

Please, educate me on what it is that I dont understand about this war. That is the second time in 2 days I have heard that assertion, once from Rumsfeld, now from you, so please educate me, I'm all ears.

I am truely sorry for the loss of your brother. I will also pray that your kid brother gets home safe and sound. One of my family members was lost in a war also, not this war, but a loss is still heartbreaking.

There is no malice intended in this post, only an opposing opinion. When your kid brother gets home, after you hug him, extend him thanks for his service from this crusty old Lineman.

11-09-2006, 06:56 PM
Batts and wormy slam the soilders who die so they can come home to their wives and kids every night.

I have never slammed the troops. Your whole post is nothing but right wing bullshit. You guys lost, it hurts, but your big boys you'll get over it :D

Hey swimp....heh..heh..heh

We won't know till Nov. 27 about the last senate seat.

But we do know now don't we swimp?

lil beav

When I read the following: " I voted for Bush twice. Do I think he's handling
things perfectly? Nope. But he's the President, our leader, and we should
support him in regards to handling Iraq. If the whiny pussies of the world would stop bitching and let the military do what it has to do, I don't think
insurgents would be as bold as they are............" I tell myself there's a guy that I would have on my crew any time!!

Why don't you two just give each other a big hug. Thats just sooooo cute

Going to party.. bye

11-09-2006, 08:26 PM
My question is how can one senator lower fuel prices? Is that seriously possible? My state is majority democrat. I don't care honestly. I just want something done here about high college tuition fees damn it! Tuition once was $1,900 a year for in state. Now it is $19,000 a year. Damn thats a lot of money. I wonder how much I will be spending when I complete my structural engineering major to design transmission towers...I just want to save some damn money here.

But other than that, I voted. I am damn proud to have a say in what goes on. Some wont win. I voted for republicans and democrats. Sorta half and half I guess. American Spoke, and let's see what will happen from here on out. But whatever man, I am just glad that I get to vote :-) DAMN I love this country :-) :-) :-)

Line Cowboy
11-09-2006, 09:03 PM
Well Both my brothers told,(and tell) me that the foght in Iraq in both noble and nescasary, They see things and do things that would, I believe make even the crustiest saltiest lineman cringe and have nightmares.To get to the point BOTH say that if we dont take the fight to them THEY WILL BRING THE FIGHT TO US. I am very opionated and agree with dave that Mr Bush might not have the most political savy but I do feel he knows how to bring the fight when it needs to be done. I respect the way you brought your differing opinion sir but unfortunately can find no respect for Mr. Batts and am on the verge of loosing what respect I do have for Mr. Wormy thank you for the input sir and I hope I have enlightened you more and REST ASSURED I WILL THANK HIM FOR YOU SIR AND THANK YOU

11-10-2006, 01:37 AM
Hey Dave, I obviously don't know you, but I've been in the line business coming up on 39yrs. During that time I became a pretty good judge of character and a few other things that made the kind of people that I wanted to work with.

My Dad was a lineman about 32yrs and as I've stated here previous a Plt Sgt PTO WW II. He always use to tell me that the Inf Plt was the same as the line crew, the only difference being that in combat 'things happen a little faster'!!

When I read the following: " I voted for Bush twice. Do I think he's handling
things perfectly? Nope. But he's the President, our leader, and we should
support him in regards to handling Iraq. If the whiny pussies of the world would stop bitching and let the military do what it has to do, I don't think
insurgents would be as bold as they are............" I tell myself there's a guy that I would have on my crew any time!!

GOOD summary............that's what I figure >>"I guess that'll be Bush's fault, too. We've paid a huge price for this war. Whether or not it was the right thing to do will be determined 50 years from now. For our soldiers sake we should learn how to stand united, like we used to".

If undermining the military continues..............well eventually the vandels will be 'at the gates of Rome.'
Thanks for the kind words. I look back to the days before the fall of the Soviet Union. If you messed with us (Americans), you messed with all of us. That attitude kept even the Soviets from pushing too hard. Now, we're wishy washy and lame, and the whole world knows it. I wonder if this is how our parents felt after living through WWII and Korea, then watching us unravel with Viet Nam. I suppose every generation thinks we're going to Hell in a hand basket, but somehow we all make it through.

11-10-2006, 12:23 PM
Well Both my brothers told,(and tell) me that the foght in Iraq in both noble and nescasary, They see things and do things that would, I believe make even the crustiest saltiest lineman cringe and have nightmares.To get to the point BOTH say that if we dont take the fight to them THEY WILL BRING THE FIGHT TO US. I am very opionated and agree with dave that Mr Bush might not have the most political savy but I do feel he knows how to bring the fight when it needs to be done. I respect the way you brought your differing opinion sir but unfortunately can find no respect for Mr. Batts and am on the verge of loosing what respect I do have for Mr. Wormy thank you for the input sir and I hope I have enlightened you more and REST ASSURED I WILL THANK HIM FOR YOU SIR AND THANK YOU

Newbie, understand, I am not in favor of what has been charectorized by some in politics as "cut and run." Now that we have commited to the war, now that we have sent or sons and daughters to fight and die, is not the time to turn and leave. I have many questions about the decisions made to enter into the war, namely were the American people mislead on the reasons for our involvment. That being said, when you commit the sons and daughters of our nation, it is incumbent on you to provide the tools necessary to FINISH the task at hand. With the situation in Iraq what it now is, in my humble opinion, overwhelming force must be brought to bear on the insurgents. Overwhelming, brutal, raw power, administered with speed and efficency with a "take not shit" attitude. We, as a nation, must also make it clear to the governing body of Iraq that they have "skin in the game" and will ultimately assume the responsibility of protecting themselves.

I do not want to see in Iraq what has become of South Korea. I fear it will come to pass though.

It is apparent that some high level military brass were disenchanted with the direction given them by civilian leadership on how to prosecute the war. My hope is that both parties see the value in allowing our military, the finest on the face of the earth btw, the latitude to use the tools in the box, "by any means necessary", to steal a quote, to finish the job and end the war.

You are quite welcome, there is no need to thank me for extending thanks to your brother, I remember the treatment of servicemen during the Vietnam war, I will never cast aspersions on our proud, dedicated, military men and women. Again, make sure to thank your brother and tell him the American people support the "boots on the ground" 1000%.

Line Cowboy
11-10-2006, 07:00 PM
Newbie, understand, I am not in favor of what has been charectorized by some in politics as "cut and run." Now that we have commited to the war, now that we have sent or sons and daughters to fight and die, is not the time to turn and leave. I have many questions about the decisions made to enter into the war, namely were the American people mislead on the reasons for our involvment. That being said, when you commit the sons and daughters of our nation, it is incumbent on you to provide the tools necessary to FINISH the task at hand. With the situation in Iraq what it now is, in my humble opinion, overwhelming force must be brought to bear on the insurgents. Overwhelming, brutal, raw power, administered with speed and efficency with a "take not shit" attitude. We, as a nation, must also make it clear to the governing body of Iraq that they have "skin in the game" and will ultimately assume the responsibility of protecting themselves.

I do not want to see in Iraq what has become of South Korea. I fear it will come to pass though.

It is apparent that some high level military brass were disenchanted with the direction given them by civilian leadership on how to prosecute the war. My hope is that both parties see the value in allowing our military, the finest on the face of the earth btw, the latitude to use the tools in the box, "by any means necessary", to steal a quote, to finish the job and end the war.

You are quite welcome, there is no need to thank me for extending thanks to your brother, I remember the treatment of servicemen during the Vietnam war, I will never cast aspersions on our proud, dedicated, military men and women. Again, make sure to thank your brother and tell him the American people support the "boots on the ground" 1000%.
Well said Man, Well said and I did speak to my brother and he said he wished there was "more like that" I definately see your point and in fact share your opinion on many things I am however saddened by the loss of so many lives that might, have, in other circumstances had such a bright future for so many who don't seem to appreciate the sacrifice.

11-10-2006, 07:19 PM
Well said Man, Well said and I did speak to my brother and he said he wished there was "more like that" I definately see your point and in fact share your opinion on many things I am however saddened by the loss of so many lives that might, have, in other circumstances had such a bright future for so many who don't seem to appreciate the sacrifice.

Very sad Newbie, too many "bright futures" are and were lost in war. You take care and stay safe!

11-10-2006, 07:58 PM
Well Dave, Margaret Thatcher (BTW: probably the greatest statesperson of the 20th Century), said something to the effect that 'conservatism is the natural order of things'.

Beav, you're telling me that the "Iron Lady" is the greatest statesperson of the 20th century???

I must offer a differing opinion. How about FDR, Sir Winston Churchill, HST, and maybe the most dynamic of the century, and he was in the early part and IMHO never eclipsed, Teddy Roosevelt.

Big Clive, if your read this post, please give us some insight on the STATE of LABOR since "Iron Maggie" left. Share with some who are naive of what her lagacy means to the average working man in the UK.

11-11-2006, 09:10 AM
we all know who won, but ya'll need to know who are very happy, kinda looks like back to business as usual.

'Iraq al-Qaeda' welcomes US poll

A statement purportedly from the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq hails the defeat of Republicans in the US mid-term polls.
The audio message, whose authenticity has not been verified, was published on Islamist websites and was said to be the voice of Abu Hamza al-Muhajir.
The Democrats' victory in Tuesday's Congressional elections was a move in the right direction, the speaker said.
Outgoing US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had stepped down to flee the Iraqi battlefield, he added.
He told US President George W Bush to "stay on the battleground".
"I tell the lame duck (US administration) do not rush to escape as did your defence minister.
"The American people have taken a step in the right path to come out of their predicament... they voted for a level of reason," the voice said. Muhajir, also known as Ayyub al-Masri, has been identified by US forces as the successor to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, killed in a raid in June 2006.

al-Qaeda wasn't even in Irag before the war was undertaken. Plus
purportedly and whose authenticity has not been verified is not good for your story. I am not saying its not true but you might want to wait. The whole world is celebrating, the dumbasses are gone.

"little beaver"
11-11-2006, 11:04 AM
Beav, you're telling me that the "Iron Lady" is the greatest statesperson of the 20th century???

I must offer a differing opinion. How about FDR, Sir Winston Churchill, HST, and maybe the most dynamic of the century, and he was in the early part and IMHO never eclipsed, Teddy Roosevelt.

Big Clive, if your read this post, please give us some insight on the STATE of LABOR since "Iron Maggie" left. Share with some who are naive of what her lagacy means to the average working man in the UK.

Yea, I will have to re-phrase that. Churchill was certainly the leader of the free world during the dark days of WW II and a great leader he was. However, it was certainly the RT Hon Barroness Thatcher in the latter half. She was the longest serving BPM since Gladstone and she completely reversed the economic decline of the UK. She led the way for Ronald Reagan. So the Brits get the nod for great leaders of the 20th Cen.

FDR was arquably the man for the US in 1932. However. he had a poor grasp of the intent (vis-a-vis Churchill) of ole Joe Stalin and the USSR. So Churchill eclispes him on that point. Harry( the bucks stops here) Truman was cool, made some tough decisions on the bomb and with Gen MacArthur. Teddy Roosevelt may have stirrred some emotions in the US, but he was a nobody on the world stage.

11-11-2006, 12:51 PM
we all know who won, but ya'll need to know who are very happy, kinda looks like back to business as usual.

Sorry swimp you just slammed sully, one of your own. That is not my post. Nice try though, kinda like the election....

11-11-2006, 02:12 PM
.................................................. .................................................. ..
Don't sweat it, Swamp. You may have grabbed the wrong quote, but we all know who you had in the crosshairs.

11-11-2006, 02:20 PM
Beav, you're telling me that the "Iron Lady" is the greatest statesperson of the 20th century???

I must offer a differing opinion. How about FDR, Sir Winston Churchill, HST, and maybe the most dynamic of the century, and he was in the early part and IMHO never eclipsed, Teddy Roosevelt.

Big Clive, if your read this post, please give us some insight on the STATE of LABOR since "Iron Maggie" left. Share with some who are naive of what her lagacy means to the average working man in the UK.

Late reply, since I don't normally even bother reading the political posts...

Margaret Thatcher single handedly destroyed British industry. I'm not sure if she had a personal vendetta or was helping her fat-cat buddies get "one over" on the menials, but she was the single biggest contributor to the rot that currently see's the people who actually build and create society systematically screwed over in every way possible.

The UK used to be called a nation of shopkeepers. It's not even that any more. It's a nation of telesales operatives, immigrants and substandard generic "facilities management" companies who take people off the street, give them a days or two's training and then send them to do technical jobs that are far beyond their abilities.

Ask any technical worker in the UK what they think life is going to be like when they are no longer able to work. Note I didn't say retirement. The state pension and "private pensions" have been looted by parasitic businessmen leaving most of us facing a very grim future. Even the government rasing the retirement age isn't going to help. Anyone from about 50 over is facing a work-until-you-die future.

I guess that's why the level of skilled individuals leaving the UK is so high. I look forward to joining them. The sad fact is that the grass couldn't be LESS green on the other side of the hill.

A special message for the Australians.... Get rid of that greed motivated conservative prime minister before he destroys your economy like Thatcher did.

11-11-2006, 09:04 PM
Late reply, since I don't normally even bother reading the political posts...

Margaret Thatcher single handedly destroyed British industry. I'm not sure if she had a personal vendetta or was helping her fat-cat buddies get "one over" on the menials, but she was the single biggest contributor to the rot that currently see's the people who actually build and create society systematically screwed over in every way possible.

The UK used to be called a nation of shopkeepers. It's not even that any more. It's a nation of telesales operatives, immigrants and substandard generic "facilities management" companies who take people off the street, give them a days or two's training and then send them to do technical jobs that are far beyond their abilities.

Ask any technical worker in the UK what they think life is going to be like when they are no longer able to work. Note I didn't say retirement. The state pension and "private pensions" have been looted by parasitic businessmen leaving most of us facing a very grim future. Even the government rasing the retirement age isn't going to help. Anyone from about 50 over is facing a work-until-you-die future.

I guess that's why the level of skilled individuals leaving the UK is so high. I look forward to joining them. The sad fact is that the grass couldn't be LESS green on the other side of the hill.

A special message for the Australians.... Get rid of that greed motivated conservative prime minister before he destroys your economy like Thatcher did.

Clive, thanks for your input, I thought a real workingmans view from the catbird seat should be offered up to those who dont know the real maggie.

11-11-2006, 09:06 PM
Don't sweat it, Swamp. You may have grabbed the wrong quote, but we all know who you had in the crosshairs.

He has often tried to get me in his crosshairs. Trouble is he hunts like Chaney and misses his target. That was pretty good about
before worm crawled out of the ground I liked that it was very clever

11-11-2006, 09:10 PM
Riding the waves of change to being torn apart by the jaws of defeat

You have learned alot about defeat lately :D

11-11-2006, 11:09 PM
"Whatcha gonna do when they come for you....Bad Boy, Bad boy....." :-)

Who sang that song anyway....?

hahaha beats me

11-12-2006, 01:34 AM
I cannot wait till the evil of G.W. Bush is in the history books. I have read the posts on here for a long time, and it is obvious that there are a few people on here I would consider retarded. I won't bother to name them, they know who they are. Swamprat!

I like the way they think. I like the direction they take. I like what they stand for.

I guess you like the way they spend trillions of dollars on big business and not the American people.

I guess you like the way they have sent thousands of our citizens to their deaths just to avenge Daddy's blunder

I guess you like the way they bash gays but seem to be getting caught with their hands on more boys genitals than most gay men could ever hope to do.

What good does a republican serve for this country? I think they should just stop their lies and abuse of our Constitution and just admit they are hopelessly lost. They follow a leader whom is the most dispicaple and vial of all Hell's desciples.

I watched a T.V. show this evening that showed an American boy dying in Iraq. All I could do is cry for his family and the future he had just lost. Why? Because of the screwball in the White House that said he should be there and with no real reason to be.

I say to all you so called Patriots who back this murderer. You go and relieve these poor boys and girls who get forced to go. You put your lives on the line instead of your mouths. Things would change in your hearts if it was your asses on the line and not theirs!

Swamprat you are disgusting! Vote your straight Republican ticket. That would be what an imbosile would do. A non-thinking person. I can at least vote for who I believe would be right no matter what party they belong to.

It is your right to be stupid though. We fought for you to be a moron.

"little beaver"
11-12-2006, 01:45 AM
I cannot wait till the evil of G.W. Bush is in the history books. I have read the posts on here for a long time, and it is obvious that there are a few people on here I would consider retarded. I won't bother to name them, they know who they are. Swamprat!

I like the way they think. I like the direction they take. I like what they stand for.

I guess you like the way they spend trillions of dollars on big business and not the American people.

I guess you like the way they have sent thousands of our citizens to their deaths just to avenge Daddy's blunder

I guess you like the way they bash gays but seem to be getting caught with their hands on more boys genitals than most gay men could ever hope to do.

What good does a republican serve for this country? I think they should just stop their lies and abuse of our Constitution and just admit they are hopelessly lost. They follow a leader whom is the most dispicaple and vial of all Hell's desciples.

I watched a T.V. show this evening that showed an American boy dying in Iraq. All I could do is cry for his family and the future he had just lost. Why? Because of the screwball in the White House that said he should be there and with no real reason to be.

I say to all you so called Patriots who back this murderer. You go and relieve these poor boys and girls who get forced to go. You put your lives on the line instead of your mouths. Things would change in your hearts if it was your asses on the line and not theirs!

Swamprat you are disgusting! Vote your straight Republican ticket. That would be what an imbosile would do. A non-thinking person. I can at least vote for who I believe would be right no matter what party they belong to.

It is your right to be stupid though. We fought for you to be a moron.

Either post your line experience and/or your service record. You don't jump in here and 'run your mouth' and play 'internet tough guy' before you establish some sort of credibility.

11-12-2006, 09:20 AM
We’re not lib’s, no offence taken, I understand. I don’t spend time or converse with Hermaphrodite’s [ He-She] truckdrivers, who would?

Many lower animals are hermaphroditic such as worms [Wormy] or parasitic species such as batts, which copulate and fertilize each other. In the hermaphroditic, the protandrous or protogynous gametes of the two sexes are produced in the same organism, sometimes in the same gonad, but at different times. To reproduce, the specimen needs another specimen but with no discrimination about its sex.

HOLY SHIT!!! I just had a biology 101 flashback. AND IT HURT!!!!

11-12-2006, 09:22 AM
I cannot wait till the evil of G.W. Bush is in the history books. I have read the posts on here for a long time, and it is obvious that there are a few people on here I would consider retarded. I won't bother to name them, they know who they are. Swamprat!

I like the way they think. I like the direction they take. I like what they stand for.

I guess you like the way they spend trillions of dollars on big business and not the American people.

I guess you like the way they have sent thousands of our citizens to their deaths just to avenge Daddy's blunder

I guess you like the way they bash gays but seem to be getting caught with their hands on more boys genitals than most gay men could ever hope to do.

What good does a republican serve for this country? I think they should just stop their lies and abuse of our Constitution and just admit they are hopelessly lost. They follow a leader whom is the most dispicaple and vial of all Hell's desciples.

I watched a T.V. show this evening that showed an American boy dying in Iraq. All I could do is cry for his family and the future he had just lost. Why? Because of the screwball in the White House that said he should be there and with no real reason to be.

I say to all you so called Patriots who back this murderer. You go and relieve these poor boys and girls who get forced to go. You put your lives on the line instead of your mouths. Things would change in your hearts if it was your asses on the line and not theirs!

Swamprat you are disgusting! Vote your straight Republican ticket. That would be what an imbosile would do. A non-thinking person. I can at least vote for who I believe would be right no matter what party they belong to.

It is your right to be stupid though. We fought for you to be a moron.
Battman, is that you...?

11-12-2006, 09:49 AM
[QUOTE=NoName]I cannot wait till the evil of G.W. Bush is in the history books. I have read the posts on here for a long time, and it is obvious that there are a few people on here I would consider retarded. I won't bother to name them, they know who they are. Swamprat!

I guess you like the way they have sent thousands of our citizens to their deaths just to avenge Daddy's blunder...

I watched a T.V. show this evening that showed an American boy dying in Iraq. All I could do is cry for his family and the future he had just lost. Why? Because of the screwball in the White House that said he should be there and with no real reason to be...

I say to all you so called Patriots who back this murderer. You go and relieve these poor boys and girls who get forced to go. You put your lives on the line instead of your mouths. Things would change in your hearts if it was your asses on the line and not theirs!...[QUOTE]

No Name,
Maybe you should go back a couple of pages and read Newbie's posts. And who the fuck are you to determine that the US doesn't belong there? What are you, a foriegn policy expert? I'm not going to repeat a post I did a few back. Go back and read it if you want. Dems are unbelievable. They keep repeating the same shit over and over. You forgot to piss and moan about the 2000 election and the fact that were in Iraq for the oil. Your side wants so bad to be right. Like the abortion nuts. What makes you so right and the other side so wrong. Did you ever wear a uniform (other than cub scouts)? I haven't, but if push came to shove I damn sure would have.Bottom line is, this country is not united any longer. It's these statements in a nutshell that are fucking the country up. You obviously don't see it. The politicians aren't going to the desert anytime soon. Nor are their kids. But for the sake of the men non the ground, we must stop this infighting an get together to appear strong and united in the eyes of the people KILLING OUR SOLDIERS!!!! What the fuck is it going to take to get this point through to you nutjobs!!!!

11-12-2006, 10:15 AM
[QUOTE=NoName]I cannot wait till the evil of G.W. Bush is in the history books. I have read the posts on here for a long time, and it is obvious that there are a few people on here I would consider retarded. I won't bother to name them, they know who they are. Swamprat!

I guess you like the way they have sent thousands of our citizens to their deaths just to avenge Daddy's blunder...

I watched a T.V. show this evening that showed an American boy dying in Iraq. All I could do is cry for his family and the future he had just lost. Why? Because of the screwball in the White House that said he should be there and with no real reason to be...

I say to all you so called Patriots who back this murderer. You go and relieve these poor boys and girls who get forced to go. You put your lives on the line instead of your mouths. Things would change in your hearts if it was your asses on the line and not theirs!...[QUOTE]

No Name,
Maybe you should go back a couple of pages and read Newbie's posts. And who the fuck are you to determine that the US doesn't belong there? What are you, a foriegn policy expert? I'm not going to repeat a post I did a few back. Go back and read it if you want. Dems are unbelievable. They keep repeating the same shit over and over. You forgot to piss and moan about the 2000 election and the fact that were in Iraq for the oil. Your side wants so bad to be right. Like the abortion nuts. What makes you so right and the other side so wrong. Did you ever wear a uniform (other than cub scouts)? I haven't, but if push came to shove I damn sure would have.Bottom line is, this country is not united any longer. It's these statements in a nutshell that are fucking the country up. You obviously don't see it. The politicians aren't going to the desert anytime soon. Nor are their kids. But for the sake of the men non the ground, we must stop this infighting an get together to appear strong and united in the eyes of the people KILLING OUR SOLDIERS!!!! What the fuck is it going to take to get this point through to you nutjobs!!!!

Dave, in the grand scheme of things, what hurts our military effort more, the fact that as you say "the politicians are not going to the desert anytime soon. nor are their kids" or disagreement by a nation on the prosecution of the war? The fact that the burden of this war is not on the backs of the politicos and their kids should tell you something.

There should be no arguement as to whether this nation has commited an effort equal to the task of both Iraq and Afghanistan, it hasnt. The fact that pentagon brass have taken issue with Mr. Rumsfeld's direction and plan, and done so in a public manner, is quite telling. What needs to take place now IMHO is posted about 3 pages back, I wont restate what I said. But I will say, the assertion that only the Dems repeat over and over is inaccurate, Stay the course, ad infinitum would be one analogy. BTW, as a question to the previous sentence, just what course are we staying?

11-12-2006, 12:58 PM
I need to post my experience to you. Who made you the posting police? I do not need to prove anything to anyone on here.

So I need to prove my veteran status to have an opinion. Bush can be a draft dodger and be President of the United States. That seems good enough for most of you loons.

That is what you are isn't it. A looney. Up there in Canada. You claim to have been a U.S. Citizen from PA but have been in Canada fo a while.

Should I dare guess since the Vietnam era???? A little Bush in you too maybe????

And as for my line experience. You the ticket checker here? The Seargant At Arms? You probably don't even know what a dues receipt looks like.

No what I will do is talk about what I want to. Say what I want to say and tell to F-off whom I want to and I really don't care about giving you any proof of anything.

By the way, a name like little beaver reaks of testosterone. I'm sure your quite manly. I was afraid when you jumped me about my qualifications.

O my god! little beaver says i cannot speak here. A little beaver is mad at me. What will I do. Tell him to F-off!

"little beaver"
11-12-2006, 01:55 PM
[QUOTE=NoName]I need to post my experience to you. Who made you the posting police? I do not need to prove anything to anyone on here.

So I need to prove my veteran status to have an opinion. Bush can be a draft dodger and be President of the United States. That seems good enough for most of you loons.

That is what you are isn't it. A looney. Up there in Canada. You claim to have been a U.S. Citizen from PA but have been in Canada fo a while.

Should I dare guess since the Vietnam era???? A little Bush in you too maybe????

And as for my line experience. You the ticket checker here? The Seargant At Arms? You probably don't even know what a dues receipt looks like.

No what I will do is talk about what I want to. Say what I want to say and tell to F-off whom I want to and I really don't care about giving you any proof of anything.

By the way, a name like little beaver reaks of testosterone. I'm sure your quite manly. I was afraid when you jumped me about my qualifications.

O my god! little beaver says i cannot speak here. A little beaver is mad at me. What will I do. Tell him to F-off![/QUOT

Your reply was just what was to be expected when one is unalble to defend themselves logically. You make personal attacks and stupid statements. For the others that we contend with on here, they (Batts, wormy, OL etc.) are all worthy opponents whose credentials are established. There is a prophile available, fill it in; unless there is nothing there??

Oh yea, using the 'F-off'. Is that the most original put down that you could come up with?? That's about a grade 5/6 level. So that you don't appear so class less( and retarded) give it some thought and try to be more original next time. However, you are good for comic relief , but that soon wears out.

11-12-2006, 02:48 PM
Dave, in the grand scheme of things, what hurts our military effort more, the fact that as you say "the politicians are not going to the desert anytime soon. nor are their kids" or disagreement by a nation on the prosecution of the war? The fact that the burden of this war is not on the backs of the politicos and their kids should tell you something.

There should be no arguement as to whether this nation has commited an effort equal to the task of both Iraq and Afghanistan, it hasnt. The fact that pentagon brass have taken issue with Mr. Rumsfeld's direction and plan, and done so in a public manner, is quite telling. What needs to take place now IMHO is posted about 3 pages back, I wont restate what I said. But I will say, the assertion that only the Dems repeat over and over is inaccurate, Stay the course, ad infinitum would be one analogy. BTW, as a question to the previous sentence, just what course are we staying?

Your point is made. I just can't seem to make mine. I guess I should just give up.

Line Cowboy
11-12-2006, 03:37 PM
"Whatcha gonna do when they come for you....Bad Boy, Bad boy....." :-)

Who sang that song anyway....?

Swamp is was Inner Circle if it really matters I think you are right

Line Cowboy
11-12-2006, 03:48 PM
WOW where did this noname fella come from and I do find it odd that Mr.batts has not made an appearance lately is this an attempt to be covert ? AWWWW how cute his and batt's posts have thee same arrogance and inability to make a point we shall see I reckon I guess

11-12-2006, 06:29 PM
Many lower animals are hermaphroditic such as worms [Wormy] or parasitic species such as batts, which copulate and fertilize each other. In the hermaphroditic, the protandrous or protogynous gametes of the two sexes are produced in the same organism, sometimes in the same gonad, but at different times. To reproduce, the specimen needs another specimen but with no discrimination about its sex.

Boy you sure do know alot about sex with animals. You know about worm sex?? What kind of freak are you. You repubs always want to get into other peoples sex life and now creatures to. By the way you never did answer my question about Bush and his plan to make all the illegals legal

Line Cowboy
11-12-2006, 06:43 PM
From a Marine To Senator Kerry:

Yesterday John Kerry said, "You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well, and if you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq�

So I wrote him a letter:

I am a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I am currently on my second tour in Iraq, a tour in which I volunteered for. I speak Arabic and Spanish and I plan to tackle Persian Farsi soon. I have a Bachelors and an Associates Degree and between deployments I am pursuing an M.B.A. In college I was a member of several academic honor societies, including the Golden Key Honor Society. I am not unique among the enlisted troops. Many of my enlisted colleagues include lawyers, teachers, mechanics, engineers, musicians and artists just to name a few. You say that your comments were directed towards the President and not us. If we were stupid Senator Kerry, we might have believed you.

I am not a victim of President Bush. I proudly serve him because he is my Commander and Chief. If it was you who was President, I would serve you just as faithfully. I serve America Senator Kerry, and I am also providing a service to the good people of Iraq. I have not terrorized them in the middle of the night, raped them or murdered them as you have accused me of before. I am doing my part to help them rebuild. My role is a simple one, but important. You see Senator Kerry, like it or not, we came here and removed a tyrant (who terrorized Iraqis in the middle of the night, and raped them and murdered them). And we have a responsibility to see to it that another one doesn’t take his place. The people of Iraq are recovering from an abusive relationship with a terrible government and it’s going to take some time to help them recover from that. We can’t treat this conflict like a microwave dinner and throw a temper tantrum because we feel like it’s taking too long.

Senator Kerry, you don’t have to agree with this war. You don’t have to say nice things about those of us who choose to make sacrifices for the rights of every American rather than sit back and simply feel entitled to it. But please Senator Kerry, if you’re going to call me a stupid murdering rapist, stick by what you say. Don’t tell me that I misunderstood or that you would never insult a veteran because you’re one too. Having been there and done that does not give you a free pass to insult me.

My suggestion for you, Senator Kerry, is to remember that your speeches are recorded, and broadcast to us simpletons over here. You may want to write down what you want to say before you say it, maybe have somebody look at it before you say it and tell you what others might hear. Remember that we can’t read your mind, if there are any misinterpretations in what you say, it’s because you didn’t communicate clearly.

Good luck to you Senator Kerry, if nothing else it’s always entertaining to watch you try and climb out of the holes that you constantly dig for yourself.

Somebody who is watching his daughter grow up in photographs so that you can have the right to say whatever you want about him.

I cant add to this just thought some of y'all in your "right" mind would like to hear what the "men at work" have to say too

Line Cowboy
11-12-2006, 07:58 PM
Hey RObin to the batmobile, jesus son sounds like I struck a nerve just for the record I no longer have any respect for you or your juvanile opinions so then , sir you may go FUCK YOURSELF and hopefuly you enjoy it. maybee you should lighten up

11-12-2006, 09:02 PM
lilltle bucked tooth rat you couldn't make a valid point if it was being thrusted up your bunghole. I would request the same of you. Since you are the senior member here and apparently able to wield a large amount of power I would like you to post your qualifications first. Set the example.

See one thing we all should realize. Anybody can talk shit on the internet. Just because you have posted on here before makes you have some sort of superior credibility. NOT!

You are a blip in cyberspace and not much of one.

Actually you are more or less a traitor. Anyone who runs to Canada from the United States must be something to be scraped off the bottom of a shoe after walking through the dog park.

You don't have the right to talk to any citizen of the United States about our country or its government. We can speak. That is our right, not yours. If you were a citizen at one time you lost that right when you ran away.

So how dare you question me! Shut your mouth little water monkey. Go and pretend to be a lumber jack in the woods or whatever you canadiens do for fun. stay out of the business of the citizens of the United States.

Hey you can give me a test to prove my qualifications. Why don't you put together a Journeyman test. Let's see how smart you are. Lets prove how stupid you are!

Only a retard could actually challenge someones right to express their opinion based on your stupid arguement that I am not a lineman because I don't put my experience down on the sign up sheet.

Neither does a lot of people. There are people on here that are admittedly not linemen yet they can speak. Why do they get your special blessings? They kiss your ass first. Is that the sign of respect given to the Canadien god father. pucker up and kiss your anal beads?

From what I gather you claim to have been a part of some special canadien military unit. Thats a real accomplishment. You the fellas who wear the beaver pelt underwear? I'm thinking that's how you got your name.

I hear to prove how tough you are, you had to swim into a beaver dam alone at night and try to poke a hole in it. Some really scary stuff there.

I was rather proud of myself for the F-you comment. I did think of that one all by myself. It was so good I think I'll try using it again.

F-you you canadien pussy in a mounty red jump suit with a checkered hanky wrapped around your neck. F-you for thinking you can tell anyone of us what to do and F-you for being a traitor running to canada. No self respecting U.S. Citizen would do that. Piece of shit!

"little beaver"
11-12-2006, 11:41 PM
[QUOTE=NoName]lilltle bucked tooth rat you couldn't make a valid point if it was being thrusted up your bunghole. I would request the same of you. Since you are the senior member here and apparently able to wield a large amount of power I would like you to post your qualifications first. Set the example.

See one thing we all should realize. Anybody can talk shit on the internet. Just because you have posted on here before makes you have some sort of superior credibility. NOT!

You are a blip in cyberspace and not much of one.

Actually you are more or less a traitor. Anyone who runs to Canada from the United States must be something to be scraped off the bottom of a shoe after walking through the dog park.

You don't have the right to talk to any citizen of the United States about our country or its government. We can speak. That is our right, not yours. If you were a citizen at one time you lost that right when you ran away.

So how dare you question me! Shut your mouth little water monkey. Go and pretend to be a lumber jack in the woods or whatever you canadiens do for fun. stay out of the business of the citizens of the United States.

Hey you can give me a test to prove my qualifications. Why don't you put together a Journeyman test. Let's see how smart you are. Lets prove how stupid you are!

Only a retard could actually challenge someones right to express their opinion based on your stupid arguement that I am not a lineman because I don't put my experience down on the sign up sheet.

Neither does a lot of people. There are people on here that are admittedly not linemen yet they can speak. Why do they get your special blessings? They kiss your ass first. Is that the sign of respect given to the Canadien god father. pucker up and kiss your anal beads?

From what I gather you claim to have been a part of some special canadien military unit. Thats a real accomplishment. You the fellas who wear the beaver pelt underwear? I'm thinking that's how you got your name.

I hear to prove how tough you are, you had to swim into a beaver dam alone at night and try to poke a hole in it. Some really scary stuff there.

I was rather proud of myself for the F-you comment. I did think of that one all by myself. It was so good I think I'll try using it again.

F-you you canadien pussy in a mounty red jump suit with a checkered hanky wrapped around your neck. F-you for thinking you can tell anyone of us what to do and F-you for being a traitor running to canada. No self respecting U.S. Citizen would do that. Piece of shit![/QUOTE

Eat your heart out loser. JM Test........heh,heh...........by the look of the above you failed grade 3 grammer at the alternate school!!! Now go to your room and get under your blankets and wet your panties!! You got to play with the big boys twice in one day!!

11-13-2006, 02:37 AM
They do it all up there in canada don't they. Well I guess it is the Queens English I'm using. You are all a bunch of Queens huh.

You have yet to try to rebuff anything I have accused you of. I guess you won't stoop to my level but actually it would mean trying to raise yourself to my level baby bucked tooth water rat.

You seemed to be the one who jumped at me first and since I don't care which imbocile I tangle with, you'll do for now.

Tell us why a citizen of the United States would run to Canada, and then have the nerve to comment on our affairs. How do you have the nerve to lecture us proud citizens of the United States?

I'll let you tell me that my grammar is bad, but I'm not going to let you open your punk assed mouth in any way towards our business. Unless it involves your small and relatively invisible country that you have made your home, shut the "F" up!

Ronald Reagan would have took a dump on you if he could have, so don't hold him up as a hero of yours.

Come on chicken shit. Quit correcting my spelling and grammar and answer the accusations. I could care less that your only half a Journeyman. You want to talk about our business without a right to and tell me I can't.

I'mm calling you onto the carpet Jizz bag. Answer the accusations or shut your faggot mouth!

"little beaver"
11-13-2006, 10:22 AM
OK nonumbnutsname your weekend pass is up, back to the group home. You didn't make the cut for COURT JESTER; didn't have the 'right stuff'.

Your little weirdo buddies are waiting for you down in the basement, your the main man. Tell 'um where you've been. Playing (sic) with the big boys, at least in your fantasy.

Just gaze at that Michael Moore look alike poster you keep on your wall and let all your inhibitions run wild!!

11-13-2006, 03:51 PM
Keep running from the questions. Keep avoiding information that you need to give according to your own demands.

I choose not to play with boys. Big or little. You must be a Republican. canada must be filled with those big strapping lumber jack types. No wonder you left PA. Not enough big boys running around in plaid.

You like to take them into the basement. I suppose that's where you like to work. Wait. Maybe when you say basement you really mean the _ _ _ . O, I get it now.

I bet you like it when the boys let you call them Wally huh?

Okay again let us know. Who do you think you are? A turn coat who gave up his U.S. Citizenship and ran away to canada. You a draft dodger? Maybe you stuffed too many boys full of your little beaver and had to run away.

Come on big mouth. What gives you any right to speak to us loyal citizens about our affairs. It doesn't matter which side you are on. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS HERE! Shut the F up and go play with your lumber jack boyfriends.

"little beaver"
11-13-2006, 04:28 PM
Keep running from the questions. Keep avoiding information that you need to give according to your own demands.

I choose not to play with boys. Big or little. You must be a Republican. canada must be filled with those big strapping lumber jack types. No wonder you left PA. Not enough big boys running around in plaid.

You like to take them into the basement. I suppose that's where you like to work. Wait. Maybe when you say basement you really mean the _ _ _ . O, I get it now.

I bet you like it when the boys let you call them Wally huh?

Okay again let us know. Who do you think you are? A turn coat who gave up his U.S. Citizenship and ran away to canada. You a draft dodger? Maybe you stuffed too many boys full of your little beaver and had to run away.

Come on big mouth. What gives you any right to speak to us loyal citizens about our affairs. It doesn't matter which side you are on. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS HERE! Shut the F up and go play with your lumber jack boyfriends.



11-13-2006, 05:16 PM
You cannot respond because you are unable to deny what you have been accused of.

You are a weasel and a loud mouth punk.

You are nothing but a prick who thinks he knows something but finds out he doesn't know anything at all. Try making us believe anything you say now.

You notice something? Nobody is coming to your defense water rat bastard.

Why? Cause they too doubt what you are. You can claim to be anything on the computer, but to prove it is so much different. Now that we all know your full of shit you won't be able to prove anything.

Maybe you need to stay out of our business. "Our" meaning U.S. Citizens. Keep your draft dodging opinions to yourself.

Don't talk to me. I don't care. I will make it a point to hammer you every chance I get though. You can run, just like you did to canada. But you cannot hide.

Line Cowboy
11-13-2006, 05:26 PM
Hey Little Beaver....You like that letter to Mr. Kerry? I thought you and Ol' Swamp might get a kick out of it

"little beaver"
11-13-2006, 08:26 PM
Hey Little Beaver....You like that letter to Mr. Kerry? I thought you and Ol' Swamp might get a kick out of it

I'm not certain of the authenticity of the letter, but the point's well made. It was a big win for the Dems. They 'took names, kicked ass' and got rid of Kerry!! That's what makes the democratic system, so much FUN.

11-13-2006, 10:18 PM
Well being in the hospital for myself and then staying with a Vet dying from gunshot wounds, I could give a fuck what you think. I post in my own name you ignorant swamprat bitch boy.
I also thought that "NoName" might have been you. I didn't realize that you were in the hospital and with your friend. I know we have our differences, but please accept my apology.

11-13-2006, 10:27 PM
You cannot respond because you are unable to deny what you have been accused of.

You are a weasel and a loud mouth punk.

You are nothing but a prick who thinks he knows something but finds out he doesn't know anything at all. Try making us believe anything you say now.

You notice something? Nobody is coming to your defense water rat bastard.

Why? Cause they too doubt what you are. You can claim to be anything on the computer, but to prove it is so much different. Now that we all know your full of shit you won't be able to prove anything.

Maybe you need to stay out of our business. "Our" meaning U.S. Citizens. Keep your draft dodging opinions to yourself.

Don't talk to me. I don't care. I will make it a point to hammer you every chance I get though. You can run, just like you did to canada. But you cannot hide.
There is really nothing to respond to. All these posts are is you attacking a guy you never met because he disagrees with you. The Beav can handle himself, I'm sure. He doesn't need anyone's help. When the name calling ends, perhaps we can get back to debating topics? -- Dave

11-13-2006, 11:58 PM
Dave I wanted to express my opinion and was attacked without provocation by that dip shit.

He attacked my right to post and my journeyman qualifications because I have no history posted on here. I see no rule that this is a requirement. Let me worry about the respect of my peers. If I deserve it I will get it. If I don't then I won't. I do not live by the rules of self appointed hall monitors with their own agenda and their own secrets.

I would just like to give my 2 cents without some nimrod spouting off about time on this board being some sort of prerequisite for having an opinion.

He can surely hold his own, and probably a few other youngsters' as well.

Line Cowboy
11-14-2006, 01:01 AM
Hey noname, one simple question, do you automatically give your trust to a hand new to your crew be it JY, ape, or grunt? no it has been my experience that trust has to be earned, by proving one's self. See man no one on here personally attacked you untill you started in on Little Beaver. All he did was ask you to prove yourself, as, I'm sure Mr. beaver had to, I had to, and, the majority, had to. So Mr. Noname, proscede without the foul language or unfortunately you will be ignored.

11-14-2006, 11:03 PM
Hey Batts, Hamas is on your side, they are happy the Democrats won. Hamas knows the Democrats will go stick their head in the Sand and pretend nothing is wrong. Meanwhile Hamas, Iran, North Korea etc. reload and get ready for the next assult. But next time Batts... they are gonna have nukes... dirty or the real thing maybe. Iraq may be leading the charge... and you will blame it on Bush for arming them... It will be somewhat true, but a white lie since the Dems took charge, "cut and run", and left unfinished bussiness and a lot of guns behind... and Lord have mercy if Hillary gets her finger on the button...

CP, who really cares what Hamas thinks......

BTW, nice to see you back here, believe it or not, some of us were worried about ya.....been a while pal where ya been?

BTW, lets give it a week or 2 before we get into any deep disagreements or in depth argumenthttp://www.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/icons/icon12.gif

11-14-2006, 11:19 PM
I just saw the Hamas thing in the paper and it struck me odd. So... ya asking me to pull my physological philosophical punches for a bit? Ummm I don't know if'n I capable... Does not compute.... Danger will Robinson... Danger... floppy arms... Bush has a plan though I see. He is gonna shake the management, unleash the Democrats and watch em flounder in these troubled waters... Then the public will see the aftermath of the reign of this amoral band of pundits. There is talk of resurrecting a bill that would require Radio Stations who air Conservative talk shows to program in equal amounts of Liberal talk shows... Give me a break? Like maybe we should make a bill requiring national news shows to do the same? I think the Libs would cry foul since they control that part...

11-14-2006, 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Orgnizdlbr
" BTW, as a question to the previous sentence, just what course are we staying?"

Ummm, taking out whacko dictaters seeking to procure nukes, then filling the power vacume we created in the process, in order that we might protect this nations life blood... OIL!... It would be our desire to set up, then walk away from a A self atonamus free goverment with which we could rationaly deal... But.. that is a pipe dream since Islam will never make peace with any system of that does not seek one world goverment under the Islamic Umbrella. So until we find another energy source to bring the goods to market we keep the Whackos in check... at any price. The alternative is WW3/Armageddon/Alas Babylon... As Hitler marched, he assured the unaffected not to worry, this was not their war... He had no beef with them... In the mean time he was using the resources of the conquered to reload and march again...

We disarmed under Clinton... The Whackos knew better than to bite the hand that fed them... When Bush took over they struck... They were thinking like the Japs prior to wwII... The Jap Dicktater had visited our country, seen our factories and he knew that the only chance he had was to break our will before we got cranked up... Same with the premier of the Bush reign... They tried to break our will before Bush got the ole red white and blue machine ginning again... Should we come up with an alternative energy source... we could finaly say check mate... but until then... we must "Stay the Course."

11-15-2006, 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Orgnizdlbr
" BTW, as a question to the previous sentence, just what course are we staying?"

Ummm, taking out whacko dictaters seeking to procure nukes, then filling the power vacume we created in the process, in order that we might protect this nations life blood... OIL!... It would be our desire to set up, then walk away from a A self atonamus free goverment with which we could rationaly deal... But.. that is a pipe dream since Islam will never make peace with any system of that does not seek one world goverment under the Islamic Umbrella. So until we find another energy source to bring the goods to market we keep the Whackos in check... at any price. The alternative is WW3/Armageddon/Alas Babylon... As Hitler marched, he assured the unaffected not to worry, this was not their war... He had no beef with them... In the mean time he was using the resources of the conquered to reload and march again...

We disarmed under Clinton... The Whackos knew better than to bite the hand that fed them... When Bush took over they struck... They were thinking like the Japs prior to wwII... The Jap Dicktater had visited our country, seen our factories and he knew that the only chance he had was to break our will before we got cranked up... Same with the premier of the Bush reign... They tried to break our will before Bush got the ole red white and blue machine ginning again... Should we come up with an alternative energy source... we could finaly say check mate... but until then... we must "Stay the Course."

CP, it does not seem that you are willing to give it a week or two before we engage in opposing, argumentative discourse. http://www.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/icons/icon10.gif

I assume that you are quite busy and that is why you havent visited here in a while, so I'll forgo my suggestion and respond.

If you have read some of my posts say three or four pages back you understand my position and what I believe needs to happen in Iraq. When I posted my question to Dave, it was specific to what is occuring now on the ground in the country. Are you saying that the current situation in Iraq is going well, and that is the course that you believe should be stayed?

"little beaver"
11-15-2006, 04:38 PM
Great to see you back CP!! We all need some of that 'old time religion', now and again.

"little beaver"
11-15-2006, 04:48 PM
CP, it does not seem that you are willing to give it a week or two before we engage in opposing, argumentative discourse. http://www.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/icons/icon10.gif

I assume that you are quite busy and that is why you havent visited here in a while, so I'll forgo my suggestion and respond.

If you have read some of my posts say three or four pages back you understand my position and what I believe needs to happen in Iraq. When I posted my question to Dave, it was specific to what is occuring now on the ground in the country. Are you saying that the current situation in Iraq is going well, and that is the course that you believe should be stayed?

OL here is the 'conundrum' for me. Polling shows that 75% or so of the military vote Republican. How do you reconcile that? They don't know what is best for themselves? They're the ones 'on the ground'!! (BTW: I'm not being confrontational just trying to keep the discussion going!)

11-15-2006, 05:31 PM
OL here is the 'conundrum' for me. Polling shows that 75% or so of the military vote Republican. How do you reconcile that? They don't know what is best for themselves? They're the ones 'on the ground'!! (BTW: I'm not being confrontational just trying to keep the discussion going!)

There should be no arguement as to whether this nation has commited an effort equal to the task of both Iraq and Afghanistan, it hasnt. The fact that pentagon brass have taken issue with Mr. Rumsfeld's direction and plan, and done so in a public manner, is quite telling. What needs to take place now IMHO is posted about 3 pages back, I wont restate what I said. But I will say, the assertion that only the Dems repeat over and over is inaccurate, Stay the course, ad infinitum would be one analogy. BTW, as a question to the previous sentence, just what course are we staying?

Beav, I derict your attention to the second sentence in the above quoted paragraph, that is underlined, from one of my earlier posts. I only call your attention to the post for purely reasons of semantics. Are you saying that the Pentagon brass calling into question the method of the war's prosecution are only those who would be Democrats?http://www.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/icons/icon12.gif

Are you saying that generally voters are educated, voters of the US, Canada, or any other democracy, are those voters educated on the issues that confront those nations? For me to judge, or attempt to reconcile why the military or any other voting block votes in a certain fashion would be pure speculation.

I could only assume that the voters of any block, for lack of a better term, would vote for whom they perceived would advocate for the respective positions, ideology, concerns, and issues of importance, held by each respective group.

There is a perception in the US that Republicans are more inclined than Democrats to prosecute a war. Frankly, history does not bear that out. But, such a view or opinion is a clever, very clever, I might add, tactic used by high priced political advisors to gain votes for the parties they are paid by. Both sides use this tactic, it is not done unilaterally.

I believe you know history, I'll pose this question that you know the answer to. The Question is obviously rhetorical. Who was in power in the US when the bulk of the troops were commited to the prosecution of the war in Vietnam? Who was in power when the decision was made to pull the troops out of Vietnam before the ultimate fall of Saigon and the South?

I never thought you were confrontational Beav, Ive said this before and I'll say it again, were just a couple of Lineman, brothers in the trade, having a political discussion and difference of opinion. There is no malice in my post, nor is there intended to be. Jeez guys, difference of opinion makes the world go round and is a GOOD THING! We really should not be calling each other assholes because we differ in opinions. We live in the two great free societies, freedom of speech and public discourse is fundemental to our way of lives. Now I, as others here, have ocassionally lost my temper and spouted some stupid stuff time and again, but please understand, there is no malice intended.

11-15-2006, 07:57 PM
What has any of this got to do with the election? Can someonestart a new thread? Maybe who supports the troops more R or D? Maybe, Does the pentagon support the President? Will the war be better now that Rumsfeld is gone?

Time for this thread to end we know who won. The election is over. I did see an tv spot a guy who is going to run in the next election today. I could not take it

"little beaver"
11-15-2006, 09:10 PM
Beav, I derict your attention to the second sentence in the above quoted paragraph, that is underlined, from one of my earlier posts. I only call your attention to the post for purely reasons of semantics. Are you saying that the Pentagon brass calling into question the method of the war's prosecution are only those who would be Democrats?http://www.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/icons/icon12.gif

Are you saying that generally voters are educated, voters of the US, Canada, or any other democracy, are those voters educated on the issues that confront those nations? For me to judge, or attempt to reconcile why the military or any other voting block votes in a certain fashion would be pure speculation.

I could only assume that the voters of any block, for lack of a better term, would vote for whom they perceived would advocate for the respective positions, ideology, concerns, and issues of importance, held by each respective group.

There is a perception in the US that Republicans are more inclined than Democrats to prosecute a war. Frankly, history does not bear that out. But, such a view or opinion is a clever, very clever, I might add, tactic used by high priced political advisors to gain votes for the parties they are paid by. Both sides use this tactic, it is not done unilaterally.

I believe you know history, I'll pose this question that you know the answer to. The Question is obviously rhetorical. Who was in power in the US when the bulk of the troops were commited to the prosecution of the war in Vietnam? Who was in power when the decision was made to pull the troops out of Vietnam before the ultimate fall of Saigon and the South?

I never thought you were confrontational Beav, Ive said this before and I'll say it again, were just a couple of Lineman, brothers in the trade, having a political discussion and difference of opinion. There is no malice in my post, nor is there intended to be. Jeez guys, difference of opinion makes the world go round and is a GOOD THING! We really should not be calling each other assholes because we differ in opinions. We live in the two great free societies, freedom of speech and public discourse is fundemental to our way of lives. Now I, as others here, have ocassionally lost my temper and spouted some stupid stuff time and again, but please understand, there is no malice intended.

FAIR ANSWER..............One thing I always told the guys on the crew....."if you have a disagreement, forget about it and go on."

11-15-2006, 09:54 PM
As to the effectivness of the way we are waging the war... I Dunno... Maybe Rumsfield was not on target... I am sure there is a lot we don't know about what is going down over there. It is a civil religious war taking place. N Like I said before, the folks we are dealing with think they get an express ticket into heaven and they get to take their family members with them if they die in this war. How does one wage war against such a rational. Sadman Insane flung chemical nukes at whole herds of folks trying to reign them into submission before we got there. Death in Jihad is something they welcome and actively seek. What can we do? Bring both sides into the same camp. Make them eat, train, relieve themselves, and sleep side by side as they become Units who will protect a free and soveriegn Iraq. We will have to stand guard til this happens... if it happens... None the less we can not pull out and leave a pile of crap... Cause if'n we did, Iran would waltz in put the crap thru a strainer... pick out the worst of it, strap it to a rocket and launch it at the good ole USA... Getting rid of a hornets nest is never done without a measure of risk...

11-15-2006, 10:04 PM
Newbie, understand, I am not in favor of what has been charectorized by some in politics as "cut and run." Now that we have commited to the war, now that we have sent or sons and daughters to fight and die, is not the time to turn and leave. I have many questions about the decisions made to enter into the war, namely were the American people mislead on the reasons for our involvment. That being said, when you commit the sons and daughters of our nation, it is incumbent on you to provide the tools necessary to FINISH the task at hand. With the situation in Iraq what it now is, in my humble opinion, overwhelming force must be brought to bear on the insurgents. Overwhelming, brutal, raw power, administered with speed and efficency with a "take not shit" attitude. We, as a nation, must also make it clear to the governing body of Iraq that they have "skin in the game" and will ultimately assume the responsibility of protecting themselves.

I do not want to see in Iraq what has become of South Korea. I fear it will come to pass though.

It is apparent that some high level military brass were disenchanted with the direction given them by civilian leadership on how to prosecute the war. My hope is that both parties see the value in allowing our military, the finest on the face of the earth btw, the latitude to use the tools in the box, "by any means necessary", to steal a quote, to finish the job and end the war.

You are quite welcome, there is no need to thank me for extending thanks to your brother, I remember the treatment of servicemen during the Vietnam war, I will never cast aspersions on our proud, dedicated, military men and women. Again, make sure to thank your brother and tell him the American people support the "boots on the ground" 1000%.

CP, I believe if you read this post from a few days ago, you'll see we are basically in agreement. Now, how often has that happened???http://www.powerlineman.com/lforum/images/icons/icon10.gif

12-13-2006, 10:48 PM
I'm a pretty good read of folks OGB. I feel ya. At heart yer a Blue Dog Democrat. Speaking of Blue Dogs... thier time has come. They made a lot of headway in this (06) cycle. I'm almost thinkin thats even better than some of the frog republicans they replaced.

Frogs = MoRomoney, Juliannee... etc.

01-05-2008, 11:56 AM
Just thought this thread should resurface in this time of decision and anti war sentiment.