View Full Version : FPL Requirements

Red Rooster
11-30-2006, 05:39 PM
Does anyone know of what FPL requires anymore to be a lineman ?

Hurricane Harry
11-30-2006, 07:03 PM
Until fpl gets their act together, that's the kind of people they will get. When they start treating people better, word will get out and lineman will want to work there.

12-01-2006, 06:57 PM
Rooster, I thought the days of Non-Lineman running the line crews were gone, I guess not..they are trying to pull that shit up here too. Such as a Groundman for 30 years now running the job, So i inquired as of why,, they said. "We can't use a lineman because they have to do all the work"..What a crock of shit.

12-01-2006, 07:07 PM
I see it every time new hires come to test, before they do the assessment they are taken to the low line and shown how to use a tie stick and put a crab on the pole. What it comes to in my opinion is if you can climb ( a little ) than you can have a job, we will teach you the rest later. FPL says they meet OSHA standards, I find it hard to beileve. Please don't take me wrong, I have seen some fine lineman hire on. As a matter of fact one of the best I lineman I ever worked with came from Ohio. FPL management has a quota that they need to hire and the union ( unfortunately ) has nothing to do with it. As far as getting treated better, good luck with that. Keep the meters turning but don't work late.

12-02-2006, 04:09 PM
It is pretty sad.:( The almighty dollar and the legal dept. is what runs the show. Safety is paramount so long as it doesn’t cost too much…… Do more with less but how much more can we really do?……. OSHA is a joke. They know less about what we do than upper management…….. Off the street and a lineman in 2 years? Not enough… They hire some lineman because someone said they are one. No formal training…… Every time they say sign the roster, you have the training. Now you are responsible…. They will say all the right things but this company does not care about you or me, only about profit……….cya……

12-10-2006, 02:51 AM
red rooster I SEE you changed your story on one of f.p.l.'s finest most people know what you were saying and agree with you. probably a good move to not say much right now.