12-31-2006, 06:05 PM
We had a ug failure in New Brunswick on 12/28. Troubleman isloated the A pahse elbow and the ug was called in. The ug started to lay out a jumperwire and were installing elbows on the line. Not knowing that the transformer sitting 10 feet away was a B phase power pot and the two transformers were wired for an open delta for pump station, I don't want to speculate on how the jumper was made hot, but the man making up the elbow a good 500 yards away and out of site was thrown off the ground while holding the other end of the jumper. He was brought to Robert Wood with slight burns to his hand. I think he was to go home today. The co. plans on doing the fact finding on Tues, so that is all I really want to say now. Happy new year to you all and to all that have to word tonight be safe.