View Full Version : Equipotential Grounding & Bonding video

old lineman
01-15-2007, 09:16 PM
Over the years there has been numerous posts about EPZ, some for, some against.
Lots of the discussion revealed lack of knowledge.
There is a good video on the subject that is intended to supplement teaching the subject, it is available at the very low price of $49.95 CDN plus taxes and shipping. This video once sold at $285.00 CDN.
Rumor has it that about 50 US IBEW locals have purchased it because it's one of the best out there for instruction purposes.
It would really help explain the whole theory of EPZ to new commers and give a healthier respect for proper grounding technics for working de-energized circuits to linemen of all ages.
You can order it at this web site, www.eusa.on.ca
Hope this helps those who are interested in the safer grounding method.
The Old Lineman

Alberta Apprentice
01-20-2007, 10:33 PM
I've took some courses on Equipotential last week and it's pretty convincing to me that its worth the extra time. my company put together a video for training purposes around the early 80's or even the late 70's when they started practicing EB+G and did a few demonstrations with dummys and whatnot and then showed what a difference it makes. EB+G isn't law here yet but its our company policy and i think the province is going to make it mandatory when applicable soon enough. If it saves lives like they say then I'll take the extra time. stay safe fellas.

Swollen Tongue
02-03-2007, 05:38 PM
The law here is that if the white hats ride by, they want to see those yellow cable things hanging on the wire. They couldn't tell if its done properly or not, if its practical or even the correct thing to do for the given situation nor do they understand how EPG works. They just read something about it

old lineman
02-03-2007, 08:06 PM
The law here is that if the white hats ride by, they want to see those yellow cable things hanging on the wire. They couldn't tell if its done properly or not, if its practical or even the correct thing to do for the given situation nor do they understand how EPG works. They just read something about it

That's a sad affair isn't it? They might want to aquire a video and learn something, or they could contact IEEE to get clued in.
On the other hand some people just can't be taught anything. Unfortunately too many of them end up in higher places.
Sort of makes me think of a guy who asked this question.
"How come your a supervisor"?
"Well I'm too dangerous to be a worker".
If the shoe fits wear it.
The Old Lineman