View Full Version : Qualified to glove

01-21-2007, 07:17 AM
Do you think you need to to have a supervisor on the site to glove? Does your company say that journey lineman require to have a supervisor on site to glove unless they are qualified to glove? I would like to know how many of you have this rule in effect.

01-21-2007, 09:14 AM
What do troublemen do?

I'd guess that if a lineman hadn't had specific training in proper gloving procedures then he should get that training in a controlled environment before being expected to do the work alone.

01-21-2007, 09:27 AM
I know where I'm at apps start gloving single phase in the 5th step and three phase in the 6th. Thats only with a jm and there has to be two jm to work in primary area. Reach,slip,or fall and no sup needed.

01-21-2007, 12:08 PM
We are not allowed to glove by ourselves, all we need is a qualified watcher then you are good to go.

01-21-2007, 12:28 PM
What are the voltage limitations off the pole, baker board, bucket? Supposedly when we work hot primary, two qualified men in the primary area and a qualified observer will be present on the ground. But anymore in Houston I see one man in the bucket with nobody observing.

01-21-2007, 08:10 PM
If you have a company policy that says two lineman and an observer and you're not following that then we have no one to blame but ourselfs. I think some times we do things for customers when we shouldn't because we just but ourselfs at risk for the customer. If the company really cared about us or the customer they would hire enough people to SAFELY do the work and keep the customers happy.

01-23-2007, 07:11 PM
In Houston these days its pretty close to a one man rodeo... If you don't like what is going on you pretty much have to grab your tramp bag and hit the road. Hopefully things will change sometime in the near future. Since the layoffs in 03 it has been slim picking around here... I would gander to say about a third of the 66 contract hands are living out of tramp bags as we speak. But I think the time is near at hand that CenterPoint / HL&P / Reliant is gonna have to pay the piper... They have been neglecting their system for some time now... I really can not see them getting away with it very much longer.

Swollen Tongue
02-03-2007, 05:29 PM
2 Journeymen to glove prizemary here. What the hell is a qualified watcher?? I know what it sounds like

02-27-2007, 05:26 PM
we rubber glove up to 27.6 wye out of both single & double buckets the person on the ground has to be competent in the work being performed, but he does not have to be a supervisor. he is also suppose to be a dedicated observer. this also applies when we work 44.

02-27-2007, 07:59 PM
2 Journeymen to glove prizemary here. What the hell is a qualified watcher?? I know what it sounds like

Qualified watcher. That sounds like the most boring job on earth.

In Scotland we have unqualified watchers.... Management. :D

02-27-2007, 09:03 PM
it is not just a company policy but an OSHA requirement that on distribution voltages you have to have the qualified observer on the ground.As far as having a supervisor around no we don't but while work is going on in the "zone" you must have the second qualified man to observe.


02-27-2007, 10:09 PM
there is more to gloving than having a supervisor on the ground .....can he do pole top resque? in 3 phase you should have one more qualifide man with you,,,,,,weather in bucket or on the pole ,,with hot board,most glovers use 10 kva gloves ,,,,,but phase to phase is 12480? never work ,out of phase,,,,,,,,and it is a art ,,not getting in series ,or phase to ground ,,,,good luck anf god bless,,,,,,,,,seen enough carnage,,,,,,,scammy

02-27-2007, 10:10 PM
also you can always get into a bind ,,,hence the second man,,,,,

03-05-2007, 10:21 PM
also we never go into 3 phase without 2 qualified lineman

old lineman
03-06-2007, 11:58 PM
I'd be interested to hear what everyone thinks the criteria is for a 'qualified observer'.
Where I come from it's as follows;
A. The observer could be a crew leader or just a co-worker, but he must be capable of performing the task under way. If it's primary work then the qualified observer must have attended a minimum of third year formal training.
B. The observer must be able to effect a rescue. For pole climbing he must be equipped and be able to climb and rescue, if an aerial device is in use he must know how to operate the lower controls.
C. The truck must be equipped with a dumping bucket or a rescue device that will provide a mechanical advantage that would enable a smaller rescuer to extricate a larger worker. 4:1 is considered normal.
D. The observer must be trained in first aid and CPR and has to posses a valid CPR certificate.
E. The crew must have direct communication in case of an emergency. The means can vary among any effective systems.

It should be noted that there is a differnce between QUALIFIED OBSERVER and a DEDICATED OBSERVER. A qualifed observer can perform tasks while observing. A dedicated observer may not become distracted by performing tasks.
The Old Lineman

03-07-2007, 01:26 AM
Anything over 4KV is stick work in Alaska. 5 man crew minimum to stick, one person has to be strictly observing, can't run a handline, get materials, etc.
Bet that would go over like a lead balloon in the Midwest and East Coast!:D
Otherwise, I'm used to a two man crew - journeyman or hot app in the air, and the other can be in the air or on the ground. Makes you appreciate being on a three man crew, it's like a vacation!

03-07-2007, 09:16 AM
I'd be interested to hear what everyone thinks the criteria is for a 'qualified observer'.
Where I come from it's as follows;
A. The observer could be a crew leader or just a co-worker, but he must be capable of performing the task under way. If it's primary work then the qualified observer must have attended a minimum of third year formal training.
B. The observer must be able to effect a rescue. For pole climbing he must be equipped and be able to climb and rescue, if an aerial device is in use he must know how to operate the lower controls.
C. The truck must be equipped with a dumping bucket or a rescue device that will provide a mechanical advantage that would enable a smaller rescuer to extricate a larger worker. 4:1 is considered normal.
D. The observer must be trained in first aid and CPR and has to posses a valid CPR certificate.
E. The crew must have direct communication in case of an emergency. The means can vary among any effective systems.

It should be noted that there is a differnce between QUALIFIED OBSERVER and a DEDICATED OBSERVER. A qualifed observer can perform tasks while observing. A dedicated observer may not become distracted by performing tasks.
The Old Lineman

Good description OL. Our "qualified observer" must be qualified to do the work at hand, like yours. Except, he IS a dedicated observer, not permitted to do any other work while we are in the primary zone. If he must do another task, we fly, or climb down, out of the primary.

03-07-2007, 09:36 AM
Qualified observer to us means just two things only. They understand the gloveing rules and they are capable of a rescue. In the case of bucket work this could be an equipment operator. For climbing another journeyman.

03-08-2007, 12:31 AM
I agree with you.

I really dont feel comfy with the fact that a non-climber can hold the title of "Observer"

We have evolved to the point that no real journeyman would ever accept the situation in which he is required to climb without a real backup.

Just say no!!!!

Personally, I will not climb without a qualified climber on the ground who has his tools at the base of the pole.

"We Hope"

Luv you guys!!!!!


03-10-2007, 08:52 PM
Qualified Watcher is a Lineman who has completed the approved rubber glove techniques. Let me futher explain, over half of our lineman will not use hotline techniques, there choice. so the policy states you need two qualified people in the pails and one watching.

03-13-2007, 10:11 PM
I'm not sure what the hell a "Qualified Observer"is.But we don't glove anything over 480v without someone on the ground that is(1) qualified in poletop/buckett rescue,(2)Emergency radio proticol,and (3)CPR.The"only"exception is an emergency where life or property is in immediate danger.