View Full Version : Inner City Line Schools

02-06-2007, 08:11 AM



02-07-2007, 01:27 AM
I'll tell you dudes, here at FPL they are begging for linemen.

I understand they are recruiting high school students to go to training to see if they make the grade.


No matter if you are union or non, we have the pricks over a barrell.

Stand your ground, the Baby Boomers are retireing.

The various power co's and rea's will soon be in a situation where they will be in a bind.

I only ask my bros to think about the fact that without us they have nothing.

We hold the cards.

Think about it.

I love you guys....

02-07-2007, 09:29 AM
Most companies realize that there is a major exodus of employees coming over the next 5-10 years. That's why many companies are expanding their apprentice programs again after years of cuts. We never cut ours out but with only 21 outside workers we normally only carried one apprentice at a time. We now have three in the program, and any truck driver/equipment operator we hire we ask if they are thinking about becoming a lineman.

02-07-2007, 09:38 AM
It is my understanding that PSO (Pub. Serv. Co. of Ok.) will grant a qualified applicant approx. $12,000 to attend the 2 yr. line school at Okmulgee Tech. with the stipulation that they are obligated to work for PSO after finishing. I know none of the other details. It may be in the form of a loan and I don't know how long they are obligated to work for PSO. dbrown20

02-08-2007, 01:11 AM
What is the difference between this Line "College" and NLC's Program, or Spokane Community College, or Pratt Community College, or the many others all around the country. Do you feel they all are a waste of money or just this one in particular? A 10 month program for $5,500. That’s the same price for NLC’s program that only lasts 4 months.

02-10-2007, 01:55 PM
thinknin about line school. I went to NLCs program, it made things easier. if you go to line school you should know more and people expect more I wouldnt waste your time going to a program longer than 4 months because credit is rarely granted for non app experience, and quite honestly I've seen guys who went to 2 year programs got a fancy associates degree and they are none the better for it. but if you want to save money sign the books as a groundman, apply for apprenticeship and make money instead of taking out loans. groundman start anywhere form 10-20 an hour and can make as much a second or third step app. but get in and get trained by a good union outfit your tickets worth more and wages are just going up. dont settle for grunt pay. career grunts in my experience are about the same skill level as burger flippers. they have never tried to learn so you have to yell at them for the same stuff day in day out. to you guys who are grunts and have a clue get in the apprenticeship. that way I dont feel like im badmouthing a good hand.

02-10-2007, 03:15 PM
thinknin about line school. I went to NLCs program, it made things easier. if you go to line school you should know more and people expect more I wouldnt waste your time going to a program longer than 4 months because credit is rarely granted for non app experience, and quite honestly I've seen guys who went to 2 year programs got a fancy associates degree and they are none the better for it. but if you want to save money sign the books as a groundman, apply for apprenticeship and make money instead of taking out loans. groundman start anywhere form 10-20 an hour and can make as much a second or third step app. but get in and get trained by a good union outfit your tickets worth more and wages are just going up. dont settle for grunt pay. career grunts in my experience are about the same skill level as burger flippers. they have never tried to learn so you have to yell at them for the same stuff day in day out. to you guys who are grunts and have a clue get in the apprenticeship. that way I dont feel like im badmouthing a good hand.

This guy knows what he's talking about. Excellent advice. dbrown20