View Full Version : "White Racists"
500 KVA
02-22-2007, 09:49 PM
I am not going to sit in the backround after reading this shit.
Shitheads like you make me sick asshole! You pretty much bore me most of the time with your stupid ass republican crap, and your chicken shit having to carry guns in the shopping mall shit. This one is typical Florida fuck your own sister, REDNECK bullshit!
What gives you the right? Unless you are an American Indian you aren't from here either. Your family came here from someplace else and from the sounds of it from some redneck place in Europe.
This country is the way it is because your Republican assholes in office do all they can to keep non whites down. You think they are going to love us? You think they should trust fuckheads like you? I don't!
Every citizen of this country deserves equal rights. Not special rights, but equal. You speak of them as second class. They have done as much if not more for this country than you.
I bet there are millions of citizens of other than white origins that have served in the military, served in the peace corps, volunteer to help others in need etc.
What do you do? Sit around and play with yourself while watching Sean Hannity. Probably think about your sister too. Maybe a threesome. You, Hannity and your sister.
What a low life gutter snake you are. Glad to come out of the backround just to tell you that asshole!
02-23-2007, 10:40 AM
:rolleyes: Please don't lump REDNECK and REPUBLICAN with what "Swamprat" said. He could have said the same thing without the name calling and so could have you. This is a free country, you do have the freedom of speech. I served in the military, I grew up in a small country town, and I've used my God given right to vote. I do vote Republican for reasons I will keep to myself. And I do consider mysleft a REDNECK. "BUT" let me define REDNECK for you. It's a culture, a lifestyle, it's a belief, it's country music, it's rodeo, it's hunting, it's fishing, it's country living, it's family, it's Aunt so and so's fried chicken, it's grandma's liver and onions, it's live and let linv. Its not come to my town where I grew up and where my family has been since the 1800's and push your beliefs on us. Like, stop hunting because you don't agree with it, and change my way of life because you don't agree with it. Let me live with you and you with me. There are good REDNECKS, there are weird REDNECKS, and there are bad REDNECKS. Just like the rest of the world. You don't need to name call. I'm proud to be a REDNECK and I am not a racist. I am a man with a culture that only a REDNECK could recognize as a culture.
02-23-2007, 03:58 PM
Well said PA, Everyone get's a fair chance. Screw me once shame on me, you know the rest. As far as the sister that's a no no, got a Aunt I would like to visit though HA HA.
02-23-2007, 06:59 PM
.......I've seen this before. It's another one of those forwarding emails that we all either read, delete, or forward on. You either reply, forward or delete. Honest? Most forwards I don't even read unless it is from someone that never forwards to me. Then, I might read it. This one, I have read before. Most of you have seen this I am sure.
I was in a meeting several years back. It was an equity coordinator meeting. It's for those of us that sit in on interviews and make sure all applicants, no matter race or gender, are asked the same questions. Anyway, in this meeting, we were told that in the near future the white male will soon be the minority group. Why? Because you have white females, black females, black males and any other race that you can't discriminate because we are a free America that gives equal opportunities to those that are not (overly populated) in the job market place. Young white males will be bypassed because you already have other white males in the overall average of the workforce today. And in some job markets, you don't have any women, so then it makes it possible for a black woman (or any other female besides white) to have a better chance at equality and it looks better if there is no "white" hired on this date and yet, the female slot is taken. And that is a FACT!
So, it no longer matters who is qualified for the position or job, it's all about making the job force equal in race and gender. And if they aren't working out, it will take months or even years to "get rid" of the incompetent employee. You have to document why without mentioning certain words or put it in a context that will not sound discrimating towards the gender, race or even their capabilities as a person. Mr. Batts, Swamp, or any other "outspoken" individual here wouldn't make it in today's upper corporate business. Not because they couldn't handle the position, I think they could. It's because America's business world can't afford for you to be too openminded.............NO MATTER...which way you swing! For you are going to offend SOMEBODY. How better do we know that than HERE on this site! :D
You can all stick your heads in the sand hole if you want. You can even call me a white racists southern redneck woman, you can say I'm siding with Swamprat or the Republicans (which I am NOT! I'm DEMOCRAT), I really don't give a hoot, nor do I care. But, oneday.....if you aren't already seeing it, will be faced with this very situation. Mark my words. The day is coming...
500 KVA
02-23-2007, 07:38 PM
You know our definitions of a redneck don't sound alike. You may want to be known as a redneck, but what I believe a redneck to be, I do not.
Rednecks are the guys you find wearing the white sheets, or the skin heads. The people that wouldn't help a person just because they are a minority. People who cause actions against minorities with their vile campaigns of hatred.
You want to be called a redneck so be it. Just cause you like the sound of it don't mean its something pleasant.
As far as being a Republican. That's okay. If you're a bush fanatic or any other shithead follower, then you too are a shithead! I don't care if you like my language or not. I don't live my life to make you happy.
Swaprat. 14 posts huh. Wow. You can count. lets see counting to 14 and from Florida. You must have gradiated the 6th grade. Your name wouldn't be Jethro would it?
With what you wrote (or copied), but still submitted, you have the balls to call me a racist and claim you're not a racist. That must be more of that Republican strategy.
Lie, cheat, steal, and play with little boys. Get caught red handed and then say it wasn't you, but rather a liberal commie bastard. What a freaking joke.
I see by your proudly posted picture why you couldn't get any except from your sister. Man you are freaking ugly! But I see you are into animals now. Probably a step up from sis.
If you need to be told what is wrong with that post, then you know your what's wrong with it.
As far as the crap from the committee that lostart was on. What a bunch of mumbo jumbo. You want to buy some land in Florida from me? O, you have already bought some land in Florida. Next to Rat's?
Can you see the forest through the trees? Better get your eyes checked. More likely you need your heads examined.
aaw der aint nottin rung wit wot Id say'd. REDNECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey 49. You want to be a redneck? Go for it! What a RUBE!
02-23-2007, 10:08 PM
:rolleyes: Hey 500 KVA:D Sounds like swamp found where your goats tied!
Hemingray Insulators
02-23-2007, 10:15 PM
Those two have been going at it since i've been on this board, and in fact 500kva and i have went at it a few times he definatly does not like me. i wonder if its possible for 500 to get along with anyone:confused:
02-23-2007, 10:46 PM
Those two have been going at it since i've been on this board
Yeah, when 500 KVA is here. But, he hasn't posted in over a year. Until this week, that is.
02-23-2007, 11:37 PM
I'm proud of my heritage. I guess being proud of where my ancestors come from and their skin color makes me a racist...give me a break man.
02-24-2007, 12:22 AM
:cool: Sounds like 500 KVA needs to get a life!!!!!:D
02-24-2007, 10:00 AM
"Qualified"...for the job. PERIOD.
But, that isn't how it works anymore. At least not "all" the time. And it's not in just the education system either. It's everywhere. Probably more so in larger populated cities.
I get tickled everytime anyone calls Swamp a redneck racists. I mean....the man is a dag gum YANKEE for goodness sakes! And remember we were all termed a YANK by the Brits BEFORE the Civil War!
If I have offended anyone here...well let me just put it in the words of 500 KVA...
you guys are so sensitive. your linemen? ......My posts usually need a minimum of high school reading skills.
oops. i may have hurt your feelings again
02-24-2007, 11:21 AM
500 try reading this and not flying off the handle.
Both my Moms parents and my Dads parents came from Germany as teenagers. They became U.S. citizens and AMERICANS. NOT German Americans. You would have thought that after 911 that we would come together as AMERICANS no matter what your heritage.
I think I get it Swamp.
"little beaver"
02-24-2007, 11:25 AM
[I get tickled everytime anyone calls Swamp a redneck racists. I mean....the man is a dag gum YANKEE for goodness sakes! And remember we were all termed a YANK by the Brits BEFORE the Civil War!
Actually the term YANKEE was a derisive term that goes back to the English Civil War of the 1640's. The Royalists called the Cromwelliands, "Yankees".
This carried over to the Rebellion of 1776 as the ancestors of the same people, the New Englanders were the main perpetrators. There was nothing 'revolutionary' about it. It had all been fought out once before in England with the Crown winning out in the end. Hence, the British called the New Englanders, "YANKEES".
Statistics now prove that it was a 1/3 split for sure in the begining i.e. 1/3 supporters. 1/3 Loyalists and 1/3 riding the fence. Ironically, New York was a Loyalists 'hotbed'. It remained so to the end. Some of the Canadian Reserve(Militia) Units can trace there ancestry to Loyalists units from New York such as the Qeens York Rangers out of Toronto.
Of course the Canadian Loyalists got their pay back in the War of 1812 soundly defeating all American attempts to invade them. The Canadian Army Reserve traces it's ancestory to the War of 1812. Canada is the only one of three that can claim a clear cut victory in that conflict!
02-24-2007, 12:08 PM
Actually the term YANKEE was a derisive term that goes back to the English Civil War of the 1640's. The Royalists called the Cromwelliands, "Yankees".
This carried over to the Rebellion of 1776 as the ancestors of the same people, the New Englanders were the main perpetrators. There was nothing 'revolutionary' about it. It had all been fought out once before in England with the Crown winning out in the end. Hence, the British called the New Englanders, "YANKEES".
Statistics now prove that it was a 1/3 split for sure in the begining i.e. 1/3 supporters. 1/3 Loyalists and 1/3 riding the fence. Ironically, New York was a Loyalists 'hotbed'. It remained so to the end. Some of the Canadian Reserve(Militia) Units can trace there ancestry to Loyalists units from New York such as the Qeens York Rangers out of Toronto.
Of course the Canadian Loyalists got their pay back in the War of 1812 soundly defeating all American attempts to invade them. The Canadian Army Reserve traces it's ancestory to the War of 1812. Canada is the only one of three that can claim a clear cut victory in that conflict!
LOL! Well, thank you LB for clearing this up for me. If it wasn't you, then it would of been Georgie, I am sure!
Now it's the dag gum Canadians tryin' to get one up on us!! Gracious...hunker down boys....they are invading us from every direction! Next it will be BigClive or those mates from the UK!! We are surrounded! Get those wagons in a circle and FAST!!!
Don't worry none though. It's the Americans that will be the downfall of this land! As you can all see, we are fightin' each other! You can just sit back and watch the entertainment as it unfolds. Oh brother...........
02-24-2007, 09:17 PM
Nice post Swamprat, There's knowthing racist about your post just truth.
These days it's all about what your not given, everybody expects things to be handed to them. All the rules and laws that help minorities, take away jobs and work from the qualified white male. Minorities should be treated equal and hired and fired according to qualifications, not race alone.
My father is one the top hard rock blasters around. As far as being qualified to do the work he's as qualified as they come. He's been replaced by men that have very little experience, very little traning and not near the qualifications my father has. In all three occasions it was because they were working on the reservation and ther weren't enough tribal members. If thats not discrimination and considered racist, what is. My father lost three jobs based on the color of his skin, not his experience. When he made a stink, he was considered a racist. It's not right!
02-25-2007, 02:19 AM
Great post Swamp (Its Squizzy with a new profile). Yep we got exactly the same problem here as soon as a minority group gets told the "NO" word or a decision goes against them well you branded a racist. We have these new Racial Vilification Laws so if racially abuse someone you get charged. The only person convicted of an offence so far has been black- not quite what they had in mind. I heard a speech by Bill Cosby on the radio the other day telling the African American community that if they want to help stamp out racist perceptions towards them they need to stop the drugs,gangs,violence,get off unemployment benifets and speak properly instead of all the underground language that will prevent them from entering the workforce. I wonder if the speech came from a white person would he then be branded a racist for speaking the truth?
02-25-2007, 06:58 PM
Why the heck did you change your name Squizzy?
Another that talks about his race is Morgan Freeman or was it Samuel Jackson? Oh boy. Anyway, one of them said that it didn't make sense to have a Black History month or any other naming with black in it. He went on to pretty much say that it doesn't help in the discrimination of any other race. I want to say he was on 60 Minutes and it was Ed Bradley that was interviewing him. I remember telling the boss, "Well, that is different. Wonder if he gets rolled over the coals by the NAACP for saying that?"
I really wish I knew which one for sure. But, I've always kinda liked Morgan Freeman, so I want to say it was him.
02-26-2007, 12:02 AM
So, it no longer matters who is qualified for the position or job, it's all about making the job force equal in race and gender."
I believe the "Corporate Catchphrase" is Diversity. Just the other day, the new Pres of PS was talking about how strong the company is since Exelon got booted from our lives in NJ, and that the 400 or so job openings that exist and need to be filled are an excellent oportunity to "increase the diversity of the company". What ever happened to filling the positions with the most competent people in the industry? If I were a stock holder, and I am, I'd certainly prefer to hear that instead of "let's get some color in our cheeks".
I have absolutely no problem working with or for people of different backrounds, race, etc., so long as they know what the hell they are doing. Problem is, when jobs are filled with diversity instead of competence, you can't "un-fill" it or you are a "racist".
Another thing I don't get is what I see in the company propaganda sheet. Seems like every month there are articles trumpeting about "the great job Mr. Smith, who happens to be black, did last month". Or how "Ms. Doe, who's a lesbian, handles her job with ease and competence." What the hell is that bullshit about?!?! Those types of articles are demeaning, and should piss them off more than anything else.
02-26-2007, 09:39 AM
Why the heck did you change your name Squizzy?
Well its a long story I fried my old PC do you reckon I could remember my password? Got sidetracked working away, other forums etc etc and I think what happened was I off for a while and caught out no activity and and deleted archives my profile went with it ah well its all fixed now......
Swamprat -You KNOW it Squizz!
Course, you probably didn't hear about it, but Cosby got pretty well trashed by his own for sayin what he did.
Yeah I don't imagine the rest of the community took it too well I didn't hear the outcome as it wasn't broardcast here but the speech I thought was outstanding and its all true. You can understand his motivation with the circumstances surrounding the death of his son. That senseless crap is becoming more and more common these days everywhere and for a member of a community to go on the record and say what he did about his community like that thats guts but then again there shouldn't be a community within a community in a perfect world that is.....
500 KVA
03-02-2007, 08:54 PM
Why are you quoting a letter someone else wrote about the subject of immigration? This has nothing to do with the post you made about racism. You seem to be steering this away from the comments you made about citizens of this country. You are a back peddling fool.
I believe that every person has a right to immigrate here. Those people must become english speaking, and assimilate our culture. Just as they did throughout the 19th Century, and over the entire first half of the 20th Century. You get no arguement from me on that.
I will call you out for what you are and have proven to be. A Racist, A Bigot, A War Monger, A Right Wing Nut Case, A Moron.... A Liar! The list can go on and on!
One thing I do know. You should not have the right to use those racial slurs anywhere. Racially Inflamatory speech should not be covered under your rights of free speech. You should thank God and the men and women who died for your rights to speak your shit. Some of the very men and women who you are slurring.
You dishonor them and every member of this country who served with them. Their families deserve to spit on you in my opinion. You said what you said. You cannot deny it or sugar coat it. And you certainly can't use smoke and mirrors to deceive us when we know what you have said.
You got your butt hole buddies sticking up for you on here, but that just says they are cut from the same terd that you came from.
500 KVA
03-04-2007, 07:48 PM
Those must be 10 prize winning fingers. I wouldn't think you would waste their use on me when you got much more important things to use them for.
Picking your nose with them fat assed nostills. Them there are two finger holes.
pulling your feet out of your mouth.
Shoving that corn cobb up your ass, then later pulling it out. No use wasting good corn on the cobb, so I guess you'd use them prize fingers to put that cobb to your mouth for a good bite.
Playing sit and spin on your thumbs. I know thumbs are a bit different, but we're talking PRIZED thumbs. We'll count 'em this once.
You can't possible use them after a good #2. But then again you don't think your shit stinks.
I know they gotta come in handy getting a grip on your ignorance! There's a lot to get a grip on!
But let's face it. It's not that you don't want to respond. It's you can't! You know your so deep in your own shit on this that no amount of your racist white wash can get you whiter than those persons you were just bashing.
What you are is the contents of a port-a-potty after a week of good use.
Don't bother responding. We all know your fingers are too busy.
"little beaver"
03-04-2007, 09:13 PM
Those must be 10 prize winning fingers. I wouldn't think you would waste their use on me when you got much more important things to use them for.
Picking your nose with them fat assed nostills. Them there are two finger holes.
pulling your feet out of your mouth.
Shoving that corn cobb up your ass, then later pulling it out. No use wasting good corn on the cobb, so I guess you'd use them prize fingers to put that cobb to your mouth for a good bite.
Playing sit and spin on your thumbs. I know thumbs are a bit different, but we're talking PRIZED thumbs. We'll count 'em this once.
You can't possible use them after a good #2. But then again you don't think your shit stinks.
I know they gotta come in handy getting a grip on your ignorance! There's a lot to get a grip on!
But let's face it. It's not that you don't want to respond. It's you can't! You know your so deep in your own shit on this that no amount of your racist white wash can get you whiter than those persons you were just bashing.
What you are is the contents of a port-a-potty after a week of good use.
Don't bother responding. We all know your fingers are too busy.
Hey 5 you sure have some strange fantasies>>>>. When did you develop these fixations with plugging things into bodily spaces? Did you have some kind of wiedo toliet training?
You can open up to us...........we're all brothers. We're like the government.........We're here to help you!!
03-04-2007, 10:50 PM
What's up with the poletop22? Can't you regain your former identity?
Boy, life gets entertaining on this site at times, doesn't it! Swampy and
1/2 MVA must really like each other, they sure are spending lots of time
thinking about each other. Me, I'm proud to be a redneck AND a republican!
Sorry, Hillary, you won't be getting my vote next election.:p
03-04-2007, 11:17 PM
Glad to see mccain is "slippin" in the rankings. He's just a Republican Hillary.
Republican Hillary?? Although I dont agree with John McCain's politics, this guy is a Bona Fide American hero, this guy was in the Hanoi Hilton and the gooks were gonna release him, he told the gooks to go in order of seniority, first captured first released, they wouldnt do it, he matter what ya think of him, he aint no Hillary, This guy has BALLS!!
03-04-2007, 11:50 PM
What's up with the poletop22? Can't you regain your former identity?
Boy, life gets entertaining on this site at times, doesn't it! Swampy and
1/2 MVA must really like each other, they sure are spending lots of time
thinking about each other. Me, I'm proud to be a redneck AND a republican!
Sorry, Hillary, you won't be getting my vote next election.:p
G'day Tramp,
yeah had all sorts of trouble getting back on change of PC's and e-mails couldn't remember my password, a couple of hundred posts removed which happened to everyone so its a bit of a mystery ah well. Hasn't changed much plenty to read and catch up on...
03-06-2007, 12:31 AM
I believe the "Corporate Catchphrase" is Diversity. Just the other day, the new Pres of PS was talking about how strong the company is since Exelon got booted from our lives in NJ, and that the 400 or so job openings that exist and need to be filled are an excellent oportunity to "increase the diversity of the company". What ever happened to filling the positions with the most competent people in the industry? If I were a stock holder, and I am, I'd certainly prefer to hear that instead of "let's get some color in our cheeks".
I have absolutely no problem working with or for people of different backrounds, race, etc., so long as they know what the hell they are doing. Problem is, when jobs are filled with diversity instead of competence, you can't "un-fill" it or you are a "racist".
Another thing I don't get is what I see in the company propaganda sheet. Seems like every month there are articles trumpeting about "the great job Mr. Smith, who happens to be black, did last month". Or how "Ms. Doe, who's a lesbian, handles her job with ease and competence." What the hell is that bullshit about?!?! Those types of articles are demeaning, and should piss them off more than anything else.
Sounds like you hit the proverbial nail on the head, Dave! Does it really matter what color skin the guy had???:confused:
It wasn't a trouble call but we worked in the yard of a person like that. The black guy who worked with us amused me. He said,"Yeah that guy has a little sugar in his tank". dbrown20
04-25-2007, 09:00 AM
Things are real slow on the forums these days so I though I’d dig up this one in the light of what’s going on with Imus, Duke Lacrosse team, the comedy radio show boys in New York, I forget there names who got fired for a prank phone call to a Chinese restaurant. Not that I agree with what they have said, but I see that only people of “I’ll use the world color” can have freedom of speech. And it looks like women have that right too [Rose O’Donnell] said that the Towers of 9/11 fill because of explosives in them. She came right out on national TV and accused our Government of KILLING all those people and not one person in the mane stream media called for her to be fired except for FOX news. Black leaders came out after the Duke boys were let go and said that they were still guilty; it was white America that let them go. I could go on and on but I’ll get off of my soap box now. :eek:
01-25-2008, 10:05 AM
:eek: Swamp posted this before Kramer opened his mouth:eek:
01-26-2008, 12:54 PM
Well lets see here, seems to me that .5va is trying to bust your balls Swamp for not responding to his attacks and questions...but doesn't seem to me like he has responded to THE ORIGINAL POST with anything but high school bullshit attacks. Try to answer the questions posed dude, like, what if I wanted to open up a white college? Or if I decided to start up a scholarship fund specifically and ONLY designed to advance the chances of white children in college? Plus I've always LOVED the idea of White Entertainment Television, WET could be such a great channel :p And I'm with ya Swamp (for one rare occasion ;) ) I am pretty sick of the fact that blacks and mexicans can call me a cracker-ass saltine lookin' mofo and suffer no retribution from society from the fact. Also, if you are an African-American, or Mexican-American, or WhatTheFrickEver-American, then there is no way in HELL you should have the same rights, freedoms, and benefits of the rest of us who are AMERICAN. Go back to wherever the hell you came from if you feel that way. Take care all
01-27-2008, 09:25 AM
:eek: Swamp posted this before Kramer opened his mouth:eek:
Yep I see what you mean PA but that was the way I recievied it just a straight cut and paste while thinking "I've read this somewhere before". Want to talk about racist behaviour a group of my mates got thrown out after punching on with the security guards at the Third Test ( Australia V India in the Cricket). The majority of the security guards were Pakistani and when they unfurled a banner they were told by the "well tanned" security gents "take that down you white c#^%s". Which the guys naturally took great exception to and it was on and to top it off the police took the security's side as they would have just filed it in the too hard basket.
01-28-2008, 03:03 PM
chain email (not sure if AR actually said this or not) I hope he did.
Andy Rooney said on '60 Minutes' a few weeks back:
I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens...Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door
Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.
I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, which is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING MARTHA BURKE?
I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.
I have the right 'NOT' to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or tick me off.
When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the Law of Probability.
I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hote l room, you must do it in English! As a matter of fact, if you want to be an American citizen, you should have to speak English!
My father and grandfather didn't die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come over and disrespect ours.
I think the police should have every right to shoot you if you threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the above lines.
I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you are qualified for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store, or any other business.
We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they could come over here and tell us our constitution is a living document; and open to their interpretations.
I don't hate the rich I don' t pity the poor
I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and television. That doesn't stop you from watching them.
I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that's better, and put your name on the building.
It doesn't take a whole village to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid; and smack their little behinds when necessary, and say 'NO!'
I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement. And, please, stay home until that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries!
I am sick of 'Political Correctness.' I know a lot of black people, and not a single one of them was born in Africa; so how can they be 'African-Americans'? Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was from Europe. I am proud to be from America and nowhere else
And if you don't like my point of view, tough..
I was asked to send this on if I agree or delete if I don't. It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having 'In God We Trust' on our money and having 'God' in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just tell the 14% to BE QUIET!!!
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