View Full Version : How far will you go?

03-08-2007, 12:19 AM
I work trouble.

I will go the extra mile to restore service if I believe the custumer rates it.

A couple of scenarios:

Bad meter block: I will use a cut-across bar and a troubleman jumper on the cst's blocks to restore service.

Bad custumer fuse: I do carry anything from a 10 amp screw to a 600 amp blade.

Hell, I have been known to replace weatherhead wire in the case of an old lady.....

We go beyond this, the company finds secondary and primary ground straps acceptable.

We also use "phantom phase" power temps if the house is ug fed and below a certain size......

When I stated if the custumer rates it, I ment to imply that the cst. was in service or , in my opinion, deserved to be in power regardless of the account.
I believe if a trouble call gets to me, my "Official Title" is RS, or Restoration Specialist, If I find that you are disconnected, I will hook you back up, as my title states.

I never bother calling for the account status, and regard any t man who does as a job scared bitch!

My goal in my profession is to make friends at every oportunity, and make the custumer happy.

I dont **** around with the advent of GPS, I really dont care how long I have been there, I generally have a trouble ticket completed or referred in a short time span.

Sorry to ramble, any imput bros?

03-08-2007, 01:13 AM
That's a great way to build customer relations, I've gone the extra mile many times as well to keep the customer happy as long as it was safe. The bigshots may not like it, but aren't you helping to fulfill the corporate mission statement?
I hope there's many others out there that feel the same way. It helps make the job more fun and rewarding, doesn't it?:)

03-11-2007, 05:48 PM
I work trouble.

I will go the extra mile to restore service if I believe the custumer rates it.

A couple of scenarios:

Bad meter block: I will use a cut-across bar and a troubleman jumper on the cst's blocks to restore service.

Bad custumer fuse: I do carry anything from a 10 amp screw to a 600 amp blade.

Hell, I have been known to replace weatherhead wire in the case of an old lady.....

We go beyond this, the company finds secondary and primary ground straps acceptable.

We also use "phantom phase" power temps if the house is ug fed and below a certain size......

When I stated if the custumer rates it, I ment to imply that the cst. was in service or , in my opinion, deserved to be in power regardless of the account.
I believe if a trouble call gets to me, my "Official Title" is RS, or Restoration Specialist, If I find that you are disconnected, I will hook you back up, as my title states.

I never bother calling for the account status, and regard any t man who does as a job scared bitch!

My goal in my profession is to make friends at every oportunity, and make the custumer happy.

I dont **** around with the advent of GPS, I really dont care how long I have been there, I generally have a trouble ticket completed or referred in a short time span.

Sorry to ramble, any imput bros?

I agree, with all this high tech stuff, I ain't calling in to see if it is an active account or not ,if they don't have no more sense than that to send someone to a trouble call as if someone is out, they should be hooked back up !!!

03-12-2007, 10:41 PM
Got called out this last Sunday at 0206 or was it 0306 for no power for a cable booster. It turns out that it was in the meterbox (which is the customers). The conections at the lugs were badly coroded. The line side is connected 120/240 but load side is just 120 with a cl200 3wire 120/240 meter. Switched the load side to the unused good lug and was set to go. Hard to to just walk away at that time of the morning and just say its your problem.