View Full Version : Amazing
04-20-2007, 09:10 AM
Democrats: The biggest wieners on earth!!!!! Every fruit and nut supports the Democrats.
SBatts Quote; It seems certain that at least one group of Sharpton-watchers was already on notice -- the RNC. In 2000, the RNC was attempting to tie Vice President Al Gore to Sharpton, who has a fairly strong base of black support in New York City and has thus had Democrats like Gore and Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., line up to give him awkward, hypocritical smooches. "Al Sharpton is a racist anti-Semite with blood on his hands," one RNC spokesman said to The Jewish Week in 2000. "He is the David Duke of the Democrat Party. Why has Al Gore and most of the Democrat Party embraced this hate-monger?"
It’s all about money and power for there party. The Unions say that they are helping the working man and woman, so if they are, why do I get TAXED to death by them? I do believe they throw a bone to the Unions to keep the Union money coming in. They give away my money to free loaders, want to take away my GUN rights, cut and run in the war. Give special rights to groups who don’t need special rights, do I need to go on.:mad:
04-20-2007, 01:26 PM
Democrats: The biggest wieners on earth!!!!! Every fruit and nut supports the Democrats.
SBatts Quote; It seems certain that at least one group of Sharpton-watchers was already on notice -- the RNC. In 2000, the RNC was attempting to tie Vice President Al Gore to Sharpton, who has a fairly strong base of black support in New York City and has thus had Democrats like Gore and Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., line up to give him awkward, hypocritical smooches. "Al Sharpton is a racist anti-Semite with blood on his hands," one RNC spokesman said to The Jewish Week in 2000. "He is the David Duke of the Democrat Party. Why has Al Gore and most of the Democrat Party embraced this hate-monger?"
It’s all about money and power for there party. The Unions say that they are helping the working man and woman, so if they are, why do I get TAXED to death by them? I do believe they throw a bone to the Unions to keep the Union money coming in. They give away my money to free loaders, want to take away my GUN rights, cut and run in the war. Give special rights to groups who don’t need special rights, do I need to go on.:mad:
It never ceases to amaze me how working people fall into the right-wing conservative trap of distortion and exaggeration of the facts, when there are much more important issues of concern.
The issues are not taxes, because the Republicans have cut taxes at a higher proportion for the wealthy than they have for the average working person in America. You're not getting screwed by the Democrats on taxes, you are getting screwed by the Republicans on taxes The issues of real concern are not gay marriage, abortion, gun control, stem cell research, Pledge of Allegiance or school prayer. Those are all issues right-wing conservatives want you to keep thinking and arguing about and ignoring the real problems.
The real issues to be concerned about in America is $5 trillion in trade debt; the fact that 48 million people in this country don't have health-care coverage. What we should be talking about is the fact that our public schools are now ranked among the lowest of all industrialized countries in the world. Bush created "No Child Left Behind" and then failed to fund it.
Let's talk about the fact that our national debt is $10 trillion and rising. Let us talk about the fact that we can drop hundreds of billions of dollars into overseas adventures and nation building, but we can't spend a billion-dollar to secure our ports and our borders. Let's talk about the 12 million illegal aliens in this country that are driving wages and benefits of working people lower everyday. Let's talk about right-wing conservative business owners who illegally employ the illegal aliens. If the Republican administration would start enforcing the existing laws on the conservative employers who illegally hire illegal aliens, the problem could be solved overnight.
It's a waste of time to talk about Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Imus and other insignificant people and insignificant events.
What we should be talking about is our idiot president and the war he created for oil and egos, not WMD, not terrorism, not to establish democracy, but for his ego and the Iraqi oil and now he doesn't know how to end it.
Wake up! The right-wing neo-conservatives in the Republican Party has never been for the average working person, i.e. linemen, and never will be. They are for the wealthy, big business the privileged and what they consider to be the "upper class" and you and me are not in that catagory brother.
04-20-2007, 04:34 PM
What he said. dbrown20
04-20-2007, 05:31 PM
Gonna hafta side with D Brown and Tolex on this one
04-20-2007, 07:16 PM
The Democrats have no plan and the Republicans do? I sure as hell don't like the one the Republicans are currently using. Maybe no plan is better. Who knows?
The Vermont senate voted to impeach Bush and Cheney.
Alberto said. "I don't remember 73 times." This from the Attorney General of the United States.
Bubba and Jim Bob are at a Republican fund raiser. While they're having a few beers with Newt and the boys, Newt leans over and in a conspiratory whisper says to Oren Hatch. "Watch this." Oren is of course drinking Pepsi the Mormon drink. Anyway Newt says. "Those darn Democrats are gonna let Gays marry each other. Not only that but they're gonna take everyone's guns. Also they're gonna let all the Mexicans into this country free. Not only that but they're gonna let everyone get abortions."
The next day on the job Bubba tells his workmates. "Guess what?" "The Damn Democrats are gonna let queers get married. They're gonna take away our guns and let all the Mexicans into this country free. Hell they're gonna let all the women get abortions." Jim Bob says. "I'm gonna make sure I tell Billy John Jones about this so he'll vote against them damn Democrats. Hell I can't vote myself cause I ain't registered or I would." Bubba says. "Hell, Billy John got killed in Iraq." Jim Bob says. "I knew he was gonna get killed in a wreck some day. He always drove that damn Camaro too fast." Bubba says. "You dumb ass. He got killed in Iraq, not in a wreck." Jim Bob says. "Where in Hades is that at?" Bubba replies. "Oh I think it's up around the Canadian line maybe next to Kentucky maybe." "Boy old George Bush sure has a head on his shoulders, don't he?" says Jim Bob. "Shit I reckon, says Bubba, if I wuz registered to vote, I'd sure vote for him." "Trouble is after that last felony I got the son of a bitches at the election board says I can't vote anyway." Jim Bob replies. "Ah piss on it anyway, lets go down to Florida and see if we can get a job working for one of them Rat electrical contractors. I know an old boy down there said we could make 10 dollars an hour. My unemployment is about to run out anyway." dbrown20
04-20-2007, 08:56 PM
It never ceases to amaze me how working people fall into the right-wing conservative trap of distortion and exaggeration of the facts, when there are much more important issues of concern.
The issues are not taxes, because the Republicans have cut taxes at a higher proportion for the wealthy than they have for the average working person in America. You're not getting screwed by the Democrats on taxes, you are getting screwed by the Republicans on taxes The issues of real concern are not gay marriage, abortion, gun control, stem cell research, Pledge of Allegiance or school prayer. Those are all issues right-wing conservatives want you to keep thinking and arguing about and ignoring the real problems.
The real issues to be concerned about in America is $5 trillion in trade debt; the fact that 48 million people in this country don't have health-care coverage. What we should be talking about is the fact that our public schools are now ranked among the lowest of all industrialized countries in the world. Bush created "No Child Left Behind" and then failed to fund it.
Let's talk about the fact that our national debt is $10 trillion and rising. Let us talk about the fact that we can drop hundreds of billions of dollars into overseas adventures and nation building, but we can't spend a billion-dollar to secure our ports and our borders. Let's talk about the 12 million illegal aliens in this country that are driving wages and benefits of working people lower everyday. Let's talk about right-wing conservative business owners who illegally employ the illegal aliens. If the Republican administration would start enforcing the existing laws on the conservative employers who illegally hire illegal aliens, the problem could be solved overnight.
It's a waste of time to talk about Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Imus and other insignificant people and insignificant events.
What we should be talking about is our idiot president and the war he created for oil and egos, not WMD, not terrorism, not to establish democracy, but for his ego and the Iraqi oil and now he doesn't know how to end it.
Wake up! The right-wing neo-conservatives in the Republican Party has never been for the average working person, i.e. linemen, and never will be. They are for the wealthy, big business the privileged and what they consider to be the "upper class" and you and me are not in that catagory brother.
This is a big issue, I guess I’m one of the wealthy because I pay very little in taxes. I use to pay taxes every year until Bush’s tax cuts. I get a child credit for each of my children. If you make 45000.00 a year you pay no taxes and still get money back for each child you have. I know I made that 2 years ago. At my new job I made 84000.00 last year and paid only 2800.00 in taxes. And the last time I looked the wealthy provide jobs in this country.
Gun control yes this is a very big issue to a lot of Americans Not just BUBBA. You should do some research on what the Democrats are saying about gun control.
And yes If the Democrats get full control ‘’Mark my words’’ YOU WILL BE PAYING MORE IN TAXES.
And yes YOU NEED TO TALK ABOUT SHARPTON AND JACKSON, they are making policy for the Democratic party.
And yes THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON GOD, and it’s been the Democrats taking GOD out of our Country.
I’m not saying that the Republicans aren’t faultless there just the best of two evils.
04-20-2007, 11:09 PM
does Georgie plan on getting this country out of debt? This stupid war was started by a Republican on a false excuse.
Now Mr. Brains is actually beginning to admit that there might be something to global warning. I don't know how you can defend this man's administration or the Republicans in general. The national debt has increased over 45% since Bush came into office. Warren Buffet points out that "15 years ago, the U.S. had no trade deficit with China. Now, it's $200 billion.
Harvard Economic Professor and former Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund, Kenneth Rogoff says. "Back when Britain was on top they were lending money to the world, but we're borrowing from the rest of the world." "Our current account trade deficit is now more than our defense spending and incredibly we've been borrowing from the rest of the world like this for several years now."
Harvard Economics Professor Ben Friedman says. ""Historically, whichever country has been the world's leading lender, deploying its capital for use around the world, has always accrued a particular kind of influence in world affairs, whether it's the Dutch in the 17th Century, or before that the Spanish in the 16th Century, or more recently the Britiish from the mid-19th Century through the 20th Century or the United States in the great part of the 20th Century after World War 1. Today we are no longer the world's leading lending country. We are now the world's biggest debtor country, and we are continuing to wield influence on the basis of military prowess alone.
The old cliche about not learning anything about history seems to aply here don't you think? dbrown20
04-21-2007, 12:02 AM
How soon people forget an what little patients we have. When we invaded Iraq EVERONE thought they had WMDs,they violated what 17 or 18 U.N. resolutions and were targeting our planes patroling the NO FLY zone. They wouldn't let inspectors go wherever they wanted. Did everyone forget that the Siryans are Bathists like Saddom was and before the shooting started there was a constant stream of trucks going from Iraq to Sirya.
Osama called us a paper tiger after Somalia because we don't have the stumack to finish what we start. Unless you lost someone in the war on terror or on 9-11 what have you sacrificed?
How come no one seems to talk about what the Iraqs are sacrificing for a chance at real freedom. Let that part of the world become like Iran(run by the Mullas) who preach hate for the west and the desruction of Isreal that it wouldn't afect our lives here.
At times I haven't liked the GOP or the DNC but after the last election I have never been more ashamed of both parties. Politics has become about who has the power and not what can we do for the country. The middle east only understands power and determination and we don't seem to have any determination.
We don't take responsability for our own actions,its someone elses fault. Don't keep score in little kids games because we're all winners. Schools to hard so make it easyer.
I'm about done but I wander what Lincoln and FDR would think if they were alive today?
04-21-2007, 10:39 AM
bull, we've covered all this before in some form or another. Never seems to accompolish anything. Guess we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. With 1/2 of 1% actually doing the fighting in Iraq, I guess I'll always be skeptical of all these so called Hawks. Unless it's your ass on the line I think you have a different perspective. Bring back the draft. We definitely need to protect the rich, because without them we wouldn't have a job. Right PA Ben? dbrown20
04-21-2007, 02:07 PM
You can't blame Harry Reid for losing the war in Iraq. The war was lost several years ago by George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld.
It was an ill-conceived war right from the beginning. As I said several times here it was not over WMD or terrorist. That was just a smokescreen put out by Bush. The 9/11 terrorist had no connection with Iraq. They were Saudis who were trained in Afghanistan. The real reasons were as follows:
1. Egos, both George Bush and Saddam Hussein's
2. Bush's plan to throw a bone to his oil billionaire supporters who helped to get him elected.
3.Instead of listening to his advisers and intellectuals, he was convinced by Cheney and Rumsfeld that removing Saddam Hussein would be the high point of his political career.
He did not listen to his generals, who told him he would need several hundred thousand more troops. Actually those who suggested that were fired by Rumsfeld. He did not listen to Collen Powell who told him "if you go into Iraq you own it". And now we own it. We can't stay and we can't get out. He did not listen to his generals who told him not to disband the police and the Iraq army. Each day more American lives are lost and hundreds of millions of our dollars are spent in Iraq, that should be spent for needs here in America.
It has now become the worst kind of war, a religious war. Sunni versus Shia versus Christians
The Iraq war is destined go down in history as one of the greatest American blunders of all time. The biggest shame is that he still will not admit he made a mistake. Each day he fails to own up to his mistake more American servicemen die, more service people lose arms and legs, our service people are critically burned because our idiot president will not admit his mistake. Any man like Bush who claims he has made no mistakes is a fool. The best way to support our troops is get them the hell out, now. And anyone who does not understand that is also a fool.
Probably the second-biggest mistake made in America was that George Bush was not given the job as commissioner of baseball in the 1990s. That's the job he really wanted and we would not be in this dammed mess if he would have gotten the commissioner's job.
04-21-2007, 04:13 PM
All wars are ill-conceived.
Well, you can say it all you want Its just your opinion.
If all the facts that were put together were a "smoke screen", Than our congress are a bunch of right assholes, because all the information that was presented to them they sure as shit believed enough to Sign on for the war!! AND it just wasen't US intelligence information either.
If you really believe the war wasen't over WMD's then President Bush is one HELL of a smart cookie to completely bullshit the entire congress. The decision was made by the president with all the available information that he had. He gave that info to congress, and they believed it too.
You probably believe that the Jews were responsible for 9-11 too don't ya.:D
I'm sure you know there were no jews killed in 9-11. :rolleyes:
Where the hell does the comment about the jews come from and what does that have to do with this subject?
04-21-2007, 05:22 PM
Well hell, I figured if you believe the "smokescreen" bullshit, you'd probably believe that bullshit too.
Alot of people do. "Conspiracy!" :D
Swamprat,there are probably a lot of things we have in common that we would enjoy discussing over a few beers. I looks like politics isn't one of them.
04-21-2007, 06:57 PM
Swamprat,there are probably a lot of things we have in common that we would enjoy discussing over a few beers. It looks like politics isn't one of them.
You guys crack me up at times. You really do! :D
04-21-2007, 08:52 PM
Swamprat,there are probably a lot of things we have in common that we would enjoy discussing over a few beers. I looks like politics isn't one of them.
Ahhhh, politics. The one thing sure to drive a wedge between good friends.
Consider yourself lucky. Right at the moment we're just over a week away from a local election in Scotland that could see us get full independence. As you can imagine, the English political parties are lying their teeth off and smearing the SNP (Scottish Nationalist Party) in a desperate bid to stop the separation.
The way I look at it independence is best for Scotland. It's going to be much easier to deal with a corrupt Scottish government than it currently is to deal with a corrupt English government.
04-21-2007, 09:22 PM
I'm getting waaaay off track here but I don't think I have ever had scotch. 'Course, I can't handle liquor.
04-22-2007, 09:03 AM
Well, maby ya outta try some! :D
Might "loosen ya up" a bit. Ya seem a little "tight" to me LA. Ya need to loosen up a bit. let your feelings to speak.
Uuhh.......I do not need to be THAT loose, you goose!
04-22-2007, 09:08 AM
Last week it was 28 degrees then it rained and snowed. Only 22 union members braved the cold and driving to attend a union meeting. I rode 360 miles round trip on my bike to attend the signing of the KS governors bill protecting funeral from protester, and to raise funds for the fallen heroes Legacy Scholarship fund. Those 22 linemen AND THE HALL DONATED $750 .
Fast forward this weekend. The Local Harley dealer had a grand reopening of a super store. They set me up where all bikers had to walk around me to get to the beer and band.
The people at the Harley shop were great. Donated money the whole nine yards. They anounced me on local radio. The band kept reminding these 2500 bikers about the troops. We pledged to the flag and had a minutes silence.
In ten hours I raised $37. These cocksuckers were riding from $16,000 to $40,000 Harleys and paying $26.95 for TEE-Shirts. $5.00 for a beer.
This is the very reason they should bring back the draft. Let someone else fight the battle. I got mine. **** the troops. To bad they get rotated and extended. I GOT MINE.
I'm really sorry Steve. That's discouraging and it makes you lose faith in the common people. I know, I've been there. Work ya butt off and still no one seems to give a damn.
But, then...out of the blue, it will affect someone and everyone is up again trying to give more to the cause. That's just it Stevie, it's a fair weather thing.
Try not to be discouraged. You are doing the right thing.
04-22-2007, 11:00 PM
Last week it was 28 degrees then it rained and snowed. Only 22 union members braved the cold and driving to attend a union meeting. I rode 360 miles round trip on my bike to attend the signing of the KS governors bill protecting funeral from protester, and to raise funds for the fallen heroes Legacy Scholarship fund. Those 22 linemen AND THE HALL DONATED $750 .
Fast forward this weekend. The Local Harley dealer had a grand reopening of a super store. They set me up where all bikers had to walk around me to get to the beer and band.
The people at the Harley shop were great. Donated money the whole nine yards. They anounced me on local radio. The band kept reminding these 2500 bikers about the troops. We pledged to the flag and had a minutes silence.
In ten hours I raised $37. These cocksuckers were riding from $16,000 to $40,000 Harleys and paying $26.95 for TEE-Shirts. $5.00 for a beer.
This is the very reason they should bring back the draft. Let someone else fight the battle. I got mine. **** the troops. To bad they get rotated and extended. I GOT MINE.
Battman, I read your post. I couldn't believe what I was reading. $37 dollars? WTF!! But, to look at the positive, you were able to collect something, so there is still a sliver of hope. Don't give up, it is a noble cause.
04-24-2007, 08:44 AM
Democrats jettisoned some of the domestic spending that Bush has held up to ridicule, including funds for spinach growers and peanut farmers. Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others decided to include money to help farmers hit by natural disasters as well as the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Why would you piggyback any other funding on a Military spending bill? This is playing pure politics with our troops!!!! :mad:
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