View Full Version : Double Safety

06-25-2007, 04:08 PM
We are currently doing preliminary research at SMUD in Sacramento, in the practice of using double safety belts when climbing over obstacles on wood poles. Are there any other utilities that are currently requiring this and how accepted is it? We still love the thrill of free climbing and feel this might be a hinderance. It does appear falling accidents could be reduced. Any thoughts?

06-27-2007, 06:38 PM
We have a choice, either to use a double belt or use a retractable lanyard.
My preference is a pizza wheel 1000 series and a retractable lanyard.
I think it work fine it gets me up the big sticks..

electric squirrel
06-27-2007, 06:51 PM
PG&E is doing it.Personaly I think it is just one more thing to slow you down. If you are climbing over a set of arms I could see it, but myself I let 'er out a little and belt off over the arms and then climb up and over. I worked at SMUD a few years ago , for a little while and went thru the pre appretice program. They put us thru a lot of climbing and I think most of the lineman there and most of the apes were good enough in the hooks. But thats a utility for you ,slow a guy down and they think that will make 'em safer!!! Maybe thats why I didnt last there, things are better on the outside!

At least we aint up north in canuck land,, they have double skids 100% of the time,so I'am told,,,, E.S. :cool: 23 days

06-27-2007, 11:09 PM
No rules here, but if lots of obsticles, or transmission poles, I have and always will double skid. I have lots I want to do yet in life!

06-28-2007, 04:00 PM
Hey it's not about slowing you down it's being safe and ensuring you come home to the wife and kids or dog/cat what ever it is you live for fellas! Hell maybe even climbing another day!!
Here in Aus when climbing the moment you are 2.4mtrs off the ground you MUST be tied in (unless you're working off the ladder with 3 points of contact, can't do a great deal with one hand). When a obstacle such as a X-arm is encounted a strop is looped around pole/x-arm and a fall-arrest is attached from back of harness to strop,only then can you undo you're belt.Throw belt over obstacle reattach, undo fall arrest,grab you're strop and away you go again.
This also is the case when transferring from EPV to pole, you remain tied in to EPV via fall arrest ( please tell me you use these ) climb out on to pole throw belt around pole, attach belt, undo fall arrest.

Ok it may be a slower process but as stated early you come home in one piece.

When this procedure was introduced I was still a Trades assistant and boy was it a dingo amongst the chickens, blokes went right off:eek: :eek: but over time it will become second nature and something else to whine about comes along (bright orange work shirts, now this did cause a stir but that's another story!!)


06-30-2007, 09:02 PM
Working up here in the North for national grid, they now require 100 fall protection. We now have to use the buck squezze if we climb their sticks. I think the Grid is the only utility in the Northeast that requires it whether you are a grid hand or contractor. The buck squezze is an absolute pain the ass to use.