View Full Version : Answer's needed

06-25-2007, 04:08 PM
Hey My name is Justin Buxbaum and I am a lineman in Colorado Due to a recent injury I am on light duty and working around the office. I have been asked to try to find some answer's to some work rule's questions so if you could help me out with what your current companies are doing in these area it would be greatly appreciated
1. When are employee's entitled to a paid Rest period?

2. What rate of overtime pay on Holidays and Sunday's does your company pay?

3.When are employee's eligible for a meal or can you take pay in lieu of one?

4. Do employee's enter energized vaults or must you switch them out first?

5.When a apprentice Journeys out what rate of pay do they make compared to the other Lineman?

6.What do you recieve to take call-out (stright time hours?)

7. How many people on call per week?

8.Is there a minimuim call time?

9.when do you recieve higher pay to fill in for a Crew foreman? (after 1 day after 1 hour?) and what do you recieve?

Thanks for the help. Were losing guys left and right so where trying to see what other companies are doing so we can up grade our program

Line Cowboy
06-25-2007, 04:31 PM
who do you work for...you can PM me if you want

west coast hand
06-25-2007, 11:08 PM
1. we don't get a payed rest period
2. double time for all over time sat,sun, holidays
3. on a regulor work day you get a meal after 10.5 hours and a meal every four hours after that but on call outs it every four hours
4. we enter hot vaults with a full crew of 4 only 2 in the hole at a time 2 up top at all times
5. all journeyman are payed the same
6. like I said all overtime double time
7. keep your phone on they will call you
8. 4 hours
9. anytime your a forman you get forman pay 3.50 a hour more then a lineman

where do you work are they union. I have a buddy that just went to work for the utility in denver and loves it where at in colorado do you work???

06-26-2007, 01:59 AM
Why dont you check with your Local, all the info that your asking for has been gathered by the IO in their Utility Surveys.
Good Luck

07-03-2007, 03:08 PM
We're a non-union muni in Northern Colorado and where just trying to see what other companies are doing on the issues to try to make some much needed changes any help is appreciated if you don't have time to answer all the questions just do a couple Thanks

500 KVA
07-03-2007, 04:00 PM
1. Paid Rest- After 15 hours of work without any break.

2. Holidays and Sundays are Double Time.

3. Meals-payed instead of getting a meal unless it is during restoration.
Then every 5 hours we are entitled to a meal.

4. Hot vaults. A rescue device, atmosphere tester, forced air ventilation,
P.P.E., Qualified attendant, then yes we can enter a hot vault.

5. Pay- Paid as a Journeyman Lineman.

6. 1 1/2 X and Double. Depending on the day and hours worked.

7. Usually an entire crew of 4 to 6 depending on what the work is.

8. 4 hours

9. Upgrade from the beginning. Paid the upgraded rate of pay.

07-03-2007, 05:04 PM
We're a non-union muni in Northern Colorado and where just trying to see what other companies are doing on the issues to try to make some much needed changes any help is appreciated if you don't have time to answer all the questions just do a couple Thanks


07-04-2007, 10:24 AM
I work for a union contractor company here in the North East. As far as pay, all JL, HL, FM, and GF have different pay scales for the classification, it does not matter what company they work for, their classification pay is the same, along with HW, annuity etc. We work 1 1/2 after 10 ( 4/10's) everything over the 40 week is 1 1/2 except sunday and holidays, storm restoration is 2x. We get $20. every five hours. Work 18 off 6 during storms, we do not get paid for sleep time. The rest of your questions I have no input for.
As ORGANIZER said, go to the IBEW local that serves your area, they will help you organize and respresent you. here in the NE our local represents some municipals. It is the best way to go. Good luck!!

07-04-2007, 08:51 PM
you need a 8 hour reast period before starting your regular shift. So if you work 16.5 you get a straight time pay for fatigue time. thats any time between your regular start time and start time the next day
double time
6am,noon,6pm,midnight if you go in before 6am or before 6pm and and work past you get a meal. I you go in before 6am on a reg. shift then you get noon meal also. can take the meal and up to an hour to eat on the ot rate that your on or meal in lue of pay witch is double the meal rate.
enter, but not a hard fast rule
JMs all make the same
at least 1.5 with a min of 3 hours
no on call for us
2 mancrew and all day if you get appr. for the up grade, hope this helps

Bull Dog
07-04-2007, 09:32 PM
Who ever said Organize is right. Call the Ibew and get a contract then all these things will be in writting and you would know what you got. I would bet there is someone in that area who could gide you how to get the ball rolling.