View Full Version : Speaking of Climbing Over 40

06-28-2007, 10:18 PM
Anyone ever heard of an employee that is 64 being let go for refusing to climb in a pole top rescue class? He was given the choice of a layoff or being bumped back to a six step ape. He was hired with the Contractor knowing that he would not climb. And this was a nonclimbing job.

Five of us drug today over this. The GF says that he got this okayed by the Hall. Acording to him it doesn't matter what the contract states. With there being 6 other JL's and 8 apes all under 35 this is not an issue.

A man that has worked in this field for over 46 years deserves better that this.

06-29-2007, 04:35 AM
Trucks with no AC
Crew cab truck- 4 at 45 = OK
2 man bucket -2 at 60 = OK :D

Trucks with AC you'll be walkin:D


PS Your GF is an ASS !!!

06-29-2007, 05:47 AM
I would have to imagine that their is more to the story than that. This is a Union Job that the man has. As far as your GF goes don't take his word give the local Union Hall a call . As a Union member you also have the right to file a grievance. In my union contract we have non climbing lineman. Mostly the old timers who have sustained injuries while in their tools.

06-29-2007, 07:26 AM
Anyone ever heard of an employee that is 64 being let go for refusing to climb in a pole top rescue class? He was given the choice of a layoff or being bumped back to a six step ape. He was hired with the Contractor knowing that he would not climb. And this was a nonclimbing job.

Five of us drug today over this. The GF says that he got this okayed by the Hall. Acording to him it doesn't matter what the contract states. With there being 6 other JL's and 8 apes all under 35 this is not an issue.

A man that has worked in this field for over 46 years deserves better that this.

I wouldnt take the GF at face value on this, I'd call the hall....the comment saying "it doesnt matter what the contract states" is pure unmitigated bullsh!t.

Call the hall, you'll get an answer either way, you'll know if the GF is full of sh!t, or the hall okayed the deal. BTW, good for you for dragging ....

06-29-2007, 08:38 AM
So you're dangling from your belt with wisps of smoke coming from your charred digits and you look down and there he is looking at you. Help me, I'm in trouble you cry. He says. Nope! I don't climb.


06-29-2007, 06:42 PM
This was a nonclimbing job

When he was hired it was known that he would not climb. Talked to the Hall, they did not okay this. Grievance's are in the works. The GF is a Company Man not used to Tramps that won't be pushed around. The contract states Double Time for working in the rain. GF didn't think it was raining hard enough for for DT pay. He figured it was a trade off because we got off an hour early that day. His local JL's didn't mind if he did it like that so why should we. We tried to tell him rain is rain... We were there for the hours not vacation. If he wanted to call it a day fine, but he can't make his own rules. That's what started him wanting to get rid of us.

06-29-2007, 07:47 PM
Bleve your better off not working with an asshole like that. 46 years in the trade should be enough to hang up the tools. Plenty of room for knowledge on a job and if the hall backs this I would really pitch a fit.Oh and the rain thang ummmmm just who decides when its raining hard nuff to get premium pay? If its a sprinkle or a flood its still rain, and if they dont wanna pay it they should rain you out. Just where is this takin place anyways? Sounda wormy to me....

electric squirrel
06-29-2007, 08:40 PM
Seems to me that if the lineman took the job,knowing he was too great in years to be up the pole, he would have told the hall when he took the call,,,,,they still dispatched him,so they figured he was fit for duty.You cant fire a man for refuseing to do something unsafe,he figures it is unsafe for him to climb,ie,bad knees,bad hip ,back etc. I think if you find out and can show proof the GF is lying to you then you file charges on him. As far as workin in the rain , if you need windshield wipers or row boats ,whats the difference? What does the contract say? Rain is rain,I have seen many places that have rain ,but its all the same ,rain is wet, I've never seen dry rain. If it's raining you cab up,if it stops you go back to work,if it starts agian or never quits then you either get DT for working in it or call it and get paid for what you worked. Maybe your GF needs a window in his office so he can look outside from that comfy chair and see the rain,or in the summertime he could turn down the a/c for a minute and open the window and hear the eggs frying on the asphalt ! E.S.:rolleyes: 23 days

electric squirrel
06-29-2007, 08:42 PM
if he wants to come to California, we dont work in the rain for regular pay and he can come on my crew,I do all the climb'n ,my lineman have a bucket! E.S.:cool:

Genoin NW
07-02-2007, 01:24 PM
I think there is a bit more to the story. We have a guy on our crews that is 67 and doesn't climb either, but that was the arrangement when he got on.

Work in the rain??? Here in Oregon... rain clothes are standard issue clothing along with our climbing tools! We have no extra pay for rain work, we don't cab up, we don't complain, we just work safer. But... we don't hot stick in the rain. We find sommething else to do.

I applaud all of you that stuck up for your brother. Fight for what's right!

07-04-2007, 10:50 AM
Our contract states that if you are over 55, you do not have to climb if you do not want to. When we have our pole top rescue class, we go by the same rule, over 55 you do not have to climb in the class. I have yet to see any of our hands refuse to climb. If at age 65 you can not climb for for whatever reason, then you must retire. As long as you are qualified and can climb over age 65, you can still work. I am 60. I climb a few time a year during storms or if an extra hand on the hooks in the back lots gets it done quicker and safer. However the reason I maintain my climbing skills is that you never know when you may be the rescue man. As far as the rain goes, we do not get paid to get wet unless it is a must do job, then it is DT. Storms are DT. we get paid 2hr ST on rain days and then go home. If we are out on the job working we can cab up if it starts to rain, but if it continues more than 2hrs, we call at quits and get paid for the hours we worked.

07-04-2007, 08:10 PM
Actually Stinger, it doesn't really say that. Take a look at our (104) contract, sections 9.11 and 9.12. You're close, but not quite acurate.

07-06-2007, 12:44 PM
Thanks brother bill for the reference. I will correct myself. keep safe brotherr.

07-06-2007, 03:26 PM
No problemo. (I only knew that 'cause someone set me straight on it when I thought it read the same as you did.) See ya at the picnic/rodeo.

07-07-2007, 12:17 AM
for all you guys that drug up ,,contact dayton power and light ,,,,,,we are finnaly hireing,,,,,scammy,,,,,,thanks for being tight,