View Full Version : Find your candidate

01-16-2008, 08:22 AM
Answer 14 questions to find your candidate. Mine ended up being John McCain:D


01-16-2008, 10:00 AM
I ended up with Mitt.

01-16-2008, 10:01 AM
I think more info on how they are scoring is in order. I came up McCain too but if memory serves he has gone the other way on some of these same Items in the past.


01-16-2008, 08:33 PM
swamp they said hunter for me also but only 37% none of them would or could fit me for the way I see things but thats another story way to long for here.:o

01-16-2008, 11:29 PM
I came up with Hunter. With Huckabee a close second, which is who I've been for from the start. It was almost ridiculous how ALL the dems disagreed with almost EVERYTHING I believe in.

01-17-2008, 10:01 AM

01-17-2008, 06:37 PM
be carefull with the word rat ha ha. for me iraq pull out spend the money here. immigration kick those that are here illegaly out no ? asked with there kids. abortion you will answer for your own sins not my concern what you do. death penalty strongly agree if proven guilty .25 cents stops alot of crime(that would be a bullet for those wondering).education needs alot of work. GOV.needs to stop raising families let the parents be responsible. yhe odd thing with that is there are people that want kids cant have kids but go outside the U.S. to adopt there tell me the GOV aint makin money with that one. as far as gun control bein able to hit your target should do it. oh reminds me remington is mounting sites on the side of some pistols.so gangsters can hit what there aiming at. to sum me up pretty much live and let live an eye for an eye litteraly.:eek:

01-17-2008, 08:10 PM
Bill Richardson (70)

Not that I actually get to vote in your election.

(Not that it matters who YOU vote for in your election.) :p

01-19-2008, 10:11 AM
Duncan hunter 71% for me

01-20-2008, 01:01 PM
Man, some of you must really lean to one side or the other. Wow.

Fred Thompson was the only one near anything I agreed on and it was only 35%! Then Huckabee 33%, Richardson 29% and McCain 28%. But, none of the last three agreed on Education. And none of them agreed on the Iraq, immagration, health care, and social security.

Oh man, I'm in trouble when it comes to voting this year.

01-21-2008, 04:53 PM
**whop** :p I just meant that some of you have like 70% of these canidates in agreement with your issues! I didn't even get a 50% agreement!!!

Hey, even Gen. Colin Powell admits it's going to be hard. Well, he said, "All the cannidates have something to offer"...."...many choices to choose from"

Well............yeaaaaah, but as one of the ladies from The View said, "If we only could combine those things we agree on from each cannidate into one person, it would be easy."

I laughed because all the ladies on that panel (two blacks, three whites) had said before (and even when he was there) he showed up that they all said they would vote for him. :D

John McCain was mentioned during his interview, as being a politican with many years of military experience. One he mentioned to look at for concerning Iraq.

I see that Steve has 75%! WOW! And Richardson dropped. So, WHO were the others Steve? List top 4. Did you get a Republican? Hehehehe...... ;-)

Georgie!!! Who was your canidate? What percentage did you get?

01-21-2008, 09:51 PM
Sigh..Richardson, the one Dem Candidate with the actual experience to send this country in a good direction dropped out. Guess you gotta have a "catch" to get the Dem nomination, have a vag or be black:D And Swamp, I feel like you do about the immigration to an extent...but can you afford to pay $6.00/lb for apples? ;)

01-22-2008, 06:13 PM
Well, Fred's dropped out and as you know he was the only one that was anywhere near agreeing with my issues! :D


I know what ya mean. The youth of this nation is pretty enthusiastic....or so it seems to me. At least they are more involved. I'm talking about those under 30 yrs. Of course I've yet to see what has mesmerized them! :D

01-23-2008, 11:29 AM
I got Hillary but with only a 22. Rudy second with 21

Sure hope some independent steps in and saves us all

01-23-2008, 10:27 PM


01-24-2008, 08:21 AM
Definitely rhetorical partner. I'm still young and idealistic enough to believe that a magic solution will be found where they can still do all the shit paying jobs that keep our economy working and none of our incredibly lazy and unambitious welfare sucking bastards would take, but have NO access to the healthcare/benefits system. I still work and volunteer part time in the healthcare field, recently had an illegal immigrant OD, spents 3 months in our number one hospital (community owned) as a vegetable @ $1500/night just for the room, watched the administration eat those costs, then when he died, had to fly his family up from Mexico to identify him, fly them home, then fly his body home. :mad: