View Full Version : Info. on Pacificorp

01-26-2008, 03:02 PM
Anyone got any info. on Pacificorp in the Wyoming area.
I think they are local 57..
Are they a solid company? or are they just like all the rest of the big

01-26-2008, 03:32 PM
IBEW local 57 in Wyoming is Laramie, Pinedale,evanston, Bigpine!

The rest of Wy is UWUA 127.

Currently there are openings in Laramie, Rawlins, Rocksprings, and maybe Casper.

The new owner Warren Buffet and his underlings have changed the company considerably. And not for the good. Most of the employees thought the Scotts were bad, but this new outfit is all about forcing every employee, especially lineman, to adhere to every safety rule concievable to the human mind, with no regard for productivity. If any accident can or could occur, you must be prepaired and take action to prevent it. Which, if you don't mind spending 60% of your day dealing with and following safety rules, then 40% working, it isn't to bad.

So to answer your question, the pay is great for the area, , Benefits are so-so, probably average. Equipment and tools under Scottish Power, was nothing short of great, now, on average, I have been told one piece of equipment is broke down weekly. I would say the outfit is below average except for wages. All call outs are double time, which I think everyone's are now days. I left months ago but they do have some good hands, what few are left.

And as for being solid, only if Buffet wants to sell it! Other wise I think they are. I keep in touch with a couple of the hands, so if you want PM me and I can maybe help you out.

01-26-2008, 03:42 PM
Hey thanks Roy..
I worked with a guy from Rawlins. His name was Barry. Made it sound like
it was a good place after Buffet took over..Maybe not?
I guess all big companies are the same, just put you in a rubber suit.

01-27-2008, 11:36 PM
Don't know the guy. But it has changed for the worse since buffet. I made a call and journeyman pay is $37 an hour. Lots of OT in the areas I mentioned. Remember Wy has no income tax.

02-01-2008, 10:37 PM
Wyoming is actually Rocky Mountain Power. A subsidary of Mid American Energy. I think! We used to be pacificorp, a subsidary of Scottish Power, which used to be Pacific Power and Light! Which was Mountain States Electric, which was CL&B (candles, lanterns and bonfires).

02-01-2008, 10:54 PM
At MEC in the midwest the pay is less and DT only on Sundays and Holidays. Trucks are the CHEAP end of Altec. Got some new boss's that are utility guys and are hoping for some changes.
Hey Patriot how ya been

02-03-2008, 12:44 AM
Everything is about the same. No news is good news I guess!

How about yourself?

02-03-2008, 11:19 AM
Got the com. mag yeasterday that has the GOALS for 08 and top of the list is meet profit goals, safty was #5 and 1/2 way through the list was to do whatever they needed to to maintain the MANPOWER LEVEL where its at. You know do more with the same or less. Should tell you somehing about about a WB comp.

02-03-2008, 04:52 PM
Oh yeah! It is all about the bottom line. Right now safety is being hammered down everyones throat, prodcutivity is way down the list. Not sure what the future holds, lots of paranoia about contract crews, but they keep leaving for greener pastures to. We must be down 8 or 10 lineman statewide, which about 12%. Some fired, some quit!