View Full Version : Ax Men

03-11-2008, 09:30 AM
Good show, just saw it last night. Looks like it'll be on for 3 months.


03-11-2008, 12:08 PM
Good show, just saw it last night. Looks like it'll be on for 3 months.


The guys that are on that show are from the Nappa Or area which was the system I used to work on, I just took a bid to Hood river Or. But I was wondering when it was going to start. Thanks.

03-11-2008, 03:16 PM
I'm still watching reruns of the ice road truckers. LOL

03-15-2008, 11:44 PM
Does anyone know how those boys get paid? Is it by the load, board foot, or stright hour?
It does look good, nothing like a full crab pot though!!!

Ps. It did not look like much fun when a 60ft. log comes sliding back down the hill at ya.:(

03-16-2008, 06:52 PM
Ps. It did not look like much fun when a 60ft. log comes sliding back down the hill at ya.:(

Keep in mind that a lot of the stuff is staged by the crew. You could never catch half that stuff on camera in real life. Same goes for the Deadliest Catch. Making television documentaries is a business too!

They really seem to be cashing in on the classic "blue collar bear" image at the moment. I wonder if they'll do a series on linework too. I do recall that there was an accident some time back where a TV crew was present when a lineman got killed. I don't know if they caught the accident on film, but even if they did they could have removed the footage if they felt it implied they were in any part responsible.

Having a camera crew around while you're working is VERY distracting. It's not perhaps what you'd want while working live.

Then again, I bet they'd use pyro to spice up the footage.

03-16-2008, 11:10 PM
BigClive I hear what your saying about having people on the job site that don't belong.
It gets ya thinking about things you should not be.:confused: A local comp. had a guy burnt in a sub with a crew of office staff watching him glove in a sub.
I always thought, that may of had something to do with it but I will never know.
Work safe and keep you head in the game boys.

Ps you do have to love the show--- its better that watching Trump. sit behind his desk. I will take the logs,saws,crabs and live wire any day.