View Full Version : Hostile work environment

03-29-2008, 10:01 PM
Can a grievance be filed over a hostile work environment ? We have 2 linemen who are at each others throats but never cross the line enough to get fired at least not yet . One of them does everything in his power to make as many other of the linemen miserable as possible by spreading rumours and making up bull shit about everybody and blaming everyone else for the problems that he himself causes . We need a paper trail to get rid of this sorry bastard but in the mean time does anybody know if the tables can be turned and we can file a grievance for a hostile work place ? Anybody else seen anything like this ? Thanks , Bear

03-30-2008, 12:49 AM
"Hostil work place" Theres a managment term, First I don't know if your Union or not, what do you want to greive? What kinda paper trail do want to get rid of somebody? What kinda foreman are you? What kinda lineman is he?

The fact of the matter is alot of guys start shit, and then go run like a bitch if they are called on it. Have you ever tried as a foreman to have these guys talk shit out after work? Do you have enough leadership to tell them, none of this bullshit while we are working, you won't put up with it on the crew? Lineman don't have to like each other to be professional and do there job, it is that simple.

But you want a "paper trail" so you can get rid of someone, not much of a leader or foreman or man if you ask me. You want managment to get rid of a fellow lineman, or greive it through the union? Wow that sure makes the union look good.

There is always two sides to every story, There is a history of why things have gotten to this point. Sounds to me like you have already made up your mind, So get your boys, and start making your paper trail, It won't take you long to put a fellow co-worker out of a job, but you never know, somebody might already be making a "paper trail on you" and you might be next.

John Bellamy
Union Journeyman

03-30-2008, 09:53 AM
John won't like this, but here it goes. If you guys all agree that one person is the problem do something about it as a group. First off talk to the guy try to get them to work out there differences. Explain that the BS has to stop. Give him a chance to explain his side, that is only fair. If that resolves it great problem averted everyone is now happy. If that doesn't work take care of it yourself. Don't go to managment. You make the situation resolve itself without involving them, you just have to stick together as a group. Remember there is strength in numbers. I'm not going to spell this out but use your imagination. John is right though involving managment is a mistake, and if the situation is bad enough they will involve themselves. Just remember if you are all in agreement there are moer of you than him.

03-30-2008, 10:27 AM
You as a foreman should handle these boy's. Tell them to knock the bull $#!t off or your gonna make there life miserable. Don't let management handle it. This makes the union look weak. Talk to your shop steward, he can help with this, the union can take care of there own. Also, the steward can take this matter to the E-Board if needed. Read your locals by-laws. You as a union brother can't cause another brother to lose there job. Let the union handle it.:rolleyes:

03-30-2008, 11:09 AM
This sounds like chicken shit to me. If these two guys are feeling frisky than let them take care of it after work either by talking it out or putting up their dukes. I know that sounds kind of rough but I thinks its alot more rough to get a man fired. Is there another crew one man can work for to keep them away from each other? Every work place has a shit stirrer and we usually hate the guy but would never want to see the guy get fired. Ive been on the outside looking in not a good feeling. Make these two take care of this shit like men. If they cant do that than eventually it will escalate and the company will have to get involved. Explain to them that they must take care of this shit amongst the union or they both will be out of a job. Good luck.

03-30-2008, 12:02 PM
Bear, are you the foreman of the crew this guy is on? If so, why not give him shit detail. Keep him away from the rest of the guys. You know, blanket parties still take place!:D

I have to disagree with some of the above posts. I've been involved with union work since high school so I know no other way. But, union or not, if someone needs to go they need to go, even if it involves being fired. Guys tend to use the term "BROTHER" too loosely. My two real brothers and the union brothers I work with do not treat each other like this guy treats people. This guy is NO brother of mine!

03-30-2008, 02:31 PM
I'v been there good luck.. Some time's it's just e-z er to move on....

03-30-2008, 04:35 PM
I would not go to the company at all. First and foremost the guy needs to understand the shit he's causing, talk to him, if he dont get it........read the constitution, there are charges in there, file them with your eboard. The eboard will set up a trial board....get your ducks in a row....the eboard should fine this guy.......

1st Class Husker
03-30-2008, 11:04 PM
"Hostil work place" Theres a managment term, First I don't know if your Union or not, what do you want to greive? What kinda paper trail do want to get rid of somebody? What kinda foreman are you? What kinda lineman is he?

The fact of the matter is alot of guys start shit, and then go run like a bitch if they are called on it. Have you ever tried as a foreman to have these guys talk shit out after work? Do you have enough leadership to tell them, none of this bullshit while we are working, you won't put up with it on the crew? Lineman don't have to like each other to be professional and do there job, it is that simple.

But you want a "paper trail" so you can get rid of someone, not much of a leader or foreman or man if you ask me. You want managment to get rid of a fellow lineman, or greive it through the union? Wow that sure makes the union look good.

There is always two sides to every story, There is a history of why things have gotten to this point. Sounds to me like you have already made up your mind, So get your boys, and start making your paper trail, It won't take you long to put a fellow co-worker out of a job, but you never know, somebody might already be making a "paper trail on you" and you might be next.

John Bellamy
Union Journeyman

Hey John, I agree with some of the things that you are saying but here is where I disagree. We have the same exact things happening where I work, everyone is tired of the bullshit, and the foremans admit that the person is the problem! I know its bad to help someone get fired, BUT when you spend more time with a asshole at work, than you spend with your own lovedones at home is a bunch of BULL SHIT and if I can have any thing to say about it, the son of a bitch brought it all on himself! thats my opinion though!!!

03-30-2008, 11:53 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if we could choose who we work with, wouldn't it be nice if guys would talk to the people we have the problem with than talking or bitching about it to others like a bunch of old hens.

In his post he says he has two guys at each others throats, one guy is the problem though? If you ask me guys are way to sensitive these days, how about a group hug, would that make things better?

Or how about this, If you have a problem with the way someone treats you at work, tell him to cut the bullshit and do his job as a lineman, and you do the same, be professional about it, are you an adult, or some kid that got his feelings hurt?

If your foreman recognizes the problem and this is a constant distraction at work that type of envirorment can not exsist in this trade, he needs to get a handle on the situation, shut jobs down if this continues, take five an refocus on the task at hand, send his ass back to the shop, and deal with him when he returns, tell him how its goin be if he dosen't change his attitude at work, tell him he is taking his options away as a fellow union brother, have his shop stewart present for this, maybe then the guy will feel that if this continues he has no support from his union.

Before you start making a paper trail or right up safety violations on the guy to get him fired, because I have seem that "SAFETY HAMMER" used to pound the shit out of people, maybe it could all be avoided without all these chicken shit tactics, with just some simple meetings down at the bar.

I am a lineman, and lineman don't have feelings.

03-31-2008, 01:27 PM
If you ask me guys are way to sensitive these days, how about a group hug, would that make things better?

Are you seriously saying you do stuff like that in America? :eek:

04-06-2008, 12:12 PM
To begin with the main troublemaker threatened and pushed the other guy IN FRONT OF THE LINE SUPT. Therefore management was instantly involved ! And no he does not work for me , and yes I have told him we are tired of his BS . So now everybody is involved , management , IBEW and all of us . The guy got 3 days off without pay and the union got his pay back for him with the understanding of no more BS . But guess what it still goes on. I have told him again we are tired of his shit . What can one guy do ?? I am not going to get fired over this sorry pr*ck . BEAR

Bull Dog
04-06-2008, 03:08 PM
Contact a labor attorney that deals with harassment. Ask him to write the union, the jerk, and the company a letter. If that dosen't work or they fire you file a law suit. There is plenty of work out there.

Special ED
04-08-2008, 09:25 PM
I just kept boxing gloves on the truck and come lunch time I would just turn the other way while they went to the other side of the truck and settled their diffrences. I didnt see nothing and didnt do nothing. I just told them "work it out or box it out. I dont care just get the shit out of your system cause on unit jobs I cant afford to have you boys fighting and crying all the time."

You would be suprised how well that worked. When it came time to put up or shut up they would usually talk it out really quick. Only once did they come to blows and that boy hasnt started shit since..

04-09-2008, 05:34 AM
If you let guys fight someone gets injured ,next law suits arise and your company has to go to court when someone goes to a attorney ,companies hate this sort of thing and generally fire both parties from my experience
Let them sort it out outside work time and away from work altogether.
Sorry you have to put up with this it really makes your work life suck.

04-11-2008, 09:24 PM
I read where someone suggested moving the fella to another crew..... BAD BUSINESS. Never move a problem!! You must deal with it immediately.

As far as him pushing another employee, and the union got him his pay back??!!??!! Sounds like your union is encouraging this type behavior. If I were in the leadership of that union, I would say, "Sorry dude, we don't tolerate that kind of behavior, and we are glad the management did what they had to do. You brought it on yourself."

If this guy is that big of a problem in the work group and the remaining folks in the work group can't pull together to fix it, that tells me that maybe it isn't as big of a deal as indicated. Get enough people mad, and they will address it; if they have a back bone.

Don't treat him any different than anyone else when it comes to work. Then, you put yourself in a position for him to load his guns and come after you for discriminating against him. KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL.

Any way you look at it, it has to be dealt with straight up. Get the hay down where the goats can get it, and move on. Don't look back.