View Full Version : Does anyone else have GPS on their trucks?

bell wrench
04-20-2008, 09:22 PM
NSTAR, in their infinate wisdom, has installed GPS on all their trucks...They told us it was for storm response but all they do with it is baby sit us... They can tell if our booms are in the cradle and if our pto is in... It drives us crazy! If anyone has any solutions as to how to rid of us of the watch dog... Please fill me in.:mad:

04-20-2008, 10:22 PM
Cover The Unit With A Shield Of Lead. Let Me Know How That Works.

Buzz Lightyear
04-20-2008, 11:54 PM
NSTAR, in their infinate wisdom, has installed GPS on all their trucks...They told us it was for storm response but all they do with it is baby sit us... They can tell if our booms are in the cradle and if our pto is in... It drives us crazy! If anyone has any solutions as to how to rid of us of the watch dog... Please fill me in.:mad:

EVERY truck in Construction and Repair for AT&T/Bell System has GPS"Big Brother" on it! they Claimed it was for safety. the union fought it for ahwile
but then some tech went down an embankment and didn't return to his yard for 24 hours, so the company pinged his truck and EMS found him alive, Barely. AT&T took that to the union and they ended their fight over it.
thing is no one ever questioned his DUMB **** manager for not figuring out he was missing when he didn't return to his yard and made no phone calls to him( the tech)!:mad:

we can't tamper with it at all , its grounds for dismissal. but from Fired techs I have heard that if you cover the Antennas with Foil tape they Disappear!:D

04-21-2008, 11:40 AM
NSTAR, in their infinate wisdom, has installed GPS on all their trucks...They told us it was for storm response but all they do with it is baby sit us... They can tell if our booms are in the cradle and if our pto is in... It drives us crazy! If anyone has any solutions as to how to rid of us of the watch dog... Please fill me in.:mad:

I guess this might do the trick too:-


Snag is you'd only know it was working if you had a means to use the GPS signal.

04-21-2008, 03:30 PM
We have a mobile data system which we get our calls for service, which I am sure most of yall that work trouble have. It will work in two modes either wireless(cell service) or satellite (gps). Tho our system the dispatcher cannot see where you are working at by the gps system. But we do have a tie between our mapping and the GPS which works pretty good if you arent good with finding your way. But I have found if you dont want the GPS to work you just unscrew the wire out of the back of the unit and it wont work and all you have to say is it came out.... I know some companies can track the trucks and there are a few companies that post the troublemans location in the service area to the public on the company's website. So the customers can see how close the crew is working to their trouble location.

04-21-2008, 09:06 PM
Some advice.....Get used to it and learn to live with it....These companies have spent way too many dollars installing these things that they say are for safety and to help plan our workday better, but we all know its just an expensive baby sitter....You have to just adapt brother, because unfortunatly they it appears they are here to stay.....Sorry...

04-21-2008, 09:12 PM
While I was working in florida the company put GPS in all our trucks. They said it was for truck maint. records and trouble call responce. BS, they like your company wanted to know our every move. Had one lineman cover it with foil and got caught, 10 days off no pay. They had it set to page the supervisor if we went within 250 ft. of some resturants or if our truck sat at a sub station for 10 min or more. Once a week they would review the report and had you had to explain yourself. Be careful how you go about F@#*ing with the unit, I'm sure they have a way to track it. Needless to say I don't work there anymore.

04-21-2008, 11:32 PM
We have them on our utility trucks. It is intergrated into asset management maps. We can find UG boxes, circuits for patroling etc etc.
We go about our work, and don't really worry about it. If I had a boss who had the time to waste watching me then it would be time to move on too. :rolleyes:

04-22-2008, 12:25 AM
We've got the Mobil Data systems..........some work thru the radio system...others are wirles and use either AT&T or Altell 'air' cards..........we have access to all company computer programs, just like I do on the computer in the office...email/GIS mapping/weather etc.........but only because mine is wireless!!

If you are not wireless the boss can track you using a computer program linked to the service orders you have..it shows if you are enroute to a job or at the job.........when you complete it...the map refernce/locaton dot disappears...........but he's got to be at a computer to do it, when you finish your orders, he can't track ya..........a smart man can fool the system, with practice...doen't take a rocket scientist:)

if you are wireless....just pull the Air card out of the slot, and you disappear!!!

One supv told me that trick..he said he didn't care where you were or what you were doing, as long as you got the work assigned to you done!!!

It doesn't bother me, cause if they give me 15 hrs of work, and I get it done in 5 hrs......then I've done what was expected of me!!! I just keep the radio on and go about my rat killing, and if they call/need me, then I'm available!! Besides, I'm 35 miles from my Boss or any other supv and if he comes to my area, he's gonna have to call me to find out where I am, cause they don't know the area like I do:D:D

The GPS is built into our radio system, but not turned on yet....Safety wants it, Union doesn't........I think it might be a good idea, for trblmn in remote areas working alone, cause if I get into trouble or hurt and can't get help...they'll have an idea as to where to start looking, as 99% of the time I'm ALONE !!!!!!!! Call me crazy, but that's my opinion on it.......

04-23-2008, 06:45 AM
National Grid put them on all trucks a few years ago. Same bullshit. "It's for storm work". It's used to spy on you! The storm work was just as screwed up as ever! You drive 30 miles to a call and see another crew already there fixing the problem! But if you mess with it they can fire you.

04-23-2008, 07:05 AM
We have it on all of our company vehicles, top to bottom. The only person that has caught hell for what he was or wasn't doing is a management person. If you need to worry that your company is going to catch you screwing off, you either need to quit screwing off or work somewhere else.

Have a little pride and dignity in your work. If you think your kids are lazy, take a look at yourself.

04-23-2008, 10:44 AM
We have it on all of our company vehicles, top to bottom. The only person that has caught hell for what he was or wasn't doing is a management person. If you need to worry that your company is going to catch you screwing off, you either need to quit screwing off or work somewhere else.

Have a little pride and dignity in your work. If you think your kids are lazy, take a look at yourself.just a quick question Duckhunter... Have you ever stopped for a cup of coffee after working hours in the cold and snow putting primary back up even though you were not entitled to a break ?:cool:

04-23-2008, 12:39 PM
And I take it there's a button for when you end up working through your lunch break?

And what about when you get a good run on a hard job and get it done faster than normally achievable. Does it let you finish early then? Or does it just suggest that the works really easy and encourage them to ladle on more.

04-23-2008, 02:32 PM
Yes I have and have never caught crap for it. What this will help with is for the guys who feel it is their right to do a little shopping or whatever on the customers dime. If I get paid for 40 hours a week with 2 15-minute breaks each day, that is what i feel the customer paying for the electricity deserves from me.

04-23-2008, 06:49 PM
Sounds like a lot of worry over nothing, if you are doing your job THE ONE YOU ARE PAID TO DO, nothing to worry about. I realy doubt people are getting busted for warming up with a cup of coffee during storm work, but maybe I am wrong. It may be used to make sure you work for more than 5 hours a day. I see posts that the union does not want it but there has been no reason as to why. Why dont they want GPS?

04-23-2008, 09:43 PM
I Got Written Up Once Bout 2 Years Ago For Being At Dunkin Donuts When I Was A Meter Tech...the Meter Techs That Turn Meters On And Off Have The Work Automatically Pop Up On Their Screen..the Schedulers See When You Are Empty Or Close To Out Of Work And Then Proceed To Fill The Screen Up With More Work In Towns Not Even Close To Where You Are Working....thing Is I Was Done With My Work, Nothing Popped Up And It Was Below 10 Degrees That Day So No Lock Outs Could Be Performed Anyway..but It Was Apparently My Responsibility To Inform The Scheduler I Was Out Of Work......now I Ask What The Hell Does The Scheduler Get Paid For.....anyway Those Days Are Over As I've Moved Into The Line Dept... But Be Aware, All OF YOUR INFO It Is Is A Mouse Click Away..i Guess Just Be In Your Area And They'll Be No Problem?


04-24-2008, 06:19 AM
I think the answer here is to combine the GPS with an in-cab coffee making machine. That way you can stay on the job and it can brew you a coffee under direct management supervision. In fact, they could have a "make the guys a coffee" button on the managers computer and he could use it to reward you. Like a dog biscuit. :p

04-24-2008, 06:24 AM
Oh... And you guys consider yourselves lucky. Most of my work is in the city and there are public webcams in various locations that let anybody watch me at work. You can imagine the management could just leave that updating image in a window on their desktop. I know they have watched us in the past because they phoned up and asked us to wave at the webcam!

In the past we've just moved plant about randomly when the job has stalled to make it look like we're busy. :rolleyes:

04-24-2008, 11:32 AM
What are the webcam addresses so we can see your morning tea break?

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04-24-2008, 10:53 PM
What are the webcam addresses so we can see your morning tea break?

Here's an example:-
I spend a modest amount of time on this location during the year doing temporary power and lighting. When my bucket truck or cherry picker isn't in the air then I'm obviously not working..... Except of course I could be in a pillar or distro hut.

Other locations vary all the time, but you can often find random webcams in public areas.

04-25-2008, 05:30 AM
This technology is nothing more than a management discipline tool ,it would make you feel like you are working in communist Russia in the 70,s.

I am really not looking forward to this type of crap installed on my truck , its open to lots of abuse by management , driving styles , work breaks , job route selection , all logged to be used against you if you are not the bosses favorite , sounds like the gestapo revisited to me.

04-25-2008, 07:19 AM
Abuse by management? Think about people. You get paid to drive the speed limit, so drive the dang speed limit. You get paid to go do your job in an efficient, safe manner. So do it. If you mean you might get caught doing things you are not supposed to do while being paid on the backs of the customers, then yes, you might get caught. And you should.

04-25-2008, 01:11 PM
We have it on all the trucks now at AEP.
Kap ohiolineman1

Jack Burton
05-17-2008, 07:51 AM
Sounds like Duck Hunter's jumped the fence... Managment.

05-17-2008, 11:11 AM
Sounds like Duck Hunter's jumped the fence... Managment.
did he jump it or dig a hole and crawl under it :D, his comments do sound like supervision, the saddest thing is that a lot of the supervisors were the worst abusers of the system, long lunch, day trips way off range, quit early so as not to miss what was going on back at the shop, ask them about it and all they say is "that was then, this is now" :rolleyes:

05-18-2008, 04:24 AM
the saddest thing is that a lot of the supervisors were the worst abusers of the system, long lunch, day trips way off range, quit early so as not to miss what was going on back at the shop, ask them about it and all they say is "that was then, this is now" :rolleyes:

You are right on the money, In the old days we used to drink and smoke on the job, Fly the bucket for mabey 2hrs in an 8hr day.

Times have changed and they are measuring your productivity. If you speed you will be bagged by company GPS not the police. Some of the more complex gps systems report out how long during the day the PTO is enguaged and bucket is out of the cradel.

I'm not a hypocrite, I humped the pooch with the best of them, have pride in my work and did what was expected of me. Times are changing. were being watched and measured where we never were before.

Be safe, be aware, protect your brothers and the public.


05-22-2008, 08:45 AM
Sounds like duck has jumped the fence? Sounds like people just don't want to follow the rules. Really, give me a reason why you would bitch about being caught where you are not supposed to be? Why would you bitch because you go caught driving faster than you knew you are supposed too? If you know what is right and wrong and choose to do wrong, why is that anyone else's fault? You are probably the same guys that say you are treated like children, yet that is exactly what you act like. All of us are paid to follow the rules set out by the company we work for or by government agancies. Do you really think your boss is going to bitch because you follow the rules? Mine don't

Linemen need to go back to being proud of who they are and what they do.

05-22-2008, 04:53 PM
DH, I interpret what you said this way, An honest days work for an honest days pay. Sounds like hands are afraid to get caught screwing around. I dont get it. God forbid they find out you work 2hrs for 10.

But DH, you lost me with the pride comment. I am beginning to think that was the "old days". Too many are more interested in the raising hell and getting drunk part of being lineman, the highly skilled craftsman part of the trade is disappearing.

Screw it, I am going to get drunk and raise some hell.

05-22-2008, 04:59 PM
And the worst thing of all. See when you're in the pub drinking all day and the boss walks in, and you're so drunk you tell him to f*ck off? That really sucks. Almost as much as vomiting down a pole at 50' up. I mean you're not going to hold it in for as long as the bucket takes to get down, and you can't puke over the side because it's a public area and it's really windy. And vomiting in your hard hat is really not an option. So if you do it against the pole it may slide down in a controlled manner without anyone noticing.

Am I off topic here?

05-22-2008, 07:09 PM
Sounds like duck has jumped the fence? Sounds like people just don't want to follow the rules. Really, give me a reason why you would bitch about being caught where you are not supposed to be? Why would you bitch because you go caught driving faster than you knew you are supposed too? If you know what is right and wrong and choose to do wrong, why is that anyone else's fault? You are probably the same guys that say you are treated like children, yet that is exactly what you act like. All of us are paid to follow the rules set out by the company we work for or by government agancies. Do you really think your boss is going to bitch because you follow the rules? Mine don't

Linemen need to go back to being proud of who they are and what they do.

While I agree that asking for an honest day's work for an honest wage is a great sentiment, my problem starts when a supervisor who used to, as a lineman, get 10 hours OT to change out a light bulb and lightning arrester (maybe a slight exaggeration, but not much) then this same guy checks the GPS log to see a crew left a job site 20minutes before their timesheet says and docks them so they weren't due a meal, then I call that chickenshit, and I would hope you would to.

I don't see any GPS on an officeworkers cigarette pack or coffee cup or a timer on his cubicle to see how long he actually sat, nor is there very much tracking of gameplaying or internet surfing of office workers unless it involves porn.

I have always felt we work hard and we play hard, if I get the work done that the supervisor felt I should/could and have time to pick up a cup of coffee, or a candy bar, some jackass supervisor should lay off.

I remember some of the good old days when some nitwit who could not carry my bug-bag wasn't looking over my shoulder and wondering why the PTO wasn't on 6.2 hours. It used to be the white hats knew who was screwing the pooch by who was getting work done and who wasn't, they still did nothing to the guys who were shopping, going home to workout every day (my companies version of this guy is a white hat now)

Now some knucklehead wants to bust one of our better union crewleaders (whose crew finished the job in question faster than about any other of our crews could have) out of a meal, using Big-brother tactics.

Sorry if some of your comments lead me to believe you've gone to the darkside of "that was then and this is now."

05-23-2008, 05:46 AM
Oh yeah, one of the companies I work with had an employee go into management and he just instantly turned into a c*nt in a way that I'd previously not believed possible.

This is the LAZY guy who spun jobs out, but now expected them to be done faster then genuinely possible.

The guy that used to knock off early every day, but suddenly started turning up on jobs ten minutes before knocking off time on a FRIDAY.

The guy who still makes idiotic changes to cheaper materials and plant that makes the job harder and inferior.

To demonstrate how much extra labour and time he used to put on his own jobs... I do one of his where he used to take 8 weeks with 8 guys. I do it in six weeks with two guys and half the plant!

05-23-2008, 09:04 AM
Complaining about what your management does? Does that really justify anyone not doing what is right?

Let the management answer for their actions and everyone else answer for theirs.

Do the right thing and you don't have to worry about GPS.

05-23-2008, 10:51 AM
You're going to get accussed of going over to the dark side talking like that.

05-23-2008, 10:59 AM
You're going to get accussed of going over to the dark side talking like that.

Duck, he may, but he's 100% right......

05-23-2008, 12:48 PM
I'm not worried about what others say about the "dark side". I can still go to bed at night knowing that I did not let the actions of others influence me to do what I know is wrong.
The bottom line is, as long as we are drawing the "company" wage, we should do what they expect us to do. As long as it's ethical and legal.

05-23-2008, 01:50 PM
I agree totally LINCRW, if you look at all the posts in this string you will see that we are on the same page.

05-23-2008, 04:39 PM
Sounds like some are jealous of what "others" have gotten in the past. I have been on crews where we straightened one pole in 18 hrs. The Foreman is now a supervisor and is worse than what BC explained.

I am a little touchy on this due to my experience with the power co. The guys screwed off and noone could touch them, then came "restructuring", the guys that actualy liked to work didn't have enough senority to hold a job. I see many a job get screwed up because of laziness.

Oh yeah, if you are jealous about what supervision gets then apply for the job.