View Full Version : AMERICA...Put our shit on the street.....

04-25-2008, 11:44 AM
Yes you have to worry about the "Freedom of the Press" at times as they always seem to give away some great intelligence and not think twice about it if you were a serving member and told Osama some of this stuff you would go for treason. If it makes you feel any better the press here are great at giving away stuff that the "enemy" would just love to know and they need to know is what time the news is on....

04-25-2008, 05:00 PM
In the same vein I was once working in Ireland during it's troubled times and after being evacuated from the job with a bomb threat I was watching TV in the hotel room and the BBC news showed some bombs recovered from the IRA. It was one of those Eureka moments. Suddenly I was being shown how to make the perfect pipe bomb by the BBC.

Now I'm sure linemen are "the type" to have dabbled with such things as explosive compounds during their youth, so you'll probably all know that a pipe bomb is basically an explosive charge with shrapnel contained within a strong tube to encourage a more violent release of energy when the containment ruptures. Well right up to the point I saw it on TV it hadn't even crossed my mind that you could make a superb containing device out of a short length of sprinkler pipe threaded on both ends and with off-the-shelf end caps screwed on! Just add a small hole for the detonator and bingo there you go.

How very "educational" showing THAT on TV. particularly in the area of the violence itself.

Come to think of it.... Given the resources on the Internet, how come the Muslim extremists are so crap at making decent bombs? :p