View Full Version : 11 Dead So Far

05-10-2008, 10:48 PM
11 dead so far tonight after tornadoes hit Oklahoma and Missouri. Arkansas is getting hit hard right now as is Northern Mississippi. Alabama and Georgia later tonight is supposed to get it as well. Prayers to the families that wont have a great Mother's day:(

Anybody on call yall be safe!

05-10-2008, 10:56 PM
11 dead so far tonight after tornadoes hit Oklahoma and Missouri. Arkansas is getting hit hard right now as is Northern Mississippi. Alabama and Georgia later tonight is supposed to get it as well. Prayers to the families that wont have a great Mother's day:(

Anybody on call yall be safe!

Jeez, that's horrible.......prayers for them and their families.

05-11-2008, 12:52 AM
Its up to 19 now, and I'm afraid its only going to be higher before its over with. Luckily I'm on vacation, but counties near the house are under tornado warnings.

05-12-2008, 02:10 PM
All this time has passed and noone has blamed it on the Bush administration, yet.

05-12-2008, 05:36 PM
I heard that it was all due to Bush's stupidity. He didn't know how to spell tornado. He thought it was something he saw on a Mexican food menu. He's not very technical you know. He's mostly just a decider.

05-13-2008, 12:39 PM
I see no humor at all in a president as stupid as Bush. In fact I think it's a tragedy. That this country could elect a president of his caliber will probably go down as one of this country's most tragic mistakes. Thousands of people have died due to this moron.

05-14-2008, 06:54 AM
Don't worry Swamp doo doo (AKA "Mr. Technical") , I have never had any doubt that you are an Asshole. You are actually a stupid asshole to boot. Go and worship at your shrine in Crawford, Tx. Have a nice day.

06-05-2008, 01:16 AM
And yet America is busting ass, to try to get food to the "disaster victims of Burma".

I get so sick of this. We'd rather feed kids in Africa than the kids in the USA. I'm tired of seeing the sad commercials about the poor skinny kids in Africa or some other country that doesnt care about its people. Feed your own first, then worry about the others later.

It has been a BAD weather situation this year. Tornadoes in about every Deep South/Midwestern state so far and it isnt peak season for some of us yet. It will be averaging in the mid to low 90's here in Bama so the first strong cold front that comes through will be nasty. Hell I almost caught a water spout in Pensacola Bay on camera while on vacation.:confused: Crazy, crazy year. My thoughts and prayers are with all affected.

My folks tell me I'm crazy for watching the weather as much as I do. But I've had a F4 tornado kill or seriously injure 4 generations of my family in one house. Killed my Grandmother who was 96 at the time and her daughter and son in law, and injured a Granddaughter, and two Great Grandsons. There was nothing left but concrete steps and the foundation was as clean as can be.

06-06-2008, 12:27 AM
I agree with ya. Its b.s. to see us feeding other countries when I see kids here go without a meal. I'd rather save the money for the natural disasters we have here in the states as we know we'll have more before the year is over sadly.

06-06-2008, 06:30 AM
OK I'll say it. Why not send these starving countries some birth control first! These people have no jobs, no money, no food, no place to live, but they got tons of kids! Am I the only one who feels this way?

06-06-2008, 09:42 AM
I know my overseas experiance is not supposed to be used in discussion but ... Birth control in most of these countries is avaliable. While it is actually true that it is illigal in some of them to have sex outside of marriage they seem to realize it is happening.

The issue is not the avliablilty of birth control it's the use of it. If a woman says not without a condom they get beat up and bent over. Hell they get beat up if they just say no.

It's educating the men in how to be a man and getting respect for the woman that is the issue. There are no womans rights in many of these countries and even if there are they are not enforced.

A lady was raped in a place I was at and she was arresed for adultry. Go figure.


06-08-2008, 01:25 AM
OK I'll say it. Why not send these starving countries some birth control first! These people have no jobs, no money, no food, no place to live, but they got tons of kids! Am I the only one who feels this way?

How about we get it to our OWN kids first so we can keep so many off of welfare, food stams, family assistance, etc.