View Full Version : the new backyard line

Hemingray Insulators
06-03-2008, 04:56 PM
over the past few weeks i have been doing a LOT of work on upgradeing my line so that it will last for a while while i go outta state and travel lol, so the lights and stuff can still be used....... right now i am waiting on some oils switches to mount on the arm below the cutouts, that my buddy with a utility scrapyard in st. louis has for me....

here is the beinging of the pics....... swamp, i think your gonna like the last arm that i have put up lol :D


Hemingray Insulators
06-03-2008, 04:59 PM

Hemingray Insulators
06-03-2008, 05:05 PM
the only problem at this poin in time is the onlything i had left to use for the new span to the riser pole was 3/0 ACSR. a bit big for my likeing because i cant said it like i can #4 or 1/0. the rest of the line is 1/0 acsr, so i am waiting for some more 1/0 which wont be long, and in the meantime i still have to figure out how to get the screw anchors i got in the ground by hand and guy the poles, so for right now the 3/0 is just slacked in lol.

right now i'm downloadin pics of the new arm i put up (which i actually had to make my own arm outta a 4x4 cuz i used all the actual arms up lol. so those pics will be up shortly. wish i had someone take pics of me transferrin the wires in gloves and sleeves tho lol. thatd make for an interesting shot.


Hemingray Insulators
06-03-2008, 05:21 PM

Hemingray Insulators
06-03-2008, 05:26 PM
in case you guys got bored, i had to throw in a pic of this girl who is in my math class that wanted her pic taken with me lol. haha i like her she likes me but nothing is going on right now between us, and she still has another year b4 she graduates lol. i owe thanks to her for takein most of the pics and for bein my grunt....... puttin stuff on the handline, tossein up nuts or cotter pins i might drop, bringing lunch out etc....lol. shes a nice girl lol.

Hemingray Insulators
06-03-2008, 05:30 PM
one last pic lol. almost forgot about this one.....

06-03-2008, 07:05 PM
You got your safety let out to far.

Special ED
06-03-2008, 07:56 PM
Great pics Brian.. But yeah tighten that saftey up a little. Your back will thank ya for it.

Take your saftey around the base of the pole while standing on ground. Then take your elbow and place it against your belly button or (close as you can in my case) with your wrist straight and hand in a fist you should be able to pass your hand up and down between your body and the pole with out having to bend your wrist but being as close as you can with your arm in that position. Then you should be at about the right saftey length.

At times up on the pole you might have to let out your saftey for more reach and thats easy just remember to pull it back in when your done. Or you can do like I do sometimes and "Double D". But I think thats outlawed everywhere and I dont teach apes to do it. Kinda like I dont teach apes to turn all the way around in their belts.

06-03-2008, 08:33 PM
Spec ed is right about the distance but you look like you were out that far to set the pork chop. Wish you could have come to Sudan for the summer. Would have been a great time. Perhaps next year if one of the other countries open up.


Hemingray Insulators
06-03-2008, 10:04 PM
thanks for the advice special ed, and RWD, what are you callin a pork chop? lol ya man i wanted to go to Sudan, but my parents wouldn't let me :(

Hemingray Insulators
06-04-2008, 04:09 PM
lol dont bring up the shirt lol. i TOLD you i haven't got them made yet, i myself dont have that shirt yet lol. beside, mabey i'll end up hand deliverin it to ya lol.

haha well swamp, actually the sleeves aint too bad. they are a bit warm and i'm definately wet when it gets to be around 85 or so but they aint too bad.......

haha so swamp, how you like that shot of me carryin that pole? lol. haha megan is always makeing the joke about me carrying big wood when she was around takeing pics lol haha. :D

06-08-2008, 05:33 PM
Hey Brian. You're a man now.... It's time to do it for real and forget about the backyard stuff.

Nice girl. I always have to pay them to pose with me. :(

Hemingray Insulators
06-15-2008, 12:10 PM
heres the latest pics that megan took ,and one i took when i put in the guys


Hemingray Insulators
06-15-2008, 08:36 PM
actually, the first actual pole i put in is framed for doubles...............i just dont have an extra arm at this point in time :p i dont know about the hughes arms, but we had to lift a set of double a month or so ago, the were like 6x8's by 10' or somethin like that, weight probably 100lbs or more, took 4 of us to get it up the handline lol, now them suckers are HEAVEY ddbl dead end 795 one one side 336 on the other.

Hemingray Insulators
06-15-2008, 08:43 PM
oh, and hey swamp, btw thanks for the avitar ya made me, i love it :)