View Full Version : The "Dream Team"...in the making

Buzz Lightyear
06-06-2008, 07:49 PM
if Obama doesn't go with Clintoon. he has another option.
an option that would guarantee all the Hilary supporters coming out of the woodwork and voting: OBAMA AND AL GORE!!!!!!!:(

i'd almost put money on it that if he had al gore on a ticket with him, they would win presidency first of all and second all the Billary fans that are disgruntled now, would get over it just to vote Gore in!
McCain wouldnt have a chance. especially with Romney as his running mate.
but McCain does weird shit. i dont think he's going to go with romney.
he'll choose someone we wouldn't expect like Rick Perry
or even Rudy guliani .

either way, america can expect 1 thing as certain. were all gonna take it in the ass with a school buss sideways as a result of the congress and new presidential policies!:mad:

06-07-2008, 10:45 AM
...I just can't NOT post on "Politics

Look swamp I was right again and yours in BS again. Some things never change

06-08-2008, 08:16 AM
If I were Obama....I sure as heck wouldn't want Hillary as a running mate....think about it , would you really want the Clintons to be only YOUR heartbeat away from the presidency...lol,,, I mean surely they would never even consider such a thing..... but...