View Full Version : Rats

09-11-2008, 01:25 AM
I am sorry, but damn, I cant believe how many RATS are on this site! I can understand a guy wanting to get his foot in the door, learning the basics with a rat outfit, but making a career with a rat outfit that pays shitty wages and tosses anyone who may disagree?! I usually dont speak so badly about rat workers, but I read some forums on this site by some "senior members", that are rat enthusiasts, saying we(union workers)are lazy and led by meter readers, werehouse, and office folk!! Need I remind these simple minded idiots, the I.B.E.W. was founded by lineman for lineman, these great men were tired of shitty wages, and working long hours not getting paid those shitty wages, and oh ya, 1 in 2 lineman that went to work in the morning, didnt come home that night!!! So work where you want, but dont talk shit about the founding fathers of our trade!

09-11-2008, 02:24 AM
I like where this is goin, don't take no shit, welcome to Power lineman .com, and senority don't mean shit on this board, its an open forum, say what ya want and do what ya say.

09-12-2008, 12:04 AM
I like where this is goin, don't take no shit, welcome to Power lineman .com, and senority don't mean shit on this board, its an open forum, say what ya want and do what ya say. I wish more people in this trade would stand up for what they believe in, we would all be better off for it!! Stay safe, vote UNION!!

09-12-2008, 12:34 AM
The people here think every guy that comes to this site reads everything that has been posted in the past, like we were hangin on the every post before you post yourself.

Some guys like myself just typed in the site and start talkin, sayin what they feel, not affraid to say whats on there mind.

You will see in time there are alot of Rats here, and alot of bleedin heart so called Union brothers that will cut into you with there bullshit.

They are vary big on politics, and the bullshit runs deep, Alot of guys think there re inventon the wheel, and some think there intellectuals, or philoshifiers, and some think you must use proper spellin, and grammer, and some think they are funny fu$kers and try to post sinerios so they can show us how dumb we are and what genius motherfuskers they are.

Some are real big on safety, tryin to pussify us.

Me I am just a Union Journeyman lineman, with a lot of issues, and one silver tounged sombitch, thats right POOT, so enjoy the site, and keep postin.

Be see in ya on the board.

09-12-2008, 10:42 AM
Me I am just a Union Journeyman lineman, with a lot of issues, and one silver tounged sombitch, thats right POOT, so enjoy the site, and keep postin.

Be see in ya on the board.

Ummmmmm reckon that went rite over my head. I sho nuff hope you wuznt insinuatin That Ize a rat or a bad union brother.N I dont spect Ize any smarter than anybody on here cept Maybe Swampgas.N fer the rekkerd I jus wanna say rats is whats keepin our wages and benefits down.N fer the life of me I kaint unnerstaand why a man wud werk fer less n deprive his family of the money and benefits that we enjoy.I kno lottsa em start out wif a non union outfit n start learnin the trade but once they get a grasp onnit They needa get busy n join a union so they kin lurn more n earn more.

09-12-2008, 10:58 AM
You said in one of your post that I wasn't no silver tounged devil, thats all, I'm as silvered tounged as they come, just depends who I'm talken with.:cool:

I know your a good Union man, And you ain't as ignant, or unedumacated as you try to come across, Your one of the hands on this board who's posts I actually read and ya got some good points.

09-12-2008, 01:52 PM
Ummmmmm Oh I reckon thats a feather in my hat thanks

09-12-2008, 11:08 PM
so whats wrong with the ones that chose not to work union its our choice our business we dont have to work with you "union gods" so who cares

i remember when the grocery union went on strike in southern california about 5 years ago i remember my neibor hard core union guy lost everything he had over the strike cause he was too proud to cross the picket line over a differnt health insurance program he lost his house, life savings, kids college funds, truck, what did the union do for him??

i work for a coop get good pay great benifets have very good training programs so whats the differnce?

oh and the union corruption city of vallejo, ca just declared bankruptcy because of its crazy spending the police and fire unions were getting paid almost $300 a month for dues per employee so the city board could be filled with union people so how does that look?

what about all theese companies that have outsourced manufacturing to other countries between the union and the epa they had to why should we pay someone to put a nut on bolt with no education absurd amounts of money? im not saying they shouldnt get a fair wage based on there education but you can only pay what the market can bear.

and you cant tell me just cause a shop is a union shop is safer we made almost 2 million hours and the only reason we lost it was because a meter reader got rear ended by a speeding car. and when i was doing goverment contract work i had to turn away more union shops than non union shops on contracts due to there safety record i couldnt use any of the 3 major union utility contractors in southern california because of there safety records i ended up getting a small non union shop to do the work because its all the goverment would let me due to safety

but all this was worthless to write since its like talking to a brick wall

09-13-2008, 01:24 AM
"Tear down this wall"

Sorry, was just channel that Union bustin, senile, bed time for bonzo, idiot, ex acter, piece of shit Ronny Reagan.

What to soon?

You really need to read what ya posted there Jake, to blame Unions for the out sorcing of jobs, You really can't fix stupid can you?

I really wish that Rats would really understand where they would really be without Unions and organized labor.

I don't go to the church of "it's all linework" and "we all got families" or "can't we all just get along".

So that wall ain't gettin toar down. Ya Hearin me. So save all that bullshit, and keep kissin that corprate ass.

Ya should thank every Union out there for standin up and doin the right thing ya stupid shit.

But just keep blaming them, cause you really can't fix stupid.

And while I'm on the subject, I see alot a guys here talk alot of shit about illegals, now let me see how this works, they have families, they work hard, yet they are exploited by those who can, cause if they don't do as there told, they starve.

Wow wouldn't it be something if those who exploit them had to pay for there labor, a good wage.

Naw shit that ain't what it's about is it. Those owners are to smart for that, They just buy off a few people, it's alot cheaper, and there just uneducated labor, easily replaced right Jake.

There is no difference in that and what we are talkin here, you think hard about that Jake.

09-13-2008, 07:05 AM
I love this forum. I dont post a lot but usually check out the current debates on a regular basis. Great entertainment. Y'all are entitled to your opinions and so am I and here it is.

You work non-union ( not by choice ) maybe because where you live you dont have a union shop established and obviously you gotta feed your family or your trying to get started and ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get in the line work door somehow. I will not berate anyone for that.Welcome to line work and check out the benefits of goin union. They're not bad. And we'll welcome you to the brotherhood any time.

You choose to work non union because you dont like unions.... for whatever reason. Whatever. Your choice. Do whatever makes you happy. I dont care and will not bash you for that choice. Unless....you bash me or my brothers for workin union...then game on. OR

you come cross my picket line. That is when you (union or not) become RAT

Remember a few things.
Yea... I can look back in history and name a number of strikes by differant unions that did not work out to anyones benefit....And....I can name a few that did....however without that legal leverage at contract time ANY union is pretty much wasting their time at the bargaining table. Hopefully a union will be smart enough to use that leverage wisely and only as a last resort. Most have and a few havnt. There have been dumb moves by Unions and dumb moves by Employers. Thats life. Both are run by humans.

Outsourcing in this country has nothing to do with whether or not the labor force is making union negotiated wages or not. The places our work is being outsourced to ...pay far less than either.

Non union muni's rea's utilities whatever... do not want to deal with unions and have to give up their total control of the workforce.Therefor, they will pay compareble wages and benefits to try and keep their workforce appeased and NOT sniffin around for representation.

If your workin non union ( not by choice) and want to look into organizing, there is help available.

If you want to work in a non-union enviroment that may pay decent wages and benefits.... fine, your choice....just dont forget they are based on what was negotiated by your union neighbors. Only differance is..... my wages and benefits are guarenteed. Yours isnt.

To reiterate.....workin non union doesnt make you a RAT in my book.....Crossin my picket line does.

09-13-2008, 08:22 AM
Intheshadows... well written post.
I choose to work non-union... for one reason. It's my job... + I enjoy it... we are non-union... thats just the way it is. Unless I want to leave my family and tramp all over hell and back.
I don't care what anyone thinks of me for my choice... more likely than not if they new all the details they'd want my job too.
To classify all non-union workers as a RAT is like saying all Muslims are terrorist . Or all Union workers are big headed assholes.
To each his own

09-13-2008, 10:30 AM
i didnt say it was just the unions that made jobs get outsourced, there were alot of other hands that pushed it that way but the unions wernt as helping.
the epa, the goverment, greedy corporations

for the people that cross a picked line what do the people do that have to feed there family or pay there bills? strike pay runs out fast what do you do when that money is gone?

calling non union workers rats is just like calling a black person the n word

500 KVA
09-13-2008, 11:30 AM
Are scumbags who cross those lines. The men on that line need to feed their families too. They have the guts and the honor to stay with their fellow brothers to make sure they are treated fairly by the rich corporation.

Sacrifices by union members are the reason you non-union workers can have what you have. We give all for others to reap the benefits from it.

Work non-union if you choose to. That's your unfortunate choice. But think what we could acheive if union membership was more than the 10% of workers nationwide. Our jobs would never be outsourced to India or China. Together we stand, its when we are divided that we will fall. You see how far we have fallen so far?

For those who cross the lines, you are human excriment! Nothing is lower than you. Fuc$ You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-13-2008, 11:45 AM
i didnt say it was just the unions that made jobs get outsourced, there were alot of other hands that pushed it that way but the unions wernt as helping.
the epa, the goverment, greedy corporations

for the people that cross a picked line what do the people do that have to feed there family or pay there bills? strike pay runs out fast what do you do when that money is gone?

calling non union workers rats is just like calling a black person the n word

During a prolonged strike, when the money runs out, you gotta get resourceful. There are other ways to make a few bucks when your not on picket line duty.

Striking is not the #1 priority for a union at contract time. It is and damn well should be the absolute last resort as they are tough on everyone.

Strikes almost never benefit the current workforce taking the action. They are more likely to benefit future members working under that contract, just like labor activities in the past have for the most part benefitted us working today

If a bargaining unit has the gonads to strike, hopefully they got the brains to match, and are doing it for the right reasons. There is a ton a stuff to consider before you do.

09-13-2008, 11:54 AM
PS I think this thread is gettin off track from its original intent and the discussionshould be continued somewhere else on this site... if it continues:D

09-13-2008, 12:07 PM
I would love to here from some of my ol' buddies, ya know the real "lineman" on this board, come on back and defend yourselves, I ain't heard from you for awhile, Lets talk, come on and get yourselves some.:cool:

09-13-2008, 12:37 PM
The term "rat contractor" always confuses me. Is it a rat contractor that crosses a union picket line or is it a rat if it's a non-union contractor? Or is the term used for both? Or only used from a union perspective only by union linemen?

09-13-2008, 01:06 PM
The term "rat contractor" always confuses me. Is it a rat contractor that crosses a union picket line or is it a rat if it's a non-union contractor? Or is the term used for both? Or only used from a union perspective only by union linemen?

There are guys here like swamprat, kingrat, by the "handle they suggest they are happy bein a Non Union Rat, wear it like a badge of Fu$k you Union guys.

Now ya see there are Union Lineman like me that don't like Rat or non Union lineman because they do even as they say the same work Union Lineman do, but do it for way less money, so they undercut or break down working conditions, they take jobs from Union lineman thus causing less Union positions. They also benifit from Unions because of what we make and the benifits we have.

LA I think you are a nice lady, and I enjoy talkin to you on this board.

The Rats on this board know who I am talkin to.

I hope this helps, and maybe others will share there views with you.

And what is up with the Gators runnin up the score on the U. Payback I guess.

09-13-2008, 01:28 PM
There are guys here like swamprat, kingrat, by the "handle they suggest they are happy bein a Non Union Rat, wear it like a badge of Fu$k you Union guys.

Now ya see there are Union Lineman like me that don't like Rat or non Union lineman because they do even as they say the same work Union Lineman do, but do it for way less money, so they undercut or break down working conditions, they take jobs from Union lineman thus causing less Union positions. They also benifit from Unions because of what we make and the benifits we have.

LA I think you are a nice lady, and I enjoy talkin to you on this board.

The Rats on this board know who I am talkin to and know how I feel, I know what I want.

I hope this helps, and maybe others will share there views with you.

And what is up with the Gators runnin up the score on the U. Payback I guess.

Ulgh. Posting is such a major undertaking for me lately! I finally find myself reading some posts here and wanting to post and the freakin' site is slow! And Byron is off playing rodeo cowboy! I'll live, but it could be me and my computer issues once again. Ulgh. I hope not! Give me a new computer and I can destroy it in less than 6 months!

The boss is also working for a utility. It's another non-union utility. He worked for a contractor outfit for over 22 yrs. So, that means he has a good bit of rat blood flowing through his viens. Not by choice. I don't think he heard too much about union issues until they started bidding on jobs with other power companies. Then that is when he might of heard some static. The utility he works for now (for the past 7 yrs) is membership owned.

It's not a big issue here or atleast not where we live. But, I have sure learned a lot posting here about dem dar issues you guys seem to have! :D

Thanks for responding John. I also have enjoyed posting here and I sure appreciate the kind words and the responses to my questions by some of you. Many thanks guys.

Now, about my Gators.....ya don't talk ugly about them, ya hear? I don't care how bad they get or how good they are! You can talk about rats, and those politicans all you want, but don't be talkin' 'bout my Gators! :D

Hey, and I thought only STEVIE ran up the scoreboard John! Heh. At least he sure got grief for it!

09-13-2008, 01:50 PM
Ya he blew it leavin the gators for the NFL.

I like the gators, Tebow, now that is one fine QB, and a good guy to boot, I am a North west guy, so I pull for the WSU Coug's, but not much hope for a championship, but they have there moments.

09-13-2008, 02:15 PM
Yeah, Stevie made a wrong move leaving the Gators. He found out what losing HUGE really meant. :D

I have the impression that this site is more union than non-union. Or is it that most non-union don't post? I often wonder about that.

09-13-2008, 02:19 PM
The term "rat contractor" always confuses me. Is it a rat contractor that crosses a union picket line or is it a rat if it's a non-union contractor? Or is the term used for both? Or only used from a union perspective only by union linemen?

Rat=non-union. Scab=union or non-union who cross a picket line.

09-13-2008, 02:43 PM
Rat=non-union. Scab=union or non-union who cross a picket line.

Hey Georgie! :D

Here are the dictionary versions(that relates to this trade) :


4.Slang. a.a person who abandons or betrays his or her party or associates, esp. in a time of trouble. b.an informer. c.a scab laborer.


4.a worker who refuses to join a labor union or to participate in a union strike, who takes a striking worker's place on the job, or the like.

The truth is, I never saw or invisioned my husband being either of these definitions. I still don't. It's not a issue here. It might be for many states in the USA. But, not here. I think Florida Power is a union force here in Florida. Not sure about the other power companies. I could be wrong, but it seems to be more evident in other states.

Of course I've not researched this, but I could find out...I suppose. Or maybe a union member would know? Maybe you know Georgie? If the state of Florida is hugely union?

09-13-2008, 02:47 PM
It's a rats nest

09-13-2008, 03:40 PM
It's a rats nest

Oh? Ummm............


09-14-2008, 04:57 PM
We make choices and have to live with the results of them choices. we are lineman as a trade and all work in a dangerous envirionment and under some very adverse conditions at times. There are aspects of this trade that that connect us all as a brotherhood. Lets not belittle someone because they chose to work non-union. I WAS one them. Lets be perfectly honest here there are good and bad lineman on both sides of the fence. I am now union. I will say to anyone that is thinking about becoming a union lineman, it will be the best decision you ever made for many reasons. Pay, Benifiets, safety, Training, work conditions, pension, etc the non-union company I worked for, your pay was the " do we like you or not" scale, not your knowledge and skills. Union pay is same accross the board for each classification whether your a nice guy or some mouthy asshole who will tell you like it is wether you like it or not. Non-union retirement was social security and some broke down 401K plan that seemed like only the company was making anything, not you. Union- I get $6.00 p/h for every hour worked, if the company goes belly up, I still have my annuity money because the employeer has to pay it evry quarter. non-union helath insurance was costing me 150-200 per week. Union- not a dime out of my pay. Safety- I do not have to do anything unsafe regardless who tells me to do it. I have backing from the union safety rep. I can't be fired or transfered for refusing to work unsafe cause some Brother-In_law foreman of the company owner tells you do it or hit the road. We do not have to get our "40" before we get overtime. We do not have to work 35 straight hours before someone decides to give the boys a few hours sleep. When I am on storm restoration, I am well fed, and get rest periods. The union always has traing programs to keep us up to speed in our knowledge and skills. I go to work everyday, knowing that my union is there for me and my family. I can't say the same about the non-union company I worked for.The bottom line is this guys, I would never go back to a non-union company. I would be a used car salesman first.

09-14-2008, 05:23 PM
That was one solid post. I wish more had your attitude towards working Union. I would like to add that my intention is not to belittle any one who has worked Rat and are now Union.

My problem is with the type that you pointed out in your post, or even Union lineman that say I work Union but I would go where the money is. Aloha Fu$ker. That show no respect or appriciation to the IBEW.

Or the type I have pointed out in earlier posts. They know who they are and know exactly what they are doin.

Like you say we are all linked together, every Rat job, one less Union job.

Good post.

09-14-2008, 07:29 PM
That BS attitude is what pisses me off. So what your saying is... If you don't work union you shouldn't work at all???
I have a family to take care of, and I live in the USA... I'll do what ever I need to to take care of them... It's called a free society for that reason.
I'd rather walk around calling myself a nonunion lineman with a clear consciounce then with a piss ant holier than thou, one like yours.

09-14-2008, 07:44 PM
That BS attitude is what pisses me off. So what your saying is... If you don't work union you shouldn't work at all???
I have a family to take care of, and I live in the USA... I'll do what ever I need to to take care of them... It's called a free society for that reason.
I'd rather walk around calling myself a nonunion lineman with a clear consciounce then with a piss ant holier than thou, one like yours.

Look fu$ker, ya ain't nothin but a phonie, A dingaling workin for some Rat outfit and ya think you are a lineman, Ya ain't worth pissin on , so Fu$k off Rat, and go tell somebody who actually gives a flyin Fu$k about your stories bout workin on those phone lines.

09-14-2008, 08:03 PM
I wouldn't walk over to the bottom of the pole and put my foot across your throat to stop the annoying gurgling sound.
That being said thanks for your words of wisdom... I'll use them in all my big life decisions.

09-14-2008, 08:14 PM
I wouldn't walk over to the bottom of the pole and put my foot across your throat to stop the annoying gurgling sound.
That being said thanks for your words of wisdom... I'll use them in all my big life decisions.

60 ft ........wow talk about pucker factor. You are the Fu$kin man, I did not know whom I was adressing, you sound pretty tough, I better watch my step with someone like you, I don't know if Ill be able to sleep tonite.

You are a Fu$Kin joke Rat, now do me a favor and Fu$k off. Maybe someone else will waste there time on you.

09-14-2008, 08:16 PM
Scamp thank God he is just bored and not seriously pissed. There is room in the trade for non-union or merit shop but it's limited for the following reasons.

Better Wages
Through collective bargaining, unions have helped raise the standard of living for millions of American workers. There is a distinct economic advantage in belonging to a union and working under a union contract:

Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show the typical union worker's pay and benefits are 33% higher than what non-union workers get.
In 2000, union carpenters averaged $20.45 an hour base pay. Nonunion? $13.51. Union drywallers averaged $17.93 an hour in 2000. Nonunion? $12.19.
Wages and salaries for union workers average 16% higher than for nonunion workers.

Better Pensions
Union representation means that you are more likely to be able to retire with security and dignity. Overall, 90% of full-time union workers participate in at least one retirement plan, compared to only 74% of non-represented workers. Union workers are far more likely to participate in traditional defined benefit plans – 86% for union members versus only 50% for non-union workers. Such plans are almost always financed entirely by the employer, and your retirement benefits are guaranteed by the federal government.

Among union workers, 81% have defined benefit pension plans that are wholly financed by the employer. In non-union work sites, only 48% of workers have defined benefit retirement plans financed by employers.

Better Health Care
Unions have pioneered the provision of health care as an employee benefit. Virtually all union contracts provide health care coverage, often paid for entirely by the employer.

Sadly, there are nearly 40 million Americans who have no health insurance. Most of these are children of employed workers, including those workers who serve our food in restaurants and take care of us in hospitals.

Among union workers, 52% have family medical coverage that is wholly paid by the employer. In non-union work places, only 18% have such coverage. Similarly, with dental care, union members have a significant advantage. In union work sites, 49% of workers have family dental coverage that is financed wholly by the employer. Among non-union workers, only 19% have employer paid dental coverage.

Better Sickness & Accident Benefits
Sickness and accident benefits provide needed income to working families in the event of non-work related sickness and injury. Among union workers, 71% have sickness and accident insurance; in non-union work sites only 36% receive economic security during times of illness and injury.

A Right to Health & Safety on the Job
Work can be hazardous to your health. Far too many American workers are killed, injured and exposed to diseases on the job. Working under a union contract can improve your ability to monitor your work environment and ensure that health and safety concerns are addressed.

A Voice at Work the Boss Can't Ignore
Belonging to a union gives you rights under federal law that you don't have as an individual. Union representation provides you with the tools you need to deal with your employer from a position of strength. Belonging to a union allows you to establish a written agreement that specifies the terms of your employment. Once you have formed a union, your employer is required by law to bargain with you over your wages, hours and working conditions.

Without union representation, which opens the door to the power of collective bargaining, an individual worker has no voice in his or her employment and is subject to arbitrary decisions made by the employer. With union representation, you have a voice in your future.

Job Security
In a time of high unemployment and uncertain economic conditions, the right to retain your job is critical to you and your family. It is important to know that you can't be fired without just cause or laid off to make room for the boss' favorite nephew.

Most union contracts establish strict rules about job security and the conditions under which layoffs or reductions in the work force take place. This makes sure that everyone is treated fairly, and that no one is discriminated against for speaking their mind on the job or enforcing the terms of the contract.

Without the protection of a union contract, you are at the mercy of the employer. You have the ability to change that; you have the power (and the LEGAL right) if you act collectively.

09-14-2008, 08:50 PM
I never once said that unions didn't pave the way for those things... What I bring issues with is the fact that I chose to work where I do for reasons beyond that realm. So that makes me a rat?? So be it, but we don't need to be patronized for that.
I'm fairly certain that the power running through our lines will do the same as that of a union hands.

Jellybelly... I love you too man. I always heard that you guys in the Northwest were a miserable bunch of dicks... they say it has something to do with the fact that your socks are always wet.
I'm not sure if thats from all the rain or from pissin on yourself everytime you go up in the air??

09-14-2008, 09:01 PM
The only pissin I do in the air is pissin down on little rats like you, you little 15' foot daredevil.

09-14-2008, 09:12 PM
WAS a 15' daredevil... now I'm a big boy just like you dad... It's like having a fight with my 10 yr old nephew... We call him leech boy cause he walked out of the pond one day with a leech on his foot.. he ran around screamn like a pwr guy from the west coast that cut all 3 legs of a hot service with his formans brand new biters.
I'll tell you a little secret jelly... but you keep this under your cap now ya hear.
Just slide your boots off at bean time and wring those socks out, lay em on the manifold and by the time you get done with your PBJ and pudding cup those socks will be all dry and toasty for your next ride up.

09-14-2008, 09:14 PM
What stickers do "rats" put on the bumper of their trucks? Probably not a lot of choices.Meat.

09-14-2008, 09:37 PM
Let me tell ya somthin ya little Rat. Heres while I am so miserable here in the NW.

I make $38 an hr, what do you make Rat.

When I hired on with this company I got a months salary, plus a $3000 sign on bonus, $10,000 plus they moved my family all expenses paid. What did you get Rat?

I get double from 4:30 to 6 pm, double time and a half 6 to midnight, from midnight to 8 am triple time. Weekends double time and a half. Holidays triple time. What kind of OT do you get Rat. $76 $85 $118

If I work thru my lunch, I get double time till the end of my shift, I get paid meals B L D. What do get Rat.

So the next time you go to work Rat I want you to remember what I and my Union brothers are makin, and enjoy your shit sandwitch.

So the next time you go to work, or work storm, I want you to remember What I and my Union brothers are makin, when your eatin that shit sandwitch.

On storm double time 24 7 , 16 0n 8 off, plus they pay for my lodging. What do you get Rat.

Vacation, Holidays, sick leave, Medical, 90/10 , retirement. What do you get Rat.

The best training, best conditions, good equipment. What about you Rat.

This is how I take care of my family, I guess thats why I am so miserable.

Your a pathetic little Rat, You and the others keep workin where you are at, cause Here in the NW the Union is as strong as it gets.

09-14-2008, 09:44 PM
thats it... thats all you got....LAME


That is whats on mine....
here's one for you and Jelly


09-14-2008, 09:52 PM
Let me tell ya somthin ya little Rat. Heres while I am so miserable here in the NW.

I make $38 an hr, what do you make Rat.


When I hired on with this company I got a months salary, plus a $3000 sign on bonus, $10,000 plus they moved my family all expenses paid. What did you get Rat?

didn't have to move!!

I get double from 4:30 to 6 pm, double time and a half 6 to midnight, from midnight to 8 am triple time. Weekends double time and a half. Holidays triple time. What kind of OT do you get Rat. $76 $85 $124

Whatever... it's your dream... I get 1.5 up to 8 double after that... 2.5 on holidays

If I work thru my lunch, I get double time till the end of my shift, I get paid meals B L D. What do get Rat.

No lunch we get paid to eat

So the next time you go to work Rat I want you to remember what I and my Union brothers are makin, and enjoy your shit sandwitch.

So the next time you go to work, or work storm, I want you to remember What I and my Union brothers are makin, when your eatin that shit sandwitch.

On storm double time 24 7 , 16 0n 8 off, plus they pay for my lodging. What do you get Rat.

Went to peurto rico got paid for 3 weeks 24/7 hows that different from you??

Vacation, Holidays, sick leave, Medical, 90/10 , retirement. What do you get Rat.

Medical 100% ...CO.match IRA 100% up to 10% of income retire at 54... 5 more years

The best training, best conditions, good equipment. What about you Rat.

11400 hrs no accidents must be doing something right

This is how I take care of my family, I guess thats why I am so miserable.

Your a pathetic little Rat, You and the others keep workin where you are at, cause Here in the NW the Union is as strong as it gets.

Thanks... think I will

09-14-2008, 10:57 PM
Thats funny Scamp because I'm not seeing anything.I guess I was right, not many choices. As for brother Bellamy I'm impressed. I thought I was doing ok but "triple time"! Nice.

09-14-2008, 11:01 PM
Thats funny Scamp because I'm not seeing anything.I guess I was right, not many choices. As for brother Bellamy I'm impressed. I thought I was doing ok but "triple time"! Nice.

I got it good Meat, Wish all brothers had the same, let's work on it.

I ain't braggin but that big storm that hit the coast last year, I went exempt on my check, took home $19,500 for two weeks, If them Rats can do better than that, well what the Fu$k was I thinkin.

I guess I should quit tryin, just get mine, but that ain't what it's about.

Work Union be miserable I guess.

09-14-2008, 11:15 PM
That's some pretty incredible shit John. You're not only impressin Rats, but I bet my ass you got some good Union boys thinkin bout movin to the NW!!

Good Stuff man.:cool:

You keep your ass in the clear , looks pretty Fu$ked up where your headed.

No sense ****in up your retirement for one last hoorah.

09-14-2008, 11:51 PM
There is nothing wrong with working non union. Yes I work union now and apprieciate going to work everyday. But I make less then alot of you linemen on the mainland with our last negotiations we just got a little closer to you and I pay a heck of alot more for everything gas, house, food so don't fault me for saying I would work where someone else pays me more come bitch at me when your milk is 6 bucks a gallon and your falling down house cost 750k. Yes unions have there place they are what help keep all of us safe at work but you cant dog people for supporting there family.

09-15-2008, 12:15 AM
I would never dog a man for takin care of his family, I would expect nothin less, I would like all lineman or all working men and women to get paid well, trained well have benifits.

I know there are only so many Union positions out there, there are less and less every year, That is why I try to protect what we have, and I post what I make so some can see that the Union which is not perfect is the best game in town. Some disagree, OK but If non Union would organize they in time would see the benifit to all.

I am tryin to protect my family, and the families of others, so the few position that are left do not fall to the waste side.

I have no problem with owners making money, but they make that money off the people who work for them. The IBEW has done alot for many myself included, It has over time takin alot of small step to get where we are at today by the sacrifices of many. Lets not piss it all away.

09-15-2008, 05:18 PM
There is nothing wrong with working non union. Yes I work union now and apprieciate going to work everyday. But I make less then alot of you linemen on the mainland with our last negotiations we just got a little closer to you and I pay a heck of alot more for everything gas, house, food so don't fault me for saying I would work where someone else pays me more come bitch at me when your milk is 6 bucks a gallon and your falling down house cost 750k. Yes unions have there place they are what help keep all of us safe at work but you cant dog people for supporting there family.

You aren't kiding hawaii! I almost took a job there because of it's location but Holy Crap Man!!! Houses were dilapitated (the ones I could pay for) and still way out of my price range IMO. Good for you fella, you're livin it and gettin through that. I couldn't manage I think. Do what you have to do man. The cost of living in Hawaii is ridiculous.

09-15-2008, 08:37 PM
well, now that i;ve read about all that money they make on the west coast, it makes me wonder why the hell i;ve been a rat in the southeast for so long, but i;m way too old now to change my ratty ways, around here i;d be retire before i got on with a union bunch so i guess i;m just a lifetime rat. i don;t begrudge anyone making all they can at their work, be it a lineman or a ditchdigger. buttttttt why all the name calling and nasty words? can;t we all just get along??? oh and a good lineman is a good one whoever he works for i think, theres bad and good in all jobs union or not

09-15-2008, 08:39 PM
i got to get my ratty ass ready and head for texas they say. everybody be save and watch out for each other ( my tailgate meeting)

09-15-2008, 10:18 PM
I am glad to see that this thread has prompted so much discussion, some great posts Bellamy and CPOPE! I would like to agree with most of the group that I would never dogg a man for doing what he has to do, but I will take a man to task that tries to bash my Union! John is right, we have some of the best conditions I have heard of here in the N.W., and our company is owned by Mid-American, and if you think Warren Buffet would pay us these kind of wages out of the kindness of his heart, you are sadly mistaken, he's not a multi billionare because he's nice!!!! Keep up the consructive conversasions, and if you are working non-union right now, consider your options, move or organize, you wont regret it!!

09-15-2008, 10:50 PM
uMMMMMM oK hersa deal wages are jus like enythin else, supply n demand.We do a specific type of work that requires lottsa training and plenty of self confidence. Now when a job hazta be bidded on the materials are gonna be the same the equippment iz gonna be the same Only the labor fluctuates tween union n non. Now Rat contractors are also aware of this and can cut labor costs by ummmm 1$. Does the non union worker get just pennies less than the union guy............. hell no he gets a bunch less......and the money goes into the contractors pocket. They may also bid the job with 5 journeymen but it may be filled with 1 Jman and 4 apes each drawing a different wage. Guess what The contractor gets the difference in that too. Rat contractors can even offer a few dollers more and still make a killin cause they pay no benefits. They kin tell ya do it er else n get by wif it.They dont spend near the time training . And when its all over n done wif Some poor fool jus devoted his life makin money fer some corporate asshole named simpson or pike or elliot while makin very lil for himself n his family. Heres where My prollem lies........ If he didnt settle for inferior wages n benefits Rat contractors could not under bid union labor therby taking away their only edge and leveling the playing field. If you are a Rat you are settling for less for yerself and driving our wages down, so that we can even make a bid... Now with that said if we get an increase Rats will follow and getone also.... But who really makes out on that deal............ Once again its the Contractor not the worker. I just kaint fathom the idea that hard workin men n women willingly buy into that.

09-16-2008, 12:07 AM
Let me tell ya somthin ya little Rat. Heres while I am so miserable here in the NW.

I make $38 an hr, what do you make Rat.

When I hired on with this company I got a months salary, plus a $3000 sign on bonus, $10,000 plus they moved my family all expenses paid. What did you get Rat?

I get double from 4:30 to 6 pm, double time and a half 6 to midnight, from midnight to 8 am triple time. Weekends double time and a half. Holidays triple time. What kind of OT do you get Rat. $76 $85 $118

If I work thru my lunch, I get double time till the end of my shift, I get paid meals B L D. What do get Rat.

So the next time you go to work Rat I want you to remember what I and my Union brothers are makin, and enjoy your shit sandwitch.

So the next time you go to work, or work storm, I want you to remember What I and my Union brothers are makin, when your eatin that shit sandwitch.

On storm double time 24 7 , 16 0n 8 off, plus they pay for my lodging. What do you get Rat.

Vacation, Holidays, sick leave, Medical, 90/10 , retirement. What do you get Rat.

The best training, best conditions, good equipment. What about you Rat.

This is how I take care of my family, I guess thats why I am so miserable.

Your a pathetic little Rat, You and the others keep workin where you are at, cause Here in the NW the Union is as strong as it gets.

Congrats, thats some impressive shit there. Thats hard to beat anywhere.

09-16-2008, 12:13 AM
You aren't kiding hawaii! I almost took a job there because of it's location but Holy Crap Man!!! Houses were dilapitated (the ones I could pay for) and still way out of my price range IMO. Good for you fella, you're livin it and gettin through that. I couldn't manage I think. Do what you have to do man. The cost of living in Hawaii is ridiculous.

My best friend just left the island and was USAF for over 10 years. Was on Guam, Korea, and Hawaii. He loved Guam. He lived with 2 or 3 other guys in Hawaii and his share was $750 a month just for HOUSING. That doesnt count utilities, food, and gas in traffic that was bumper to bumper every day when he got off. He got out, came back home to work for Southern Company making 5x or more what he did in the AF.

09-16-2008, 10:22 AM
I retired from PSO (public service co. of Ok). When I went to work for them they were a part of central southwest. A 4 co. organization that consisted of 2 IBEW enties and 2 non-union entities. The 2 non-union companies were entirely in Texas. West Tx. utilities and Central Power and Light. The whole shebang was eventually taken over by AEP.

What entirely baffled me was the impossiblity of talking hands into joining the IBEW. These were hands that sometimes transferred from those non-union enties up to the union utilities. I experienced at least 3 of these hands and although you could point out the better advantages of being Union they would refuse to join. Personally I would have frozen those SOB's out but the other Union hands would say. Oh they're pretty good old boys, and maybe they'll join some time. Some did. But they dropped out later. However they weren't bashful about taking any advantage they had because of the Union agreement.

Management at PSO is the most labor hating management I have ever experienced. They were the biggest sticklers for precise enforcement of safety rules until a storm hit.

One hand from Texas I querried as to their Journeyman scale at those non-union entities. He explained that you had different scales. At a particular showup you might have several people with equivalent experience but all drawing different pay scales. I heard this from 2 different hands.

One I know of was busted from Journeyman to about a 3rd year due to being part of a stupid accident. Although he is not a dues payer the Union took up his fight. He was also rewarded with 3 wks. off without pay.

Oklahoma being a right-to-work state sucks where these kind of situations arise, especially with a utility co. At least working out of the hall they can't get away with this shit.

How anyone who works in this trade can abide with working non-union is beyond me.

Relieved I am out of it.

09-16-2008, 05:42 PM
John who do you work for and are they hiring. If not, will you please ship your negotiator our way. You make the same straight time as I make time and a half. Gotta love Maine, the way life should be poor and backwards.

09-16-2008, 08:01 PM
John who do you work for and are they hiring. If not, will you please ship your negotiator our way. You make the same straight time as I make time and a half. Gotta love Maine, the way life should be poor and backwards.

www.PacifiCorp.com go to career oppurtunities, also check nwppa.org job mart.

Its not the negotiators, Its the brotherhood, We kinda got beat up on the last contract, they targeted certain age groups and classifacations.

3 year deal up in 2010, it is up to the brotherhood to get prepared for then, and if we don't make some changes, and be well prepared it could get ugly.

You see why here in the NW the Union is strong, We stick, haven't sold out to glove, and why it is hard to negotiate when others do the work for so much less.

Your Union is only as strong as your local, and the members, If people pass shitty deals the Union won't stop it.

09-17-2008, 07:06 PM
Amen to everything you just said. People out here have rubber stamped the worst contracts for years. Every district is its own little utility, and everyone thinks the union is a service organization. Its sad. People don't see the connection in being prepared for a strike and bargaining power. If you have too much debt to go out the company owns you. I hope we can turn it around this coming contract, people seem to be getting more fired up, but the proof is in the pudding. Thanks for the info John, I know we don't always agree but I understand where you are coming from.

09-27-2008, 04:11 PM
Intheshadows... well written post.
I choose to work non-union... for one reason. It's my job... + I enjoy it... we are non-union... thats just the way it is. Unless I want to leave my family and tramp all over hell and back.
I don't care what anyone thinks of me for my choice... more likely than not if they new all the details they'd want my job too.
To classify all non-union workers as a RAT is like saying all Muslims are terrorist . Or all Union workers are big headed assholes.
To each his ownhooraww we all have our reasons for doing what we do!!

10-03-2008, 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by scamplineman
Intheshadows... well written post.
I choose to work non-union... for one reason. It's my job... + I enjoy it... we are non-union... thats just the way it is. Unless I want to leave my family and tramp all over hell and back.
I don't care what anyone thinks of me for my choice... more likely than not if they new all the details they'd want my job too.
To classify all non-union workers as a RAT is like saying all Muslims are terrorist . Or all Union workers are big headed assholes.
To each his own

No, classifying every non-union worker as a rat is nothing like saying all Muslims are terrorist, its like saying water is wet, its the truth! And dont tell me you dont have a choice, families can move, or workers can stand together and organize! I just dont think some of you get the point, if every lineman is this country was organized, everyone would be reaping the benefits that guys like bellamy and myself are enjoying! You can lie to yourself about how good you have it with your Rat outfit, but dont come crying to us when they decide they dont need your services anymore and escort you to the gate without so much as a thanks or **** off!

10-03-2008, 08:21 PM
I NEVER said that I didn't have a choice, rowdy... In fact I believe I said it was MY choice to work non-union.
I'm starting to think the term RAT is more suited to the union lineman... Unions in my opinion are like religions... they organize you and then stand there with their hands out telling you as you drop your dollar in it, how much they are doing to improve your lifestyle. Then send you out to preach their fanatical approach, hoping to bring in more paritioners... to fatten their kitty.
Well just like my religion I choose to work with out the aid of their money and promises.
You do it your way I'll stick with mine... what do you care how much money I make or what my benefits, retirement are?? Unless your upset that it's better than yours.:confused:
Just look at your ring leader BATTS... he has to draw welfare from the government to survive... after 40 years with the IBEW... Now thats a damn nice retirement!!!!:eek:

You'd have gotten a kick out of the big Union protest they had here this summer... they're all standing out on the side of the road with their big inflatable RAT protesting the non union contractor doing a bridge job. This is in the middle of July the busiest part of the construction season... NO WORK FOR THE UNION... so they go around and harass the guys making a living. If I'd a been on that job there would have been a jar put out for donations for them sorry RAT union workers. What a sad injustice that has been dealt to them... trapped in the "we are better than them... I won't work non union" BS.

electric squirrel
10-03-2008, 09:29 PM
I think that if your working rat in this trade you are either simple minded or scared!! I will not take a stab at a man that is trying to feed his family, you do what you gotta do.I've done a lot of things to get money on the table.

I think that if you are a competent lineman and know what your doing that you should make a fair living.We do a job that not everybody can do.So with that said,,, Why would a man do a job that could kill him or maim him or leave his family in mourning for half the wages as the next guy. The rats bitch and complain the Union boys look down on them and say that they ain't qualified.The Union hands bitch and complain the rats take all the work,,,the story never ends.

BUT explain to me why you non union guys do the same job as me but for half the money????

Don't bullshit me and say you love you your job ,we all know that money makes the world go round.If you know what your doing and are good at it then you should be able to command better wages.

I just came from Houston and Louisiana, Pike was thick down there!! All I saw was a bunch of YOUNG kids,so I started talking to one.He makes 19 dollars and some change an hour and the storm was time and a half,no per deim, no retirement(he was young ,he aint thinking of the IMPORTANT stuff yet)but he was driving a brand new f-250 work truck,and had a bunch of fancy blue FR shirts.He tells me he's foreman .So we had a little conversation,he has been with pike for two years ,he doesn't know anything about underground(never done it yet)cant wire a 3 pot delta bank together( it's a wye system where he's from)he said someone did try to show him once,and he's never been around any kind of transmission,but thought the pics I showed him of me on the helo skid were cool.AND HE'S THE CREW FOREMAN,come on guys I don't care who you are we all know he ain't a lineman and he ain't qualified to lead a crew of guys doing linework!!!!

I know this is just one guy out of thousands,but thats how the non union companies make money,he could have been pulling my chain but I kinda doubt it.( He wanted the # for the Cal jatc)

I went to the same storm, ate the same food, did the same work ,but I made double time($86.14per hr) X 16 hr days X 26 days,got $40 for each day I was there.Hey Rats, you tell me ,if your as good as a lineman as the Union guys stand up for yourself and make the kind of money I did!! If you don't know how to do something man up and admit it,if your fed up with $19 bucks and hour and some blue shirts ,do something about it!!

If you got a UNION and a CONTRACT then you would have made that kind of money and put money into your retirement. Just like the next guy you gotta start out somewhere,but you don't have to stay,if your a foreman or just a lineman with some rat outfit YOU ARE GETTING FU%^ED! They are making the money not you,Why shouldn't you make a good living and get treated like a king while away from home on storm,your away from your home and family,thats worth something ain't it?

Scamp sounds like your proud to be non union,I don't care what you make or how good your retirement is,but if you do the same job as me ,shouldn't it be as good as mine.If , you are as good as a lineman then it should be right? I don't want to start a pissin' match I am just askin'.

I think all non union hands should better themselves .Stand up for yourselves if your so good, get someone to demand better wages and training and a standardized retirement plan,get them contractors to treat you right,instead of threating you with your job. Oh wait thats a UNION. E.S.

10-03-2008, 10:11 PM
Some guys don't mind floundering around in the minor leagues. They are making a living traveling around on a smelly bus staying in a fleabag motel. The IBEW is the big leagues my friends. Meat will welcome you to join as long as you can bat .300 and get the bunt down.

10-04-2008, 08:07 AM
I make $29.62/ hr... sleep in my own bed every night ( except on call outs). company match 401K 100% match up to15% of gross salary. Don't pay anything except a 15.00 co pay for medical. Double time after 8 hrs, double time plus regular for holidays.
4 weeks vacation 6 personal days. Boot stipend every 2 years, $150.00 clothing stipend every year.
I live 6 mi's from the shop cost me about $35.00 a week for fuel.

And I don't pay any union dues, and I don't have to vote for Liberals to save my job:D

I make 6 fiures a year with OT... God I love being a RAT

10-04-2008, 11:05 AM
I make $29.62/ hr... sleep in my own bed every night ( except on call outs). company match 401K 100% match up to15% of gross salary. Don't pay anything except a 15.00 co pay for medical. Double time after 8 hrs, double time plus regular for holidays.
4 weeks vacation 6 personal days. Boot stipend every 2 years, $150.00 clothing stipend every year.
I live 6 mi's from the shop cost me about $35.00 a week for fuel.

And I don't pay any union dues, and I don't have to vote for Liberals to save my job:D

I make 6 fiures a year with OT... God I love being a RAT

Sounds like you do got a good thing going there. . . . . . . . . . . . You ought to be thanking and kissing every union linemans ass around!

Lest you forget you work in New York a strong union state that has over the years made that areas wages and benefits that good. Ask mainline what a small union presence has got him up there! Or anybody in the south for that matter.

And you are still around 4 dollars under the LOWEST union hand around. Oh well as its been said before YOU CANT FIX STUPID!!!!

10-04-2008, 12:11 PM
I started out "RAT" 38+yrs. ago as a grunt,and soon realized that if I
didn't learn how to kiss some big ass,I had no chance of getting anywhere
in the trade!Well Brothers,since I couldn't aquire the taste for shit,
I signed up with the local and never had to bend my knees,to ass kiss for a
decent wage,or sit by and watch someones relative,or "good friend",get
promoted over me.Union is the only way to be!:

10-04-2008, 12:40 PM
Scamp how is the cost of living where you live? 29.50 would be some of the lowest union wages in the country. Like Linehand mentioned New York would have many union opportunities for you if interested. I gladly pay my dues every month and get involved whenever I can. Be safe,Meat.

10-04-2008, 12:53 PM
Sounds like you do got a good thing going there. . . . . . . . . . . . You ought to be thanking and kissing every union linemans ass around!

Lest you forget you work in New York a strong union state that has over the years made that areas wages and benefits that good. Ask mainline what a small union presence has got him up there! Or anybody in the south for that matter.

And you are still around 4 dollars under the LOWEST union hand around. Oh well as its been said before YOU CANT FIX STUPID!!!!

Thats funny... Brother inlaw just retired from Grid... I was only 4/hr below him after 35 years as a Jman. They paid 200+ a month for medical and the company only matched up to 6 or 8% in their 401. Get your facts straight before you go off halfed cocked

10-04-2008, 01:20 PM
Thats funny... Brother inlaw just retired from Grid... I was only 4/hr below him after 35 years as a Jman. They paid 200+ a month for medical and the company only matched up to 6 or 8% in their 401. Get your facts straight before you go off halfed cocked

Like I said pretty clearly I thought 4/HR below a union hand.

I know the rats standards are low (thats why alot go that route) when hiring but 4th grade reading comprehension should be a bare minimum!

BTW whats it gonna be 6 or 8 get your facts straight!

10-04-2008, 03:56 PM
So you're saying that a JMan for the IBEW is the "lowest union hand around"... Thats not saying much for our trade... or for that matter your union.

My benefits and lack of union contributions add up to more than that 4 dollars an hour. And I know for a fact that there are Jman IBEW , out there right now with 30+ years that don't make what I make.
It'll be a cold day in hell before I thank any smug bastard like you for what I so dearly earn.

10-04-2008, 06:30 PM
I retired from the GRID and I never paid 200+ a month for medical!

10-04-2008, 07:23 PM
You weren't a niagra mohawk co. either, were you.

10-04-2008, 08:55 PM
You weren't a niagra mohawk co. either, were you.

Nope, I wasn't.

10-05-2008, 07:55 AM
Rats, they know the score, how any man can work and not have the balls to be apart of a union, or at least be enough of a man to admit that if it wern't for the IBEW, the wages or benifits a Rat gets would be shit.

I used to care but now I say Fu$k it, let that little dingaling scamp make what he makes and let him think he's a lineman, he is as annoying as Fu$k, he knows the score and we all know what he is. Ask him about his days workin those phone lines, he will go on and on about how scared he was, Piss off scamp, and enjoy your $29 an hr chump.

Scamps reponse, "thanks I think I will duh...."

10-05-2008, 09:16 AM
What Scamp aint tellin us is what happens when his company does sumpin unpopular wif the workin hands.Not one of em can even voice his opinion, and hafta walk round wiffa smile on his shit eatin lil face.
Workin hours can be extended with no notice or reduced for that matter, An innocent bystander involved in an accident can be disiplined or terminated, They can decide to put 34.5 on steel poles on alleys and Scampy and all his lil buddies hafta werk it wif a smile on their lil shit eatin faces,
I spoze the werst part of it is he dont even have a clue why his wages and benefits are what they are. Its cause of The union, And those dues that he is so proud of saving are used to train new apprentices in our line of work, This ole boy never learned that puttin all yer eggs in one basket aint real swift.Ask any Lawyer bout werkin non union and how it affects your familys chances in a lawsuit after yer disabled or dead due to failed equipment or devices owned by the company.

10-05-2008, 03:07 PM
Rats, they know the score, how any man can work and not have the balls to be apart of a union, or at least be enough of a man to admit that if it wern't for the IBEW, the wages or benifits a Rat gets would be shit.

I used to care but now I say Fu$k it, let that little dingaling scamp make what he makes and let him think he's a lineman, he is as annoying as Fu$k, he knows the score and we all know what he is. Ask him about his days workin those phone lines, he will go on and on about how scared he was, Piss off scamp, and enjoy your $29 an hr chump.

Scamps reponse, "thanks I think I will duh...."

If you don't care why do you keep coming in here and whining about it... are your socks wet again??
I haven't met too many power guys that would make a good pimple on phone linemans ass. And before you go spoutin off about phone lineman... Google the history of lineman.... we are the fathers of this industry... jellybelly wanna be. Next time your on the east coast look me up I'll bye you a beer and teach you some things about being a Lineman besides how much money you can make, how you can stomp on the hand that feeds you, how you can tell them NO thanks I'm going home to scratch my ass tonite even though there's 3000 customers off, No thanks I'm not workin that 34.5... better call a RAT in for that.

10-05-2008, 04:28 PM
If you don't care why do you keep coming in here and whining about it... are your socks wet again??
I haven't met too many power guys that would make a good pimple on phone linemans ass. And before you go spoutin off about phone lineman... Google the history of lineman.... we are the fathers of this industry... jellybelly wanna be. Next time your on the east coast look me up I'll bye you a beer and teach you some things about being a Lineman besides how much money you can make, how you can stomp on the hand that feeds you, how you can tell them NO thanks I'm going home to scratch my ass tonite even though there's 3000 customers off, No thanks I'm not workin that 34.5... better call a RAT in for that.


10-05-2008, 04:51 PM
My bad. I thought I was talking to a rat "lineman" myself. Go away the ladies forum is down the street! Meat.

10-05-2008, 05:13 PM
Is that nervous laughter???
Wouldn't suprise me... most the guys I know that like to talk down, are a bunch of phoney wanna be's ( notice the play on words).
Meat.. in your eyes I am a RAT... no matter to me really what you think, but to stay politically correct on the Holy Grail of Linemans sites... I used to be a RAT phone contractor... now I'm a RAT on the power side.
Anyways to get back to Jellybelly... You talk the talk... can you walk the walk... What are you a 3rd step ape.?? You probably have a few poles under your belt by now... have they let you fuse anything up yet?? Don't be scared...
Quit pissin on your socks... you won't be so miserable all the time. Get a boot dryer that'll help if you have an accident.

10-05-2008, 05:59 PM
I a guy like you makes me really nervous, Hey Meat you think if we are nice to chump, he will tells us more stories about being a rat phonie? We might want to reconsider the career we have, I had no idea, really, of what kind of qualifications chump has, enlighten all some more chump.

Tells us all about the legendary telephonies. Tell us all about the real lineman history. I can't wait , really.

I hope we do get a chance to meet, lets work on it.

10-05-2008, 06:21 PM
I get it... you named your socks CHUMP.:rolleyes:

Keep flappin Jellybelly.. Your impressin the hell out of me.

10-05-2008, 06:38 PM
Tell me more, how did you ever get 60ft in the air, did you climb that pole? I know you were scared, tell me about splicin a 20 pair drop, what kinda voltages were you workin? Did you have to wair rubber gloves and sleeves?

Tell me more about your $29 an hr you make, tell me how you got to blow your boss and do it with that smile on your face, tell me what its like to eat shit on a daily basis, tell me all about that $100 a month you save on dues, how do invest it, and how much intrest does it earn.

Tell us all more please, it's funny to watch your punk little ass dance for me, I was kinda bored today, I really want you to keep tryin to justify why you work Rat, but we all know the real reason don't we chump.

10-05-2008, 06:56 PM
Hey man... there are other websites out there that will suit your sexual tendencies... you don't need to relate them here... You and BATTS are always talking about having Meat in your mouth ( no offense Meat... but you chose that handle for a reason I guess).
Jelly ( can I call you by your first name?) You are the one always braggin up your accomplishments... I'm sure everyone here hangs on your every word... just hoping you'll enlighten them some more.
Yeah we climbed the 60's... our trucks were only 40's. Now I got a big one just like you dad...

10-05-2008, 07:03 PM
What did you use to get up there? How could you ever take a pay cut and leave those glory days of workin on telephony lines?

Tell me really, help me understand how someone could be delusional as youself, do even read what you post?

Now dance....

10-05-2008, 07:35 PM
What did you use to get up there? How could you ever take a pay cut and leave those glory days of workin on telephony lines?

Tell me really, help me understand how someone could be delusional as youself, do even read what you post?

Now dance....

?? I got nothin...

Except I think your the one thats dancin... :D

I gotta end it for the night... I'm getting bored and I need to come up with some more shit I can irritate you with...
Becarefull out there tommorrow... If they get you in the air, just remember to take deep breaths and it will be over before you know it.

10-05-2008, 07:46 PM
Your right , you got nothin, and you ain't nothin , nothin but some annoying little rat phoney, with glory day phoney stories.

You remember that everytime you look in the mirror, everyday when you go to work. When they say jump, and you say "how high bossman" I want you to think of me, just laughin my ass off at you.

10-05-2008, 09:03 PM
why do the union boys always bitch and talk shit about the non-union boys?
why dont they ask them to join or be nice and try to recruit them to the union? I thought that was what the union was all about. if I was on the outside looking in I would think the union was a bunch of arrogant ass holes and no way would i join that shit. just wondering?;)

10-05-2008, 09:07 PM
I think you have just taking the lead for the MORON of the year on the boards award CONGRATS!

You enjoy the wages and benefits that union brothers in your area have brought to the area and you still thumb your nose! You remind me of a dirty hippie (in no way meant to degrade a dirty hippie) that spit on our returning soldiers! (Just an EX.)

Thats ok I wouldnt have it any other way regardless YOU ARE WELCOME! Thats just the way the world is some people are happy to ride the coat tails of stronger and better men than themself. Men who see the big picture!

Oh yeah tell me some more about the phone days to! That stuff is instant classics! Oh no boss not another 60ft. phone transfer???? Off the wood??? OH THE HUMANITY!!!!

A true moron AND a pussy WOW ONLY IN THE RAT RANKS!!

BTW you are not irritating me in the least I enjoy laughing at your pathetic ass! Keep em coming!

10-05-2008, 09:13 PM
why do the union boys always bitch and talk shit about the non-union boys?
why dont they ask them to join or be nice and try to recruit them to the union? I thought that was what the union was all about. if I was on the outside looking in I would think the union was a bunch of arrogant ass holes and no way would i join that shit. just wondering?;)

I agree and would welcome anyone qualified to join!

I dont fault personally men that work non union. Be it that they are treated well at their utility and no need to work union or there is just not a union presence where they live therefore no choice or cant get the votes. I personally have no problems with that and will and do have a beer with that kinda man! I work in argueably the least union friendly state in the country and know many good men in that situation. I also show them my check and laugh at them but all in good fun! Do I ultimately want and encourage them to organize? ABSOLUTELY mostly for their on good (and the good of the trade) because non union outfits that treat you good (especially here) are few and far between! But to have knowledge of the facts of the Labor Movement and still bash the union well that person can pucker up and kiss my ass!

For those uneducated about the labor movement I implore you to do some research and see were working men like you and me would be (see China, UAE, India etc...) without unions!

But scamp joined the boards and immediately started bashing the union! And after reading his post and concluding just how stupid he really is (just read his posts) and how his ass puckers on a 60ft phone transfer HE SHOULD STAY RAT!!! PLEASE!!!!

We dont need that kinda weakness!

So with that a THANK YOU Sir Scamp!

10-05-2008, 10:08 PM
why do the union boys always bitch and talk shit about the non-union boys?
why dont they ask them to join or be nice and try to recruit them to the union? I thought that was what the union was all about. if I was on the outside looking in I would think the union was a bunch of arrogant ass holes and no way would i join that shit. just wondering?;)

This just in, we are a bunch of arrogant assholes, we know what we are doin, and we know the score.

If you really don't understand that everyone working non union, no matter what the circumstances, they do it by chose.

They can organize anytime, the union would be happy to help them in anyway.

But you see hears the catch, there are rats out there like chump, did you read any of his post? Do you see why someone like myself takes such offense to such an attitude toward the IBEW.

They know exactly what they say, and know exactly what they are doin, they like leechin off others, they benifit from the Union, then talk shit.

Chump is a nothin to me, but a whole lot of nothings out there, make it hard for the Union to move forward, even though they benifit less by doin so, but they line the pockets of those who own them.

Now any non union lineman worth a shit will be welcomed by any Union member, and yes even myself included, but they must earn that respect by how they work, and what kind of Union brother they are, but that goes for any Union member as well.

Do you get what I am saying? You think about what I am tryin to communicate to. I think myself or any other Union brother that post is tryin to communicate the same thing, just in there own way. They get it, they see the big picture, 1 = 1 right? Every rat job one less Union job.

Linehand, thats some funny shit man, I am laughin my ass off.

10-06-2008, 12:36 AM
I love this $hit, all the rats are exposing themselves for what they are, without us even having to help! Scamp.....WOW, you have shown a whole lot, sticking up for phone lineman, comparing them to the original telegraph lineman?! A phone lineman couldn't carry my god damn tools, and comparing yourself to one is like comparing yourself to a narrowback! That just shows you arent a true lineman, so you enjoy your 29 dollars an hour, how is the cost of living in NY? I make over 36, in one of the cheapest cost of living areas in the country, 2.5 for O.T., 3X for holidays, 4 weeks vaca, 10 days a year sick, medical, retirement, you get the point! Like I said, you can lie to yourself, but dont bring that crap to me!!
And for the guy who asked why the hate and discontent between union and RAT. I started this thread saying I didnt normally bash non union, but when I saw all the Union bashing by these rats(who always forget why thier rat contractors pay what they do), I had a gut full and decided to ask them to put thier money where thier mouth was! SO LETS HEAR SOME MORE EXCUSES!!!

10-06-2008, 12:55 AM
If you don't care why do you keep coming in here and whining about it... are your socks wet again??
I haven't met too many power guys that would make a good pimple on phone linemans ass. And before you go spoutin off about phone lineman... Google the history of lineman.... we are the fathers of this industry... jellybelly wanna be. Next time your on the east coast look me up I'll bye you a beer and teach you some things about being a Lineman besides how much money you can make, how you can stomp on the hand that feeds you, how you can tell them NO thanks I'm going home to scratch my ass tonite even though there's 3000 customers off, No thanks I'm not workin that 34.5... better call a RAT in for that.

Holy hell, this is the most ignorant statement I have seen yet! And if you want to make vague threats, come to the N.W. on the next windstorm, and I will bye you a beer, and I will show you how a real lineman handles ignorant bastards talking smack! Anyone who would talk shit about being a ladder carrying phone lineman should be horse whipped, fathers of our industry...Please moron!!

10-06-2008, 06:31 AM
Holy hell, this is the most ignorant statement I have seen yet! And if you want to make vague threats, come to the N.W. on the next windstorm, and I will bye you a beer, and I will show you how a real lineman handles ignorant bastards talking smack! Anyone who would talk shit about being a ladder carrying phone lineman should be horse whipped, fathers of our industry...Please moron!!
Originally Posted by scamplineman
If you don't care why do you keep coming in here and whining about it... are your socks wet again??
I haven't met too many power guys that would make a good pimple on phone linemans ass. And before you go spoutin off about phone lineman... Google the history of lineman.... we are the fathers of this industry... jellybelly wanna be. Next time your on the east coast look me up I'll bye you a beer and teach you some things about being a Lineman besides how much money you can make, how you can stomp on the hand that feeds you, how you can tell them NO thanks I'm going home to scratch my ass tonite even though there's 3000 customers off, No thanks I'm not workin that 34.5... better call a RAT in for that.

Hey you guys lay off Scablineman, he's never been higher in elevation except on a ten foot ladder. Scablineman's primary voltage is only 35 volts.
It only tingles when the phone rings.
Hey I had boss that was an ex-phone lineman, the fattest, shittiest lineforeperson, I have ever met.
I guess everyone has to have a job, even if they are useless!!

west coast hand
10-06-2008, 06:37 PM
This is powerlineman.com not i'm scared to climb even 20 feet in my hooks so i use a latter.com. I would like you to buy me a beer i would drink it and then smash the bottle on you head get the f%#k off our site 20 foot pussy, phone fag is worse then being a rat

10-06-2008, 07:08 PM
Wow... keyboard warriors... I'm sure all of you were just shit out by your mothers building power lines...
I'd bet most of you were flippin burgers before your father got you in the union as his nut bag holder.
West Coast... You need a grammer and spelling class... guess they don't teach you that in the union do they?? You'd better hit me over the head with the bottle before you drink it... you'll stand a better chance of getting to the door before I get up.

I really have never met a bunch of whine asses like yourselves before in my life. There's really not much sense in trying to defend myself because it's fairly obvious you are all illiterate unless it's written in your union handbook. Do they tell you when it's allright to be a man and admit there are other options in life besides THEIR way??
I'll leave you all alone so you can play footsies with each other... Group hug now.

10-06-2008, 08:07 PM
thanks for clearing that up. dont have much union in southwest va I think I seen dillard smith one time but they were only here for a couple of months.

10-06-2008, 10:53 PM
Wow... keyboard warriors... I'm sure all of you were just shit out by your mothers building power lines...
I'd bet most of you were flippin burgers before your father got you in the union as his nut bag holder.
West Coast... You need a grammer and spelling class... guess they don't teach you that in the union do they?? You'd better hit me over the head with the bottle before you drink it... you'll stand a better chance of getting to the door before I get up.

I really have never met a bunch of whine asses like yourselves before in my life. There's really not much sense in trying to defend myself because it's fairly obvious you are all illiterate unless it's written in your union handbook. Do they tell you when it's allright to be a man and admit there are other options in life besides THEIR way??
I'll leave you all alone so you can play footsies with each other... Group hug now.

Hey SCABLINEwoman, if it wasn't up to the union you would working for less than minimum wage!!

10-07-2008, 01:46 PM
Hey I'm the first to admit that I don't know it all....acutally don't like to work with those that talk like they did it all and know it all with regards to LINEWORK. Spent some time with NON-UNION Linehands down in Florida(Hurricane Wilma)...Talked with em every chance I had...(Breakfast@ Dinner)...YUP WE SHARED A SHOW-UP!!! Had good conversations with some really young men...until some supervisors finally came over. Told em about the benefits of being union and the conditions... especially the appenticeship!!! Lays the groundwork for a FREEDOM YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND IF YOUR non- union. PERIOD. Don't understand this DING-A-LING thing going on here right now...but the real LINEMAN are out there...JUST HAVE'NT BEEN recruited lately(NO MA BELLS WANTED) Last time I saw a telly linewomen was AFTER THE POWER WAS RESTORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woody

10-07-2008, 04:57 PM
MAybe it's YOU Fella's that should be asking ME ( retired phone guy) if you are welcome in the Brotherhood... Not that I really care...
But before anymore of you stick your oversized Foot in your mouth, here's a little history on who started your beloved brotherhood...

"A year later, in September of 1891, the call went out to all those newly organized locals to meet in St. Louis to pull this loose collection of’ locals into a national union. And on November 2 1, 10 men—T.J. Finnell from Chicago; F.J. Heizlenan from Toledo; E.C. Hartung from Indianapolis; Harry Fisher from Evansville; Henry Miller, J T. Kelly and William Hedden from St. Louis; and J.C. Sutter, Joseph Berlovitz and James Dorsey representing locals by proxy—met at what became the First Convention of the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. They met for a week and worked out a constitution, adopted procedures and designed a logo—the now-famous clenched fist holding lightning bolts. Miller was elected first Grand President and Kelly first Grand Secretary. J.T. Kelly wrote of Henry Miller, “Every movement, whether revolutionary or peaceful, every organization established, no matter what the object, has associated with it the name of some individual whose mind conceived and whose energy and perseverance established it; and thus the name of Henry Miller will forever be associated with the organization of the Electrical Workers of America.” Brother Miller was born on a ranch near Fredericksburg, Texas, on January 5, 1858. At the age of 14, he worked as a water boy for a government project to string a telegraph line from San Antonio, Texas, to Fort Clark. He became a lineman and made his way around the country working for railroads, Western Union and fledgling electric utilities. By June of 1886 he was working for the St. Louis Municipal Electric Light and Power Company. After small attempts at union organizing, he saw his chance to begin the process of establishing a city-wide, and hopefully national, electrical workers’ union when electrical workers came to St. Louis for the 1890 exposition featuring electricity."

10-07-2008, 06:30 PM
MAybe it's YOU Fella's that should be asking ME ( retired phone guy) if you are welcome in the Brotherhood... Not that I really care...
But before anymore of you stick your oversized Foot in your mouth, here's a little history on who started your beloved brotherhood...

"A year later, in September of 1891, the call went out to all those newly organized locals to meet in St. Louis to pull this loose collection of’ locals into a national union. And on November 2 1, 10 men—T.J. Finnell from Chicago; F.J. Heizlenan from Toledo; E.C. Hartung from Indianapolis; Harry Fisher from Evansville; Henry Miller, J T. Kelly and William Hedden from St. Louis; and J.C. Sutter, Joseph Berlovitz and James Dorsey representing locals by proxy—met at what became the First Convention of the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. They met for a week and worked out a constitution, adopted procedures and designed a logo—the now-famous clenched fist holding lightning bolts. Miller was elected first Grand President and Kelly first Grand Secretary. J.T. Kelly wrote of Henry Miller, “Every movement, whether revolutionary or peaceful, every organization established, no matter what the object, has associated with it the name of some individual whose mind conceived and whose energy and perseverance established it; and thus the name of Henry Miller will forever be associated with the organization of the Electrical Workers of America.” Brother Miller was born on a ranch near Fredericksburg, Texas, on January 5, 1858. At the age of 14, he worked as a water boy for a government project to string a telegraph line from San Antonio, Texas, to Fort Clark. He became a lineman and made his way around the country working for railroads, Western Union and fledgling electric utilities. By June of 1886 he was working for the St. Louis Municipal Electric Light and Power Company. After small attempts at union organizing, he saw his chance to begin the process of establishing a city-wide, and hopefully national, electrical workers’ union when electrical workers came to St. Louis for the 1890 exposition featuring electricity."

Exactly rite he started as a communications guy and progressed (not regressed) to a power lineman. He eventually made contact with aPrimary voltage and fell injuring himself even more.He died having done Power work not from some lame ass DC voltage to make the phones ring. You are a real piece of work SCAMP.Find another site to do your kind of trash. Real linemen dont wanna hear bout how heavy the strain is unless you can add that it was also hot as a pistol. You are employeed at the very bottom level of linework,, Just imagine if you had the balls to progress like he did.

10-07-2008, 06:40 PM
Just got back from Ike and had to jump in. 1st, Ive heard alot of talk on this forum about RATS jumping Union and then they are cool, BULLSH#T. To be Union means to be the best there is, the safest there is. Many of you so called Rat Journeyman couldnt keep up with my 2nd year, If you are one of those then my UNION does not WANT you!!!! So ya need to go back to sleeping @ john 3:16 or @ the YMCA where they found ya. Rats are like dogsh$t on the bottom of my lineboots, you stink and are a pain in the ass to get rid of. I hate Rats like I hate the talliban!

10-07-2008, 06:51 PM
I'm not going anywhere... just because you guys can't handle the truth. I am a NON UNION Power lineman... I never had a bad thing to say about UNION lineman until I met some of you. When you try to take a man down thats fending for his family and making a damn good living, that makes you lower than RAT.
I have 3 close relatives that are JL's... and know many more that I drink beer with, class acts, we talk shop all the time and it never regresses to the level that you all have taken it. You can call me what ever you want... just remember I do the same as you... so I guess your the same. Except for the fact that I have more experience in the linework industry than most of you... Thanks to Ma Bell.:D

10-07-2008, 07:54 PM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah......... Piss Off Chump, Oh The Humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-07-2008, 08:19 PM
Why are you always pissin when you respond to me?... do I make you that nervous??
Does it bother you that your great union was organized by a Comm Lineman?? Is that why you are having troubles with your bladder control??
Maybe it's time you went to the Docs and had him do the big Prostrate exam.

Your the man Jellybelly... You and BATTS ought to get together... you could spend all day pattin each other on the back while the crew gets it done for you.

west coast hand
10-07-2008, 09:04 PM
I'm not going anywhere... just because you guys can't handle the truth. I am a NON UNION Power lineman... I never had a bad thing to say about UNION lineman until I met some of you. When you try to take a man down thats fending for his family and making a damn good living, that makes you lower than RAT.
I have 3 close relatives that are JL's... and know many more that I drink beer with, class acts, we talk shop all the time and it never regresses to the level that you all have taken it. You can call me what ever you want... just remember I do the same as you... so I guess your the same. Except for the fact that I have more experience in the linework industry than most of you... Thanks to Ma Bell.:D

You may have more experance then all of us union hands but you pay your own insurance and retirement and work for less, so to me that makes you dumber then a day old grunt??? I was talking to a guy who worked for pike on ike he said they pay them 8 straight and 8 time and a half for the storm. he shit himself when i told him we were getting 16.5 hours a day all double time and 25% annunity its sad someone works for that low of wage, and i tell you brothers there where ALOT OF RATS THERE

10-07-2008, 09:06 PM
Scablinewoman... you're a fu(king joke you tout your fu(king phony experience as some thing to impress POWERLine men... and then try and educate Union Journeymen about Henry Miller the FOUNDING FATHER OF OUR BROTHERHOOD!!! and to make it worse still balance it in a way to try to glorify who and what you are.... man that shit sandwich you've been eating has gone to your fu(kin' head.... cuz you've got shit for brains...

personally I could give a fu(k how you live and what you think but when you say shit like this

Thats just asking for it... damn stupid approach to an easy fix. Must be all that union training.

as a way of pushing your own agenda.... well that makes you lower then any fu(king thing I can think of...

Barc's a fuggin non union coop... sorta like that out fit you work for you fu(ling idiot... to take an accident and try and twist it around to fit your need is just fuggin bent ...

then a few posts later a Union JL rips of a few ideas about how maybe it coulda been done safe then your next post or so you talk about how YOU woulda had a collar rope on it?

You're a fu(king Joke...

And A fu(kin piece of Rat Shit!


10-07-2008, 09:11 PM
It must be easier to work as a scab contractor and call himself a lineman after 6 months in the trade than suffer and pay his dues in a credited apprentice program with the department of labor. Hey Canada, did ya know your are SISTER country, you F$ckin pussy!!!!!!!!!

10-07-2008, 09:26 PM
Just a reminder....

Lineman Forums at www.powerlineman.com are open forums for the free exchange of ideas and opinions for anyone using them. Any opinions expressed on these forums are not that of Powerlineman.com, LLC.

Fiberglass Cowboy
10-07-2008, 11:01 PM
Tracy - See no evil, Hear no evil; Speak no evil. How's the weather down there ? :)

John - Everyone knows you can't fix stupid. No use butting heads, huh ? Just not worth your time. Time is better spent with your family/at home. Those conclusions on Henry Miller and the IBEW and the telephoney are something else. Just plain disrespectful. Like tellin' someone at Wal-Mart about the union...they just don't get it. Some of those posts these guys had dogging the union reminded me of when the comedian Bill Engvall says," Here's your sign !!! " :cool:

Cannuck - Piss off you Goddamned FAGGOT. I have NEVER liked you and i don't even KNOW you !!!! It's a good thing you don't represent any REAL CANADIAN LINEMEN. I'm sure you disgust plenty of them too.

Edge - I've had about 8 tonight, how about you ? :cool:

Scamp - You know i was going to say something nice or meaningful, maybe try to link you up with a few connections from the east coast; but after that stuff ..... C'mon,dude. Chill out already. Not every IBEW member is that bad. Some try to be the, "Voice of reason." Too many people i know are, "too proud." In the words of Al Paccino, "Pride is like a bag of bricks; just set it down." No person should be happy settling for second best. Why settle working for $29 and some change/hour for an Independent Contractor when you could work for a company like National Grid, for $36 and some change/hour, be a PROUD member of the IBEW, guaranteed 40 hours/a week, - 52 weeks a year. Unless you don't have a CLEAN RECORD.... That would be one reason to work Independent/Non-Union.... Honestly, defending right-to-work in YOUR state is like defending a well-known criminal; everyone around you wonders why your doing it !!!

Everyone else - What's up (wassup?) ? How's it goin' ? ....

In the MEAN TIME: We are all still adults, not schoolyard bullies. Maybe we should act like it.

Eric Elder - Journeyman Lineman, KCP&L, IBEW Local #1464


SGT. Eric Elder - MOS 21 Quebec (POWERLINE DISTRIBUTION SPECIALIST) - 249th Engineering Battalion - (PRIME POWER), Team Delta (A-Co./B-Co.); United States Army Reserves.

Proud to be a Union Lineman; and DAMNED PROUD to be an AMERICAN !!!

Yeah ........ :cool:

10-08-2008, 01:13 AM
Not sure if I understand what your asking, but if PE's UNION is weak, its because their membership is weak! A union is only as strong as their membership!
As for SCAB, again non-brother, comparing the present day, ladder carrying, non union phone guy, to the original telegraph lineman, is like comparing apples to f ucking basketballs!! Dont lump great Men like Henry Miller in the same group as lazy a$$holes like yourself! And again, dont whine about big headed union men, when it was you morons that started this $hit, by talking smack, because you dont realize why your RAT contractors pay the money they do( I'm sure its out of the kindness of their heart!).
And Canadien, your post's are confusing! Where do you stand? Some guys are slamming you, but I'm not sure where you stand, if its with the union, welcome! If its against the union, keep your ass north of the border!

10-08-2008, 07:06 AM
I got called out, Cowboy your right who cares, we keep beatin that same old dead Rat, I just hope guys think about takin a real hard line when it comes to rats workin on Union property.

Chump, I have been an open book from day one on this board, I don't hide behind a handle, people know where I live and where I work, I don't know everything about line work, but I do know some shit about some stuff, and I do not have a confidence problem.

I would like you to understand that if you would like to get together, and discuss or differences, let me know where you live, where you work, put up or shut up , It's been funny havin you here on this board, you have givin us some good laughs, But you wanna talk about keyboard warriors, well your nothin but a little bitch, me, I ain't hidin from shit, how bout you chump, say the things you say, and like me dare these rat bastards to shut me up.

Your call chump, I am tired of your bullshit. It's personal now MotherFuSker and I aint playin, let me know chump.

10-08-2008, 07:23 AM
Tracy - See no evil, Hear no evil; Speak no evil. How's the weather down there ?

Eric Elder - Journeyman Lineman, KCP&L, IBEW Local #1464


SGT. Eric Elder - MOS 21 Quebec (POWERLINE DISTRIBUTION SPECIALIST) - 249th Engineering Battalion - (PRIME POWER), Team Delta (A-Co./B-Co.); United States Army Reserves.

Proud to be a Union Lineman; and DAMNED PROUD to be an AMERICAN !!!

Yeah ........

Eric? How are ya?!!! It's so good to see ya here! Been busy, have ya? Weather's fine for a change. Love the fall!

As you can see, nothing much changes around here. Nothing at all. :D

Swamp is still confused by most anything I do or write, the political BS is still going strong, some have left, some return----with new names *cough*, and I pop in every now and again. They haven't run me off yet, but sometimes I think they try. Hehehe

Well, I'm outta here for now. Thanks for popping in and saying hi Eric! Always a pleasure seeing your posts! And thank you for serving!!!


10-08-2008, 07:39 AM
Swamp is still confused by most anything I do or write, the political BS is still going strong, some have left, some return----with new names *cough*,

You're not accusing me of being a Skank again are you LA? :D

10-08-2008, 05:01 PM
Look fu$ker, ya ain't nothin but a phonie, A dingaling workin for some Rat outfit and ya think you are a lineman, Ya ain't worth pissin on , so Fu$k off Rat, and go tell somebody who actually gives a flyin Fu$k about your stories bout workin on those phone lines.

Who made this PERSONAL???? I never directed a flippin post at you, and this is the responce I get! You are a BIG headed fu(k.

10-08-2008, 05:24 PM
You're not accusing me of being a Skank again are you LA? :D

Hehehehe....no. Not me. :D

10-08-2008, 07:41 PM
Who made this PERSONAL???? I never directed a flippin post at you, and this is the responce I get! You are a BIG headed fu(k.

I had you pegged from day one, but I guess now I will add PUSSY.



Talk shit about the school of hard knocks, pathetic, the history of the IBEW, tell us more PHONIE.

This is an open forum, If you want to keep postin to entertain us, you are good for some laughs, I haven't laughed this hard for along time.

Tell us more chump about how hard the PHONIE DAYS were. When you post shit like that, how you can think anyone here, will give you any kind of credit about bein a lineman, well it just shows me how little linework you have done isn't much if any at all, but keep postin chump, you are funny.

Why don't you let us know your name, where you work, where you live, so when any of us get the chance to meet you, we will know the chump, pussy, Phonie whos been entertaining us.

Or are you a coward? You sure talk tough, but I think your a scared little pussy.:p

Jelly belly, one of Sully's disipels? Well here's a little something for that washed up piece of shit, I find out who he is, I don't care how old he is, your gonin pay Sully. Swamp, I will give him some credit, he was right about one thing, I am a "Bad Seed", and I don't forget, so what is it goin be chump?

Pussy, Ya thats what I thought.

Now it is my poker night, 3/6 with a half kill at the Blue, I will be looking forward to a good laugh when I get back. Chump, does it get any better guys?

10-08-2008, 08:17 PM
Tell us more chump about how hard the PHONIE DAYS were. When you post shit like that, how you can think anyone here, will give you any kind of credit about bein a lineman, well it just shows me how little linework you have done isn't much if any at all, but keep postin chump, you are funny.Why don't you let us know your name, where you work, where you live, so when any of us get the chance to meet you, we will know the chump, pussy, Phonie whos been entertaining us.Or are you a coward? You sure talk tough, but I think your a scared little pussy.:p

You're right... you know nothing about it... I should have know better than to post any info beyond layng a 4ott ACSR up on pole top pin and tying it in... way above your head...
The last thing I would do is post any of my personal info on this site...
It's kind of embarrasing for a man of my age to carry on with a lad like yourself over something that really doesn't mean a flippin thing to me. That being said....
If you think your having a good laugh... me and the boys log on everyday at bean time to laugh at you Jelly:D I tried to get them to join... they figured I was doing enuff damage on my own.:D

I will give you this much... I don't work for a RAT contractor... RAT Muni thats what we be...

How'd the "go fish" tourny go tonite did ya win back your milk money??

10-09-2008, 01:26 AM
Thats all you got Chump? That ain't even funny.

I really do hope your friends decide to start postin, if they are as phonie as you, it will be some good times. But I am sure there ain't nobody as ratshit stupid as you, Alright maybe that Canadian dipshit, but at least he says he Union.

Chump you really need to think before ya post, think that every dumbfu$k idea that pops into that ratshit brain, is goin be shread to pieces, and then shoved down your fuc$kin throat.

Enjoy the site chump and welcome to POWERLINEMAN.COM ya fu$kin phonie.

10-09-2008, 01:50 AM
Its funny, Brother Bellamy makes all his personal info available on this site, and yet some punk makes a tough guy threat against him, and wont even give his real name!! That speaks volume to the validity of scabs arguement! Real proud of who and what he is!!

10-09-2008, 08:51 AM
Ahh...rowdy... who made the threats??
Re read ... I made 0 threats. IN fact I made an offer in kindness to Jelly... how he percieved that offer is a testament to his state of mind.
Keep riding your boy's shirt tails, there are alot of wanna be's like yourself out there that could be decent humans and contribute alot to society... but they choose to run with bad apples.
Post your info ROWDY... I mean come on, the way you guys are shitting on me, I'd be 10 times more a fool than what you call a man to give out any info.

10-09-2008, 02:05 PM
Ryan, Pacific Power, Klamath Falls Or, IBEW local 659. I ride no mans shirt tale, I do stand with who I think is right however! And if I tell a guy that I am having words with, that I would like to meet him at the bar and teach him a few things, I'm telling him that I'm gonna whip his ass! So maybe you should choose your words a little better if that wasnt your intent! And I'm a Journeyman Lineman, not a 20 foot daredevil, so I would watch who your calling a wanna-be!

10-09-2008, 03:06 PM
Thank you to the tough old "REAL LINEMAN" who built the this trade, thank you for the work procedures, the tools, and your toughness.

Thank you for taking a stand, thank you for the sacrifices that you made.

I apoligize to you for what we have let the IBEW become. I apologize to the future lineman that our being sold out on every contract, I am sorry that people are just looking out for there own interests just tryin to make retirement.

I apologize that we have gotten so soft that we will not try and do anything to make things better, that we have let non union labor dominate the numbers.

To the Rats, you are welcome, enjoy the benifits that few fight for, be proud of yourselves for doing nothin other than bite the hand that you benifit from, be grateful that there are so many so called Union members that sympathize with your sorry exisistance.

Ryan, chump is exactly what we know he is, whats the point with some phonie like him or the many like him. I have typed more words on this board than I have in my whole life, and its always the same result.

Boo Hoo, feel sorry for the poor Rats.

10-09-2008, 04:23 PM
Your some kinda bad ass!!
Quote Scamplineman " Look me up next time your on the east coast. I'll buy you a beer and teach you a few things about linework".

Rowdy interpretation " Cmon Mutha I'm gonna kick your dumb whitey ass".

HA HA If you'd quit trying to twist my words to suit your agenda... we'd all be BFF.

Jelly you are certainly welcome... But I never once asked anyone to feel sorry for me?? I am happy as a RAT in shit just doing what I'm doing.

10-12-2008, 04:56 PM
layng a 4ott ACSR up on pole top pin and tying it in... way above your head...

If you think your having a good laugh... me and the boys log on everyday at bean time to laugh at you Jelly:D I tried to get them to join... they figured I was doing enuff damage on my own.:D

I will give you this much... I don't work for a RAT contractor... RAT Muni thats what we be...

Yeah it wasnt hard to figure out with comments like 3,000 out, I enjoy riding the bucket everyday and the doozy. . . . . . . Ive never met a power guy that could hang with a phone boy, that you worked for a podunk call the whole shop we got a pot out, one horse rat muni!

Next time u and your little boys are in yall's circle jerk take your eyes off each other dicks look around and realize that the sad bunch you work with cant hang with a phone boy! I dont know which is more sad.

You are definetly doing enough damage to your reputation and are great for some laughs THANKS!!!! I reckon that can be your payback to the honorable men on here so again KEEP THEM PEARLS COMING!

10-13-2008, 12:50 AM
Your some kinda bad ass!!
Quote Scamplineman " Look me up next time your on the east coast. I'll buy you a beer and teach you a few things about linework".

Rowdy interpretation " Cmon Mutha I'm gonna kick your dumb whitey ass".

HA HA If you'd quit trying to twist my words to suit your agenda... we'd all be BFF.

Jelly you are certainly welcome... But I never once asked anyone to feel sorry for me?? I am happy as a RAT in shit just doing what I'm doing.

"Dumb whitey ass"? Whats that all about?! And I never claimed to be any sort of bad ass, but if I'm having words with a phone lineman, and I tell him I'll meet him at the bar, I will be beating his ass, havent met one yet I couldnt whip!

10-13-2008, 04:53 PM
"Dumb whitey ass"? Whats that all about?! And I never claimed to be any sort of bad ass, but if I'm having words with a phone lineman, and I tell him I'll meet him at the bar, I will be beating his ass, havent met one yet I couldnt whip!

:D Good one...

west coast hand
10-13-2008, 08:30 PM
wow that's funny a phone fag talkin smack still saying he hasen't met a powerlineman that could hang with a phone fag your latter and our latter is a little different ours hangs from a tower over a 100 feet in the air you probaly never even been that high you fag go play with you different colored wires and phone drops and leave the high voltage work for the men,one thing i love about storms is cutting phone and cable in the clear boy do they get pissed, get me the rachetcutters cutter in the clear

electric squirrel
10-13-2008, 10:07 PM
I was in this bar shoot'n pool with my old lady and some phone fags walk in,,,one of them has his pants tucked in his boots, you know we have all seen them like that.Anyway he wants to shoot pool too,and he gets the next game , she makes a comment about his boots.He starts running his mouth about how he climbs poles for a living and you gotta have special boots . The next thing out of her mouth was(HONEST TO GOD!) "MY boyfriends been further out a crossarm ,than you ever been up a pole." Needless to say I shot beer out my nose and on the pool table! That was the proudest I ever was of her, she came up with that all on her own!!!!! E.S.:cool:

10-14-2008, 08:48 PM
A few years ago in Tulsa about 4 phonies came into a resteraunt to eat lunch, they still had their hooks on and ate lunch with them on, they scratched up the floor and had to pay damages. Jackasses!!!!!!!!!

10-15-2008, 05:32 AM
I was in this bar shoot'n pool with my old lady and some phone fags walk in,,,one of them has his pants tucked in his boots, you know we have all seen them like that.Anyway he wants to shoot pool too,and he gets the next game , she makes a comment about his boots.He starts running his mouth about how he climbs poles for a living and you gotta have special boots . The next thing out of her mouth was(HONEST TO GOD!) "MY boyfriends been further out a crossarm ,than you ever been up a pole." Needless to say I shot beer out my nose and on the pool table! That was the proudest I ever was of her, she came up with that all on her own!!!!! E.S.:cool:

Thats F'n funny! Good for her!

Fiberglass Cowboy
10-15-2008, 07:15 PM
:mad: SBatts... :mad: FU(K'S YOUR PROBLEM, STEVE? Haven't talked to you in a few years since i came home from IRAQ. NOW you show up in a pissed off mood; defending 1 ASSHOLE Canadian Lineman badmouthing Americans, And defending NON-UNION trash-talking former Phone-Phoney linemen Want-To-Be ELECTRIC (LiL' MUNI) linemen; talking shit about Power Linemen? Kind of medication are you on anyways, BROTHER ??? Enjoy the golden years. CHILL THE FU(K OUT, ALREADY.



10-15-2008, 07:41 PM
Same with you phony cowboys and spurs.

OK whatever that means? You must wear your gaffs in the resteraunt too. Go F$ck yourself!!!!!

10-16-2008, 02:21 AM
Eric, thank you for your service, to the country, and to the IBEW! And why has this threads number of posts and views been deleted?

10-16-2008, 04:28 PM
What does that mean. Look around at your so called cowboys wearing spears into cafes and bars. That's what that means.

Number one we were real lineman not setting around in cafes. Old brown paper bag Hi-Liners. But most of the time on certain jobs we hooked up on right of way and never took them off until ready to head for town. 1-3 lineman climbing every 345 wood of new construction or every pole tightening hardware on maintenance.
Well, cowboys wearing spurs into resteraunts is pretty dumb, I havent seen that lately, never seen it in a bar but I havent been to one in years. Sorry I offended you, but im talking about phone lineman not cowboys and I doubt phonies have to be in their hooks all day like lineman, as for the canadian bashing Americans, that strikes a nerve, maybe because I served. I still dont know why your defending phone lineman and the american hating canadian??? but whatever thats your opinion.