View Full Version : Troubleman/Serviceman Wage?

02-08-2009, 09:42 PM
What kind of wage are you Troubleman/Servicemen getting out there. Where I work it's 105% of Journeyman Lineman scale.

02-08-2009, 10:55 PM
same here in lakewood Wa. Pa

02-10-2009, 05:17 AM
In our company downunder we are on good dollars about $8 a hour over standard lineman fitter money, we are near top technician pay scale and when you add shift allowance weekend penalites and overtime it really makes it worthwhile being a troubleman these days.

02-10-2009, 02:57 PM
We make the same as a grade 1 lineman per hr and believe me we're not happy about it. Union response is that we have built in o.t and that makes up the difference.I had about 1200hrs of o.t for 2008.

02-10-2009, 08:28 PM
We make the same as a grade 1 lineman per hr and believe me we're not happy about it. Union response is that we have built in o.t and that makes up the difference.I had about 1200hrs of o.t for 2008.
I hate that responce, you have to work it to get it. Never has made since to me. We make the same as a foreman, about a dollar more than a lineman. The lineman does have a chance to watch call, that pays 500 a week.

02-11-2009, 08:30 PM
@ fpl a troubleman makes a whopping .44 cents an hour more then a lineman...pretty pathetic.:eek:

Bull Dog
02-11-2009, 09:14 PM
I have to agree the ot makes up for it. Most of the guys were running out the door when the radio call came, but we had to take care of it. Part of the job if you don't want it give it to some one else. I could cut my own path and the boss let me do what ever I wanted as long as we responded when called. Seemed like a good deal to me.

03-03-2009, 09:37 PM
Where I worked the t-man made less than foremans and some linemen on crews even we had more time than some.The co.answer to this was that the foremans had the crew to watch over plus other stuff.They since we did have no one with us that we did get foreman pay.Who was watching us while we climb or work out of bucket on hot stuff?? It was so unfair to all the t-man.Plus the t-man knew the system and cust.better than most of the foreman???

03-04-2009, 05:22 PM
any t-man who climbs alone or works primary voltage alone is an idiot..:eek:

03-24-2009, 10:59 PM
Up here in Manitoba Canada we get paid regular lineman rate and when we
are on call we get a shitty stand-by rate of $22.60 per day on reg. work days, and $48.61 per day on the weekend. Callouts have a 3hr minimum at double time but it is not uncommon to get skunked. we are on call for large rural areas could drive 3hrs one way to get to a call or even have to fly in
to isolated northern areas by plane. If we dont get any calls we are tyed to a phone for a week for $210 taxable, and dont get me started on the tax we pay here.

04-07-2009, 10:38 PM
Do many companies have stand by pay for lineman on call? I am on call right now my week is almost up and no calls.$ 200 more for another week gone.

04-08-2009, 02:43 PM
We used to get 2hrs a day for standby. so if we went the week without a call we still got 14hrs for our trouble. Had a pager so we didn't have to sit around but where ever you were, if it went off, well you know the routine.. gotta go!

04-10-2009, 09:47 AM
Thats more like it. Our contract is up in May, hope we can do something about those shitty stand by rates. But small part of our membership actually takes call. Want to start letting our guys know what everyone else is getting so maybe we can get something going.

04-11-2009, 11:05 AM
Worked under a decent contract once. This is what they did for standby. For ever 8 hrs. stood by or increment thereof you received 1 hr. of straight time pay. Standby periods on holidays were 2 hrs of straight time pay for the same period. For example on a normal weekend this came to 8 hrs. straight time pay in addition to your ot. For example on a 3 day holiday weekend with Friday off you would have 14 hrs. straight time pay in addition to your ot.

04-11-2009, 11:00 PM
Troublemen or servicemen here are the same as journeyman as pay goes, we have district lineman that work from their home, and are responsible for a certain area, they make about $1.00 an hour more.

We get one hour of standby pay for every eight hours we are on call. Double for holidays. And are only required to be on-call on weekends most of the time.

04-12-2009, 03:43 PM
We are paid 16 hrs.of stanby pay for a week on call.If there is a holiday in there,we get another 4 hrs.added.This is @troubleshooters rate,which is around $.55 more than a journeyman lineman.We get 2 hrs for every call minimum.Time and half,except for holidays and Sundays.Thats doubletime.And of course if we are worked over 16 hrs.,i'ts x2:D

07-09-2009, 04:56 PM
how about my other canadian brothers? what are you guys getting for stand by rates?

10-03-2009, 09:29 PM
We get 2 hrs pay for every 8 hrs of standby no matter what day it is

10-03-2009, 10:36 PM
We get just over $300 for standby. All O.T. is double time & minimum call is 3 hours straight time , but none of our call are less than 2 hours

04-04-2010, 08:31 AM
We just had another pay rise over $50hr now.. some guys are easily earning 160 k ..with fair bit of overtime ...

scott dunn
04-09-2010, 08:59 PM
here in ohio the lineman are the trouble-man and we get ot-pay

04-09-2010, 09:07 PM
We got the same pay as journeyman.....just made more because of the OT

In some of the bigger towns where the Tmen worked shifts...days/nights.they got a little bit more...shift differential...can't remember what it was cause I never got it!!

all after hours call-outs.......2 hr minimum...between 0500 and 2300 hrs..........then 3 hr minimum from 2300 to 0500 hrs............NO dbl time/triple time............had window time, got equivilant time off for all hours worked between 0100 and 0300 hrs...could come in late or get off early the next day, one time it might be 30 minutes, next time 2 hours.......

08-13-2010, 12:24 PM
We just had another pay rise over $50hr now.. some guys are easily earning 160 k ..with fair bit of overtime ...

We are under 30 bucks and hour. OT is pretty much unlimited. So shorthanded that there are many, many full trouble shifts and some 20 hour doubles on Sunday which is all DT. The shifts that are worked OT as trouble you are left alone till a call comes. (Some dispatchers try to get night guard lites repaired) The top annual so far has been 238 thousand. That's twice what the government looters stop taking social security tax out at. I am an upgraded foreman and am only at 30 bucks. We expect Duke to either buy us or run us into the ground.

08-17-2010, 07:18 PM
Do any of you guys from ohio work out of 245 ?...whats the payscale for them thank

01-01-2011, 05:01 AM
Yea it is nice to see others getting a pay scale increase for a troubleman position. We servicemen put out a proposal for an increase with backing to prove that in is not unheard of with other utilites. Our commitee decided that a journeyman was a journeyman. We can get caught typical right after 5 but are not included in working if a crew gets a car hit pole by least amount of overtime.These calls go to the prefered crew avalible. We use to have Reps that basically did the same thing and got a truck answered calls from our house and covered a certain district after hours. These jobs have all but been eliminated the company now has a stand by person for a week at a time who takes all calls and on a busy week can rack up to a 90 hours of OT beyond a regular 40 hr week. Use to be that anyone who wanted the stand by got it based on the lowest hours on the OT list. Now its figured on how many times you have taken standby by hours. Basically you can have a guy take stand by get 5 hours all week. Want it a week later and be lowest on OT hours and get bumped by someone with 400 hours more ot. I use to take it no longer worth the hassle. Someday they will be pissed that I don't want calls.We use to have a truck issued to us now they figure we need to share the equipment we are responsable for. So why keep a truck up being stocked..